Quickstart Beginners Guide to Black Desert Online for Brand New Players

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foreign [Music] hey what's going on guys Dots here and today I'm bringing you a quick start guide to Black Desert online going over the most important things you need to know for your first day in game because this guide is going to be really beginner focused I'm going to be trying to mainly give you a top-down look at the most important things you need to know as a new player but if you want to delve deeper into any of these topics or simply explore more information about the game I have a ton of guides on BDO in the Black Desert online playlist on my YouTube channel which you can find on my channel page so let's start off with the most basic question what is BDO BDO is an open World sandbox MMORPG that is much different than other MMOs especially if you've only really played Western MMOs BDO does not have any traditional dungeons or raids and is instead focused around character and account progression exploration treasure Discovery and PVP there are World bosses and open world dungeons in this game however BDO is not going to be necessarily for players who are looking for the standard traditional theme park MMO PVE much of the PVE in this game will be focused around something like mob grinding however upper-level grind spots do have actual mechanics that you need to practice or you will die so it's not like the entire game is just like oh mindless mob grinding the game also has one of the best profession systems of any MMO I've ever played known as life skills in BDO and is honestly an entire game in and of itself so now that you've decided you want to play video Let's jump into character selection so starting off we're obviously going to be creating a character and when you start the game you'll have no characters listed here and we want to hit the plus sign to create a new character when you do you'll be brought to the classical election screen where you'll have a lot of different class options on top of all the classes available each class has two we're going to call them specializations that you can use known as Awakening and Main which could also be referred to as succession with each spec taking advantage of a different weapon what I recommend doing is clicking through the classes and watching the video down at the bottom right as well as reading the description to see which one of these classes appeals to you the most and then maybe also watching some videos on YouTube would showcase gameplay of the classes if you want to know which classes are better uh are best for new players and my personal recommendations I have a guide where I go over just that which I will link in the description below you want to make sure that you select the class you really enjoy as video is a very long-term game since like I said earlier it has been very progression focused game don't just choose a class because it's op right now because it won't be op forever choose a class you think you'll be able to stick with for the longest now once you select the class you will be brought to the character customization screen now BDO has one of the most in-depth character designers of any MMO so feel free to explore yourself here however if you just want to use a preset made by another player you can click the beauty album below and explore some player made customizations and even apply them to your own character then assign a name at it bottom right and then assuming there's an active season you will have two options create a normal character or create a seasoned character if you are a new player and there is an active season I highly recommend creating a seasoned character I plan on making an in-depth guide to Seasons in the future but a summary is that a seasoned character essentially gives you a fast pass way to start a character in Black Desert online giving you extra rewards for leveling a character on season servers as well as in increased leveling speeds making it the perfect way for a new player to get started the rewards are so good that you will very often see even veteran players making new characters every single season just for those season rewards speaking of servers let's discuss server architecture BDO does not have server architecture like wow and is instead more like RuneScape with the servers being channels and you have the ability to switch between them at will season servers will be denoted by a yellow BDO icon next to the name as well as being called season one season two Etc PVP is disabled on these servers and can only be accessed by seasoned characters all via servers are new player focused servers that can also give you increased experience and PVP is also disabled on them but you have to have a new account in order to access these servers otherwise you will be wanting to select from the other servers in the list and the server that you select really doesn't matter you might be wondering what the servers are that have the green circle next to them these servers are known as LVS servers and certain monsters in the world have increased difficulty and rewards for veteran players however with a recent update you have to specifically choose to enter those areas so as a newbie this really won't apply to you and it's not like you have to worry about suddenly you know running into big scary monsters so as a newbie you're going to want it to stick to season servers if you have a seasoned character olvia servers while your account is new and then these regular servers or LVS servers otherwise uh just obviously you're not going to be entering the lvia areas just keep in mind that once you hit Level 50 regular servers will have PVP enabled so you can potentially be engaged in non-consensual PvP however since you don't really get or lose anything for PVP in the open world you typically won't be attacked unless you're doing something to specifically disturb another player so I really wouldn't worry about it too much next we're going to go over the interface the first thing I recommend doing is getting to level seven and then hitting escape and go to edit UI this will bring up some options where you can actually edit your user interface the main thing you're going to want to do is select custom HP bar as I think it makes your UI looks significantly better than the default now to go over parts of your UI at the top right you have your mini-map with the main quest underneath as well as the rest of your tracked quests underneath them at the top left you'll see your level and percentage of that level and some information about global Buffs about your character this will show any increased drop rates you have if you have an active value pack sub as well as other things you can also see next year experience that you have skill experience your current energy which is a regenerative resource that you use to complete certain actions in the game as well as your contribution points which you use to rent certain items from NPCs and invest in map nodes I have guides on contribution points and energy as well as the node system on my YouTube channel and we'll also link those below for the purposes of this quick start video you'll gain skill and characters experience as you fight monsters in complete quests energy from talking to unknown NPCs which will be denoted by a question mark on your minimap as well as discovering new places and contribution points are gained through your questing process the bottom showcases any active character Buffs you can see your health and resource bar as well as any you know some quick slots which you can use to bind certain abilities too once you hit Level 50 you'll see an icon to the left of your HP bar which is the PVP toggle on or off button which will allow you to attack somebody if you do toggle it on however you do not need to toggle it on to defend yourself now the button to the right of my HP bar is known as my BSR gauge or Black Spirit rage gauge this is a special resource think of it kind of like ultimate if you ever played ESO that allows you to unleash more powerful versions of certain skills the bottom right has some quick access icons to allow you to access certain important parts of the UI the main ones you have to worry about are the mail icon which is where all mail is sent to your challenges menu which you could use to get some free daily rewards as well as rewards for completing certain challenges and your black spirit safe which can save certain rewards that get sent to you obviously the bottom left side has your chat which you can edit by clicking the gear icon now if you guys want an in-depth way to set up your UI and Graphics I want your game to look like mine I have a UI and settings guide which again I will also Link in the description below but for the purposes of this video one setting that I want to discuss turning off which will probably annoy basically everybody immediately is how to disable notifications from what other adventurers are doing you're going to want to hit Escape settings general settings alerts and turn off essentially everything except for the personal alerts the other quick menu icon I want to discuss is the Black Spirit icon arguably your most important as a new player the Black Spirit serves as your guide for your main quest in BDO and you can click the main quest tab to see the main quests where you and that's pretty much where you're going to be getting started and mainly wanting to do these at the beginning if you're ever confused on what to do and where to go when in doubt talk to the black spirit and see if he has any main Quests for you the next menu I want to discuss is the skill menu to open this click K and you'll see this window pop up these are where you spend your skill points to unlock certain moves as well as level others up as you level up skills they'll get better in some way or form maybe they'll deal more damage get better Buffs Etc when you click on the skill you'll see a preview of the skill and what it does your main skill paint is the skills that you start off with as well as those that can enhance later by becoming succession skills these can be denoted as Prime skills in the tree and you will take these if you want to enhance your base skills when you go succession however if you want to try another weapon you'll be using your Awakening tree which will unlock later in the game along your main questline the skill tree can be very confusing at first what I recommend for newer players is to find the Discord for your class these discords not only have a lot of helpful information they'll typically have skill point layouts for you to follow showing you the most important skills to focus on and level up certain skills can be used on the Hotbar While others can't and have to be used through combo keys in general the rule of thumb is to only hop our skills that don't have combo keys while using combo keys for the skills that do have it available now this will change as you get more experience with the game but as a new player this is just a really good rule of thumb to follow it first you'll know if you can hop our scale by if you see a yellow border around it and if you hover over a skill you'll see what his combo key is if nothing is listed and it only says quick slot available that means it needs to be hot bar to actually be used to get started with some super basic combos you can also bring up your interface uh you know escape and bring your interface back up to edit it and turn on the skill guide which could help you early on with some very basic class combos to learn more things in depth again refer to your class Discord it's also totally normal at first I feel like you're just kind of butt smashing and just doing random attacks which again very okay and totally normal when you start it's actually a good way to kind of get a feel from your class and just experiment with what certain buttons do however later down the line definitely start working on some you know more organized Combos and committing them to muscle memory to get the most out of your combat experience also this skill pane is going to be where those skill points are spent you know I mentioned skill point XP a little bit earlier at the top left of your screen next to your character experience the skill those skill points are spent here and are what are actually used to rank up and level up your skills BDO also does have Auto pathing uh so if you want to get from place to place without actually doing it yourself you can just have the game automatically do it you can do this by opening up your map right clicking anywhere on the map and then exiting your map and then clicking T to Auto path I know the map can look really confusing at first but again refer to my nodes worker and housing guide as it explains what a lot of this stuff means if you're also looking for very specific NPCs you can do that using the find MPC button so click The Hourglass Icon at the uh top right and then you can click certain icons to locate the nearest NPC that serves that function or type in the name of a character and click search just keep in mind that you need to have talked to a character once to search it by name so if you haven't spoken to a character you either need to you know look it up on Google to see where it is or just use those quick action icons to find your nearest specific NPC of what you're trying to find whether it's a blacksmith or something else now as far as gearing and BDO goes you'll want to be gearing primarily through the main quest line acquiring gear known as nauru gear which you can then upgrade to make better to upgrade this gear you're going to want to click the Black Spirit click enhance and you can use beginner black zones to upgrade the gear by placing it into the window Here season characters when they upgrade their Naruto gear high enough will also get access to tuvala gear which is even stronger longer if you want to know the best way to upgrade both nauru and tuvala gear and how the early gear progression goes I do have a separate guide for it which you can also find in the description below but a really quick like I said this is a very quick and dirty version so you just get the gear to the main quest enhance it with beginner blackstones and the way that gear rankings work is it goes 1 through 15. and then you have Roman numeral one through five so Roman numer one is pry two is Duo three is try four is known as tet and five is known as pen with obviously pen being the highest of what you can get in the game when you get started in BDO you will definitely be overwhelmed by the number of items this game gives to you it is a Korean MMO after all and so item and currency upload is super real if you're not sure what to do with something the safest option for now is to just Bank it you can do this by talking to a storage Keeper in any town and storing your goods there you can expand your bank by using contribution points on the houses in the town that give you storage thus increasing your bank size you can also move things from town to town using the transport button down below setting what items you want to move and then the destination town after a certain time those items will be moved at the time of recording this video to store items in certain towns you need to be physically at that town to deposit the items of withdrawal them there so storage is going to be local but with the newest patch that's coming out you will be able to store and withdraw items from anywhere once you complete the new Magnus quest line which is a much needed quality of life feature for the game another important tab that the storage keeper has is the currency exchange tab you can sell any gold bars you get from questing to him which in return gives you silver the main currency in a BDO you can also expand your personal inventory with certain items and you will have plenty of these from the main quest I also do plan on making a guide on like which items you really need to worry about and saving stuff in the future so definitely keep an eye on that but for now I just recommend banking stuff if you're not sure if you need it or not you also have the Central Market warehouse this is a essentially like a staging area for items that you can sell to other players this can also be used as a type of storage to Simply store sellable items so to do that again talk to the storage keeper click storage and then click warehouse and you can store items there if you decide you want to sell them you can do so in the marketplace by hitting Escape Marketplace sell and choosing what you want to sell and then listing it for a price you can also click the Buy Tab if there's anything that you want to buy prices are regulated a bit by PA to prevent prices on certain items from getting astronomically high or low now in terms of a mount you'll get one pretty quickly during the main quest line so just simply follow that and you'll get access to a horse the system the horse system in this game is pretty deep and I do have a guide on it on my channel if you do want to learn more so the next question you may have at this point is all right got a good handle on all that so what do I even do now well like I said earlier BDO is an open World sandbox MMORPG so the choice is yours the general gameplay loop as a new player is to Simply do the main questline as you level typically you'll want to level through the city known as Alta Nova and when you get a quest that says like heading to Valencia or the Eastern Sands I forget the exact name of it but once you get that questline you that Quest you'll know you've finished the Alta Nova quest line now if you want to keep questing you could also do that the question you just got which is known as the Valencia quest line or you can stop after Alta Nova I don't even think I've done the Valencia quest line yet um but after you finish altanova you can talk through the Black Spirit or I think it's once you're level 56 and do your Awakening questline if you do want to play The Awakening specialization or if you want to empower your base kit you do have to do the Awakening questline followed immediately by your succession questline allowing you to enhance your main weapon abilities now once you have that your goal is going to be simply to grind to level 61 as this is what's known as the level soft cap and where most people in BDO want to be level wise a good area that I recommend grinding in is Paulie's forest and comma Sylvia as it's a pretty easy area to grind it and gives amazing experience and actually a really solid amount of silver past that level means past like level 61 level means very little and most of your power is going to come from your equipment once you're level 61 you've unlocked your Awakening and succession lines and you've quested at least through all Genova the world is your oyster at this point you'll want to mainly do a money making activity of some sorts to increase your silver which will allow you to increase your gear score you can grind mobs for money start working on professions known as life skills start farming certain Treasures like the infinite potions working on your log books which are kind of like adventure activities that give you small stat increases and so much more BDO is a very deep and complex game with a lot of systems so if you want to explore more again check the guides on my channel and if you want a more in-depth look at what to do after 61 be sure to sub to my channel as I do have a guide on that coming up very soon and if I could leave you with one piece of advice especially for newer players is do not try to tackle everything in this game at once there is a lot of systems in the game there's crazy depth and if you try to tackle everything immediately you are going to get very confused um another two other systems that I do recommend and taking a look at which I think are a little outside the scope of this video but I'm going to recommend taking a look at them is the pets guide that I have on my YouTube channel as well as the fairy guide that I have on my YouTube Channel pets are kind of your form of Auto loot in this game and you will get a bunch of free pets as you go through the main quest line so definitely you're going to want to have those and summon them they're not just cosmetic and video they actually do loot items for you so having good pets is very important and the fairy in this game kind of just gives you some small quality of life Buffs with one in particular being really good something it's like a little perk that essentially like uses potions for you very important to get when you start getting towards end game activities um but again I do have guides for those Linked In the description below so I wouldn't you know crazy worry about them right now um but in time it is gonna be something you want to check out so I do have guides basic ready for you whenever you're good to look into those so with that being said guys that's all I got for today if you guys have any questions about your starting Adventures of video please leave them below and I will do what I can to help out if you like this video please leave a like on it it really does help me out in the YouTube algorithm so appreciate y'all stopping by thank you very much do SUB if you want to see more BDO content and guides like I said appreciate y'all stopping by as always I'm dots gaming and I'll see you all in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Dottz Gaming
Views: 183,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bdo, black desert, black desert online, bdo quick leveling guide, bdo quick start guide, bdo quickstart guide, bdo quick start beginner guide, bdo beginners guide, bdo beginner guide, bdo complete beginner guide, bdo ultimate beginner guide, bdo beginner guide 2023, bdo beginner class guide 2023, bdo new player guide, bdo starting guide 2023, bdo starting guide, dottz gaming, bdo best leveling spots 2023, bdo best way to level, bdo how to level
Id: me5u0oukiEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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