Quick Quilt With 5" Squares

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welcome to sewveryeasy my name is laura and this very cute quilt with all of those large and small diamonds running up and down really are not diamonds at all they're just squares and even better they're made with pre-cuts this little quilt is a lot of fun to make for a couple of reasons we get to use a pre-cut five inch square pack and we can use a two and a half inch pack if you don't have two and a half inch packs we can always cut our two and a half inch squares and we can cut them from a fat quarter or from three long strips of fabric but in my case i did cut them from three long strips of fabric the rest of the quilt have these very simple shapes so this is all we're going to need for the entire quilt the pattern is going to be sewn in rows but when that quilt is finished it will be a square quilt so the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to take 20 of these pieces that are cut two and a half inches by five inches and sew on the squares to each side so we're going to have 20 strips that look like this we're going to put two in each pile the first pile we're going to have one the second which will be a row we'll have two three and four and those pieces that matched inside will go in between we will have two there two two more so we have two rows with two squares two rows with four squares two rows with six squares so the squares are on the end and two rows with eight squares we need to sew a two and a half inch by a seven inch so the end pieces are larger than the center piece so each end is going to have that longer piece we still have the eight rows just added those ends on once these are all pressed we can put them away because we will then get to sew these other pieces together out of your little pack we need to have 41 squares this particular pack has 42 so i will just need to take out one the charm pack that i am using is from wilmington and it's called a country weekend it's these beautiful soft colors once the one has been removed we're going to take the 41 squares and the 41 two and a half inch by five inches and sew them together so that the seam is on the left side these pre-cuts come with this little zigzagged edge and because of that we need to establish where is the five inch mark so we're going to be able to measure this does the five inch come along the top of the teeth or along the bottom of the teeth and in this case the measurement is at the bottom of those points so when we laid that five inch piece we're going to see all these little teeth sticking out we don't need to trim it we just need to keep that in mind when we do lay up those pieces if the measurement comes to the top of the teeth this piece will cover all of it so in my case this is a generous five inch square so i'm going to see the little teeth poking out on all of the edges as i sew it so we don't need to trim that we just need to line them up on the fabric that way and that quarter inch seam allowance is going to follow this top piece not the cut piece so we have that seam with all of the little teeth sticking out with the left sides done we're going to be able to sew these units together and we're going to make some rows the first row will only have one block in it and we're going to make two of those rows the second row will have three blocks we will also need two of those rows the next five blocks the next seven blocks the very last row is a single row and it's going to have nine blocks so we will have one single row and then four double rows this is a part where you can have some fun and mix up these fabrics so we're going to be able to join these pieces together to make those rows and we will notice that on the end of one side we will have these white strips we need to add the white strips on the other sides and that's going to complete those rows so that they look the same on both sides once all of these rows have been stitched together we can lay them out so we have that triangular shape so we're going to have one on each side three on each side five on each side and so on so only that one center one is different once we have these rows laid out we're going to be able to put in these sashing strips so those sashing strips will be sewn in between each row so it'll be best if we lay them out first but before we sew them together we're going to add some triangles into the corners and that way when this is trimmed down it will make that square and that straight corner that we want by having this laid out first we're going to know which directions to put those triangles in if they're sewing the wrong way it's very obvious so i do like to lay out these rows first we still will have four corner triangles to put on but we're going to put them on at the very last but by laying them out it definitely helps us see where those triangles are going to go we want the flat edges to match up so we're not going to match up that point we're going to match up the flat edges which really makes it easy to sew now we can sew down that quarter inch move that sashing stitch out of the way and we can see where those next triangles go on so we're going to have triangles going in one direction and triangles going on the other the only row that is not going to have triangle sewn onto the end is that one row that was by itself that larger strip that had the nine squares in it will be treated as one of those corners and we're going to see that as we go along once those triangles have been put on we're going to be able to sew those rows together let's do a quick recap the regular rows do have those pre-cut five inch squares with two and a half by five inch on each side and triangles the sashing rows have two and a half inch squares this is two and a half by five inches to match our square but on each end of every piece we have a little longer at seven inches the only row that is going to be a little different is that one long center row it just is not going to have a triangle on the side because we're going to do that after now we're going to be able to sew these together the ends are not going to match and that's okay because we're going to trim them off but all those sashing rows will match up so i like to sew them together in units of two and then sew twos together we will then end up with two big triangles which would be the top and the bottom and that one row still in the center and that's going to join these two pieces together now that all of these rows are together we can put larger triangles on the ends and on the sides so we started with a seven inch square cut it in half now we're going to be able to just stitch that on for the end of those two rows which would make the sides we already have a little piece of white and that's going to be fine we can just stitch that right on and press it over with those corners on with a little twist you can see how we've turned that into a nice square quilt from here we can just leave it quilt it and then trim it afterwards we could trim it now and put some borders on or you could trim it and add big triangular corners on it there are two ways you can trim this we can trim using the points right along the larger squares and be sure to leave that quarter inch seam allowance but the border will go right there along that edge or we can leave a larger space we can do them both ways no matter which way we trim it or border it it really is a cute little quilt so all of those squares now look like diamonds running down the quilt from point to point it equals about 43 inches so this will be a 43 inch square we were able to use one complete stack of these five inch pre-cut squares and if we wanted to we could use a stack of those little tiny charm packs for this background fabric i would recommend getting a yard and a half and if you're going to add a border you'll need to add just a little bit extra as for myself i will quilt this first and trim it after so those diamonds are not diamonds at all they're just squares two different size squares with some sashing and we get to use our pre-cuts now i don't have a pattern for this but i will put in the description the diagram on how it's laid out and my cutting directions and hopefully you'll have a chance to make this really cute and quick quilt too and thank you for joining me today on sewveryeasy feel free to subscribe and as always come on back let's see what we're making next time in the sewing room bye for now
Channel: SewVeryEasy
Views: 67,407
Rating: 4.9656606 out of 5
Keywords: fabric, quilting, quilt, sew, sewing, how to, advice, laura, coia, sew very easy, diy, do it yourself, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Sewing Machine (Product Category), tips, trick, tutorial, free, craft, crafts, crafting, learn, education, educational, teach, teaching, machine, cutting tools, rotary cutter, cutting mat, fabric sissors, Bernina, machines, thread
Id: MHdxCzTdNbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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