Work Smarter Not Harder | Gear Order Progression Guide 2024 | Black Desert

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all right what is going on everyone and welcome  back to another special video of Black Desert   today I wanted to talk about gear progression  in a way of working smarter not harder and what   I mean by that is we're going to be expanding  on the video that I made recently which is how   to progress from season to endgame now what we're  going to be looking at is actually we're going to   look at the prices of everything on the market  this is going to be on na but you guys in like   the other servers can look at the prices and  compare it as well and so I'll explain and walk   you through my thought process of the uh right way  to gear up well actually there no right or wrong   way to gear up cuz you're going to get like the  same things at the end of the day but here's how   I would do it in terms of like accessories armors  and weapons so we're going to look at prices AP to   silver cost and a lot of other things so hopefully  this is something that you guys can learn from and   this is actually a question I've been getting  a lot like how should I improve everything so   first of all like in my Discord uh which is down  there I have a channel where we have gear advice   and you just post a screenshot of whatever your  gear is and I'll tell you how to go uh from there   so you guys can see other people's screenshots as  well and the advice I give them so yeah I guess   we're going to start this from a perspective of  obviously you're not an endgame I assume if you   are over 700 gear score you kind of know how to  build your character already but we're going to   look at it in terms of I don't know let's say this  is one of my other characters let's say you have   boss gear and you're transitioning out of tuala  to boss gear and weapons um so we're going to talk   about things you can get first for like free and  a lot of other goodies as well so I guess this is   another example this is my character that I leave  in land in the morning light just because uh I'm   too lazy to go bring my main to bosses every week  so I assume you're going to be similar to this um   recently with the update they gave everyone a t  black star of choice so you can get the main hand   The Awakening or offhand just by reaching level 61  very easy to do especially as a new player um so   one thing that we're going to look at is black  star weapons before I show you the prices of   everything I just want to say that if you don't  have any of them I would usually go with the   main hand first before the Awakening and offhand  simply because if you plan on doing any sort of uh   highend PVE or PVP the accuracy on the main hand  is significantly higher and um you kind of just   need it so what trust me when I say accuracy is  very important whereas if you got a t black star   this is a little bit different actually so let me  show you this for example it doesn't matter what   weapon we look at so if you look at it a pen black  star has 12 accuracy on it you can get this by   Dandy and cising but the difference is you don't  have any accuracy on a t black star um and you   just get it all at once when it comes to pen so  what they have done over the time is they made the   God eye stuff and this is actually that something  that fluctuates every now and then is like should   I turn my black star into a god eye should I  enhance it and everything so the answer to that   is if you are self-enhancing um I would probably  try to buy it at like Duo maybe try and then you   know try to make it t yourself because like 70  billion is kind of a lot for a t and I don't think   it's bad but I think it's one of those things  where you can probably make t easier and you can   make it yourself versus buying it for 70 billion  and so like if you buy it at Duo to T I think on   average you'll spend less by making it yourself um  so base to Duo basically the same price uh try is   where things go off and then same with t all the  way to pen or Tran pen so you get accuracy like 1   three six and then obviously a pen God eye is the  equivalent of a pen black star it's just purple   or red so if you want the accuracy it's going  to be so minimal and a pretty expensive gain or   cost for it and so that's kind of why I wish they  spread out the accuracy um so like you know how   this one gives 212 I kind of wish it would just  take out like 100 accuracy from here and then put   it on your um like Awakening that way there's an  incentive to actually get like all of them in like   any order you wanted to versus there being like  highest priority on Main hand and then Awakening   and then offhand so that's just the order I would  go to um but realistically I think the main hand   and offhand are kind of the same price so if you  are succession obviously main hand just makes   sense because those are the skills you're using  um for awakening it's a little bit different I   still think I would choose main hand but you know  like the little bit of extra AP you get over here   converts like 30% into your sheet stats or it's  not really converts but it's like hidden I don't   know how to explain it well but a little bit of it  goes into main hand when it comes to damage um and   then offhand people said um it's not really worth  getting the fiery black star versus or not black   yeah like the you know offhand versus audum maaas  20 and the difference is very minimal when if   let's say you have a kudum at pen caas 20 H versus  a pen Blackstar now the reason why you do it is   because it does give a little bit of extra monster  AP so for PVE it's a lot better the tradeoff is a   little bit of accuracy I think like two accuracy  um less if you have the Black Star but if you have   a kudum at CIS 20 you get more accuracy less AP  against Monsters so that's the difference um so   I think black star is technically better for PVE  it's just it's not a high priority to convert if   you have either one it's just one of those mid  maxing things so in terms of uh let's talk about   accessories all right so this is an example I  use quite often and when we go to accessories   let's take a quick look at rings for example so  if you are beginning and you just have like jatina   accessories and everything one of the choices is  a crescent ring at pen and this one is at like   let's just say 50 billion because that's an easy  number um so let's say you get a pen Crescent ring   50 billion silver now you're probably wondering  which order should I go get my accessories in in   my opinion the order you get them in is probably  necklace followed by belt or the other one or   other ring because you get one jatina ring  already and then you just get the other or   the belt and then the earrings will always be last  because there's a lot of them you can Flex out for   accuracy or something else like thisto are not  something I would recommend to like intermediate   level players or ENT like people who are just  going into the end game because you do lose DP   and you like you're getting a lot of AP but you  trade off like nine DP and so when is the right   time to get it is when you can grind at the area  you're grinding at without feeling like you're in   danger um but I would say that's probably around  like capras 10 everything or whenever you get like   the entry level Fallen God armors at that point  or like caas 9 caas 10 of Boss gear so anyway as   we were talking about um pen Crescent ring 20  AP 50 billion this is an example I use pretty   regularly which has probably equalized over time  pen bassi also 20 AP but you see how it's you know   you can get it for a lot less if you put the order  down so essentially you're getting the same stats   but you're paying less they like if you say save 5  billion silver that's just 5 billion going to your   next upgrade but you got the same amount of AP in  terms of ring or belt and it's not really a big   deal um but I think that if you're trying to put  yourself on a budget that 5 billion is actually   pretty nice so things get a little bit weird when  you're trying to compare HP versus 1 AP that we'll   talk about soon um um in terms of everything else  let's just go down to list so Rings this is your   entry level Crescent ring um chances are you're  going to have one from chatina they're going to   add another Quest or or like basically a second  quest to get another jaa's accessory they talked   about this in Calon ball when it's going to come  to our servers I have no idea they just talked   about it and said it's coming soon TM kind of  thing so that way I would say for most people   you should get two rings and don't worry if you  already have one let's say you chose a ring but   you wanted a narc earring you can swap infinitely  nowadays to the point where I don't think there's   a right or wrong answer I just think the most AP  you can get early on that would help you grind   higher end spots so overall I think it's just the  best one followed by the Nar earing and then the   tong so next we're going into um like let's say  you are full or two pen Crescent rings and you're   thinking okay so how can I push my stats higher  you have the option of going eye of the ruins   which is uh the same 20 AP as the Crescent ring  but it gives 130 HP and then if you can get the   extra 125 from the clouded cup which is the blue  one um so basically these things for example uh   yellow ones are extra AP and then the blue ones  are like defensive stats which I think if you are   a pvper um the blue cuffs are a lot better than  the yellow ones and for earrings there's only   one so you only have one choice but um if you are  pbeing I think the yellow ones are fine there's   no right or wrong answer I just think some are  slightly better for certain things so PVP survive   a ability is a lot nicer and the extra defensive  stats and if you're just grinding casually uh more   damage clears faster and you're doing fine so  different situations there's no right or wrong   answer whether you chose either one I personally  like the defensive stats more so that's why I   chose blue but if you chose all offensive it's  not a big deal um okay so then we were talking   about eye of the ruins being a like more defensive  versus tonger Rings uh and it's one extra AP and   back when I got my Tong grad Rings the price gap  between a pen Tong grad which is kind of wild like   130 billion let's say that and then the eye of  the ruins right now is 60 65 billion so you see   how it's almost doubled for like 130 HP versus 1  AP if they were a little bit different so when I   was buying it the eye of the ruin was probably  like 70 billion and the tong grads were like 90   to 100 billion so that's why I chose the extra  AP and I think I got it at a good time about a   year and a half ago whereas now if you're paying  130 I realistically would just go for the double   eye of the ruins because um it's like actual a lot  of extra Health like 260 plus another 250 with the   cups and like 500 HP might not seem like a lot but  it actually is and when you get an extra one AP   if it puts you into a new AP bracket and so when  I talk about AP brackets I mean these things um   so like down here you see how it does my AP and  then a number in the bracket that's what people   are talking about and so if it puts you into  a new AP bracket that's good but at the price   it's currently at for 130 billion I don't think  that's it I don't think that's the right play   realistically you can get two P ey of the ruins  for a price of one Tong grad ring and so at least   on the na server everyone just builds full AP it  is what it is um and you know realistically like   the best in slots are deoras which are also full  AP so I don't think it's a bad thing that's just   how people build on na and then I heard that like  in EU people build build more defensively more or   less and then you know it's a little different  so we talked about the Rings um how I would do   it with the current prices of 65 each 65 billion  each for an ie and 130 for Tong R I would really   go just to Eye of the runes like you're missing  out on 2 AP that's fine but you get a lot of   survivability and especially if you're going into  endgame spots um like I don't know the ulita areas   defensive is actually really nice trust me when I  say that okay so ogre Tong rad Leighton they are   all the same thing why did they make three of  the items the exact same I don't know but the   difference is Tong rad Rings give Black Spirit  Rage which is you know I think I realistically   think Black Spirit rage is more of a PVP thing um  so when your black Spirit thing your 100 goes off   you press the button you do big damage which they  actually um um I think that unless you're like a   zerker or a dra your 100 or 200 probably is not  doing a lot of damage in PVE um so like I can hit   my 100 and it barely does any damage to highend  enemies these days so I feel like they forgot   about the damage scaling on this uh like the black  Spirit stuff but it is more of like a PVP thing   and I've seen Montage clips of that as well so  whichever one is cheaper get that one um DEA is   the endgame necklace for full AP it is very hard  to get all deoras these days so it's one of those   things you're going to have to enhance yourself  I'm personally doing that too and then there's the   lunar necklace which is the accuracy equivalent  right now it is actually on a hard decline because   I think more people nowadays as they reach the end  game are pushing for more DEA stuff stuff and um   so accuracy is slightly going down but I don't  think it's a bad thing if you buy it either way   so realistically when it comes to ogre Leighton or  Tong grad get whichever one's the cheapest and if   they're all the same price obviously get the tong  gra ring because it gives you the black spirit is   it going to make much of a difference probably  not but I mean it's better than not having it so   when we go to the Belt option this is where things  get a little tricky so Bass belt is you know when   we talked about Crescent versus Bassie the entry  level AP one cool next we have volara which is you   know how we talked about eye of the ruins where it  gives you an extra 125 HP I personally have that   one right now and I like the survivability of it  but at the same time I'm also going for uh deos   in the future so um what I have here I have a t  Deo which could yeah I could trade off one extra   uh or I could get one AP at the cost of like 125  HP but I like the survivability a little bit more   plus uh it's only really worth using when you have  all three at like 10 at minimum uh to where I'm at   so yeah getting this DEA earring has not been easy  I've had an order on it for like uh four or five   months now and just have not been able to win it  but anyway let's see where are we we're talking   about belts so yeah this is the equivalent of a  the ruins and yeah for 58 billion or let's just   say 55 if someone sells it at minimum I think  that's fine like if you're in the market for   a belt right now and you're choosing 48 for a  basilis or a 55 for voltara I would rather save   up to seven extra build ion and get the extra HP  just because the survivability is nice tungrad   Bel is the equivalent of uh like the one extra AP  from The Ring like we were talking about earlier   so you can actually see the difference one H or  one AP with the cost of 125 HP but you're paying   like 20 billion extra now I I don't think this is  the right play anymore since simply because when   you're looking at the DEA a t Deo is obviously  it's 100 billion which is more than paying for   the same thing however if your endgame goal is  to get a pen right now you can only get it by   enhancing cuz no one is selling it at pen so  like if you are going for Max AP I would try   to buy a t Deo belt and once you get to the point  where it's time to upgrade again um just make it   yourself and try to make that pen which I'm going  to do in the future I'm not looking forward to it   but it is what it is so yeah if you can get one  cool there's a lot of orders and not many get   sold a day but this is the endgame goal for me as  well turo belt is the accuracy one I think it is   actually on a decline so if you're thinking about  buying a turo belt maybe hold off for another like   week or so and then if it goes down even further  like if it goes down to 90 I think that's fine   for a pen I would just pay 90 but um thr on a  decline now and let's see how much further it   goes lower the Tex belt this one I feel like is  so situational it's not really good so we talked   about my belt right now I just have the average  volara at pen 50 55 billion silver 28 AP 50 Bill   55 billion if you look at how Tex belts work the  AP is not really there but it gives you a burst   window like a it actually puts a skill on where  you can just get a burst and so like each tier   from P Pride to pen gives you five extra AP DP and  accuracy for like a an entire minute which opens   you up to a huge burst window of damage which is  really nice the downside is you can't just use the   skill and then swap back to your main belt you're  stuck wearing it for 10 minutes while this item   is on cool down so basically you're trading like  9 Minutes of one less AP bracket which I don't   think is good at very high end like you get that  one minute cool but I don't think you can really   make too many plays with that I just think it's  a weird item right now I think if they reduce   the cool down to like 3 minutes or 2 minutes  something like that I think this would be a very   good item yeah maybe like 3 to 5 minutes it would  be more reasonable but for a 10-minute coold down   it's just not good it's very situational and plus  it's like 200 billion silver like for 200 billion   you can literally get like a pen black star and  something else or something so I think this is   one of those things for rich people to play with  and even then they don't even use it all right so   earrings um this is actually very tricky to talk  about because for jatina you get the option of a   narc earring and a tungrad earring I personally  think the tungrad earring is the worst one I   would personally rather get the narc accessory  so I actually have one that I got from here and   the reasoning why is because you know how the uh  Crescent ring was 20 AP right this one is 15 with   some DP that's fine but it also gives an extra  eight damage to Comm silvian enemies which I think   is very good because Comm syia just has a lot of  very strong grind spots whether you're grinding   for silver your infinite potions or just like you  know various other spots XP at geen um the extra   AP well like extra damage to Comm syan Plus 8 is  equivalent to 8 AP it's a one to one scale like AP   against Monsters AP and everything else so overall  if you grind a comma area for whatever reason   there's a lot of good spots to grind and you'll  be doing more damage so I think this is overall   a good one plus if you just need the extra DP um  you know try a new spot make sure you're you know   you can grind it safely it's always nice to have  so I think this is a very solid option and Pen   tungrad I mean it it just gives you some AP but  like cool you can you generally if you're at this   point it's not really my favorite choice though  so once you're entering endgame you're probably   thinking about getting uh deor or Distortion  earrings or vajas Don so distortions and vajas   da are the exact same thing the difference is  you can get distortions from like Star Zend and   um like the Elia Calon spots but the Baja's Dawns  are obtained from The adarian Dungeons so a little   bit more interesting um so they effectively do  the same thing get which one is the cheapest for   you or whichever one you can get for you know  on the market so I think the best best time to   upgrade into deoras which we talked about or not  deoras distortions is when you have enough gear   so I think about maybe 330 to 350 DP before this  is when you should upgrade or start transitioning   into deoras because um if you're around a 280 290  AP area you're going to be grinding uh where is it   Elia Elia or so this is a good spot for most 280  plus um AP players this spot is just very um EAS   well I wouldn't say easy to grind but it's very  profitable and the AP requirement to the amount   of silver you get for end game is very solid so  around here once you get to this point and you   feel like you can comfortably start grinding or  camps that is when I would start transitioning   into uh uh uh Distortion earrings so even without  them for me like my AP would just straight up go   up by a lot more so I think it is a good trade-off  it is the best accessories for AP um but you do   lose a lot of DP as well so just make sure you're  grinding comfortably before you can before you   transition into them earrings so deoras is the one  I'm trying to go for in the future it doesn't give   as much AP as a distortion but I do believe that  it is actually more useful because if you have   the 3p set for deoras it gives to 12 AP and you  don't lose the DP as on the side so assuming you   have like tet deoras which is highend item then  like the tradeoff would actually be overall good   so for example this is a realistic upgrade for me  if I were to swap out this item my tet Distortion   my pen volara and my pen ogre for tet deas I would  be doing more damage that's actually calculated as   well so yeah that's the goal for me and what other  things should you get so first of all you get a   free te black star from getting Level 61 then you  get a free jatina or I guess depending on when you   watch this video maybe two chitina pen accessories  uh one in doubt just go for two crescent rings   and then if you feel like you need something else  later you can swap it it's no big deal um so then   you're done with rings one weapon you could do  the Magnus to get one like pen boss gear I would   personally go for the one that's the cheapest  so whichever flame you can get first which is   this item right here so I think the uh Dawn gloves  which use these Flames is the easiest one you can   get however you have to do to land in a Morning  Light quest line like it's a 300 Quest chain   took me like 7 hours I did it all on day one just  cuz I was like okay day one I got to get this uh   Dawn gloves and then we did it you can watch the  video me uh lighting about 100 billion silver on   fire on day one just to get it um so if I were you  realistically if you don't mind doing the landed a   Morning Light quest line First Dawn gloves would  be the easiest ones to get followed by the Fallen   God Armor which is the flame of Despair because  this one has been out on I guess in the game for   quite a while so this one came out first followed  by the flame of frost which is the laesa and the   flame of resonance is the Ator shoes which this  one is the newest item so it's going to be the   most expensive right now and like this one you  should actually just get last if you're watching   this video like 5 years down the line and they're  all sitting on the market just get whichever one   is the cheapest and go from there so yeah that's  how we did armors um if you have like regular boss   armor let's say let me show you this is my other  character for example let's say pretend these are   all pen like boss gear what you would do is  get them to capras 9 in order so like don't   just go from zero to nine capris in one piece of  gear what you would want to do effectively is do   like caas two uh or like caas one in every single  body piece and then go capras two in every single   body piece then three because it'll give you more  more stats instead of just going 0 to n in one   piece and then like the end game goal would be to  get them all to the same level but if you want to   get uh progression on the side of stats you want  to caas them like equally if that makes sense um   so I think we more or less talked about the armors  and I guess I'll just cover this once again I've   said this so many times for the Fallen God armors  not just the helmet in particular like all four of   them from if you are self-enhancing uh base to pry  I would start at 80 Stacks to 100 stacks and then   you know I guess it goes when it goes and then so  for prior to Duo I would start at like 115 and up   and then you you don't crw from here yet you CW at  Duo and up so 115 from pry to Duo from Duo to try   I've seen people hit them on 150s I would probably  recommend hitting on like a 170 all the way up to   like a 210 and then like that kind of checks out  in terms of how much it would cost to make the 200   stack and everything so in terms of value that's  where most people would click theirs between like   160 to 210 and then from try to t you literally  just kind of use the highest stack you have in my   opinion um 240 to 280 for a tried to Tech click  is the way to go the reason why is because look   at the price difference of 70 let's just say 75  billion right and then a tet is over 200 billion   that is more expensive than a pen black star so  in terms of value uh the stack the higher stack   you're using is a lot more valuable as well so  personally I have about 21 fails going for a t   on the atto shoes and I started at like a 245 and  recently they added an option so like if you cron   here uh you can get a fail stack when it fails  you only get one but like one is actually really   good so I think that's awesome and yeah it's just  one of those things where you just kind of use a   really high stack I would say 300 is a little too  high I would rather use a 300 on a pen accessory   well I guess it depends on which accessory let  me be clear with that like deoras but yeah if   you past the 300 stack I would honestly just  save it for a harder to get item like a pen   um DEA accessory or something like that and black  stars for enhancing start at 230 and then go from   there hopefully you Crown every single step by  the way same with this you Crown every single   step after Duo Doo to try try to T CR it um the  next thing we're going to talk about is when you   should start looking into an Alchemy Stone and  artifacts light stones and of course um all these   other things so as an entry level here's what  I would choose let's see where is my character   recently they added this into the game the at  towards Power Stone you get it from doing the   ulita quest line no PVE no PVP you literally just  do a quest line it takes uh it took me probably   about like an hour maybe maybe two hours I don't  know it it wasn't that bad realistically so the   stats you get on the atto power stone is actually  pretty decent it's not as good as a bell but it's   also not like 20 billion silver so like I think  this is a very good thing to have early on and   every once you get it I believe you can actually  repair it I've never used I just kind of got it to   you just say I got it and then eventually your  goal would be to transition into a velart and   one question I've actually had earlier in terms  of alchemy Stones was is it worth it to get the   conart destruction so I don't realistically this  gives two AP whereas the at Power Stone gives one   andel's heart gives three but it's also like 16  billion I personally don't think the K's heart is   worth it because I just think if you're at the  point in the game where you you're willing to   drop like 20 billion silver on one AP you might as  well just sit there and wait for a vel's heart or   the thing to make it yourself and so like another  8 billion is actually not a lot at end game but   like I get it if you're a new player so for most  people here's what I would recommend from beginner   to intermediate uh oh not this character um get  the at towards Power Stone it'll be good and then   transition directly into velart the reason why  is if you get the K's destruction Stone you're   probably going to sell it back to the market and  then it's like 15% tax or something equivalent   and you're going to be losing what is it 15% of 8  billion is 10% of 8 billion 800 mil another five   so 1.2 billion is on that and instead of losing  that 1.2 billion on tax you might as well just   put that into the fund and then put an order  on a heart eventually and then once you get   it it's a very good endgame item the upgrade  from Bell's heart after that would be what is it your goal like an endgame player like this is  like top end 1% player your goal would be to get   a splendid Alchemy Stone of Destruction um you  don't get any like extra AP on it but you also   get more in terms of like the AP over here plus  the accuracy cast and everything so usable stats   is actually very important here so it is like one  to one if you're past the highest bracket and this   is as spended is significantly better and um it's  one of those things where you're beyond 1% if you   have one so for most people at the bellart there  been 21 sold in like the8 years of playing this   game so yeah good luck getting one chances are  you're going to have to make it yourself if you   want it and I'm not at that point yet so artifacts  let's talk about this one um as we know with the   ulita area the dark Seekers Retreat came out and  for all of you pveers even then I think for PVP   this is actually very good as well just because  the uh defensive like 100% or HP and stamina is   very nice to have so let's let's talk about this  I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to   artifacts here's what I would do as an entry level  player like you're coming in you don't know what   you're doing if you are s uh only doing PVE you  get extra AP against Monsters artifacts and then   put some you know whatever damage you want in it  if you are a life Skiller obviously you just get   the life skill artifacts that you do and I think  if you are looking into PVP getting accuracy or   AP artifacts would be really nice and then uh I  guess what kind of combo you of light Stones you   put is what you do so for me I personally use the  allout attack this is mostly for PVE um it's just   the most damage output but I also have the gear to  be able to trade off the extra 15 damage reduction   and minus 25 evasion so it's one of those things  first of all getting two strike crystals alone is   10 billion silver and that's not even the hard  part is being able to get the strike Crystal   and then each of these artifacts is 10 billion but  let me show you right now you can't even buy them   like well you can people sell them the chances  of you getting them though is really difficult   so I actually grinded my own I have three of  them and I'm looking to get one more so yeah   basically this entire light Stone setup cost me  like 30 billion silver just for all of this and   I'm able to trade off the defensive but for other  people um one in doubt this is what I would use I   used to use the death blow set which is basically  this one you get extra AP against Monsters and   crit rate so always good it's uh it's not the  best in slot anymore but I don't think it's bad   in PVE so it's just like it's a good thing but  it's just like mid tier now instead of like Max   damage otherwise the vicious Shadows set is also  good um my goal here is to get vicious Shadows   again uh once I get another artifact and another  strike Stone but yeah that's one of them and when   you should get artifacts like whenever that's  the next cheapest upgrade for you and in terms   of crystals I have a separate video of me going  over every single thing so if you want to watch   my video of what crystals I use um I'll leave a  link in the description it's to my crystal setup   version five and that's the currently latest one I  have because every time they add new crystals into   the game or make some sweeping changes I update it  so we're at version right now so he talked about   everything I use for PVE PVP life Skilling cap PVP  defensive builds and everything so I have a entire   separate list you can watch it's a it's kind of  a long video but I'll leave just leave a link   in the description if you're interested but with  that said I think we covered everything in terms   of gear we talked about accessories which order to  progress your armors in which ones are the easiest   ones to get how to make them and then we talked  about about uh weapons in which order I would go   for them and why it's important so with that said  I just want to say this has been a 40-minute video   thank you guys so much for watching it hopefully  you enjoyed it hopefully you learned something if   you're still confused or have any other questions  drop it in the comments below I'm happy to point   you in the right direction and once again um if  you need help with gear or anything and the best   way to do that would be through Discord because  I don't think you can send like images through   YouTube but on Discord I have a channel for gear  advice so you can not only get advice from me you   can probably other people as well and you guys  can just watch that at your um so yeah it's in   my channel post a screenshot I'll point you in the  right direction and it doesn't matter what class   you play I have a good idea or understanding of a  lot of classes to the point where whether you're   evasion or Dr uh it doesn't matter I have  a general good knowledge of how to progress   from there so thanks so much watching hit that  subscribe button once again if you're new and yeah   I just like helping people you know get better  at the game and I will see you tomorrow peace
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Views: 45,098
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Keywords: Black Desert Online, Black Desert, BDO, Review, Jonlaw98, Jonlaw, Jonlaw Guide, Black Desert Review, Jonlaw Black Desert, Black Desert Gameplay, bdo guide, black desert guide, bdo jonlaw, BDO Beginner Guide, jon, law, black desert online how to make silver, black desert online silver guide, black desert online gear progression guide, gear progression bdo, bdo gear progression, black desert online best gear, best gear in black desert, new player guide bdo, gear progression 2024
Id: 3glY9V5td98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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