Predecessor: Complete Guide to the Jungle from beginner to expert!

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are you tired of being Cyber Bullied by other junglers like me who've been playing the game and Paragon for longer than you've been alive are you confused about why your mid laner flaming you after he ran it up mid to their tier two and got fourman ganked do you find yourself caving under the immense pressure and responsibility of satisfying your team's greatest gameplay desires then luckily you came to the best most comprehensive predecessor jungling guide available and we're about to turn that frown upside down super quickly before we get started I just want to say thanks for checking out the video and any feedback or support would be much appreciated to help me make better content going forward thanks a bunch I've also got some time stamps below if you just want to check out a specific topic but I think there's going to be a little bit in here for everybody so if you enjoy playing in the jungle and you want to get better you came to the right place I've got over 12200 games played in predecessor the majority of them being in the jungle and I've developed a lot of strategies and techniques in those games that I'd like to share with you all the jungle is easily the most difficult role to master as well as having the most responsibility the main ones are going to be farming quickly and efficiently to maximize the time you can spend setting up ganks for your team then typically trying to capitalize on those ganks to secure objectives as well as calling the majority of the shots in the game AKA when and when not to fight and then lastly helping your lanes secure their respective Buffs I'll go into what each of these means in a little bit but generally these will be your main responsibilities on a rotating basis which I'll also explain our first topic is going to be one of the most important because it's going to dictate how your game ends up turning out and whether you get off to a strong start or not and that's going to be your starting jungle route there's a decent amount of options here but I'm going to give you my main one and a few tips for what to look out for in your starting route right when the game starts I'll always run over to my blue camp and place a w down on it right at the one minute Mark when the minions spawn and take note of any Heroes I see to gather if they're likely to invade or not placing the ward on your blue buff will alert you to any attempts by their jungler to try and steal your blue while you're busy taking your red this is a popular strategy the higher up in the ranks you go if you're quote unquote gold or below you might not run into it much if at all I put the ranks and quotes because they're not official yet just based off aa. city which is a great site and I'll recommend checking out as well but then after placing the ward immediately back to your fountain and go up to your vision tab on the top and exchange your normal Ward for a Sentry W I'll show you why in just a sec then I'll go over to my red Camp clear the red camp and immediately go clear the five Camp right after then there's going to be a few variables to what I do next typically I'm going to pop my Sentry Ward on the staircase going down to the Jungle River and run over to the nearest fog wall to deward anything the enemy has placed if the enemy doesn't have a ward typically I'll come out for an early level two gank assuming the enem is in a favorable laning position which is another topic I'm going to get into just a little later but a level two gank will usually result in at minimum the enemy having to use their blink to survive if you gank and the enemy has to Blink away to survive it was successful don't get greedy and chase them into a minion wave alternatively if the enemy does have a word I'll destroy it but instead of ganking I'll immediately run over to the enemy's blue side camp and take their blue a very important tip if you're going to invade though you need to keep one eye locked on the mini map at all times and the other eye locked to the mid Lane fog wall to catch if the enemy junglers come to foil your plans in the background is a slightly sped up example of what this route looks like in game it doesn't always work out this well but I started out with a big lead due to me being aware of where everyone was to be able to safely counter invade and it paid off for me often times in the higher ranks the enemies will do the same thing you did at the beginning of the game by placing a w on their blue but if you clear your red and then five Camp by the time you get to their blue buff their W will typically have disappeared a decent chunk of time as well their jungler will just do the same thing as you and you end up exchanging blue side camps this isn't ideal but certainly better than jumping down into your blueside jungle ready to get some nice Farm only to see a bunch of cooldown timers and crippling depression alternatively if you want to make a safer play you could simply do a full red side clear by going red five camp three camp and then popping the Cent Ward to get rid of anything the enemies placed in the river then secure the river buff often often times players will jump down from mid without even Waring when the first River buff comes up leading to them either having to Blink back out or feed you a free kill because any jungler will easily be able to solo any early mid laner after your first side clear and River buff head to your opposite side jungle assuming you're staing roughly above 3/4 of your health and do a full clear of that side jungle before backing to your first item pickup if you happen to go for a gank and took some damage though it's better to just typically back and regain your health before trying to clear your blue side at after your first full jungle clear you should start looking to set up for the first fang tooth which spawns at the 5 minute Mark directly after backing for your first item pickup you should start having that fang tooth play in the back of your mind one option which is pretty dangerous and I don't necessarily recommend it until you know what you're doing is to back to your red side and grab just the red buff then immediately head over to fang tooth to solo it but only if you scan the area for Wards and don't find any as well as all of your leaning opponents are visible you'll also be having to play either Chimera or Rampage to even be able to solo the first fang tooth that early otherwise you'll have to wait until the First full item to be able to solo with another hero like I said this is a more risky approach and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it until you're more experienced and can tell when a good time to solo it would be because even as Chimera it's going to take about a whole minute of you swinging to bring it down the method I would recommend is to secure a kill or preferably more by taking out the enemy dual lane and then immediately after the gank grabbing your dual Lane to come with you to help take it down faster the more teammates you have with the objective the better alternatively if you manage to take the enemy's jungler out you can group pretty much anyone else with you to secure it much more safely because of your jungler specific item which I'm going to cover next easily the most impactful tool you can bring to an objective will be the role specific item hunt which is only available to the person playing in the jungle rooll and replaces the health potion that all other roles get this is your bread and butter as a jungler and the most important tool in your pocket every 90 seconds you'll get a charge of sleigh stacking up to two times upon activating your hunt ability you can Target any Minion or jungle boss to deal 500 instant true damage to them it has a few passives as well you'll deal bonus dot damage to Jungle minions restore some mana on every basic attack and it will also heal you for 5% of the damage dealt to minions lastly it will grant you diminishing returns on gold for killing too many Lane minions this discourages trolling and incentivizes the jungler to stick to their camps for Farm it also makes it harder for non- Jungle rolls to farm your camps earlier because they'll take more damage by not having the passes on their hunt further discouraging trolls after killing 40 jungle minions hunt will evolve into wild Hunt granting all previous passive bonuses but removing the cap for getting Lan minion gold as Post 25 to 30 minutes into the game farm is less important as you're approaching full build more importantly though it increases the instant true damage dealt by hunt up to 1,000 meaning a bigger window to secure jungle boss and clear Buffs faster you can check the status of how many minion kills you have as well as the length of any Buffs you currently have active by holding control on keyboard or whatever button opens your ability upgrade overview on Console I apologize I don't play on Console so one very important tip I'll give regarding the hunt item is to try and always have an idea of when objectives are coming up and don't use both your stacks on something right before fang tooth comes up basically just make sure you have a at least one stack of hunt up and available to secure the objective before actually starting it I've fallen victim to this a few times where I hunt my red or blue buff and don't realize I have no Stacks to secure fang tooth until it's too late moving on to the next topic I want to cover which is going to be countering your opponent in the jungle I love playing this role because in a lot of ways jungling is just a more complex version of leaning against your opponent you should always be looking for opportunities to one up him by mentally manipulating and outplaying them there's many ways you can do this invading is definitely one of the best ones because this will give you more Farm while starving them at the same time how many times have you crossed your jungle fog wall to find an empty jungle how' it make you feel since you should always be checking your map literally every couple seconds as a jungler you should always be tracking and noting the enemy jungler's movements to know when a good time to invade is for example if you're clearing your camps and you see the jungler on the opposite side of the map doing a gank go check out his opposing side camps at minimum you can check what the timers are at and when to expect him back there this is something you should be doing consistently but quickly sometimes all it takes is getting close to a camp to see that it has a recent cooldown timer meaning he was just recently there and is likely setting up for something another way to counter their jungle is trading objectives basically this means if you see the enemy get multiple picks and you see them grouping up at fangtooth grab someone else and try and see if you can take mini Prime usually this is only viable in the early game with mini Prime and small thing tooth because you need your whole team present to take the later game objectives but I'll cover those a little more in just a second another important part to help in this aspect is timing this can help you counter and know what to expect from the enemy jungler as well some important time marks to keep in the back of your head are river Buffs spawn at each odd minute starting at three typically these are for the mid laner but if he's able to get the opposite side River as well this is IDE deal the first fang tooth spawns at 5 minutes and mini Prime spawns at 7 minutes and then evolves into the big orb at 20 minutes knowing when all these spawn will help you keep track of setting them up and give you an idea of what the enemy might be doing as well and on the note of knowing what the enemy is up to I want to talk about Lane positioning and vision for a second because this is a large part of your responsibility as a jungler on one end but also on your lane to understand as well I've seen an unfortunate amount of games where I have a hyper aggressive dual Lane consistently pushing into the enemy Tower which is fine if you want to do that as long as you're safe and warded but on the flip side you can't expect any ganks from your jungler because there's no point in ganking them under their own Tower your ideal ganking spot is going to be when they're pushed up at minimum to the middle jungle fog wall if they have a ward you'll be able to tell cuz they'll start backing off towards their Tower then you can pop your Sentry Ward and destroy it and you now have the vision advantage on that part of the map this goes for all the lanes though so it's your job to gank as a jungler but it's your laner job to set them up for you so next time all your lanes are just W keying out of Fountain and blaming you for not ganking just know in your heart that you're doing fine and they just need to find the getg good button on their controller or keyboard and they're simply a victim of chronic skill issue on screen are some of the most popular warding spots so you can know when best to use your Sentry Wards and expect the enemy to be able to see so plan accordingly this is a very big part in your role since a jungler who makes efficient use of his time by combining Farm Lan pressure and vision control with each back will 100% of the time outpace an opponent who doesn't next topic we have is going to be more centered around the later game when you should be grouping up as a team around the objectives at around the 25 to 30 minute mark this is when you need to start being a lot more careful and always be extra aware of both your team and the enemy's position and always be grouped up when traveling without Vision Advantage dying in this period of time will be detrimental to you and your team respawn timers are heavily extended and with you being the only one able to Smite objectives if you get caught out often times this is all it takes for the enemy to to secure the objective and snowball into your core or at minimum at least the Inhibitors keep an eye on the timers and when Primal fang tooth comes up post 30 minutes this is when both teams gather together for an awkward salsa dance party where they just throw fishing lines all around and trying to bait someone into taking it whichever team falls for the bait first is almost always the one that comes out on the losing end sometimes it will be a draw but these are the fights that will determine the outcome of the game so you need to be at the top of your game in that time period and don't get caught out which Speaking of getting caught out this will be a good segue into the next topic which is verticality shortcuts one of the more unique aspects of this game is the true 3D playing field involving a true z-axis unlike some other games in the genre sorry go something suuck my throat there this means with certain Hero's abilities or your blink you can take many different shortcuts around the map by using a variety of tools this is honestly such a wide topic I'd have to make a separate video just for it if you want me to show you each spot and go over each ability but the top heroes able to take advantage of these spots are Kari Fang maau and Gideon otherwise any hero can also take advantage of them by using their blink but it's a high trade-off with the blink having a 5minute cool down basically anywhere you see a cutout in the wall or structure of the map you can use these abilities to travel over them in order to take a shortcut to somewhere you need to be or to escape from a thirsty kill hungry opponent remember though that the enemy can also come after after you in certain situations so it's important to keep track of if they have their blink engaged weather using yours on a 5-minute cool down will effectively help you escape sometimes it's better to keep your blank in your pocket if the odds of you escaping even by using it are pretty slim lastly I want to talk about the Heroes that you can use in the jungle this is a very diverse role and many Heroes can play in the jungle but each one has very different play Styles and are stronger in certain categories than others I've created a chart and ranked each viable jungler in six different categories from one to five stars and those categories are early game strength late game string invading potential objective potency or how useful they are to have in an objective gank potential or how easily you can surprise and catch an enemy off guard and then overall jungle utility I'll very quickly touch on each one and give you a general idea of what their play style is so you can match it to your own and decide if you think they're worth getting into starting off with count who certainly can be a good jungler but scores an overall rating of 2 and a half stars because she doesn't offer anything in the early game as she doesn't deal much damage yet and even when she comes online she'll need at least a few teammates around her to help secure objectives on the plus side she does do significant damage once she comes online and has a decent amount of range and utility with the teleport so bursting down squishy Heroes is essential to success but certainly a viable jungler in the right hands beside her we have the single biggest gar chat of the Jungle in Rampage who comes smashing in with a hefty five-star overall rating because his entire kit is designed around being a jungler from the moment this dude clears his first Camp to the last second of the game a good Rampage is an absolute menace to deal with and can easily wreck havoc on your team having so many different options on how to ruin your day in his back pocket there really isn't much Rampage isn't good at his incredible sustain with his passive plus ultimate the three business day stun with his Rock and ground pound combo as well as the ability to Traverse most of the verticality shortcuts in the game makes him a jack of all trades for invading securing objectives and maintaining a strong presence throughout the entire game very solid jungle pick in any situation below him we have another thick boy in steel who is A Pretty good overall pick despite him not being used much in the jungle grabbing a three star overall rating because his damage is pretty lackluster making his Camp clear at best he certainly does make up for it in the utility category though boasting one of the most ceas see Heavy kits in the game being able to quickly engage and lock down your opponent makes him very potent force that shouldn't be overlooked especially with the help of a teammate overall very good situational pick starting the next slide we have Quang who gets an overall rating of three stars because he has amazing gank potential with his long range tether and different kit combos but because he doesn't deal a ton of damage by himself you often need a teammate to help secure ganks and objectives his General Bruiser Style with his CC heavy kit makes him a very good all-around pick for the jungle roll though beside him we have Gru who I'm going to give a fourstar overall rating to because he comes online very early and due to his hard-hitting and CC heavy kit he can be a true Menace all throughout the game in the right hands his only downside comes from his inability to really surprise people due to the minimal movement speed potential so you kind of have to catch the enemy sleeping to effectively gank or invade moving on we have crunch who's another very solid jungle pick if you want to put in the time to learn him as he has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game but in the right hands he makes even Floyd Mayweather look like a peasant he doesn't have much early game potential at all until you reach level six so before that you're borderline useless and quite open for a stronger early game jungler to bully you out of farm until you can come online but great single Target damage and his ability to lock down anyone on their team with the repeating uppercut combo makes him a very strong overall jungler beside him we have Greystone who overall is an okay jungler but he gets a two star rating from me as he has great Camp clear and escapability with his leap which makes him good at invading as well as bringing incredible staying power with his 14 lives but due to the lack of much CC besides a slow that you need to be in Auto attack range for his leap being pretty situational and dangerous to use on the offensive he doesn't have much potential and doesn't really bring much to the table besides being all up in your face in team fights then moving on to the next slide we're starting off with Fang ma who's a pretty good jungk Jer pulling in three stars his early game presence is very minimal until he gets his ultimate at level six he also has great gank potential and Deals a ton of damage but requires a very high skill sealing to master and personally I find his kit better suited towards the offlane definitely forced to be reckoned with by someone who knows exactly what they're doing though next up we have shinbi getting a solid fourstar overall rank she takes a minute to come online but can certainly gank before level six and with her Double Dash ability Plus Great Camp clear she makes for an ideal Invasion kit and scales nicely into the late game if you build her with a little extra Health she deals very high damage and is very mobile making for an all-around solid jungle pick for most players next up is the infamous Chimera the noob slay king of the jungle who rightfully earns a whopping five-star rating as one of the Undisputed best junglers in the game his immense early game pressure being able to LEAP across an entire quarter of a lane and just lay into anyone makes those who dare leave the comfort of their Tower Prime ganking real estate on top of this his passive insane healing gives him the ability to solo any objective at any point in the game given enough time his two notable downsides are that he does fall off into the late game if the opposite team builds enough anti-heal and he can be shut down much easier in a group setting with some CC moving on to zarus though I personally love using him in the jungle because I use a combination of berserker's Axe and tectonic Mallet to be fast as boy and it does make his ganking poti potential incredible in the mid to late game forcing the enemy to either blank out of your ultimate or face the consequences of their actions he also deals a considerable amount of damage zarus is an all-around great jungle pick coming to our last slide here we're going to start off with serth who's another great all-around jungler in almost all aspects but not quite good enough to pull a five-star rating cuz she has arguably the most diverse build options available and has too many variables to how good she really could be it's much easier to get caught lacking when the whole enemy is full build and group so you have to be extra strategic in picking when and where to fight your target she's easily one of the best if not the best invading hero with her passive double jump and invisibility letting her get in and get out of places that many Heroes can't reach she's easily one of the best if not the best invading hero with her passive double jump and invisibility letting her get in and get out of places many Heroes can't reach overall very solid jungler but requires a very high skill ceiling to be good with moving on we have RoR who comes with a two and a half star rating because he obviously can be good but very situationally as he doesn't deal much damage at all and he has almost no invade potential unless you're Mega swle because he doesn't have much Mobility this means you have to rely much more on your teammates when ganking and the most importantly be able to land Your Hooks as that's the only thing that makes him a viable jungler with the five-star ganking potential the hook can be an absolute menace to deal with but besides that thicky Ricky unfortunately doesn't bring much to the table lastly we have my boy seog who's kind of been in a weird spot in predecessor flip-flopping between being a better jungler offlaner personally right now I think he's better in the jungle cuz I find myself getting the full Stacks around the 25 minute Mark if I'm efficient while offlane is typically upwards of 30 minutes I also think he's a lot more valuable to actually have at Team fights being in my opinion one of the best team fighting heroes in the game with his immense staying power and a health bar bigger than Donald Trump's ego a full tank seog could go AFK in the middle of a team fight and come back to the victory cuz the entire enemy team DED themselves from Razer back and fire Blossom having the konas to physically assault you all right maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration but to be fair this is the only hero I've seen be able to hit 6,000 Health which is just Bon HTS to me his only downside being that he takes a fat minute to come online with his stacking so while very potent it's much less so in the beginning so take advantage of that before it's too late if you're facing one so that should just about cover this Jungle Guide if I missed anything please do let me know as I'm is still improving and by no means consider myself a top tier jungler and find myself making ring mistakes constantly I do hope that helped you out though and if you enjoyed it I'd appreciate the typical YouTube jazz liking and throwing down a sub are free and huge motivators for me to keep making content around this awesome game if you have any other questions just shoot me a comment I'd be happy to answer it all the gameplay footage you saw in the background was taken straight from my live streams i' love to chat with you over there as well I stream Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday and Sunday starting a 400 p.m. eastern time links in the description thanks again I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Colonel Kal
Views: 1,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HIqUuqaj_2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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