Google Ads (AdWords) Tutorial 2020 [Step-by-Step]

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so in this video I'm going to show you everything that you need to know a step-by-step process of using google adwords and look this could seem a little bit intimidating at first I know when I first started running ads on Google it just looked very confusing and the platform was difficult to understand but I promise you that if you watch this video through not only are you going to have the basics of how to use google ads but you're actually going to learn some different advanced tactics that we've used to increase profit margins to reach more people and get better conversion rates all around the board so I want to walk you through as simple as possible here if you're new here to the channel you want to learn more about this type of content make sure you subscribe to the channel drop a like if you find any value in it and let's just get started here now if at any time you find me talking a little bit too fast I apologize I get a little bit excited sometimes so I'm trying to get you the most value here for your time but if you need to you can just slow down the video to 0.75 speed or you can go back and re-watch some of this but let's go through this process here the first thing you need to do obviously is to make sure that you have a Google account right so most people have a gmail if you don't have one you're gonna have to sign up for one and then you're going to go to ads and once you get to this page you're gonna go up to the corner here and click start now now there's a couple of things that we want to be careful of when we go through this process of beginning our ads journey and it's on it's important understand that everybody has different sort of goals maybe you're a plumber and you want to get more leads more more clients in your local say Philadelphia or New York area and then maybe you're somebody who has no physical service business not tied down to one location but you'd rather go for say an e-commerce business where you're selling washing machines or something just obscurity I don't know but whatever you're doing it's all going to be sort of funneled into this video here so this will fit everybody's business model here or if you're running a political campaign you want to run some ads anything should really fit into this video here so we're going to start our campaign right here and so we're creating our first campaign and it's going to try to walk us through like a nice little easy way to do this but because you're watching this video and you want to just get to it what we're gonna do is we're gonna scroll down here and click a switch to expert mode okay now this is what I would recommend for people even when you're getting started because I'm gonna walk you through a bunch of bunch of through different hoops and it just kind of gets annoying so switch to expert mode because you're watching this video you should be able to handle it but we can get to making those ads much quicker and get to what we actually want to do now I want to remind you that when you're running ads and there's a number of different ads that we have available to us right here but I want to remind you that your first ad it might not be the most optimized ad out there and this is something important to to realize because I think sometimes people think that they need to create this perfect ad and the first one that they try is going to have the best conversion rate and they're gonna be a genius about it but even the the master marketers in the world people who are spending billions of dollars for their company for marketing they understand the idea of using something called split testing and a B testing and so this is essentially what this means is that look the first ads that you make on Google AdWords here they might not be the best ads and in fact you might end up losing money you might not make as many sales that's what you use for those ads but guess what happens you start to get better you start to tweak them and over time they start to become more and more and more profitable once you find those exact keywords that people are looking for what they're willing to click on and the conversion rates behind that so don't be sort of you know feeling bad if you find yourself in a position where you watch this video you run a couple of different ads on Google and you find yourself you know not making as much money or not getting as many conversions a lot of that just comes with time so so don't sort of fall into that trap of just thinking that Google ads are not ever going to work for yourself okay so we have a bunch of different options right here so we have sales leads website traffic product and brand consideration brand awareness app promotion what we're going to do for this is we're gonna go for website traffic you know I know a lot of people have different things that they might be doing but landing something on your website is a great way to at least get more publicity and hopefully get people to call you whatever it might be let's just go for website traffic for this now we're gonna have a bunch of different options here I and if you're not going for website traffic just to clarify here you can just create an account without a campaign and that works totally fine as well but we can select our different campaign types here what I would suggest doing for people who are just starting off with Google Ads and they're just trying to feet wet trying to get into it obviously just going for search based ads there's a lot of different types out there you can do display you can either run YouTube ads so video shopping what I would do is just stick with search base for now it's the simplest most common-sense approach to doing this and what I mean by this is let's open up a new tab here let's type in men's watches right so the search based ads or all these ones that are popping up at the top here right so we see this ad right here so we see this ad right here right and we see these three ads right here at the top these are search based ads and so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to show you how to craft these ads how to get the best words in there really packing a punch but more importantly how we can use these to really get better conversion rates okay so let's go back and let's click on search based ads and then we're gonna put in our businesses website know so for this example we're just going to use something arbitrary here so let's say we're using a website called men's watches for you this is a terrible website name but I just totally made this up right now and I don't know if this is a real website but this is just for the purpose of this video let's say that you are selling watches for men and you have a number of different products and you're selling but you're going after the watch market which trust me there's a lot of money in that niche so let's click continue here and then we're gonna get rolling with actually creating this first ad now keep in mind that look this first ad like I said this is not going to be the final product because what we need to do is you need to go through this creating a campaign of using our Google Ads account so that we can start to use something called the Google Keyword planner so we're gonna really look for a lot of keywords here so we can optimize our ads as best as possible okay so our goal here it's website traffic let's just keep our campaign name as men's watches and then we're gonna go through and we're gonna unclick search Network and Display Network now I see people just keep this sometimes this this essentially is if it's outside of Google so if you're on a different site and you see this on the sidebar somewhere this isn't something that I necessary recommend and I see a lot of people recommending against it as well when we're going after is the people who go on to Google and they search for men's watches in this case and we're popping up at the top there for one of our ads okay so we're not gonna want to be in their search networks or their display networks for other websites okay so that's just what we want to do here you might decide to change these settings at some point or if they can convert better for your specific business then totally go for it it's up to you this is not a set in stone what works and what doesn't work for Google Ads there's a lot of things that definitely vary from place to place in business to business now when we go to these these more settings here there's a couple things we can look at one of them is the start date in the end date okay now the end date I would actually suggest setting this for maybe a week out two weeks out what's good about this is that if you can set an end date if something happens say you get locked out of your account you forget or maybe you just end up not having access to internet for the next couple weeks I don't know why but Google if you don't set an end date will just continue to run these ads charge your credit card continuously so while having an end date is just going to help sort of prevent you know something happening and then you not being able to get in your account for a month and you just getting charged by Google every single day for running ads so our start date we're gonna set for today but let's set our end date for maybe January 4th so we're just gonna run ad for what's that about 11 days that's pretty short I generally keep this a little bit longer but just for the hell of this video we'll keep it dad but then we're gonna go down in four locations this is an important factor here but when you want to look at is if you and I don't tell people how to run their business but I know for myself that I generally only will run ads in the US if you are selling a physical product and you're running ads in say India but you live in America and you're selling a product that is going to cost a lot more to ship to India or to other countries in the world then it might not be very worth it from a business standpoint so I'm targeting people in the US obviously if you have a local business if if you were a plumber in the city of Philadelphia you're going to want to go after Philadelphia right you want to go to the Philadelphia ZIP code in that specific area but you also want to realize that as you get more niched down as you get more sort of focused on one specific country once one zip code that's actually going to end up likely in both cases costing you more money when you're running ads okay so keeping it kind of broad can be helpful if you have a product that's pretty broad but I always like to keep them in the US or United States and Canada but just kind of figure that out for yourself and it depends on the product or the service that you are selling so for this because we're selling watches we're just gonna keep it us-based even though maybe we have customers overseas we just want to really go after those Americans right now because you know so around Christmas time might have some deep pockets so that's what we're going for the language is we're gonna stick with English here this is probably pretty obvious pretty straightforward obviously if you have a different language you're going after use that language but if you see something in Spanish popping up for an English search it just doesn't really make much sense right and then we're gonna go down to our budget now for this I would suggest doing for your campaign maybe about five to ten dollars a day obviously depends on on how much money you have willing to spend on your business but you want to remember that if you have a really low budget so for this let's set our daily budget to ten dollars okay but if if you set your daily budget to one dollar it's going to be difficult to see how your ads are actually working because that might only be a couple of clicks for one dollar you might pay a dollar so you get one click on your ad depending on what area it's in or even in some cases no clicks whatsoever if your campaign budget is a dollar per day so for this we're setting it for ten dollars I'm gonna show you how to do some split testing some a be testing as well later on in this video but we're setting it to ten dollars for now and then we can set a maximum cost per click so this is just kind of kind of prevent us from ending up kind of losing our shirts and end up paying like ten dollars for a single click for a watch because maybe it's a really competitive market so for this just because we're creating our first ad we can just take a guess at this and let's just say that our maximum bid is going to be a dollar twenty-five okay and once we get into this we'll learn whether a dollar twenty-five is a lot or a little depending on the watch industry and and what kind of the standard is for that so then we're going to go through and we're going to save and continue here okay now this is setting up our campaign and there's really three different layers to Google Adwords and hopefully I'm not losing here losing you here at any point I know this can be a little bit complicated maybe I'll put up a little diagram right here but essentially we have campaigns which is what we're creating now and now we're going into creating an ad group and then after that ad group we can create ads for that ad group okay so this is the part where we're actually going to enter in some keywords and phrases that we think we want to target for our ads on Google Network okay so for this because we're selling men's watches in this example we can kind of go through and sort of take a guess at what it is that we want to try to use as keywords now I don't like using guessing entirely what I would suggest doing is using Google Keyword planner but it's kind of a catch-22 because to access Google Keyword planner you need to have a Google Ads account so we're going through this right now to get access to that Google Keyword planner now there's also a lot of other different tools you can use like keywords i/o or you can use some other ones as well I think Neil Patel has some really good ones I think it's super suggest that he has that's really good for fun you different keywords but right now we're just gonna go through here and add a couple of phrases or keywords that we think of that come off the top of our heads okay so let's start with maybe men's watches so men's watches maybe we'll go for men's luxury watches watches for men but there's really okay so if you look down here you'll see three different things right here so there's keyword equals broad match what does that mean that means that what we're typing in right here this is just a broad match so this could come up anywhere within when somebody searching on Google and if it's anything closely related to this it will show your ad now if we put parentheses on there that is going to be a phrase match okay so that's a little bit more niche down essentially what that's going to be is if they see that combination of those keywords they're going to run an ad on that and then we have brackets which is the exact match I like to use brackets a lot because I know exactly what I'm getting so if we put brackets around this it's going to limit it to this exact phrase that we're using okay so this is really helpful to kind of figure out what's going to work best for you but having those brackets around is go he when people search for watches for men they have to write watches for men for your ad to show up in Google if if they're typing in watch for men instead of not watches for men your ads not going to show up and when you use these brackets okay so using brackets using parentheses or using nothing it's going to have a difference there when you're actually creating this ad group okay so you want to just remember that going forward okay so this is gonna show us that our daily estimates are about 124 clicks at a cost of nine dollars maybe cents which is only about eight cents per click that's not too bad for this depending on how much we're selling these watches for obviously but let's just save and continue this just for the purpose of this video so we can continue to move on here now we're actually creating our ad now like I said because this is your first ad it's important to think pretty heavily about what it is that you're going to use for the headlines we're going to use for the descriptions but at the same time there's going to be some a be testing some split testing where maybe you make your first ad and you make a couple different ads here right because this is our first ad that we're making right here but with this ten dollars that we're spending per day we can actually split this to run multiple different ads to see which one performs best and whatever ad performs best is the one that we can put more money into and then kind of forget about the other one so we're start to tweak the other ones so that they all perform very very well hopefully you see where I'm coming from here so let's create our ad right here and for this because our site is men's watches for you I don't know if somebody actually owns this site if they do if I get in some traffic here but so the headline that we're gonna do is let's get something sort of catchy a little bit click baby but nothing too spammy in a sense so let's say we want to go for luxury men's watches right ' then men's watches right so that's headline one and then headline two with making something that's pretty attractive like free worldwide shipping let's do so something sort of attractive that you can put in those front two headlines there so now we go onto google and if somebody's seeing my ad right here it's gonna say luxury men's watches free worldwide shipping looks kind of attractive maybe we could make it better this is just making this video right now we're just doing this off the customers so you know we can make it a lot better and then we can add another headline if we would like to but we're gonna go through here and fill out the descriptions so what do we want to put in here maybe you know the best or let's do the number one luxury watch brand in the world and then in description 2 we can do say made in Switzerland right or handcrafted in Switzerland that'd just be an example that we could pull off here but you can see that we are putting in a couple of different headlines and then we're putting it in our descriptions and then we're gonna save and continue' it now we're almost done here for creating our very first ad but this is just really the beginning there's so many advanced settings that we're going to need to go through this is your your payment info so with this I would suggest finding a promo code I see a lot of promotional codes where you'll get like $100 in Google AdWords credits wonderful I would definitely look into that just do like a quick google search for Google Ads credits especially for your first time user and then go from here add in your credit card details your billing information and then we're gonna do after we submit this payment info it's going to put us into the Google AdWords platform and this is where it gets interesting this is we're going to show you how to use negative keywords so that you're not getting certain things so that you are not having your ads displayed on certain search terms that you don't want them on so we can use negative keywords but I'm also going to show you a number of other different things that we can use for Google AdWords to really optimize our ads that we're using okay so let's just put in our information here for our credit card and then let's move on to the next segment here all right so we just created our first campaign let's click on explore campaign here and let's start talking about some of these different things that we want to look at okay so this is our home page right here now well the first thing I'll show you is this little tab up here called tools and settings this is how you access the Google Keyword planner and this is how we can further optimize our ad that we created cuz we just did sort of like a quick and dirty a little ad that we thought of off the top of our head thought about some terms we could use so what we're going to do is we're gonna go up here to tools and settings and we're gonna click on our planning tab here which is gonna take us to the keyword planner this is one of my favorite tools I used to use this for when I would grow my youtube channel I grew that to a few hundred thousand subscribers and a lot of that was thanks to this keyword planner actually for finding terms that people use to search on Google so it's gonna show you the different traffic but it's can also going to give you a lot of different ideas for terms that you can use okay so we can get search volume and forecasts but I actually prefer to go over and discover new keywords here so this is going to allow us to see the average CPM or the average cost-per-click that you have available but also give you a number of different ideas right so let's type in men's watches and let's see what type of ideas they come up with for us okay so we're gonna get some results right here and once it loads we're gonna see a bunch of different options now first of all you're gonna see Wow okay that's a lot of traffic to this this is probably a pretty highly competitive area when it comes to watches probably because a lot of watches are pretty expensive especially you get a Rolex you know like a protect or something you're looking at like twenty thirty forty thousand dollars right but you look at Michael Kors Gucci watch a Casio watch right these are getting almost a hundred thousand searches per month but they're all very very high competition so what we can also do is we can go through and maybe try to find something that's a little bit more niche down so if we type in say men's luxury watches and then search for that and we're gonna see some different search terms that come up for this but then we can just kind of get different ideas now generally it is good to have lower competition because what that's going to mean is that there's going to be a slower sort of cost per click because if you look at these ones with high competition the bid range here the high range for some of these bids is almost $10 which means you're gonna be paying a hell of a lot of money for some of these different things if if people are searching for luxury watch brands and the average cost-per-click is somewhere between two dollars and twenty seven cents and seven dollars and twenty-nine cents you better be ready to pay quite a bit of money for that okay so we can go through here and find some ones that are relatively lower competition we can sort all of this which is really cool through this Google Keyword planner so we can see ones with a lower competition higher competition and this is gonna give us a pretty good idea looking at all these different rates and then how we can find ones that will really fit into our and that we want to create so once we kind of add some of these we can say alright I like this one I like this one we're just going through here and just clicking a couple random ones for the sake of this video and then we can add them to an ad group right so this is really cool that we can do this but we're gonna create a new ad group here called called ads - all right create that and we just add of those to that ad group right there like that and that's going to allow us to then run ads for that specific ad group from those specific terms to hopefully kind of get more niche down for that so hopefully that's making sense to you right now and if we go back to what we were looking at from the Google ads platform so if we X out of the keyword planner which I suggest doing a lot of research on this you're going to find so much great value in using this but let's go back now and let's go to the primary page here and it looks like they suspended my account because I put in some different credit card information make sure that's accurate credit card information that you put in protip there so what we're gonna do is is we're gonna click on keywords right over here on the sidebar we're going to click on keywords and now we're going to add negative keywords on to our ads okay and what this will do is it'll actually allow us to essentially block certain keywords that people are searching for so that we don't end up in something that's not relevant to our ads so go up here right on the screen here and click negative keywords hopefully see where my mouse is right here negative keywords okay when you click on that we can add negative keywords okay so we're gonna go through and let's add it to our campaign here and let's say that we don't want our ads showing up when somebody types in the word coupon right or somebody types in the word say Amazon because if you're selling a product and you're using your own site but they want to buy it on Amazon say the type in men's luxury watches Amazon and then you show up it might not be very relevant and you might end up having people just accidentally clicking on your link without you know purposely doing that and then clicking off and it's not going to be a good look all around the board right so go through here and add some negative keywords that you just don't think would be very good for your business once again if you're a plumber in Philadelphia then you could block some different negative keywords like some different areas around the city that you don't want to drive to say New Jersey right you don't want to do business in New Jersey so you put a negative keyword in here for New Jersey okay so that's a perfect example what you could do there then we can go down we can save this and that's going to block certain keywords when we're running ads okay so like I said earlier guys the whole strategy here is to start doing some split testing start doing some different things where we have these different ad groups we start to run different ads under those ad groups to hopefully find ones that are going to perform the best so this 10 dollar budget should allow us to hopefully run I would argue to say about three to four ads at the same time I wouldn't spread it out too thin where if you have a ten dollar budget and you try to run ten or twenty different ads that could be only 50 cents per day per ad and that could be difficult to actually see any real results from there because you won't know if you only got five clicks in a span of a week from an ad was it a good ad was it a bad ad how well was it converting there's not that much data to actually see how well it was doing so with a ten dollar budget I would try to go with a couple of different ads to two three or four and to be the perfect number from what I've seen from my experience so hopefully you found some value in this we're gonna go more in depth in first in in future videos on this channel if you're interested in learning more about running ads so what does that be on Facebook on on Google Instagram YouTube it's all going to be covered in this channel if you have any questions leave them down in the comment section below we do our best to get back to everyone as soon as possible sometimes you can get a little bit difficult but we are really looking forward to helping you guys out here this is all free content we don't sell anything here and hopefully you found some value in this I promise you once you start to just learn more about this and start to navigate it's just going to become easier and eventually you just become an act Varane it just by simply doing this and practicing and rinsing and repeating everything that's going on here so thanks for watching the video thanks for subscribing to the channel and I'll see everybody in the next video
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 490,518
Rating: 4.9110308 out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media, adwords, google ads, google ads tutorial, google advertising tutorial, google adwords, google adwords campaign, google adwords help, google adwords tips, google adwords training, google adwords tutorial, google adwords tutorial for beginners, google marketing, google marketing tutorial, google pay per click, google ppc tutorial, google ads 2020
Id: WmepvHQOHXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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