Quick Start Guide: How To Use Google Ads Keyword Planner To Find Profitable Keywords

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hey everyone Jason here digital marketing consultant and in this Google Ads keyword planner video we're gonna be going through a dead simple process for finding your most profitable keywords for your PPC campaigns or for your SEO optimized blog posts now unlike some other tutorials you may have seen in the past for keyword planner we're not gonna dive into all of the features keyword planner has to offer us instead we're gonna 8020 this process and hone in on on a few powerful features and key metrics to look at to find your most profitable keywords now if you're just getting started with Google PPC make sure you check out the link in the description to a full video on how to get up and running with Google Ads profitably the first time and if you're doing SEO make sure you check out the link in the description to how to get Google Analytics installed properly on your WordPress site so with that before we dive into my screen here we walk through how to use it there is one key to remember as we go through this entire process and that is to remember that every keyword we look at is a representation of a person who has a question they want information and this is where user intent is so important so just because a keyword looks great from a technical standpoint the impressions look good or maybe the cost per click looks good maybe the SEO competition is super low doesn't necessarily mean we should jump on the keyword now more on that in a bit but it's important to remember as we dive in so with that let's go ahead jump into my screen and I'll walk you through the entire process and step number one is of course navigating to keyword planner if you don't already have a Google Ads account all you need to do is Google search Google Ads and you'll be able to set one up for free it will ask you to enter payment information but you're gonna want to do that in order to get some of this data so we went up to tools and we just clicked on keyword planner where we will have the option to resume a plan if we've been playing with anything in the past find keywords or get search volume and forecasts the search volume and forecast is what you can do after you already have your keywords here we're actually gonna be looking for our keywords so I'll go ahead and click find keywords and then we'll be able to start typing in our keywords so here what you want to do is choose two to three keywords that best represent the product or service you're promoting if you're doing pay-per-click or best represent the type of blog posts that you're going to write if you're doing SEO here I'm gonna skip ahead and for this example I'm going to be trying to sell pay-per-click services so I'll type in Google Ads management I'll try PPC management agency and let's try lead generation services go ahead and click enter and then we'll search and we'll talk in a little bit why I chose these specific keywords so - just a brief overview there are only a couple things we really need to make sure that we have in our settings correctly number one is location so if you're a particular zip code state or region this is where you're going to want to adjust that so you're looking at the proper numbers this is mostly if you're doing pay-per-click make sure the English is correct and make sure search networks is on Google you don't want search partners because that's just going to muck up our data now scrolling down here these are all of the keywords that Google has come up with based upon the three and you see we have you know fourteen hundred here so there is a lot of data and key words to go through and this is why you really only want to start with two or three otherwise you're gonna have this long list and we're gonna be here all day trying to analyze things and speaking of analysis let's go ahead and take a look at this diagram to help us understand which keywords to focus on because it's very easy to get sucked into all this data and all these potential keywords and forget why we're actually doing it and we really want to make sure that we're choosing the right kinds of keywords that are going to get us the right kinds of visitors and customers so looking at it here there are two steps to this first we're gonna look at the user and then we're gonna look at you so for the user they're two questions number one user intent why is someone typing in a search result in the first place they're looking to solve a problem simply that's why they're going to Google their life isn't complete until they get this problem solved their preferred method well this is where PPC and SEO differs right with pay-per-click you're looking for someone who's going to buy you want someone who's looking to buy a product or service to solve their problem or fulfill their desire immediately with SEO keywords you're targeting people who want to solve their problem but they're looking to just learn more abuse are creating in-depth tutorials are helpful to educating a potential buyer whereas keywords you immediately want to send them to your ecommerce product page or your services page to generate a lead and get them on the phone for you what you want to do is whether your PPC or SEO you want to look at that user intent from your eyes right so if with PPC the user intent is to buy a solution well are they looking for your specific solution with SEO they're looking to obtain information is the information they're looking for relevant to ultimately helping them make a buying decision with whatever your product or services are for instance we are a marketing agency but it wouldn't make any sense for us to make any content about Twitter or Target anyone who's looking to hire a Twitter manager because we don't do any anything with Twitter and with the key metrics for PPC we're gonna look at cost per click and this is just what is our budget and then SEO we're gonna be looking at competition timestamp if you need to come back to this diagram but this is how we're gonna analyze all of our keywords and it really is this simple we're just making sure that what the user is looking for and what we ultimately want out of the search result are one in the same so we'll scroll down here and I'll go through quickly this is going to be for PPC example so PPC management agency Google Ad Manager lead generation services these all represent someone who's looking for someone to help manage their pay-per-click campaigns these are all would be great keywords to try going after for our advertising campaign but if we go down a little further we see lead generation and this keyword although it has a lot of traffic is useless to us because we don't know what this person is looking for PPC agency we can kind of go out on a limb and say they're probably looking for a pay-per-click agency to help them manage why would they be searching for an agency if they weren't interested or at least entertaining the idea of hiring an agency right but with lead generation or if we go down here b2b lead generation we don't know they might be searching that for any number of reasons and it's not specific enough for us to either write a blog post for or even bid on for pay-per-click now before we start filtering out these keywords and really dial into the ones we should be looking for what I do want to point out is if you've already have a keyword in your account with your pay-per-click campaigns it will let you know so for here you can see PPC management company apparently it's already in one of my ad groups so that can help you make sure that you're not doubling up your keywords because it can be hard to keep track of so we have 1,400 keywords the best way to filter is to start to zero in on or exclude it's different phrases so we'll come in here and we'll go key will click on keyword text and we'll say keyword text contains here I want someone who's looking for an agency management or services so I'm gonna jump ahead with all of those and now that I've added management agency and services my keyword list has gone from 1,400 down to 267 much more manageable this means every single keyword that Google's showing us right now either has the word management agency or services and this is a great way for setting up our PPC campaign is now we know they were much more likely to come across keywords that represent someone who's looking for an agency and there is a lot of trial and error here right so we can go ahead and try taking off agency we see we only lost seven keywords and if we take away management now we're down to just a hundred and one keywords so there are a lot of things you can do with the filter also if you come across a keyword that you don't want for example in this particular instance even though it's already filtered out I would come in here keyword text and I would say does not contain you know training courses or tutorial right you need to do this for individual each individual one that you you want to filter out but these would be types of things we'll get to when we talk about SEO and blog post but here we don't really want those keywords so I could go ahead and click apply here I think a hundred keywords is good so now let's go ahead and briefly show you what happens when we do the plan overview now you can filter of course by bids because these numbers can get really scary really fast when you look at something like $52 a click for the top of the page and this is what the range of what you'd be paying per click however I highly recommend focusing in on keywords that have at least you know 100 or 500 searches per month and really just ignore the bid range because those bid ranges are just estimates so you can see here even we've dialed this in there are a lot of keywords that are less than a hundred those are probably going to be a waste of time I'm really just gonna focus on these top four because appointment setting services that doesn't really have anything to do with you know advertising management and lead gen are BtoB lead generation services while it looks good it only gets a hundred and seventy searches per month so I'm probably gonna have a campaign that's sitting there doing almost nothing so this is where I would try and focus with a small budget you notice the search volumes are very low but we're being very targeted with what we want so we're much more likely to get a qualified lead out of these and the way to do this is we can just go ahead and click and at the end of this tutorial I'll go through how to actually create your entire campaign inside of keyword planner and we're just gonna click Add to plan so it's gonna add our keywords and for PPC this isn't gonna apply to SEO we can go and click on plan overview and Google's gonna tell us what we can expect to see in terms of results based upon the keywords we've chosen and you can click this little down arrow and adjust your budget so you can adjust the budget up or down and this is really great especially if you're on a tight budget and you're trying to figure out well if I spend six hundred and forty dollars next month how many clicks and how much am I going to pay for it should I expect so in this instance if I we spent six hundred forty dollars next month we'd expect to pay about four dollars per click and get a hundred and fifty clicks so it's really great to actually scroll down here and see the breakdown of what Google thinks is going to cost for each keyword so if you see a keyword that's gonna be eating up the majority of your budget like lead generation services is what's eating up the majority of my budget maybe in this particular instance I'm gonna take off lead generation services because when we're just trying to figure out what keywords gonna work it doesn't make sense to spend more than half our budget on one keyword we'd go back and find some other keywords that are in 150 or $60 range that way we have more chances to find a great keyword as opposed to investing a lot in one keyword and hoping this keyword really performs for us now I know this may seem simple however this is really all it takes to begin to find profitable keywords or your campaign use this diagram make sure that you're really looking for is the user looking for your product or service specifically and then use the projection tools once you've chosen keywords to make sure that you're not going to spend too much money on one keyword we want to get a nice spectrum of keywords to test so that we have more data and then we'll know in the future hey maybe it would be worth trying lead generation services after we already know which one of these works so I'm gonna go back to keyword ideas here and now we're gonna talk about what we would do if we were doing this for SEO so I'm gonna go all the way out I'm gonna click on keyword planner again and let's say we're doing this for SEO and this is gonna be significantly quicker because I actually have a much better way for you to go about doing this and it's actually really surprising that nobody talks about it so here instead of looking for keywords that are around a management agency we look for keywords of people who just don't know what Google Ads are or they want to know if Google ads are good for their business and this is going to be a lot more subjective which means we can go what our Google ads or we could go Google Ads tutorial and Google ads for business right so we're just typing in very general things because we're trying to get a feel for what kind of content we could we create for a potential customer or client that could position you as an expert or an authority and help them make a buying decision and here's why I actually don't like using Google planner keyword planner for this type of keyword research because as you can see most of these keywords aren't really all that helpful in terms of figuring out what type of content to create so the only thing that I recommend doing here is coming in here and adding common phrases like how to or what is to see if you can find some diamonds in the rough and just adding how-to and what is we've gone from 1,500 keywords down to 313 and here we can actually start to get some decent ideas on potential topics that we could create a blog post on now we do want to make sure that the keyword makes sense like how to do advertisement and probably not as good as how to set up Google ad campaign or how to use Google AdWords effectively personally I really like this keyword even though it's only getting 40 monthly searches and this is where we're gonna ignore monthly searches for SEO because even if you do have the ability to see the monthly searches if you just set up an account you'll just see a range these are always almost always inevitably off because these are really just focused this data is for advertisers it's not for people who are trying to rank organically and the competition is medium you want medium or low for your competition and so how to use AdWords effectively would be a good post especially if we wanted to educate people on why AdWords was such an effective advertising platform and it would be a great stepping stone for someone to go from I don't know if AdWords is for me to okay yeah maybe I should hire someone to test it out for my business now while typing in how to and what is is a great way to kind of filter these results down and you can see the general competition you know medium and low at the end of the day this is not designed for SEO and it actually kind of drives me nuts that so many people try and use this for SEO this data should be taken with a grain of salt for finding keywords for your SEO strategy the best way to find keywords for your SEO strategy and the best way to come up with blog posts ideas is the google search box I know I'm gonna get some eight in the comments here I know it seems super basic I know it's not sexy but this is going to be your most effective way to find great keywords so for example I'm gonna type in Google Ads tutorial and then see what comes up after that and these would all be keywords that I would want to explore for example coming down here Google's shopping ads tutorial would be the first one I would actually look at I mean these are relatively obvious but I come in here and say Oh giggles shopping ads tutorial Google's just told me that a google shopping ads tutorial is something people want just like they want a display ads tutorial and most the keyword tools that people are using out there are going to give them these and they'll give them these as well but these two are the ones that you really want to look at because they're so specific so I know that can seem like a bit of a cop-out but really this is where most of your SEO research should come from not from the Google Keyword planner but if you insist on using Google Keyword planner for your SEO then this would be the best way to do it just type in a couple of basic phrases and then go how to or what is and you'll get the searches that are represent people who are looking for information versus trying to buy something now I'm gonna go out again and we're gonna wrap up here with how to actually create your campaign if you're doing PPC inside of keyword planner and we can actually start creating our campaign right now so we're gonna come in here and click on PPC services we're gonna skip lead generation because we saw that it was gonna be way too expensive and what I recommend is no more than five keywords in one ad group and the keywords need to be very very compact so if we had more than four keywords I would actually put PPC services BBC management services in the same ad group because management is just a extra descriptor to the core keyword that is PPC services for this particular example we're gonna get nice and granular so I'm going to create a new ad group and just name the ad group the keyword and then we're going to click on the type four here we want exact match and phrase match so I'm actually gonna do both here exact match and then click Add to plan so it's added the keywords to our plan and now we can see it's in our plan but I'm gonna go ahead and click on it again and I'm gonna make sure I'm still on PPC services we did exact match now we're gonna do phrase match and I'm gonna add to plan so I'm going to make sure that I have an exact match and a phrase match for each one of my ad groups so I'm going to come down here and do the exact same thing again the difference is I'm gonna create a new ad group so this is going to be PPC management services I'm gonna create we're going to do exact match and I'm gonna add it to the plan and then I'll come and just click on it one more time make sure I'm on the correct ad group that I just made and now I'm going to select phrase match and I'm going to click Add to plan and we'll go down the list and we'll do this I'll just do this one more time and we'll create ad group shortened management because the name will get way too long and then we'll go ahead and click exact match ad to plant and then we can go ahead and come in here do the exact same thing and do phrase match and add to plan and this will be important in terms of making sure that we don't use broad and we don't waste our valuable ad dollars so we have three ad groups that we just set up the other cool thing is we're gonna come down here appointment services we don't want this keyword for some reason Google put this keyword with these other keywords so we don't want anyone who is searching for appointment services so we can come over here to more options ad as negative keyword and AD as exact match and you'll see now it's a negative keyword and we can actually go down and do this for other keywords that we know we don't want to show up for like tell sale services and India and maybe we don't want anything specific like healthcare or contractor we're just having a general landing page so we can just go in here and click exact and now we have some keywords keywords are a great way to make sure that you're not showing up for phrases that just have nothing to do with what you need now we can go ahead and click on our plan overview here and we can see our projections of course we can play with our budget again the difference is this time when we click on ad groups we're actually going to be able to see our ad groups we can change how much we're willing to pay per click and then we can also go in and take a look at our individual keywords and modify how much we're gonna pay for each one of our keywords the other thing we want to do is double check locations right so if you're targeting specific areas make sure that that targeting is corrected here because these settings are going to be ported over when you create your plan so we can go ahead and click create our campaign give our campaign a name set your daily custom budget click Save and now all that's left to do is to create some ads which if you want to know how to make ads go and check out the comprehensive Google Ads tutorial in the description and that will go over how to actually write your ads but when you click create ads you'll be taken to this page you'll select the ad group that you want and then you'll go ahead and start writing in all of your ads and that's all there is to it to finding your most profitable keywords with Google Keyword planner so thank you so much for watching if you got some you out of this video go and hit that like button and subscribe for more digital marketing tactics and strategies just like the ones covered in this video if you are new to google adwords make sure you check out the link in the description to a full video on how to set up your first campaign and if you're doing SEO and blogs make sure you get Google Analytics installed properly on your WordPress site link in the description to that tutorial as well so go ahead and hit that like button comment below if you have any questions subscribe if you got some value and as always keep building the business you love [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jason Whaling
Views: 46,186
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Whaling, JasonWhaling.com, google keyword planner, keyword research, google adwords, google adwords keyword planner, how to do keyword research with Google adwords, google adwords keyword tool, how to use google adwords, how to use google adwords keyword planner 2018
Id: ZaXjdGuE2eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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