Black Desert - Beginners Guide To BDO: Don't Make These Mistakes!

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[Music] thank you hey guys welcome to the channel sunny here and not only welcome to the channel welcome to video in today's video we are going to cover what you should do and what you shouldn't do as a new player in video and I'll take you through all of the questions that I keep getting asked as a stream of a video from new players or should I do this and that and ideas and tips and all that so let's just jump straight into it before we get too deep into the subject here is a word from our sponsors at raid Shadow Legends presented to you by me put a different shirt on them raid is having its fourth anniversary and what better way to celebrate that than a party if I were to have a party I would bring hijimon an absolute Powerhouse in both orphans and defense he will always go first second up with definitely be sifi the Lost bride one of the best survivors and defensive champions in the entire game and of course Duchess the best defensive Arena champion in the game and finally Constantine the depot getting constant into my party would definitely spice up my offensive pressure in the new live Arena PVP Raiders should duke it out against other players life peaking and betting Champions before dueling to determine the ultimate order it's not those Prestige you're fighting for though live arena is bringing new awesome rewards too I'm talking how to fix it fragments for warrior legendary champion and special live Arena Quests that unlock powerful new bonuses at the Great Hall use my link in the description or scan my QR code to get an epic Champion Talia and other useful things see you on the battlefield you got the game you installed it and you started it up one of the things I get asked about a lot is this right here servers which server should you play on and this is one of the cool things about video there is only one server um so what you see here is what we in video call for channels in video you have regions so you have in North America you have EU you have career Japan etc etc and they all have mega servers in their region so this right here it is one big server and you can freely switch between every channel in the EU server so if you're a new player you'll probably want to be going here on what is the season servers they're called season up here the season PVP server also known as Asha servers um are channels where you can freely PVP so I would stay off those in the beginning and then when you get like full pins of all the gear which we'll cover they're a great place to go on and grind you get bonus drop rate when you're playing on the Archer channels but you can also flag up and attack players freely so it doesn't actually matter which channel you choose here in the beginning you can go on anyone and you can switch it there is a 10 minute cooldown and jumping from one channel to another um think about it like layers in World of Warcraft so um a little tip if you're starting out the game here at the beginning of a new season if you watch this in the future then I would actually recommend not going on one of the Season channels while you are doing the questing because there will be super pets there's going to be lots of players on the season channels and you don't gain anything for being on the season channels while questing so you can start out on one of the normal channels here there's going to be less compact of players in the beginning zones and you can just do the questline on those channels and then whenever you start getting into killing mobs and grinding and working on the stuff you definitely want to go on the season channels because they provide you with bonus drops that are unique to the season channels and that is something that everyone should be getting so I'm gonna jump in here to one of the Season servers and what do you do now well you need to make a character I already have a couple characters here on my EU account but you make a new character and this is probably the most important thing if you're a new player to video is making a seasoned character in other games that are played and you probably has as well Seasons work a bit different and it's like an isolated thing and it gets deleted afterwards and all that that's not the way it is here season servers and seasoned characters in video are completely normal characters but with further bonuses to it and they get the availability of being on the season channels where normal characters can't be when a season ends or sometimes a few months before season ends you can do an early graduation and what happens is your season character just becomes a completely normal character you keep everything you get and make on the season server and the season character everything is converted you just gain tons of bonuses bonus drops there are special items on the season server that is equivalent to the normal gear but it's 10 times easier to get so this is basically the catch up mechanic of BDO for new players is seasoned characters and you keep everything afterwards you can use it on your other characters App Store as well so we're gonna make a seasoned character again if you're playing um in those periods between Seasons don't be afraid you can just make a normal character you start playing you can do the same thing as you do in season but I would recommend when a new season then starts to make a new character and make a seasoned character and do the season as well seasons are so potent than me as a seven year veteran I've been playing the game since launch I make seasoned characters every single season just for the rewards um so you can imagine how good it is as a new player where you also get the gear and exp and everything bonuses on top of it the next question I get all the time is what character should I make what's a good class what's a bad class I want to do this I want to do that what should I pick what's the best and um the answer is very simple actually in video and I 100 stand by this even if you're watching this in the future pick the class you think it looks the coolest do not worry about how good it is but it is how hard it is to play and everything and there's a lot of reasons for that I'll try to do a tldr here for you now um so you can understand where I'm coming from with this because obviously there's better classes for PVP PVE and all that but there are so many layers to it that the best class for one thing say the best grinder in the game is only potentially the best grinder for like one or two grind spots maybe a super end game but it's not the best grind that early game etc etc so there's many layers to this right so why should you always pick the class you think looks the coolest or the one you're the most like interested in this could be fun to play and not worry about strength of the class well first off um when you make a seasoned Carousel you get an item called a fuga timepiece fugas timepiece is an item you get on the season server that will allow you to copy the EXP on your first character one to one copy your level copy your skill points copy everything over to another character and instantly get it to the same level and also move your items over one to one to the other character so basically you will be able to get another character freely and instantly leveled up um in case it turns out well this is not the class I I thought it was there was something else I wanted to try out or maybe you just want to play a different class for the fun of it so that is one of the reasons that you at least even if you end up making uh what you uh believe is a mistake you can change it very easily for the first time when playing video as a new player on season you get one free complete one-to-one transfer and a character swap with the full guard timepiece now there's other reasons for it one of those reasons is what is a bad class today might not be a bad class tomorrow a video has a lot of class balance updates right now if you were to ask me today um when recording this video If you should play a class like Corsair is Corsair a good PVE class my answer would be no it's one of the worst in the game but last Friday on the global lab which is the test realm a new patch is out I do those every Friday by the way so check out the stream if you wanna be up to date with things coming in the future there's a an update to Corsair and she is getting between 40 to 120 damage increases in PVE on several abilities and she will potentially be an amazing PVE class once those changes hit so um by the time you get to where these PVE damage increases and everything really matter and the difference between a good grinder and a back grinder starts to really show we're talking mid game that's potentially three to six months from you starting to play the game um and by then there's a good chance that's been rolled out some PVE patches and updates to classes along the way so you might just have cheated yourself out of playing a class you really wanted to do and even if it doesn't happen and you want to play something else you have to figure out timepiece so you you make a character and you're logging in you're starting the game and you're omit with this screen here you should need to choose a starting zone and one of the things when you start a new game is not always wanting to do the right thing it's making sure you don't do the wrong thing and if there's one thing I can tell you guys from playing video right when you're starting out there you can't do the wrong thing there's obviously optimal things but you can't [ __ ] up so don't worry too much about what you do here both of these are totally fine and um it's not like you choose one and you can't do the other both of these quest lines are in the game so when you complete one of the quest lines on your character you can just go into a quest lock and you can select the other one you can Auto path and you can just do that questline fully as well um so it doesn't lock you out of anything it's just which one do you prefer to do first and like maybe you never do the other one right so what's the difference between these two the one on the left is the original starting zone it's the old school one that we all went through now the first region has been updated and it is actually really well done um if you're choosing this one here I would highly recommend the first region which is called belnus you'll see it as soon as you load in uh do that region and actually follow the story it's fully voice acted there is cut scenes it's really well done take it nice and slow don't spam ah to escape everything but actually do the first region after that the rest of the regions has not been updated so when you get to those you'll probably understand why video um at this in the community has a reputation of spamming R which is the skip Quest key in video and I'll probably just recommend doing that as well in the other parts of it there is more combat in the first quest line it's a bit longer it's very straightforward there's Auto pathing in the game to run to Quest it's very easy but you get a bit more combat a bit more linear leveling experiences with the original storyline and the first part of it is really cool you get to learn some characters I would probably recommend this for a new player um you get a bit more action also every time you complete a region you get a pit and pits in video are companions that pick up loot for you and they're really good and it's something that in the past you had to pay money for it one of the monetizations that used to be a big thing in video now you can get that stuff for free and you get one for every region you complete and you'll complete five um or four or five you'll probably get five pits by the time you end up where the other place ends or starts um so the other one here you start a bit later in it basically gives you uh update on the story this one is way more if you want to watch cutscenes and read a dialogue and law and things like that it's really cool it's really well done nice characters it's a bit more laid back there's barely any combat but it's really good if you like story and law way better than than the old school stuff um and it can be really quick but if you just want to spam out get to it kill stuff go with the other one it also gives you some hits um you'll probably end up wanting to do both eventually but it's up to you you can't make a wrong choice here I'm gonna go with the last one for now though so I'm not gonna take you through any of the quests and everything just follow your new companion the Black Spirit he'll take good care of you or will he but anyway something I didn't want to cover is when you load in here this is the the first starting region the business region after you've done your tutorial hope you enjoyed it got some combat in there as well um you're met with probably a lot of things popping out in your face stuff all over your screen it looks like you are in the middle of Times Square so I wanted to go over a bit of the settings to calm down the experience and make the game look really nice and some things that I would highly recommend you do so go into settings personally I use the the all settings you can switch down here new menu I'll click up here alt menu so you want to go into the settings and this here is going to be the same uh first off you want to go in to the general settings in quality of life I would suggest getting aim assistance and quick slots that allows you to well add some quick slots to the game show and hide this is the big one you can have your name on always if you want to um I know some people like that I run with it without but here I would highly recommend that you add all of these to it you don't need these over here this right here is how you see HP I don't like this ones but that's a preference over here is for the characters uh zone changes on Quest NPC status I would add that on as well so you can see if you have a quest with them add all of these over here HP balance that's up to you as well costume I have to this one enabled so this is the old school HP bus where it is as you see the top one that is the new one and since I've been playing I I don't like chains okay so anyway uh here we go attack decisions this is your your crit and bag attacks if you like stuff popping up on your screen I would edit we don't have the damage numbers in video so this is the closest you're gonna get to that feeling of oh I got like big numbers you get the crits and the bag attacks down attacks and stuff like that um but it's a lot of clutter so I don't have it I would recommend using defensive icons this is going to be a great tool to letting you understand how your abilities functions so here you see the red one is an iframe that makes you invulnerable and uncrowd controllable you take note damage and you can't be cc'd the one in the middle it makes you immune to crowd control effects except gravels and the one on the right the Blue Shield it's a front guard so you take no damage when attacked in the front as long as you have a block bar however you can be cc'd by being hit in the back that's the basics of it I do have some videos going in depth with this stuff here but it's nice getting familiar with them right so this stuff here and now a big one here alerts go into this one and turn everything off trust me on this turn all of this off if you are going to have a way better experience playing video with all of this turned off um over time you can play around with it if you want to especially Central Market can be nice for buying some specific items that you're trying to snipe but in general this is what you're looking for also a little something something this is my settings at the moment um if you're trying to get the best performance in video what you want to do in settings is Run High textures and very low Graphics I know the sounds counter intuitive but it is the best performance you're going to get um it's a bit lower FPS than if you're a low textures but the tldr is the video is extremely CPU intensive it's going to be the bottleneck in your performance so by raising the textures my understanding of this is it puts a bit of the workload on the GPU and it gives you a way more smooth gaming experience there's probably a lot of technical reasons for it but trust me high text is something you want for good performance um yeah turn all the stuff off and then also make sure that you don't have low power option on um that's about it for the settings you can of course min max and customize everything along the way there is a lot of stuff you can do with the with customizations and also you can fully customize your UI uh move stuff around turn cooldowns quick starts everything on and off but I'm sure you'll figure that out along the way so we just leveled up now in video If you hit the K key you get into your skills and a change was made to video fairly recently that I've seen a lot of people trying out the game not realize so I wanted to cover that in today's video so you at least are aware of this when you level up in video you learn all the skills as you level up so previously you had to get skill points by killing mobs you go got skill points and you got level and you will have abilities that required level eight and then also cost you x amount of skill points that is not the case anymore whenever I hit Level 8 I will instantly learn this ability and every time I then level up so that would be let's say at level 20 I would learn the next rank automatically freely it cost nothing there's nothing for you to spend points on or do in here except under the passives where are they under the passives these right here is the only thing you can put your points into while leveling up to level 56 so you just get all the skills as you go at Max ranks as you go and you don't have to think about it or worry about it now while we are in here into the the skill setting there's one thing that you would want to do right now the gate on pretty much every single class in the game and that is going up here finding this little Aviation you can search for search for Aviation and you click this right here this means you can't use it um it's I'll show you what it is it's this role ability which is a PVE iframe so it can protect you in PVE but you'll never want to use it it's really bad and a lot of the times it will also lock out other abilities so for example I will learn a better ability here when I get to level 10 12 and it's going to be a very quick Dash and iframe and makes this looks like a joke but sometimes it might accidentally use the evasion rule so lock evasion on all classes if there's a few exceptions you'll find out about it but in general just like that right so the tildea don't worry about skill points you can learn everything along the way when you're leveling up and you get a level you will see them pop up here the new skills you learn and you'll be able to to take those now what just happened here is I'm an assistant character great segue and I hit Level 5 and that means I got my first season pass now the season pass is something that is just there for you to do you can upgrade it and buying the Black Spirit season pass it is very rarely worth doing even as a new player the Silver Bell sorry the pro value is really good on this when you buy it if you need these things which you would probably do as new player but I don't think I would do it uh quite often there are way better deals to spend your money on if you want to spend money on the game then buy the season pass however the free version you definitely will want to do and complete anyway so here you go it pops up it's up here it's one of the things you do want to try and focus on when you're doing the season and playing the game and leveling up is slowly work your way through these so you just click it and now I just gained plus two inventory slot easy all right so now you have hopefully some some questions answered about how to get into the game what to do how to start up and everything and here is a couple of my opinions on do's and don'ts when you're playing as a new player what should you be aware of what are all these items in my inventory etc etc so for this I'm on my main account This Is My Season character for this season and as you can see we have a lot of stuff in my inventory when I've been out here grinding and all that now um the first thing you should be aware of is don't worry about it if you're unsure about stuff put it in your inventory don't worry too much about it whenever you're playing there's probably going to be a lot of events going on so on your white side you're gonna have all these weird things for the most part you can just ignore it I would recommend checking out the twitch and the streaming directory for BDO there is so many incredibly helpful people so if you have any specific questions about what the event is and all that China stream asked about it I also stream almost every day so you're more than welcome to drop by as well but the chilias don't worry too much about it that's the number one thing just play the game enjoy it level up and and yeah go through the the questline so this is my do you come out you start out over here or in the other one follow the main quest line uh you follow the main questline do not okay I guess we're good follow them in questline and follow it through this region here which is called velnus I think you can see them lined in like this so to build us it's going to take you further down to Heidel error which is this region here you complete this reindeer questline it sends you over to this region here which is calcium and you do that questline and it will send you over here to a region called media this is the same region where the other questline ins in it ends with tariff and that will take you the winter region the advanced one it starts in duracon it sends you over here to the winter region and from here it sends you over to mitaya as well now that looks shorter but it isn't ready it's the same amount of time spent in those quests more or less but the first one will take you through a lot of regions now whenever you complete a region it's questline you get a pit and they are super nice check them out they help you pick out stuff so follow the questline up to and including media after media it sends you towards Valencia region which is where I'm at right now on my season um and there's two parts of this there's Valencia part one ambulance here part two in the questline you can throw the duel into part one it will give you another pit and it's very easy and nice questline to do so I would recommend potentially doing that why do you need to do the quest option including at least media well it's very simple you need it for the season pass and the rewards you get along the way which is tailored to give you a very streamlined experience when playing the game you are going to get increasing the amounts of beginner blackstones while you're questing and you can use these and should use these to upgrade your narrow gear the narrow gear is on Blue items they look similar to these that you get from questing along the way you're gonna have a full set of gear and you just whenever you have these beginner blackstones from Quest you just upgrade the gear I have a full guide on this I will link it in the description check it out it teaches you how to do this tips and tricks and everything as you can see I still have a ton of these stones after making not one but two full sets of pin narrow gear I could probably make two more full sets with the stones I have left you get a lot so don't worry about it they can only be used for this now once you make your narrow gear up to pin you get an option to transform it into 12 gear again I have a video it's the same video on this check it out link is going to be in the description and this right here the travala gear is your season gear now upgrade your narrow weapons and armors and completely ignore accessories don't bother with accessories the narrow accessories are useless they're worthless they don't go anywhere um because they don't transition into the tubala now to Value stuff you will want to upgrade and you want to get this all the way to pin it takes a bit more again I have a guide on how to enhance it but only worry about this and this is my second Edo um watch guides and watch things and and worry about things when you get there don't try and watch guides about future progression and gearing and this and that and and everything advance until you get to those points or maybe you want to try something out in live skill and then watch some guides and ask questions about that but don't the game is very um overwhelming don't force it upon yourself either take it nice and slow enjoy it a lot of the things you worry about is going to be a second nature by the time you get to the the point where you need to know about those kind of things so that's my second Do's um just nice and slow work on your gearing when you're leveling up um the items you do need to be a bit aware of is the beginner blackstones here they are used to upgrade Network gear and you can make it into 12 gear you're also going to get uh these three items here which is travel or a refined Black Magic Stone and the type of Blackstone these three materials here I use to operate your season to battle gear to pin that's what this should be used for don't worry about anything else d like it's going to be vendor stuff most of it otherwise at the end of season you get a ton of this when you're grinding so um play the game do a weekly Quest where you get a lot of materials as well and you'll just earn these plenty to upgrade your gear fully to pin in probably one to two weeks of playing the game a couple hours a day um even for a completely new player you get a lot of this it takes a bit of time with enhancing but it's worth it another thing you should be aware of and definitely do is when you get to level 56 you're going to unlock what is called The Awakening and the succession of your class now there are two classes that don't have this and this is Archer and shine but that's a different story a shy is very unique class so um it's just work difference and then Archer basically starts with The Awakening subscription at once it's just one big kid but anyway you learn your Awakening and your succession now what is this the Awakening is a completely new set of skills and it's a new weapon um for warrior that would be the two-handed Greatsword that is the Awakening so when you see a warrior running around with that you know he's an awakened Aura and he's using his Awakening kit you also have the option of specializing in succession which would be specializing in your main hand kit so that's the kit when you're leveling up and you're playing that you will be then further developing and specializing in and just to show you some differences in what that could look like and what it means it just empowers it it's new functions it basically is a fully fleshed out kit that is in some cases better well depending on the class but at least it's equal to the Awakening kids so for example you can see the difference here in disability which is um heavy strike you get the prime versions when you go succession so this is the the normal regular heavy strike and just from a visual standpoint this is the succession version a lot more oomph a lot bigger more damage more range etc etc and the list goes on for example for warrior you also get your double smash which instead of just being two times smashing in the ground you now get a jump on it and movement etc etc it's like it's a completely fully kit but it specializes in using the the main hand weapon the one you're leveling up with until Level 56 but do both quests um you don't have to really make a decision with playing one or the other because you can switch between them and I'm gonna teach you a little trick that you should definitely do when you learn your succession during succession questline and awakened questline level 56 you get this here with the skill presets now up until Level 57 you can freely reset all your skills at any point and unlearn everything so what you want to do when you're level 56 after I've done your quest is to reset everything make sure you have no skill add-ons learned at this point here don't bother putting them while they're leveling up it doesn't really matter you want to make sure you have no skill skill points here sorry skill add-ons enabled and then you want to reset all right and save a preset so you reset everything and you say here save preset save on number one with no skill points equipped you might have to equip one skill point doing this and you would just go down and put infinite Mastery put one part in infinite Mastery or Max it out it's totally fine and then save as a skill preset with no skill add-ons and no skill points used that way you can always talk to a skill instructor and load this preset and get a free permanent infinite reset and you can then switch between succession and Awakening whenever you want to if you don't do this and you want to switch skills down the road you will have to either do the succession Awakening Quest on another class it gives you an item you can use to get you 24 hours of free resets or you're gonna have to buy an item which is a solo file subscription in the game that allows you to do this freely and all at all times it is one the cost of money it's not a whole lot but why bother when you can do it completely free with game mechanics so save one free and then you can add any time you want switch and try out Awakening and succession so it's not a real choice you make you get both you can play both and you can switch around with them whenever you want so to summarize as a new player in video what are the things you should do one make a seasoned character two pick the class you think looks the coolest and three do the main storyline up to and including media region four work on full pin tuvala during the season by grinding and doing your season quests and five make sure to have some fun don't rush it take it nice and slow enjoy it and for a sixth kinda included but while you're grinding and doing all that do work on your season pass the rewards here are incredible um it's a great guideline as well for going through the season doing this now some don't one don't worry too much about events and stuff going on if you have items you're unsure about don't stress over it just put them in your storage and you can always ask the community we have very active discourse as well you can pop a screenshot of your items in a Discord and ask what should I sell what should I keep what is this all that and we have a lot of helpful community members the reason I can't give you a one-to-one answer is because there's probably going to be some events going on at different times with different items but in general the only thing you really do need and should use whenever you get it is the beginner blackstones and then the travel ores and stuff like this for the season gear upgrade uh don'ts don't invest into the narrow accessories when you are leveling up and working on cable progression they are pretty bad and also don't stress over things to come um don't overwhelm Yourself by watching enhancing guides and gearing guides and all that all of these things don't matter while you are on season now after season there is a lot of uh great videos and great content about how to progress your character fast and good and which direction you should go there are gearing choices etc etc I'm also going to link my own gearing guide from season to in-game in the video description for whenever you get there but again don't worry about it until you're done with season because you don't have any of these choices while in season um there's only one set of travel gear for all classes all characters and you don't have to worry about these kind of things until afterwards so hopefully you're going to have a great experience hopefully you found this helpful if you have any questions feel free to drop a comment I read everything in response to all the stuff that I can and also feel free to drop by my stream I stream at twitch 3 slash by subtunes primes several times a week and welcome to video peace [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 129,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Desert, BDO, BlackDesert, Blackdesertonline, Black Desert Online, beginner, new player guide, season, do dont
Id: 0NymZOOmPkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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