BDO Beginner Guide | Which Items to Keep and Why

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what's going on everyone Dots here and today I'm bringing you a guide on which items to keep in Black Desert online this has probably been one of the most requested guides for me to make on video due to the fact the game throws an absurd amount of items at you very quickly and it can be challenging to figure out which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of so today's guide is going to focus on which items you should keep and what they do but before we get into the guide I do just want to thank today's sponsor Ewan racing I've been using an E1 racing Gaming Chair for My Stream setup for a long time now and I absolutely love it it's got all the things you would expect from your gaming chair it's got a lumbar pillow it's got a neck support you are able to move the back up and down of course you were able to ascend and descend with an arm on the side of the chair and you are also able to move and adjust the angle of the armrest which can be really really handy depending on where you have your mouse positioned the build quality of the chair is really really good it's extremely comfortable and I'm able to sit in in this thing for hours with absolutely no issue if you want to pick up a chair for yourself I personally have the champion model you're able to go onto ewan's website and Shop their current available listings they have some current deals and ongoings on their home page you can then look at their list of Gaming Chairs as well as their new line of gaming desks and find some specials of what they have on for sale you can pick as anything up from there so over 30 off using Code dots at checkout and clicking the link in the description below so now that we are back from the ad break like I said we're going to be going over what items you want to keep in BDO anything else you could pretty much safely sell on the central Marketplace for silver early on liquid silver is really really important to getting your account started so certain things that you won't be using for a long time anyway you're better off just selling for now on the marketplace to other players for silver and start progressing your account faster you can always earn more silver and buy those things back later on as a new player we want to make gains and silver obviously is going to help us accomplish that now if it's an item that you don't know what it does and it can't be sold on the marketplace I always recommend as a new player like picking a bank in a town and making that like I call it like my Bank where it's like I don't know what this does I'm not sure what the heck to do with this so I'm just going to Chuck it in that bank and I'll figure it out at another time I had one of those when I was a new player it was really good because once I learned more about the game and once I figured out what things did I was then able to go back to that bank and then use the items from what they were intended for but at the beginning maybe you don't know so that's a good thing to have and I personally found it helpful but we're going to go over a ton of items today so that hopefully by the end of this guide you do know what many of these items do and kicking it off with our first one is going to be the lilus petals which I have a bunch right here so these are used to purchase a fairy at the comma Silve Temple which is located just east of high Dell actually right here that is a farm this is the gamazul temple located just east of Heidel now the ferries are exchanged with an NPC there uh the pedals are exchanged with an NPC there to acquire yourself a fairy and fairies give you a ton of passive benefits now the uh radiant fairies are the T4 fairies these are the best now tier one is known as faint those are the worst now you're going to want to like I said bring the pedals to the NPC there to exchange them repeatedly until you eventually get a radiant fairy and then you can go ahead and level up that fairy and start working through the ferry system but but the reason that it's important to get is for this perk right here miraculous cheer this Auto uses your potions when your HP and resource is depleted so you don't actually have to press those buttons yourself the fairy uses it for you so it's a very very very important quality of life progression on your account and to learn more about the system I do have a guide on my channel that goes over it which I will link in the description below now the next thing that we want to save is going to be Hunter seals so Hunter seals are gotten in a wide variety of ways and they can be exchanged for black Stones if you bring them to tariff which is another town uh just east of high Dell so you come down the road and you can see it right here you bring it to the jeweler and tariff and you can exchange them for black Stones well dots why would I want to exchange them for black Stones because black stones are going to be the next item that you want to save they are very important and I do a lot of things in the world of Black Desert they are primarily used for enhancement which is bdo's RNG upgrade gearing system now there are a ton of different types of black stones used for a ton of different enhancements so depending on what type of gear you're enhancing a different Blackstone will be used thankfully though there is a I guess relatively new but there's a guaranteed pen system in the game now which allows you to achieve the highest enhancement rating of gear known as pen on a piece without actually going through the enhancement process and I also have guides for those uh guaranteed pen systems this is one for weapons and armor and one for an accessory again Linked In the description below so our main thing we're going to want to focus on is saving materials for those systems now that is going to be the Blackstone that I just showed you so that is going to be uh we have Blackstone weapon and Blackstone armor we're also going to want to save sharp I believe they're called sharp black magic crystals or excuse me sharp black Crystal Shards and then there is also hard black Crystal Shards uh hard black Crystal if I can actually learn to type today hard black Crystal Shards so we're going to want to save those as well now Blackstone armor combines with the hard black Crystal Shard to make concentrated magical blackstones for armor while the sharp black Crystal Shard combines with the Blackstone weapon to make concentrated magical Blackstone weapon you need a bunch of these concentrated magical black stones to make your guaranteed pen armor and weapons so they are definitely worth saving in addition you can also make like I said earlier one guaranteed pen accessory and for those you need a ton of the regular armor and weapon blackstones so again more reason to hold on to another item that you could also save is called the mass of pure magic for when you want to get into black star enhancement if you ever do decide which is an enhancement way later on in the game um and these will actually combine with those concentrated magical blackstones to create the black Stones required for black star enhancement but the reason I recommend holding on to these is they don't sell very much you can't sell them on the MP and if you ever want to get into black star enhancement it's a good thing to save so just hold on to it now in the same vein speaking of enhancement I recommend holding on to memory fragments which I only have a couple right here memory fragments are used to recover durability on your gear when you fail an enhancement so like in most MMORPGs gear durability and BDO goes down when you play and fight in combat you repair your gear when it gets damaged but if you don't and it breaks you obviously lose stats stereotypically like any other MMO but for example let's say in BDO a gear piece has a max durability of a hundred you can lose uh you can actually like Lo like lose maximum durability if you fail an enhancement and it will lower the max durability to let's say 90. so now let's say you repair that piece of gear it will only repair up to 90 durability not 100 so memory fragments are used to recover that Max durability difference that you lose when you fail an enhancement so you can go to basically any NPC that can repair for you this is like a blacksmith or a stable keeper and then you can you know hit recover Max durability I then utilize the memory fragments to bring it back up to 100 and then repair it now for those of you who are not enhancing you still do need a ton of memory fragments for the guaranteed pens 1 000 per piece so you are going to want to hold on to these continuing to talk about the guaranteed pen gear though we also have something else which is called a Jonas fragment which I have a bunch of them right here so you can get these from a variety of Bob drops in the world and you could also get these from actually heating yellow quality accessories assuming you have the right knowledge for it you can just search like Jonas fragment knowledge Google and you can find an article a couple articles on how to do it but you just go to simple processing you go to Heating and then with any yellow quality accessory you can heat it down into a Jonas fragment but there's like a little bit of knowledge you got to go through um but again you need those as well for the guaranteed pen accessory so if you do get those from Mob drops hold on to them there's another item that you need it is called the magical shards I really really hope I have some so that I could actually show you I think I should still do yeah dude I have 22 magical shirts so these are also good to hold on to as well they're needed for both the guaranteed pen armor and weapon system as well as the guaranteed pen accessory system these come from heating up a yellow quality crystals you need a bunch of these so once again hold on to them the next thing I recommend holding on to is ancient Spirit dust you combine these with the Blackstone armor and weapons that I showed you guys earlier to make copper Stones now copper stones are an important part of your end game progression and I talk about how they work in my enhancing guide it's good they look like they look like this as you can see though they sell for 2.8 mil per Stone okay now while some people may disagree with me I do personally feel that you should sell your coffers early on again if you don't know what a coffers does I talk about them in my enhancement guide again Linked In the description below but I personally think that early on in your journey selling conference is a good idea you're not going to be using conference for quite a bit after you start your journey in BDO and with how much they sell for I personally think that the liquid silver you gained from them is way more important early on than just hoarding all of them for you know down like later down the line so I recommend holding on to the dust turning it into conference by combining it with your black uh your black stones and then selling those for a nice profit now continuing to discuss enhancement related things and items you're going to want to hold on to any valks cry and advice of the valks uh so if I show you guys here we have our valks cry have a bunch of these right here which increase my enhancement change and then we also have these advice of the valve so you can see a bunch of these right here with all these numbers you might go well dots I have no idea what any of those mean so these are all really really handy for enhancing even if you don't plan on enhancing very much they're very helpful if you make a seasoned character and do your tuvala enhancement advice in the valves are kind of like canned fail Stacks that help you get a higher chance to enhance a piece of gear so that's what's a fail stock I didn't want your enhancing guide yet so again video has an RNG enhancing system for increasing gear a fail stack is like a failure protection where the higher your fail stack the better the chance you are of succeeding your next enhancement so the higher the canned fell stock you get from my advice to the valves the higher your chances to successfully enhance a piece of gear on top of that you could also use valk's cry to give yourself an additional 10 enhancement chance just right on top of whatever stack so let's say hypothetically I use my advice in the valks plus 10 to give my character a plus 10 fail stack I can then add an additional 10 knocks cry to bring it up to 20. again if you do want more details on enhancement and a better explanation refer to my enhancement guide in the description below but you're going to want to save those advice to the valves and the valves try even if you don't plan on enhancing that much just because again the for the times you do decide like if you make a seasoned character or later on if you're you know want to do crawd attempts at higher quality gear you're going to want to have those on hand speaking of which you're going to want to save KRON Stones kronstones is probably like one of the most important enhancement related items to save they are super duper duper duper important these Stones allow you to an attempt an enhancement without the item ranking down if you fail so in video when you attempt a enhancement uh typically these are more like at the higher tiered enhancements failed enhancement chances will actually cause your item to rank down in enhancement value so they actually lose power if you fail but you do gain a fail stack it's like yippee yeah I gained a fail stack but now my item is weaker that sucks so that's where KRON stones come in kronstones allow you to protect that item and prevent it from losing enhancement power and enhancement values so you know let's say pen is the highest we talked about right let's say you have a tet weapon which is what's below it you're going for pen if you you use a crown Stone and fail your item stays tet if you don't use a crown Stone and fail it goes down to try so we don't want that to happen when we're getting pretty close to the you know the higher enhancement ratings right so you're going to want to save these Concepts when you're pushing those important pieces of gear to your higher enhancement tiers and you really don't want it to rank Down The Chronic stones will protect it from ranking down so it's really important to hoard and especially when you get to those higher enhancement chances it typically uses a lot of stones so absolutely keep these they become very crucial later on in the game now moving into some less crucial things oh your next item is just the basic Travelers map so this is a really useful thing to be able to just travel to your nearest town you know if you're stuck in like a weird spot or like you know you're just in an awkward place a random spot you're like I'm not sure how to get out of here you can just use the Travelers map to map back to town or just simply use it to save some time you're also going to want to save carrots you're going to want to keep a bunch of these in your inventory uh you use these to feed your horse and recover its HP and stamina stamina is really crucial for the horse as it allows it to you know obviously take you from place to place without needing to slow down and allows you to Sprint and do the drifted instant Excel and all that stuff to basically get you from place to place as quickly as possible so keeping carrots on you is going to be very important now the next category of items I don't really know what to call so I'm just going to call them XP items that's all these like different Scrolls that give you experience including the Golden Bell um you obviously just want to hold on to all of these um they will just increase your experience keeping these is important obviously to give yourself experience boosts and we do not want to just throw free experience into the garbage similarly we want to keep item collection Scrolls as we can see I have 538 of those right here why do we want to save those they're very very very important for our grinding in Black Desert online so what you're going to want to do is you're going to hit Escape you're going to want to hit the item collection gauge and then this gauge right here will pop up now if we hover our Mouse over this well if we click it right so you have two different levels of this gauge that you can turn on level one gives you a hundred percent additional item drop rate which basically just increases the amount of trash loot you gain which adds a lot of grind spots in the game just essentially means you're making more money but on the flip side it also gives you um excuse me that's fifty percent for level one but then it also gives you 100 item dropper rate which increases the uh chance to get rare items from where you are farming so the level one is 50 increase trash a hundred percent increase like rare drop chance level two utilizes your loot Scrolls significantly quicker um at Double the rate but you also get an additional 50 trash loot now up to a hundred percent additional trash loot so if you notice your a chance for rare drops doesn't go up but you do use uh you do gain additional trash loot so typically if you've watched a streamer or like a YouTuber they're like oh blue loot scroll versus gold loot scroll that's what this is referring to it's kind of like a reference to the way that it used to be but now that we have the gauge quote blue loot scroll is level one and a gold loot scroll is level two but just keep in mind that level two Burns this counter down at twice the rate of level one now you add to this counter by clicking the plus sign and then adding item collection Scrolls to it so it's really important to have these to be able to feed this gauge to be able to farm up like the we can get the most amount of items that you can get when you are grinding in BDO now the next thing that you're going to want to save a ton of is any shikatu seal these are very very very very very important to save um do you get these typically from like login Rewards or events and they can be exchanged with Dallas in Chicago for some really good items that can sell for a lot of money like some you basically like you know with the old shiny shikatu seals like every time I think it was like either 100 or 120 or something you essentially were just getting like 4 billion silver you know so it was always good just to hold on to these for when you really needed them and you can exchange some money so very very very helpful uh now the final item that I want to discuss today is actually the dark Spirits green that's gonna be these right here he's alluded in a variety of ways it could be exchanged with I think skill instructors for a bunch of different items the lane auras are really good for the guaranteed pen system otherwise you could just get item collection Scrolls or advice of the valks now like I said guys if there's anything else that you don't know what it does you can always toss it in an additional bank but what I really really recommend doing is that if there's an item that you're not sure what it does take a second and just like read the tool tip and I'm not trying to say that to like be a jerk but most items in BDO honestly have pretty solid descriptions they're gonna be really overwhelming when you look at an item and you just see this just a wall of text in front of you and you're like I have no idea what this does but because that used to be me I used to just say like this is too much I don't know what this is I'm gonna toss it in a bank somewhere but then eventually I was like I want to really learn what this does and I sat down and I took the time to read the tool tips and understand what each thing did and it really made a lot more sense when I when I sat down and read it the tool tips are actually pretty good BDO but I will say that in general rule of thumb is that like most of the random miscellaneous currencies that you get in BDO it's a Korean MMO currency blow to super real it's typically just like you get a bunch of currency you exchange it for something else so if you're never sure what to do just right click the item but NPC location it'll Auto path you to that NPC just bring the item there and be like all right what can I get and then see what your options are and then choose whatever's best for you at the time um but I think on that note I think I actually covered all the major points I wanted to hit today hopefully this guy did help you guys out um if there's any item that you have in your inventory that you're really not sure what you should do with and you want to know leave it in the comments below and hopefully myself or someone else can help you out and if you found this video helpful I would really appreciate a lot if you left a like on it and subscribe for more BDO and MMORPG beginner guides so thank you all so much for stopping by today I do very much appreciate it as always I'm dotsgaming and I'll see you all in the next one thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dottz Gaming
Views: 32,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bdo, black desert online, bdo beginner guide, black desert online beginners guide, bdo beginner guide 2023, bdo beginners guide 2023, bdo beginners guide, bdo new player guide, black desert guide, bdo tips and tricks 2023, bdo tips for beginners, bdo which items to keep, bdo items to keep, bdo which items to save, which items to save bdo, which items to keep bdo, bdo what items to keep, bdo what items to save, bdo beginner tips, BDO Beginner Guide Which Items to Keep and Why
Id: uo7S_h0Czgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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