Crumb Quilt with Me! Ep. 1

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hello everybody i'm nora burrows today i got out my scrap bin this is actually my crumb bin so i have a big bin of scraps crumbs are smaller than scraps so i think scraps are kind of like anything about the size of your hand or bigger or even a little smaller than that but these are my crumbs these are my smallest little bits so i thought we would start putting some of these together today i have actually started putting these together and have some completed blocks uh let's see i have one pretty big one i'll lay these out so you can see them in a second a little bit better but i have one pretty big one and then one two [Music] three smaller ones and those are the ones that are squared off but i also have some smaller pieces over here that are not squared off but that i've started to kind of put some pieces together so you can do crumb quilting in so many ways and this is really going to be just our first crumb quilting this one just has two pieces um this is just our first crumb quilting adventure together but there will be many more because there is so many crumb projects and tricks and tips this one is bigger than a crumb i'd probably cut that right in half uh but these pieces still need to be paired with other pieces so my vision for this project is that i am going to continue to make these blocks but the blocks that i've made they're not for a certain size i basically make the block until i think it's kind of a nice size and then i square it off and when i start putting those bigger blocks together if i need to add a little fabric to the top or bottom or side to pair it with another block i can do that at this point so right now i'm not worried about the size of my blocks i'm just worried about putting the pieces together now some people when they crum quilt they do it completely randomly they just take pieces out of their crumb bin and put them together they don't think about the pattern or the color scheme or anything like that and i think that is more traditional crumb quilting i however am not focusing on a specific color scheme or theme but when i put the pieces together i am thoughtful about what looks nice together so you can see this one is very kind of pink and you know little person like um but then for example this one is more of the like browns and gold tone scheme there so but by the time you put them all together into a big block you have a bunch of different stuff happening so that's my thought i want to take some of the little pieces here and start kind of putting those together to make bigger pieces and for chrome quilting you do a lot of cutting and a lot of ironing so my setup here is i have my sewing machine right next to the sewing machine i have my cutting mat here um and then on the other side of my sewing machine i have my wool ironing mat and iron so i really don't have to move from this spot which is ideal so let's take a look closer look at some of these crumb blocks and then start putting some new pieces through the machine be kind of all over the place but in a good way because in crumb piecing you want things to be kind of wild and crazy so here's one this is the biggest piece and what i like to do when there's kind of a piece of the fabric that i don't want to lose i will try my best to kind of center it like this butterfly or these little piggies here and some of my favorite pieces of the crumb quilting is where you get really really small pieces or small strips so as you can see this is pretty pretty small and then this is just like the tiniest pop of red right there which which is which is pretty cool so as you can see you're not really oriented any direction some things are facing top or bottom or left or right you're just kind of putting the pieces together here's another small little little bit here here is the third one here and you know these greens up here are pretty cool i like that and the last one that i have so these are all my completed ones a little deer in the corner super cute i'm gonna put my longer strips aside for now because long strips are good for if you start to have too many pieces it's nice to just have a nice solid strip without any seams to kind of hold everything together so so my my longer pieces will go aside so here's a bunch that i've kind of paired two two together that i will need to trim down and make a straight line so for example let's take this piece first i want these to be about the same size i'll make the pink a little bit bigger i'm not even going to use my ruler i'm just going to trim that off and throw that back into the bin so these are generally the same size i'll put them right sides together and i need to make sure i have a nice straight line now i think that this line is actually pretty straight but i'm going to cut it anyway just to trim it to make sure it's perfectly straight and now i'll take this piece and i will put it through my machine but not yet because i need to make sure i have a bunch of these so i can do them all at once but i'm going to put this aside onto my machine and then trim another one so let's do this one next so i have these two little squares i'm going to put them right sides together they're a nice size for each other so i don't need to trim them down i'll just trim the edge to make it nice and straight and it goes next to my sewing machine what do we have next okay so we have kind of this purple and black i'm going to turn this over so that when i sew it i'll be able to see the purple on top i'll be able to see the purple sticking through on either side which will give me a little bit of a guide and then for this i'm just going to trim the edges just to to make it easier to work with and off to the machine that goes now these pieces are too small in my opinion to chrome with but i won't throw them away these kind of go in in the smallest little bits that i use for other things but not back into the crumb bin all right here i have two these look pretty good and so as you can see you just keep doing this with a bunch of pieces of two so here's this these two pieces as you can see they're pretty different sizes here um so i'm gonna keep this in the middle of this strip so that i can get kind of the big chunk of this onto here then i'll use the other parts i'll save the other parts for more crumbing those go back into the crumb then this red white and blue one was actually a face mask that i started that i did not finish so that's why those pieces are already sewn together and let's do one more so we have these two as you can see the blue needs to be trimmed down back in the crumb bin and we create the straight side now let's put these through the machine so as you can see here i have these lined up they're all facing you don't want to get confused about which side you're supposed to be sewing on so i always have the side that i'm supposed to be sewing on facing towards the body of the machine so i'd be sewing on this side this side this side you get the idea that side typically i would have a lot more pairs and i would send them all through but for this video we'll just we'll just start with these and see what happens [Applause] so the next one goes right under the machine this is called chain piecing i don't cut the thread in between the pears and then the next one but the nice thing about crumb quilting is if you want your seam to be a little bigger or smaller you can really change it up it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be consistent like regular quilting but this is actually a good example let me let me do this one together with you i'm not going to trim this i'm just going to put this through for now and see what happens you don't always have to trim but i always think it's better but in this case let's just let's just go for it so as you can see i have this big long strip here and this teeny tiny piece i'm just putting this teeny tiny piece along the edge and i'm going to sew down [Applause] then i'm going to take another piece that kind of matches this fabric let's find one let's do let's do this one that matches and put this one under as well again i'm not trimming here which isn't the best but every now and then it's okay i'm gonna go all the way down so you can see i'm just adding pieces onto this long strip and then i'll be able to trim those apart when i get to the end i think we have room for one more we'll do this piece that will look nice colors kind of go together now darlene misho she has a youtube channel she she does this quite a bit you should check her out her last name is m-i-c-h-a-u-d i think misho i always say it in my head is macad that's not what it is it's darlene me show she's kind of the crumb queen so now you take these apart and then in between your little pieces here you trim and you can open that up and i would iron that darlene misho does not like ironing i and i'm kind of of the opinion that ironing is a essential especially in crumb quilting but you all should do what you want to do and here's the last piece so this used to be all three of these used to be on this long strip and then now they're their own little doubled pieces very cute so i'm going to go ahead and trim all of these apart here and press them open here are the pairs that we just made and so now what i'm going to do is take you know these pieces that i've already started putting together and see if i can start pairing anything onto here so for example this could look kind of cool i could attach that on there or this one like that and i think this is what i'm going to do so i'm going to have to think about i think i need to add a little bit more onto this before i can attach it to here like i might [Music] square up this top part add another piece of fabric to the top and then i'll be able to attach that more easily so let's find a piece of fabric for this how about this so what i'll do is i'll flip these right sides together cut right along here here let's just do that all right i'm going to put this right along here get my cutting ruler and trim then as you know this goes to my sewing machine facing a certain direction and now let's take a look at these pieces again so i'm going to put this one aside because this one i already have a plan for and let's see what do we have now we have this kind of cool piece and maybe actually these ones kind of go cool together that i just made why don't i add a piece to the bottom of this one here and then i can attach those together let me find a piece for the bottom about that so what i'll do is i'll trim this edge off and then attach this to this and then attach this full piece to here whip this right sides together and trim along the edge here and then this goes next to my sewing machine next i'm going to put i think these two together here how about this like that so i'm going to flip this and trim right here i have this piece that's already put together i think that this used to be part of one of the squares and when i squared it off this is what i was left with and i and this would go nicely here i'll just trim the bottom of that off this could go nicely with this one and it's kind of a good size so i'll put those two together and these two pieces were already existing we didn't do these together but i'm noticing that i can flip this over and pair those two up and at this point i have so many pairs that i'm gonna start forgetting what to do next so let's put these through the machine at this point i've put through i've chain pieced all the pieces that we just talked about i'm gonna leave the rest of these on the machine but i'm going to cut the first two off because the first two are the ones that we had plans for i'm going to iron these open and this was what i was talking about in terms of forgetting what the the next steps were because sometimes if you get too ahead of yourself you're like what was i going to pair this with and what i was going to pair this one with was this monster piece which is super cute and how am i going to do that what a good question i actually feel that maybe i now need to add a piece onto this side of the monster or maybe this top side i think i need to keep going on these two pieces kind of separately this one actually is probably big enough maybe i'll put a piece up here um but this one i think i need to work on a bit before i can before i compare these together so i'll think about that here is the other one that i had a specific plan for let's iron this one open i was going to do this that will look cool so i'm going to put those right sides together and trim that and put it through the machine and then i'm gonna think about this for a second i kind of like this piece here so i'm gonna attach that i'll put the right sides together and then cut right along here and sew so do that for that one and then for this guy i have more monster here this one was already put together i think i'm going to add that to the bottom these two may not end up being connected it initially i thought that they would but the more i kind of work on them they may just be separate pieces which is fine so let's attach this piece to here and this piece to here then i'll probably cut off all the pieces of my sheet machine and see what we have at that point so i need to cut all of these apart off the string i'll do that in a second but i was just noticing that i have this piece that was already made along with this one and that maybe i would somehow connect these two together maybe like that so i'm going to put that aside and that will be my next round of pairs but let's see what we have here this is kind of the fun part because you don't really know how it's going to look you can kind of imagine how these pieces will look together but you really don't know until you iron them open and it's kind of like a fun surprise so let's see okay so these were two blocks that were already created that i just sewed together and let's see how we feel about this that's really fun and i almost feel like maybe i should do that or that remember these two pieces used to be together and i said it was too big i was going to cut it in half which is what i did and now it's kind of cool because it has this pear sticking out of there i kind of like that but i'm not ready to commit to that yet um [Music] that's kind of fun i like that better but then you have this pink piece sticking up let's keep ironing some of these open and see what else we have now this is a really cute piece but i need to start getting some bigger pieces around here because if you have too many small pieces and they continue to be small there's it just ends up having so many seams and it gets bulky and won't lie lie flat so i need to find some big chunks of fabric to start going around here that's cute again i'm going to need a strip here to kind of make to stabilize these four pieces in a row how about that let's do that let's take a look at how to cut this because this is this could be a little tricky because you see how this is not even close to a straight edge and you can't really just flip this over and cut because you'll lose a lot of the fabric so let's let's take a look at how to do that so for something like this where this pink piece comes in so far you want to cut these separately instead of putting the right sides together and making your cut you want to cut them separately so i put my ruler you can kind of tilt this any way you want you could kind of do a pretty severe diagonal or you could kind of cut it as straight as possible but i'm going to kind of split the difference and go right about there and then i'll do the same with this side and then when you flip them on top of each other that will go quite nicely and now typically i don't like to have two of the same fabrics touching but in this case i actually kind of really like it i'm not sure why but let's sew these two together i found this yellow piece that i think i'm going to attach right onto here let's open up some of these other pieces and see and see what we have oh this is very cool you can tell already this piece i found it was already kind of in in my stash uh there's that piece we have this one these ones could kind of all three go together nicely at some point but they're not ready for that yet let's open this one up and see how this one looks good alright so i could attach these together like that which would be kind of neat i like that some are going um vertical and then some are going horizontal i like the look of that let me think about that think on that i might i might do that oh this one is gonna be fun i can tell yeah this is like one of my favorite pieces that we've put together so far almost looks like a little house doesn't it i love this so much this was a pre-existing piece i could not how about that that could work or the other way like that uh i'm not sure about this one i tried that one all right we'll keep thinking on that here's the monster block that's so cool that's really fun maybe i'll put these two together yeah i think i'm gonna do that i think i'll put these ones together like that nope like this this is the way they should go i'll do that now we have this one to open up here that's kind of interesting perhaps what i will do i could cut off part of this and then attach it up here i think i'm going to cut off part of this anyway just to make the size better it would be nice if i could put some of these pieces together maybe i'll put these two together let's do that so i will again cut my diagonal and then attach that piece there let's see what we have left we have this piece left this one this one and this one i could put these two together like this um yeah let's do that let's put these two together again here are all our pieces i'll cut them apart they're getting bigger which is really exciting that's one of the the joys of crumb quilting is watching the pieces come together that not too long ago were teeny tiny little bits now we can open them up and see what we have press this one from the back so whenever i have to open something this piece here this side here has a bunch of seams together so if you open it you're really working around a lot of these seams but the other side has no seams it's just straight so when you open it this way it's nice and clean and easy so i always press on the side that has less seams and then i open it and it makes pressing it open much cleaner and easier this is looking very nice let's take a look at this what i would want to do next is put a strip at the bottom not necessarily this one i don't think this really goes but something like that and you could even again do it at the diagonal something like this because all these pieces you want to you know now have a clean line that's why i like to save these strips i kind of put these strips aside at the beginning and it is fun and time saving to you know put these under the machine like i initially did where i had this strip and then i put a piece of fabric and sewed it on a piece of fabric and sewed it on but then i feel a little bit like you're wasting these strips i need to find a strip for this uh let's see like that could be kind of cool how about this green i like that i think this green goes nicely kind of with this piece here so i will cut a piece of this give this a nice iron here this strip i don't want it to be too straight across i do want it to be on the diagonal so i'm going to cut it kind of up this way that way i'll still make sure to have at least one eiffel tower in there maybe i do hmm maybe i do want to get two nope i'm gonna cut it on the diagonal i'll get at least one of the eiffel towers and then i can save this piece to continue crumb piecing with this is still usable so i'll save that and attach this onto the bottom actually that's the top that's the front let's see what other pieces we made here's the monster piece that we attached to the heart fabric let's see how this one looks wow that's pretty cool i really like that a lot i bet we'll be able to attach something on the top of the bottom soon here's a relatively small one oh you know what i like i'm noticing we have kind of like the two circley kind of these mirror each other kind of nicely that's cool hopefully i didn't ruin this piece which is my favorite by attaching this heart piece on let's see how it looks that's great look at this you know once you get another piece on here with the seam allowance these are just going to be little bitty pieces here that is so cool that's a nice one i like how these two kind of complement each other and that's it those are all the new pieces so that is where we're gonna stop today and you may be thinking nora you didn't finish anything and that is true that is kind of the crumb piecing lifestyle is you just keep on going forever i will put a couple pictures at the end of this video of what we just made what we just created and we're going to keep going at some point we will have a finished quilt and i think it's going to be the coolest quilt in the history of quilts i mean all these teeny tiny pieces from all these different projects coming together so thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you next time happy crumb quilt piecing bye you
Channel: Mostly Quilts
Views: 11,167
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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