Facebook Ads Tutorial 2020 - How to Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE)

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sup guys Jordan here today we're going to be going through Facebook Ads literally everything you need to know to get set up start running them learn about creatives targeting the whole lot this is the most valuable Facebook Ads video I have ever made for my youtube channel but before we get into the video make sure you are subscribed with your notification belt turned on and let's get started with it okay now first of all this video is for everyone whether you're an agency owner running ads on behalf of clients or whether you're a business owner running ads for yourself this is going to help you create your first ever ad get yourself set up learn about targeting learn about creatives learn about all the stuff that we use in my personal agency the affluent agency to generate millions in revenue for our clients all over the world every single year now whatever you're doing right now I want you to close all your tabs put your phone away get your notepad out and write this stuff down because this is a heavy video there's so much for you to learn and I'm not holding anything back I'm literally giving you it all in this video it's pure actionable value and in fact we're going to waste no more time let's jump straight into the presentation right now okay so we're gonna dive straight in with this training no fluff whatsoever I want to make sure there is as much actionable valuable advice as possible in this video so we're gonna cram loads in I'm gonna be talking at a thousand miles an hour because I do anyway if I am speaking too fast for you please do watch me on a different playback speed or watch this video back again because I don't want this to be hours and hours long so Facebook advertise I'm gonna start off with some key stats on the Facebook advertising it is without a doubt the most lucrative advertising platform in the world right now on the right hand side this is an example of a Facebook advert from a company called hellofresh they are a meal prep company this is what's called a carousel ad and it what that basically means is an ad which has multiple images and they're trying to get people to enroll into their meal prep so that's just an example of a facebook at work right now now 80% of the internet use Facebook 80% of everybody in the world who used the Internet uses Facebook which is huge 93% of marketers digital marketers use Facebook as an advertising platform if you have business or an agency and you are not advertising on Facebook you are literally leaving thousand a pound on the table there are 1.9 billion people that you can potentially reach through Facebook advertising now the average CPC for Facebook CPC is cost-per-click that's how much it costs for you to get somebody to click and visit your website from an advert that's 80 cent globally 80 cents to get one of your potential customers or your clients potential customers to visit their website or your website right and the CPM the cost per reaching 1000 impressions on global averages is $5 to reach 1,000 people in a targeted audience which is absolutely insane I mean that can be as low as 20 cents in some places and it does depend on demand it depends on country it depends on the industry some industries cost a lot more than others because there's much more demand for advertising in those individual industries so that's um just key stats on Facebook advertising right here now the other thing you need to understand is how Facebook Ads manager business manager all these things that you may have heard before how this is actually structured how does the Facebook advertisement platform at work before we go on to it now there is a structure okay right at the top we have the Facebook business manager then we have Facebook's ad manager then we have an ad account then we have ad campaigns we have ad set to me ever ABB's we're gonna be just running through all of these right now for you so you have an understanding before we go on the actual platform itself because you need to know what it is you're doing it's all well and good me saying click here click here click here but if you don't understand why you're clicking now in the first place this is useless information so business manager this is where we're going to create an account first of all this is where you manage your agency's advertising account so if you were a marketing agency owner and you are advertising for multiple clients or you're looking to advertise for multiple clients everybody has a business manage but this is basically the management of your agency this is the umbrella over everything you do within Facebook advertisement then we have ad manager and this is the host of your ad account and where you manage them you have a ad account for every single client so an ad account is essentially where you manage all of your ads for your clients or for your businesses if you have multiple businesses and you only have one ad account per client because you want to make sure that that stays really really need you don't want to be messing about with multiple clients on one ad account because if you become a logistical nightmare trust me you don't want to do that and then we have ad campaigns so this is actually these last free up all within the the ad structure the ad framework itself so we have ad campaigns which is the type of advert you're actually running so this could be a traffic ad which is driving traffic from Facebook to a website or an external link then or we could have engagement advert which is an advert go into an image or a video trying to get lodged comments shares whatever that may be we then have the ad set and that is what audience were actually targeting with our ad and then finally we have the ad itself so what your ad visually looks like okay so just like that hellofresh example i just showed you we're gonna be running through all of this in this video so you can imagine why I'm trying to cram this all in for you guys okay now this is like in an ideal world this is not an ideal world but this is how it's all laid out in a hierarchy okay so we have business manager ad manager ad account campaign ad set an ad right but in realistic terms let's say you're working with two clients or you have two businesses you're running ads for this is what its gonna look like okay so we have business manager up the top we have ad manager which is the management of our ad accounts let's say we have two clients we then have an ad account for client a ad account for client B and we have multiple ads running for those clients okay with Facebook advertisement the key is that we want to test as much as humanly possible we want to test out different visuals we want to test out different audiences because what we think will perform well isn't what actually will we need to we need to use what's called the rule of large numbers okay so we need to test out large amounts of ads to large amounts of audiences to make sure that we find that one cream-of-the-crop ad which is going to make our client or ourselves thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars okay so inside the ad account we might have two different campaigns these might be different objectives one of these might be an engagement campaign this one might be a traffic campaign inside that we might be testing out two different audiences to that traffic campaign and inside them audiences we might be testing up two different creatives so what actually ends up as one two three four five six seven eight ads for this one client depending on the budget okay so in a realistic terms when you've got a busy agent see this is what it's realistic ly gonna look like when you have a client because you can have multiple ads running of course there is no set number for how many ads you should be running at one time it depends on the budget but this is what the structure is is roughly going to look like just giving you an idea of a hierarchy of the different platforms that there are on Facebook so I'm gonna make this visual for you now I'm gonna show you how to actually set this stuff up and how to create your first advert running through tag saying running through the actual visuals we're gonna go through everything today we're going to cram it all in so let's come off the presentation and I've got a business manager open right now so whether you are a business or an agency owner you need to go over to business doctor facebook.com it's gonna bring you through to this website the first thing you need to do is look in with your private Facebook account I do not recommend look at assets all the time should you create a separate Facebook account for your business manager for your advertisement short no because you will get banned on Facebook Facebook do not like you having duplicate accounts so make sure you use your personal account is actually nothing that could go wrong with this okay so make sure you use your personal account do not create a fake account because it will get banned eventually and that's when you get headaches okay now once you've done that you want to click in the top right corner here create account and you're gonna be asked to create your business manager account the business name either wants to be your business name or your agency name put your name in there now I'm actually logged in on my brother's profile because he's got a brand new fresh account and it's gonna look visually more like it would for you guys with me I've got it had a two and a half year old account there's tons of stuff on there tens and tens of clients thousands of ads and so it's just an absolute mess but don't want to overwhelm you so I'm doing this with a completely clean account so wholly plastun and we've got the business email address you put your business email address in click Next now I'm not going to do that right now because I cannot well I can but I don't want to create another ad account because I've already done one so let's just go next is it gonna let me okay no it's not gonna let me okay so what would happen then you click Freight account you go next and you would then be asked to put in your website URL now with the website URL either paste your agency website or your business website if you have one if you don't have one paste your Facebook profile URL that'll be absolutely fine once you've done that you are literally going to be brought through to the business manager okay and it's gonna bring you through to I'll bring up the home page of the business manager let's go on this it's gonna bring you through to this screen okay so you have your business manager dashboard and I'm just gonna run you through quickly how to actually set up your business manager for the first time if you have never done this before now you'll notice there are pop-ups everywhere okay you can be guided through the process through Facebook Facebook have built in training Korda Facebook blueprint really really great training you can click this button in the bottom left corner here Help Center you can go through the guided Facebook process but I'm gonna shortcut it for you get rid of the fluff and so what you want to do first of all is you want to go over to your business settings on the left hand side so we have our navigation bar on the left hand side this is where we select where we want to go to and then we have whatever it is that we're working on at the time in at the middle here so let's go over to business settings this is the settings for your business manager now a few things that you need to do when you're first setting up your account okay the first thing you want to do is make sure you are actually added to the account so you want to make sure that your name is here you want to make sure that you have admin access and if you don't if you need extra people in here let's say you need team members this is where you can click add and you can add them in you can give them employee access or even full admin access all you need to do is enter their Facebook email address and click Next and it's going to add them in to your business manager you can have multiple people using your business manager let's say you've got somebody running your ads for you or you have a marketing manager you need to add in here or somebody who just wants to oversee this you've got a business partner or whatever you can add them in here we only have partners so if you're working with a marketing agency or you are partnered up with another marketing agency you can add a nother business manager account to partner up with you and they'll be able to access your business manager we didn't have pages now this is really important you need to add a page to your business manager so if you're an agency owner add your bit agency facebook business page this is really really important so click add and click add a page okay that's what you need to do and if you're a business owner you need to click add and click add a page type in at the page and add it to here okay you need to have a page associated with your business manager run in a second we didn't go on an account now of course you need to create an ad account so whether your agency own or whatever this is where you're going to be creating ad accounts for your clients or you can create an ad account for yourself if you're running adverts for yourself so you click ad and you're gonna click add an ad account now at the moment we already have an ad account under here and we're only allowed to have one ad account on here and I'm gonna talk through that in a second but you want to click add an ad account and you and they'll be able to create your first ad account if you are working with a client and you want to gain access to their ad account they're already running ads then click request access to an ad account and you'll be able to request access to somebody else's ad account they'll be able to give you this number here in ID and you'll be able to paste it into here and you can then gain access to somebody else's ad account so you don't always have to create the ad account yourself if you're working with somebody who's already running ads you can gain access to this but when you're starting off you always need to create your own ones and make sure you add an out account yourself right and what else have we got which is really important for me to show you without going into absolutely everything here No right what we're gonna do is are gonna go in business info okay now this is odd info for your business now when you first start out you are not gonna have a primary page you will not have this and instead there will be a button which will say add a primary page this is worth basically asking you what is the page to business page which is associated with your business manager account make sure you select the relevant page here because you need this to be able to start running ads now one other thing to highlight on here I mean you can add your address your website and all of that stuff but one main thing to highlight here is the ad creation limit when you make a new business manager account you'll be limited to one ad account per business manager account now you may be thinking okay I'm an agency owner Jordan how am I gonna create multiple ones all you simply need to do is start spending money on your existing ad account and actually spend that money pay that bill even if it's like five dollars and then your limit will be lifted Facebook are trying to prevent fraud they don't want people to be able to create 10 our accounts on the start so if you have one ad account spend money on that ad account pay for it and your ad croatian limit you'll notice this one will go up to probably about five and then it will increase again as you continue to spend money across your account so as simple as that that is your business manager set up you can click setup guide if you want to and you can go through any of the various training here if you need to do anything else but for the purpose of this videos to start creating out that's all you need to do now we need to access remember the hierarchy we got business manager then we're going to add manager you click the top top left corner here and we have the essentially this is just the navigation bar I don't know why these icons on coming up but they should be getting loading I'm not sure why they're not we want to go over to ads manager ok so this is where we're going to manage all of our ad accounts so this is the ad account we've only got one ad account on here if you click this drop down list though if you have multiple clients you'll be able to select between your ad accounts from this drop-down you can also change the period of the ad you're looking at and this essentially is where we are able to see all the data we have for our ads at any given time now this is a completely new ad account so there is no data to look at at the moment but what we can see is remember inside the ad account we have campaigns we have ad sets and we have ads and this is what we're going to go through right now and they teach you exactly from start to finish how to create an advert for the first time so all we need to do is either click this great ad button in the middle or click create in the top left corner no you will also notice remember from ad account we have campaigns we have ad sets we have ads which is what you can see on screen right now okay ad campaigns ad set an ad and we're going to go through how you can actually make these ads before you are able to make ads you need to add payment details on to your ad account okay now I have a full video on YouTube I'm gonna put a link or card whatever up which goes through exactly how you can add payment details on your account or you can get your clients to do that it's very very easy but it was a full video so I'm not going to go over that right now or you simply need to do is click on billing select the correct ad account in fact no yes you do you need to go over to payment settings they move this stuff all the time so payment settings on the right side and we have your payment settings here ok go on the correct ad account and there should already be payment settings set up for one of these accounts here we go so I've got some payment settings my PayPal set up on there ok all you need to do is click add payment method we do have a full video on that in YouTube to make we click that card and add your payment details really really easy to do and ok ads manager we're going to do is going to create our first ad to do that you can either click create ad in the middle or you can go on the left hand side and it's gonna first of all bring you to the campaign selection page this is where we choose what we are trying to achieve out of an advert what are we actually trying to get out of an advert are we trying to get brand awareness are we trying to get reach we want to reach as many people as possible we want to get traffic and there's a little prompt to hear some read these for every single one do we want to drive traffic from Facebook to a website do we want engagement app installs video views lead generation so we can create an actual lead forum on Facebook which will allow us to pull in customers details straight from Facebook and send that over to a spreadsheet or an email do you want messages do we want conversions like purchases do we want catalog sales or do we want store traffic ok so you need to work out what it is you're trying to achieve out an advert before you create it and this is where you choose what your marketing objective actually is now if you want to create one of these adverts on the right-hand side conversions catalog sales or store traffic you need to have something installed on your website or on your clients website called the Facebook pixel the Facebook pixel is a small piece of code which you've installed into the header of your clients website right which will enable you to track what people were doing what your potential customers are actually doing what website links they're clicking on what products they're looking at what products they're purchasing so to be able to optimize an advert for purchases facebook needs to know what a purchase actually is now let's just tell you what I'll do really quickly and instead of actually create an ad right now I'll show you what we need to do is go over to the dots here scroll down and you can go over to events manager now to add this Facebook pixel it's really really easy this piece of code all you need to do is make sure you are on the correct ad account and click ads new data source Facebook pixel you can name the pic so you can put in the website click continue and we can use we can install this manually or we can add the code using a partner integration if your website or your clients website is made with any of these tools here in case we've got Shopify what web flow what WordPress any of those right then the Facebook will automatically integrate the pixel for you if it isn't and you need to do it manually click manually install the code you can either install this code into the head of yourself or click email instructions and send this over to developer for whatever website you are trying to install the pixel on I would recommend you doing that before you run any adverts because you want to start collecting data that's when you're going to be able to retarget that's when you're going to be able to build much more comprehensive audiences so back to where we were creating an ad campaigns guys you can see how much there really is to go on here so we're selecting what our objective is now in this instance we're gonna use a traffic ad I'm going to make a dummy ad for this company here now this is a robot Hoover I've got one of these in my house they're incredible by the way I don't get paid affiliate commissions but you really need to get one I'm gonna run an ad I'm gonna show you exactly how I would run an ad for this company if I was trying to sell this Hoover today okay so this is what we're gonna make an ad for so we want to get we haven't got a pixel set up on there there yet so we can't track purchases but let's say we just want to drive traffic through to their website I'm gonna hit traffic and we need to name this campaign now make sure you name is something you're gonna remember and it's really important to stay organized because once you've got loads of ads it can get really messy if you don't name them conveniently so we can do vacuum purchases and this can be we can do this this is going to be a cold audience so an audience has never heard of the vacuum before and we're going to make sure this is a this is a traffic ad and we're just gonna keep leave it there okay so this is the vacuum purchases cold audience and traffic at ok and you can name this really whatever you want you can do something called a split test which will allow you to split to test one campaign versus another campaign but we're just gonna keep this simple for the purpose of this video and then we need to choose what our budget is going to be so I would recommend you starting off every ad on a 5 pound a day budget when you're first starting out 5 pound a day 5 dollars a day is gonna give you enough money to test properly and you don't really want to spend too much more than that because you could potentially waste a lot of money on an audience or an ad that doesn't work 5-2 pounds or five dollars a day is usually the best place to start right click setup Add Account because for the first time ever this is never used Add Account so you're gonna have to select your country you're going to select your currency and your timezone click continue it's gonna take us through the ad set so as simple as that we've already done the campaign right now we are doing in the on the ad set stage which if you remember is going through the targeting so first thing we want to do is name it so again this is gonna be vacuumed purchases so make sure you remember this and this is a traffic ad and with this is a this is what audience set to do homeowners if we are trying to you got to think logically with the with the the targeting who are we trying to target and don't just think okay this is people were looking for vacuums if I'm trying to sell a vacuum cleaner right I could I can test out an audience going straight to people with searching for vacuums but that's gonna be a more competitive audience for vacuum companies the best marketers think outside the box if I'm trying to reach out to somebody who wants a vacuum cleaner let's go for people who just own a home that's a broader audience than people were searching for vacuums it's a really big audience so we want to make sure our traffic is optimized for websites and we want to get website link clicks but we could do an app messenger or whatsapp um we don't want dynamic creative which essentially is the crater that changes every time and what we then want to do is skip down to audience here this is where we select of what demographic we're trying to reach out to so let's edit this location wise let's reach out to this duty United Kingdom and we want to do but in this instance we're going for homeowners from this drop-down we don't want to do everyone in this location we want to do people who live in this location okay we're trying to do homeowners right we want and this is even this could just be people who live in a home so this isn't we still need to narrow this down further not everybody in this demographic is going to own a home but it's gonna narrow it down for us people who live in this location we don't have do like people traveling because this is gonna people were just passing by they're not they don't need to buy a vacuum over okay so we're going to do the UK for now age wise 1865 is an 18 year old gonna be buying a robot vacuum are there gonna be a homeowner probably not a student is 22 to 65 is somebody who's going to get a robot vacuum be 65 plus I mean potentially they've there and I would a demographic might not want over anymore so yeah let's keep that open and we can always narrow down the audience later on through optimization all genders yes I mean men stood still who for two I know there's some lazy ones watching this and no doubt and then we want to change the demographics and interests now it's gonna be interesting what have we got we can search for demographics and interests so Facebook pulling data from all over place at all places all over the internet and of course the data that they have themselves so let's have a look we've got a homeowner we've got first-time buyer we have new house let's just keep this small down now one key thing that you want to make sure that you do with interest testing is you only use a maximum of like free interests you know in deal world you use like one interest and I'm actually gonna try and narrow this down to one interest because those are the best audiences okay when you have just one interest you know what's working if you let me paint a picture for you if I click on all these things right now and I'll get somebody in all of these interests then if this advert actually works I don't actually know what interests works for me because I have so many different interests so you need to make sure that you narrow this down as much as possible and let's have a look at what what are the biggest audiences here I mean let's have a look at new house look up projections here on the right side like we're gonna do this let's do new house this looks like a good audience on the right hand side it gives us a potential reach for this okay so we have 2.2 million people in this audience right that's 2.2 million people that's probably a little bit on the high side you want an audience to be really a minimum of 5 if this is a cold audience a minimum of 50,000 and if it's ecommerce it can be in the millions but if it's a local brick-and-mortar business you wanted to be maximum of like 500,000 but I mean this isn't the end of the world we can still do that but let's see if we can narrow this down even further get that number down even more so new house can we narrow this down and have that as so just to let you know what I did then I click narrow audience and what this will then do is say look if they match new house they must also match this interest as well to to come under this category so homeowner what was the other one that we had there was there was first time buyer see if we can target first-time buyers 1.3 million okay that's gonna be a better audience so basically what this now means is these people were in the UK 22 to 65 and they they have shared that they have a new house on Facebook and they're also a first time buyer okay so these might be younger people I mean this could be anyone of any age but they're people we've just bought a house they need to buy a hoover this is a really really great audience for for this kind of a product now if we want to we can save this audience for another time but we don't need to do that right now and we then need to look at placements now we can't do automatic placement placement is essentially where facebook will show your advert we're on the platform they're going to show it now all recommend editing placements and for the majority of times when you're just trying to get sales I would stick with feed ads okay so we have all these different places we don't up to time we've go through all these right now there's a pre preview for all of these will face book stories Instagram stories Facebook own Instagram so it's really easy to create Instagram adverts but let's just turn all of these off this is a sales ad and I'm actually going to do this with a video and so we're going to turn all these off because the best conversions come from the newsfeed but what we're gonna do right now I mean we could do this on Instagram but we're just gonna do this on the Facebook newsfeed right now because this is what looks the most like an organic post this looks like a normal post it doesn't look like an advert apart from that little bit of sponsored text at the top so now actually our reach has gone right down to 200,000 people which is still a good audience size because we're gonna be doing this on a low budget 5 pounds so that's absolutely fun we have estimated daily results 730 to 2100 people that we could be reaching per day and we could also be getting 5 to 23 link clicks per day that is on the basis of the five-pound per day budget that we've set so that's 700 that's like what an average of 1.2 K people per day who are first-time buyers and they've shared that they have a new house right who are going to be seeing this advert and an average of five to twenty three people were going to be clicking to visit this website every day you imagine how much money this company could make so that's the interest that's the the placements done and now we need to make sure this is optimized for link clicks and that's everything else you don't need to touch anything else right we're gonna click continue so that's the ad set done okay now again with the audience you want to think outside the box don't just do the obvious if you're trying to sell pens don't do an interest pens you want to make sure that you think about maybe the people that are using them pens or the people that are working in business are they creative people okay you want to think outside the box with your targeting because all of the the all of the the main companies all not know all that the masses are gonna be using really simple blaringly daringly obvious targeting now the most successful marketers are the ones that think outside the box like the homeowners okay we could just target people who are searching for vacuums right but homeowners or new homeowners gonna be even better right we're now on the ad side so this is when we actually make the advert creative itself okay so this is what the ad visually looks like again we want to name it so this was what did we call that it was vacuum sales I think vacuum purchases and we could call this audience I mean with the act I've forgot to name that ad set K but oh we know we did homeowners so now we got the ad and we could do and purchases and we can do homeowners and we're gonna do a video so we're gonna do a testimonial video okay that would be nice let's do a testimonial of the video of the the of the actual Hoover itself I've got one of these vacuums I've already got a little clip that we can use but i'ma show you how you can create adverts for when you're for your clients or for your own business really really easy video adverts or image I mean video probably performs a little bit better on these kind of products because you want to show how the product actually works now you want to make sure that the correct Facebook page is selected you also want to add Instagram if your Instagram is is connected if you're going to be running this and Instagram we didn't have the options either create a new ad use an existing post or use a mock-up okay now we're gonna close that for now and we all create a new ad in this instance but you could use this thing post from the page already you could turn an existing Facebook post into an advert but we're gonna create a new one we then have the option of a carousel ad which is what we saw with hellofresh it's multiple images or videos a single image or video or a collection ad if we have a product catalog imported onto here like a Facebook pixel then we would actually be able to create a collection ad but we're going to do is single image or a video now this format changes every single time depending on what campaign objective you are selecting we're now doing traffic so we have these three options so in the single image or video we're gonna choose the media and then I'm gonna go through the text and all of that stuff so the first thing we need is what actually are we going to use what media we're gonna use for this advert what kind of things you look at need to look out for and I highly recommend is a tool that I use when I create if I'm creating videos from my client or if the team are creating videos for our clients this is a really really great tool for you to use this website called in video dot IO now they have kindly sponsored this video now I've worked with in video way before and we reached out to them and said hey we're gonna be creating a video we're gonna mention you be great if you can sponsor us and it's a really really great tool I'm gonna really quickly run you through how you can use this if you want to create really powerful videos for your clients for your advert or for your own business okay now go over to in video do in fact click the link in this description you'll be able to sign up and you'll get a free account if you click the link in the description and you'll be brought to this page okay we get prompted on what kind of a video we want to make so they can you can literally paste an article link and it'll create a video straight from that article you can paste a URL with quite a video straight from that you're well there's premade template logo reveals media first videos blank canvas have a play around with this it's very very powerful ai built software now we're gonna use pre-made templates so we're gonna click that there and it's going to bring us through to the template selection page now the work you through this page and right images loaded my Internet's playing up today but we can search right at the top here for all the different templates there's thousands of templates on the website we can search for offers we can search for business related templates whatever we want to search for we can use that and there's a ton of keywords which is going to bring up all the different type of templates we want to use we can also then the select what size video we want to make so it's a facebook store is it a Facebook newsfeed and we'll make sure that the templates come up already optimized for the media that we are trying to create so let's just go through a few of these and we can see what they've got so if you hover over any of them to bring up a preview this is gone it's tech intro and press play some music planners and if you can hear that fully customizable we can change any of this stuff and we can got a wide version vertical version square version and what was this stylus shades ad and all of the media on here this is something really important to highlight all of the media on in feed in video comes from their inbuilt media library they have millions and millions of videos and images which are taken from premium stock websites like Shutterstock which you can use for free included in an in video account which is that's ridiculous because I've spent hundreds and hundreds of pounds in the past on royalty free video images for things like b-roll and you get access to all of that with an in video account so yeah I'd recommend you playing around these templates are so much way too much for me to go through right now we need to create this this this Hoover ad but if you do want to create an invideo account click link in description there is actually a promo code Jordan 25 I think it is though is gonna be in the description Jordan 25 you get 25% off if you want to upgrade to a premium in video account to make sure you use that and if you get stuck on anything there is 24-hour support on the idiot in video website via the live chat and there's a Facebook group as well a Facebook community where you can talk to other people who are making videos on the platform right back to the task at hand the vacuum add I want to make a testimonial of some sort I think so let's do that let's search for testimonial and see what we can find do we want any of these what have we got it's gone view all in fact actually what's this I like this that's that clean let's go on this okay nice a like it let's do a square one because we're going to make this a Facebook ad if it's square it's going to take up more room on the Facebook newsfeed and all we need to do is click use this template okay so we can preview this first of all if you want to in the bottom corner here and we're gonna see it's lagging I mean there's lagging because the Internet is being so slow this would be smooth we can have a look at the finished version shortly and click Edit scene again so this is essentially where we edit the entire advert okay so we can do things really simply like drag and drop so we can just select this text now you should really be on Google Chrome to use this but I'm on Safari in a minute we can select this text and we can change this so this could be for example this whoo-hoo veldt will vacuum depending on wave form is incredible I'll never go back to a conventional one again so much time saved okay you what if you're using testimonials make sure they're legit okay make sure they're they're real customers you don't be caught out using fake testimonials okay we're gonna move them stars back up if we want to change this we don't want this image or video here we want to upload our own okay so I have something from this this vacuum itself click on upload over on the left hand side here okay so here we can add in media we can add in music text stickers it's all drag-and-drop we have uploads I've actually uploaded this earlier on side because I didn't want to be doing it while stir on this video dragged it onto here click replace and here we have the video it's gonna be low resolution on here because it's just previewing on the the actual desktop this would actually normally be high resolution and then we have a logo up in the corner here on this template so let's delete that and that's actually put the company's real logo and we want to add this as a layer this time cuz it's gonna go on top where are you okay let's make this smaller we can drag this in this corner here okay as simple as that like that is literally an advert done so what we could also do I'm just to show you some of the stuff we can add for example with stickers we can go on CTA we could add a call to action so if you're creating like a Instagram story ad you could drag and drop a swipe up on here for example you can add more text you can move things around you can change this image really is a little image edit on the right hand side we can crop the image we can resize it you can change the animations okay this really is such a powerful tool for a web-based tool and I think even the premium version is so incredibly cheap it's like $20 per month which is just is ridiculously cheap or or 120 dollars on the yearly package so I recommend you using this if you're working with any kind of e-commerce business click link in description you'll be able to now what's really good what I really liked about this when I started using it is this bottom right hand corner here we have like a bottom which is essentially saying is this video good does this follow good standards this is an AI based button which is gonna analyze this video and tell us okay is everything good can you see the text where is it in the right place and it'll suggest changes to us if it thinks that we should change stuff so let's just see if actually does anything okay there we go look it's saying basically this text is on a white wall so it's not fake it's not contrasting very well we click resolve and it's added a background for us to that text because it said hey look that's not as readable and now it's made it more readable for us now to save this all we need to do is click preview and export click export video and there you go you can see this video see that's actually the Hoover in my house that's my book by the way - 15 minute agency if you want a copy of that quick link in description you can get a free copy but yeah that's yeah that's my book so that's the video and we'll be able to export that onto our hard drive I've already saved one in true jamieoliver fashion is one I made earlier so we're gonna upload that in a second one final thing I want to say about in video which is really really powerful you go over to the top right corner when you've got an account and click brand presets if you're making these for your own business you can set presets for your brand so what font do you use what's hex colors to use what highlight color background color all of these defaults so when you create new adverts for yourself it's going to automatically use this data every single time to make sure you don't have to mess around of changing stuff all the time so that is in video incredibly powerful I would recommend using this if you're creating any kind of video advert click link in the description thank you so much in video for sponsoring this video and for making it possible to make this advert which were now going to make so we're going back onto Facebook and we want to click Add media go add video and we're gonna upload this video right now so gonna click the upload button we're gonna click download and we're gonna down we're gonna add that's the video so I can get my words out and we're now going to upload this video okay so it's now uploading now ignore the fact that this is for my brother's website which is for spoke landing pages and but we have this advert here I mean look at this you would we literally just created that like from a template in two minutes it looks so good right you've got the logo it's professional you've got it it's so good okay now we need to write the actual copy itself okay we need to write something which is going to make people want to buy this product so first thing I want to do is change the primary text so I always say there's a structure to follow so I'm gonna write something for this and then I'll tell you so right what could we do what could we do and you never vacuum your home again well hey okay so this isn't what we call an attention-grabber okay right Lata P I'm not adding emoji as well is there a vacuum emoji I never vacuum your home again and get a robot to do it for you no seriously we're quite in personality it's 20/20 okay introducing the Robo rock s5 I think that's what it's called save time without compromising on cleaning quality okay simple simple simple ad copy some people really over complicate this stuff right you don't need to over complicate this at all okay we can look at the preview here so when you look at desktop this is what it will look like this really is simple and the key here is with copies I always say that copy should have a number of things it should have an attention-grabber which is right in the top so we've got when we're scrolling for a new seeds we've got like two seconds to get someone's attention so never vacuum your home again is going to get somebody's attention we don't have the what so get a robot to do it for you we have a wife like no seriously is 2020 like really you don't need to do yourself and then we have the actual call to action or curiosity if you can create some scarcity that's great so if there's like a limited time offer brilliant put that in here we don't really have a limited time off we're selling a robot Hoover so we're just gonna put in the call to action introducing the Robo s5 at same time that I compromised no one claimed equality so there is that curiosity factor there as well it's like we're saving time without compromising on cleaning quality we didn't need to add in a headline okay so let's have a look - no that's but you could do join the robot vacuum revolution okay and this is gonna change this text at the bottom here it should let's just change that I need a website URL first okay so we didn't can put a description in so the first thing we're gonna do is actually put the website URL wins let's take the product pasting the URL in this box here it's gonna change the preview all together there we go join the vote robot vacuum evolution description it could be free international shipping for example okay whatever that may be your a description you want it to be like some kind of like something to lure people in okay or some little bit of information or like terms and conditions or anything like that but this headline wants to grab attention as well so join the robot vacuum revolution okay we then have a call to action which is the button here so as to learn more you could have this as a shop now but let's do learn more because we want to intrigue people like never vacuum again let's intrigue people this is interesting okay during the robot vacuum evolution is relevant because we have the testimonial here so we like joining Debra on this robot vacuum evolution Debra never has to Hoover again and we literally now have an advert so we can click this button here we can preview it on our device if we want to if you click that button it will send you a notification on your mobile phone and you'll be actually able to preview what that advert looks like you can preview this if you were doing other placements as well you'd be able to preview the advert on all these other placements to make sure it looks good the other thing we can do is we have a Facebook we'll set up is all we need to do is tick that box there and set up the pixel okay we just need to make sure that the right pixel is associated with the right ad account and will then be able to track if people are actually purchasing but we don't have a pixel set up on this advert so we then click confirm and this is literally the advert done I haven't ever made an ad on this ad account other than if it's gonna let us okay when you set up the payment details so I'm gonna set up the payment details really quick and then I will I'll show you what we can do next okay so this ad is now published right the ad is completely published I'm actually going to turn it off because I don't want to be my brother isn't gonna be happy if he sees me running vacuum ads on his landing page business so we're not gonna do that but if we want to we can now look at each different stage of the ad okay so we can look at the fact that here's the campaign and we can see the breakdown that we then have the ad set inside we then have the actual ad itself so we can edit even any of these things so we can go on the actual even we can do it from the campaign page if we want to we can edit the campaign we've got editing options here we can edit the actual targeting so got all the targeting options here and we can edit the actual ad itself okay all from here now this is also the place we're gonna look at all of the data this is gonna way we're gonna learn about this advert and whether it's performing well I always recommend running an advert for a minimum of three days before you optimize it make sure you let an ad one for three days because it needs three days to fully optimize itself if an ad isn't getting link clicks or purchases at a profitable level for you in three days then you can turn it off or you can test out something else do not turn off an advert in less than three days because it hasn't had enough time to optimize and you may be yeah you may be cutting it out before it effectively works on like it could work on the third day and you've turned it off beforehand so always run it for three days I recommend starting off on the 5-pound budget now we can look at data so we can see like how many link clicks we've got how many cost per link click how many people we've reached how many impressions we've had how much we've actually spent the frequency which is like how many times someone has seen the ad we can even customize these columns you can click customize we can click customize columns here and we can get up a whole other bunch of data as well so if we want to we can add purchases in here we've got pixel setup we can look at the purchases we can look at the row eyes which is the return on adspend this is where we can look at all of the data around this account right one final thing I'm gonna go on before I go back onto my face because we've gone through a lot is on the account overview on the left hand side here this is where you will be able to see a summary at any time in any time period you can change the time period up the top of what kind of results you're getting how many people you've reached what the ad spend is the impressions of web purchases this is the same data as it was on the ad account but it's summarizing it nicer for us we can look at things like the age and gender we can look at when people are engaging we can look at where from we can start learning about this data and we can then optimize our ads accordingly so guys what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna round up this part of the video and I'm going to take this back over onto myself with the camera seem to say what okay there was a lot of information to go through again a kids that's a lot of stuff a lot of talking there's so much of you to learn I'm sure you've gotten tons and tons of notes and this is really is just gonna get you start this is gonna get you on your way I hope you have enjoyed this video please share this with somebody else who needs to learn this stuff who wants to start running Facebook Ads if you're not running ads at the moment for your own agency or for your clients you're leaving thousands and thousands of pounds on the table now really quickly I just want to talk I know I haven't spoken too much about strategy in this video because it's impossible for me to make one youtube video about how to get results for any kind of business but the best advice I would give you when you're trying to think of strategy is look at first of all what competitors are doing so when you're looking at what you should do for yourself look at what your biggest competitors are doing or your clients biggest competitors and look at what's working for them and secondly look at getting the low-hanging fruit first what problems do you have within your business that you want to solve what are the easier problems to solve and get them on the go first get the an account profitable and then you can start running riskier ads more more testing more audiences all of that stuff so hit get the low-hanging fruit first and compare yourself to your competitors and look at what they're doing go on their Facebook clay page click page transparency you'll be able to see exactly what ads any business are running across the world now around this video up because it's a long one I just want to finish on this note I'm of course the owner of the affluent Academy as well which is the world's most comprehensive agency training program over 100 lessons fully comprehensive going into everything you need to build a wildly profitable digital marketing agency not only that though we have five complete modules on delivery on Facebook and Instagram advertisements and not just how to do this stuff yourself but literally the copy and paste strategies that I have used for my personal agency in our personal business to generate millions for companies in revenue all over the world individual niches copy and paste ad strategies which you can use there's a link in the description I invite you to have a look we're actually giving away a free module in a minute it's a full mindset training it's incredible and so many people are enrolling and jumping into this you might actually be watching this video and that free module not be available anymore apologies that that is the case don't message us and ask for it because we're obviously taking it down because that is a limited time offer so click the link if the free modules available incredible if not enroll into the Academy it's never going to be cheaper than it is right now it is literally the most competitive digital marketing training program in the entire world end of the video and not talking for me I hope you have enjoyed this hope you've got tons and tons about you please do comment down below with your favorite thing anything you think we've missed any hints and tips what other people this is a community I want us to thrive and share things together make sure you share this make sure you are subscribed make sure you have your notification bell on and I'll see you again next week silly guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,151,097
Rating: 4.9301963 out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, facebook advertising, facebook ads tutorial, fb ads, facebook marketing, how to run facebook ads, facebook ads for beginners, advertising on facebook, fb ads 2020, facebook business, facebook ads 2020, facebook advertising 2020, facebook ads targeting, marketing facebook, how to create facebook ads, marketing on facebook, facebook, facebook ads tutorial 2020, how to create a facebook ad, facebook ads tutorial for beginners, facebook ads for local business, fb
Id: 1iZl0bCyDPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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