[Black Desert] New Player Quick Start Guide to BDO! Specifically for First Time Players!

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hello what is up guys evildoes i'm here today back with another black desert video today's video is going to be a quick start guide for a completely new player who's just getting into black desert to give them all the important information and the most critical things they need to know to get started playing this game so because this is so beginner focused there is a lot of detail that to be left out in this video do note that i have over 200 guides on my youtube channel specifically targeted for newer players so if you want any more information on a topic you see in this video or if you want more information about different aspects in general check out this playlist check out the videos on my channel i'm sure i have the answer for you and if i don't let me know and i'll make a video on it and with that shameless plug out of the way quickly before we get into the video if you're new to my channel new to black desert or you've been watching these videos on the channel already and you still haven't subscribed yet consider it please helps to grow my channel and i'm pushing for 100k anyway without further ado let's get into it and let's start off in character creation so when you first load into black desert you obviously aren't going to have any characters you're going to have to hit this plus button down here in the corner to make a character you'll hit yes and it'll bring you to the character selection interface from here you'll have to choose what class you want to play there are a lot of options so the super majority of the classes right here have two weapon options available to you so yeah you have a ton of variety to pick from right here my recommendation is to thumb through these different characters right here find something you like take a look at their two different weapon specializations see which one fits your playstyle the best or make a short list of them then take a trip to youtube and check out some further gameplay of those classes you're going to want to make sure you find the class that you really enjoy because black desert is a marathon not a sprint if you don't like what you're playing you're probably going to get bored and quit that being said you can also have multiple characters so don't feel locked into playing one character at all times and if you're just looking for the youtuber recommendations here for a completely new player if you're interested in the melee playstyle i would highly recommend the guardian right now very very simple play style to learn and it has amazing survivability for a new player you have lots of healing and lots of defensive capabilities it makes playing the game fairly easy for a new player and if you're looking for a ranged play style the wizard and witch are both very strong characters for a new player as well they have tons of healing built into their kit so once again they're very easy to stay alive with in the game all three of those characters are relevant in pretty much all content in the game as well so it's a great starter character for anybody after you've selected what you're gonna play you can go through the crazy insane amount of character customization that's available in this game i'm not gonna go through all of it just wanna point out beauty album down here in the bottom corner you can look at the highest rated downloaded characters in the game and just copy presets from other players if you don't want to deal with all of this so after that you're gonna have to name your character and then you're gonna have to decide what type of character it's gonna be for your very first character i would highly recommend making a seasonal character it's a feature that's rotating every three months every three months you can create a new season character but only one you can think of a seasoned character as sort of a ketchup mechanic right it's going to help you to catch up to the current players a lot quicker it has faster progression faster gear bonus exp great system for your first character when you're just getting into the game once again every three months you can make a new one of these since i already made mine for this period i can only create a normal character but this is where you would select that option so now that we're in game let's briefly mention servers when you first started up the game you had to pick whatsoever you wanted to play on and i'm gonna be totally honest with you it doesn't particularly matter what server you pick just a couple things to know if you're a seasoned character you have access to the seasoned servers pdp is disabled in the seasoned servers except for the pvp server also as a new player you have access to the ovs servers for 30 days pvp is once again disabled in these servers for every other server that you see on this list you can get pvp starting from level 50. your level is in the top left corner of the screen up here generally speaking nobody does pvp unless you're in each other's way so as a new player you shouldn't really have to worry about this and in fact you probably won't have to worry about it for a while servers tell you how populated they are in general located right here there are three tiers there is a blank there is a crowded and there is an overrun another thing to stay away from as a new player are going to be servers with these little crosses right here stay away from those and servers with green circles i'm not even going to bother explaining those to you because they're way far in your adventure just know that you don't want to be there right now every 15 minutes you can swap servers so you don't have to worry about being locked into the server all you need to do is press the escape key on the keyboard and click the switch icon at the top of your screen and you can swap freely so your server selection at the start does not really matter anyway now that we are in game let's take a look quickly at the ui in your top right corner of the screen we have a map below that you're going to have your quest log along the bottom you have your hot bar which you can socket with any skills that you want and we'll get into the skill menu in a second some fast access icons that you might have some use for are located in the bottom right corner ones of note are the challenge menu which are a bunch of free things you're gonna get for logging in as you play the mail icon where any rewards that get mailed out will be sent to the friends list which are the two hands shaking so you can add your friends and the black spirit safe where a ton of other rewards will be located the bottom left hand corner has the chat log in the game and the top left corner has your current level your hp your mana slash resource whatever your character uses and icons dictating the location of various items in the game we're not going to go too in depth into these as you progress you'll probably know what you're looking for and be able to look it up on my channel above your hp bar there are three other sets of icons the first icon are your skill points these are the currencies that you use to level up your skills you gain a certain amount of skill exp which is this percentage right next to it for killing various items around the world the second one is your energy energy is used for life skilling you'll gain energy by talking to people and the third option are contribution points contribution points are used to expand storage in cities as well as provide passive income in the game we'll touch on these briefly later on as we go but that's your general ui interface there the escape key opens up the pause menu and there's a lot of crap in here to keep track of generally speaking you're not going to have to do much with these one thing i do want to point out though is a new player you have access to a value pack which is a cash shot buff it gives it to you for two weeks so if you get in game and don't like how your character looks you can actually change your character's appearance for these first two weeks by going to the beauty album option which is located under the character option and then beauty you'll have to be in a city to use this though but it takes you back to character creation and you can recreate your character so we mentioned skill points a second ago the skill menu is open by pressing the k key on the keyboard here you will see all of the skills that your character can learn and it can be overwhelming at first you can click on any skill and see a preview of that skill and you can see which skills chain together and connect to each other by the lines that are connected to them as we mentioned earlier in character selection you have a main as well as an awakening specialization so you can see the two different weapons that your character is going to have as well as animations and different attacks that they can do the skill descriptions can be very confusing to begin with don't worry about these as you're first starting out just know that more percents and more timeses are going to do more damages as you refine your gameplay in black desert you'll learn what a lot of the other stuff is but really for a new player just big numbers more damage as we can see outside of the skill menu there is a hot bar along the bottom you can socket many of your skills into that hot bar by clicking and dragging on the skill skills in which you can do this have a yellow box around them so if i click and drag on this skill i can drop it onto the hot bar whereas this skill right here that doesn't have that yellow box around it i cannot drag it onto the hot bar using abilities is also pretty simple if you drag them all into the hot bar you can just push the corresponding key to do the ability so for that one it's number two right there or every single skill has a keyboard and mouse input so you can see that this one is left or right plus right mouse button and it does the same skill using a skill from the hotbar sometimes makes it slower than if you were to cast it manually and it also uses slightly more energy or resource or whatever your mana is up there so when you're first starting out it's okay to put stuff on the hot bar but as you get better and play your class more try to learn your combos to aid you in learning your combos if you press the escape key on the keyboard and click the edit ui icon up here you can click the option right here that says skill guide and then save this into any one of the presets this will bring up a user interface that shows you different combos that your class uses and it will also list the name of the skill over here so you can start to learn what the different skills your class are and what they use the map is accessed by pressing the m key on the keyboard and when you first open it up it's going to be a lot less filled in than this this game is absolutely massive this map is insane it probably takes an hour honestly to go end from end there's even another small little island continent way across the ocean so yes there's boats you can get boats and sail and all that fun stuff in this game you're going to be spending a lot of time using this and navigating so to make your life a little bit easier you can place a waypoint anywhere on the map by right clicking this will place a waypoint marker on the ground this waypoint marker is then visible in game and you can see it you can set your character to auto run to that location by pressing the t key on the keyboard if you need to find a specific character in game to do something it is the find npc function in the top right corner so next to the minimap there's a little hourglass you can type in any npc that you're looking for so like if you're looking for a blacksmith you can find all the different blacksmiths in the game by doing that also there's quick options right here that are frequently searched for so once again that blacksmith option would be repair with all that ui crap out of the way let's get into actually playing through the story to get started with black desert story you're going to press the comma key on the keyboard to bring up the black spirit this is your black spirit and think of him as your like quest guide as you play through the game main quests are located under the main quest tab additional side quests that you can do are under the quest tab so when you're first starting out try to play through this main quest line if ever you get lost and don't know what to do talk to that kid and he'll help you there to view where you are in the main quest line if you press the o key on the keyboard it will bring up the quest log from here you can click the main tab and see all of the main quests that you have to play through the story in this game takes a significant amount of time as far as gear progression goes playing through the story is going to award you different weapons as well as upgrade materials upgrades are conducted from the black spirit by pressing the comma key on the keyboard the enhancement tab and then clicking on the piece of gear you want to upgrade along with the relevant upgrade material i have a full-on guide about upgrading gear for a newer player so feel free to check that out it's a longer guide and i'm not going to do a full one in the middle of this but that's where you go to do those upgrades so by now your screen's probably gotten about a thousand messages pop up in the middle of that to disable those press the escape key on the keyboard navigate to the settings menu click on the general settings option found by alerts and then turn all of these off to just turn them all off up here while we're in the general settings menu head on over to the show hide section and make sure that these two options are set attack decisions show you when you're getting critical hits and whatnot and they're useful as you learn to play your class as well as defense icons defense icons will show you when you're using skills that would protect you from damage otherwise so you'll start to learn which skills make you stronger while fighting after those settings have been changed if you're back in the escape menu there's another thing to show here and that is under the reward tab and that is the black spirits adventure this is basically just free crap every single day just click this button and roll your die and get your free crap all that stuff shows up in the black spirit safe but anyway with all of that out of the way if you press the i key it's going to open up your inventory as well as your gear as you're playing through black desert you're going to probably amass a bajillion different items and wonder what to do with them one solid option for that is to place them at any storage keeper in the game these can be found with the find npc function followed by storage if you go up to that mpc and click on the storage option you will only have a limited number of slots that you can put stuff in these slots can be expanded by buying houses in whatever city you're in so in this case i'm in the city of heidel if i click on the city you can use those contribution points that i was talking about earlier to buy houses that increase your storage so you just click the buy button instead of sell it would say buy and i'll give you one guess as to whose youtube channel has guides on that another common feature about the storage keeper that new players miss out on is usually this currency exchange tab while playing through the story you are going to get gold bars you can sell the gold bars to this npc right here any storage keeper will take these make sure to check your inventory so they go into your inventory so storage inventory space is not shared between locations you can view all the different locations in the game and see what you have stored at all of these locations but these are not shared you have to physically go to the storage keeper to redeem these items or to get them out of storage there is however a shared storage and that is this warehouse button right here this is your central market warehouse and anything in this warehouse can be accessed by any of your characters from anywhere to place items into this central market warehouse you just click on your storage inventory or your personal inventory and then click the item and tell how many you want to drop you can do the same thing with money so if i wanted to put like 10 million silver in i just type it in and hit go and it gets added to the warehouse you can buy items from the central market by pressing the escape key on the keyboard and clicking the central market button from here you can search through the filters using all these different things if you're trying to find a specific item or if you're trying to find an exactly specific item you can just type in the item so for example if i wanted a sword i could find them all right here so just as similarly as you could buy something from the central market you can also sell stuff on this menu anything that you deposited into this shared warehouse can be sold if you click on an item all you do is click it click the price you want to sell for and click the amount you want to register when you're registering an item or when you're buying an item you're going to see this menu over here on the right anything that says listed means that there are currently this number listed at this price so if you were trying to buy this you could buy it instantly at that price likewise on the sell side if you're trying to sell something there are orders currently priced at these values which means somebody put a pre-order in they didn't want to spend this much money so they said i'll pay 15.60 for it and they're waiting for somebody to come through and say yeah i'll sell it for that price instantly you're going to want to get used to using that central market because you're going to use it a lot in this game there's also a dedicated npc for this and it is the marketplace npc so if you click that icon it will take you to the closest one so i think that pretty much covers all of the major questions you're gonna have first starting out in this game and just generally getting started playing it the only other question that's gonna be in your mind is what the heck do i even do in this game levi and the answer is whatever the heck you want to do black desert is an open world sandbox mmorpg there are tons of things to do the general gameplay arc of black desert is that you go out and do some sort of money making activity you use that money to improve your gear so you can make more money in the same amount of time and you continually do that over and over again in between that you have things like pvp encounters with other players or you have sanctioned pvp events like red battlefield node wars siege wars world bosses respond to specific times all around the world or personal world bosses that pop up but your primary money making activities are going to be some form of life skilling or some form of killing different things in the game so if you're a big fan of the combat system in black desert and you end up really liking the play style of whatever class you chose or whatnot grinding stuff is probably going to be the option for you and likewise most players are going to do some grinding at some point in the game however there's an entire other aspect of this game called life skilling which involves tons of different activities like gathering various things you can go around cut trees pick flowers all sorts of crap like that you can go fishing you can buy a boat and go fishing and go fishing off docks all sorts of things like that there's hunting in this game you can go and hunt various animals out in the forest or fields cooking is pretty much the same thing that's in every other game you cook stuff and you make food and you sell it alchemy is similar concept you make potions and whatnot and you can use them or sell it processing raw materials that you gather into higher tiered materials you can get horses train horses and create a horse breeding empire trade goods between cities create your very own farm like physical garden farm and grow plants and crops and stuff used in other life skills get a boat and sell stuff on your boat it just straight up amazes me the number of things that you can do in this game and all the different activities you can do one minute you can be fighting 30 other players in a heated pvp battle you can go and chillax and do a bunch of combat against some various mobs located throughout the world there's all sorts of different enemies to fight different types and whatnot that you can play all throughout the areas then you can hop on your boat and start sailing between some islands and do some exploring on your boat or some fishing there's just so many different things to do and really if you can't find something that you enjoy in this game i apologize for trying to hype it up so much because there's got to be something you're going to like with black desert but anyway guys that is going to do it for this video so i do hope it's going to prepare you for your long journey here in black desert i do hope you're gonna have fun with it and once again if you are new to this game and you haven't subscribed to my channel please consider it i've got new videos coming out every day during the week and i live stream every single weekend over on twitch so you can get a hold of me ask any types of questions you may have at either of those sources anyway guys thank you all so much for watching once again i will see you the next live stream over on twitch next youtube video right here or wherever i happen to see you guys
Channel: EvilDoUsHarm
Views: 455,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bdo, beginner, new player, how to, black desert, getting started, quick start, intro, introduction, noob
Id: u9IwlY7wsnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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