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this is a revelation I cherish sleep while the makeup it's true hey guys welcome back to another day of just me May I hope you're doing wonderfully well today today I have a tutorial for you guys or I get ready with me video this is a video that I want to shoot for so long because it's something that I do so often and I've never actually shared with you guys and that is sleeping until at the very last minute get up and realize that I have like 10 minutes to get ready and get out the door I do that a lot yeah but yeah I thought I would put together for you guys a very sort of quick get ready with me rushed version of my makeup look this has done but super super quick it's you know priorities first going from order of most important to least important so if you don't finish the entire look you can leave looking like a human being so with all that being said let's get into the tutorial and I hope you guys enjoy so I'm going to try and rush this as much as possible and go through really really quickly because I want to sort of replicate myself being a rush in the morning I wrecked two days a week in retail and I have to start work at 9:00 and I have to travel over an hour to get there so when that happens I'm going to definitely prioritize sleep over my face I don't think any one of my work even believes I work in beauty because I just never look nice but I'm going to try and do it as quickly as possible so obviously this isn't going to be on the most perfect makeup tutorial ever but it is going to be a realistic sort of get ready quickly look so I will always possible go in with a primer no matter what I will prime around my nose my chin and my forehead so I'm going in with the Laura Mercier foundation primer radiance so this one has a little bit of a radiant glow to it and I'm just going to really quickly pop a little about that much on my nose my chin and my forehead deserve it areas that I find my makeup leaves first Center foundation I'm going in with my Maybelline matte and poreless get me foundation this is my grocery but everyday simply because I think it's really important to wear a drugstore foundation in your everyday life and save your more expensive foundations for later if you can afford to wear an expensive foundation every day of your life well done you're doing something right um but you know the rest of us most of us can't afford that so I'm going in with this one and also can we just appreciate for a second how beautiful is this Real Techniques sponge it's like a marble Diamont anyways stop getting distracted I'm going to just really quickly pop that in little specs over my face and I'm going to apply it with a sponge because I do find that sponges actually make the process of putting the makeup on a lot quicker and also the fact that there's a little bit of moisture in the sponge makes the foundation move around your face a lot quicker which just makes the process happen faster also I think the easiest thing to do in the mornings when you're in a rush is to forget your neck and forget to blend I always forget to do my neck when I'm rushing but it's really important just to go at least below the neckline a little bit now to be honest if I am running late in the morning I'm not going to be too worried about covering all the blemishes on my space I just kind of want to make my face look I was good is physically possible in the shortest period of time but I am going to go in with this Maybelline fit me concealer which I find is really good for covering blemishes and I'm just going to pop a little bit of that on my chin around the areas that I have blemishes because uploading every single day of this month has meant that I have been concert eating my way to and all the chocolate is showing in region and then I really quickly going in with this Too Faced concealer any obviously any concealer will do and I'm going to very very lightly just put a little Josh underneath both eyes keep in the nose a live it on the chin and a little triangle on my forehead super quick just do it really rough no worries about like making it perfect or making it look like an Instagram model or anything and then we take my sponge once again and just really quickly blend that out onto the iron and that's going to hide any of those dark circles it up sneakily showing very because you didn't get enough sleep well okay next up I'm going to set my face and we don't have time for baking so I'm just going to lightly going in with a little bit of the Rimmel stay matte translucent powder and just on a little Real Techniques brush just pop a little on and just dab it on the areas where you're going to get oily and where you just put that concealer [Music] and we ain't got time to bake so I'm actually doing this in order of priority so like if I don't get finished in time I can still run out the door and I will look like a human being I'm actually going to go in with my brows next because I think your brows are so important if you haven't got anything else on your face put your brows on because your brows completely will shape your face and make your face look different browsers are the most important part of your face and I think a lot of people don't realize just how important they are Google celebrities without eyebrows and then you will understand so I'm going to go in with my benefit goof proof pencil I think because this one has a sort of like thicker tip to it it's actually really quick and easy to create something that looks like you put a lot of effort into it when you've actually done it really quickly so I'm obviously not going to put too much effort in but I'm just going to try and quickly create a little bit more brow just filling in those areas of the spot if you're a super lazy person it might be a good idea to get your eyebrows actually feathered because it will make your morning process a lot quicker because your brows are already beyond either patchy feathered or just get them tinted or something so that it works for you when you wake up then I'm just going to go in with some mascara now I think if you're in a rush and you haven't really got time to put more effort into your the rest of your makeup sometimes it's good to put on a really volumizing mascara because it makes you look like you're more awake and like you put more effort into your face than you have so that's why I'm drawing with the better than sex because this one is very voluminous and I'm just going to quickly coat my lashes lightly we ain't got time for eyeshadow we ain't got time for eyeliner the train is leaving in 20 minutes and it takes is 15 minutes to walk there we gotta hustle I love this mascara is honestly sort of it but to be honest you could leave they have like this perfectly fine and you would look like a human being technically you could go to work without wearing any makeup at all it's not a problem you're beautiful no matter what but this one one who is very subconscious and likes to you know set their face together you will look like a human being at this point of this stage so you can easily leave now I am going to put a little bit of bronzer on a Motorhome for contouring we're just going to get a fluffy brush and I'm just taking this one by Charlotte Tilbury but obviously any bronzer will do and it's really quickly swirling around and I'm going to just work it from my cheekbones up around the top of my forehead and that's going to create just a sort of bronze look to make me more awake and less like I'm the one color from the foundation also when you're in a rush too it's better to use a lighter more creepy shade bronzer because when you're in a rush you're not really going to be too perfect with it and you can risk your face actually looking a little bit muddy when you do it too quickly so if you get a lighter bronzer it's going to be a lot safer than if you're using a darker one we've all done our makeup really quickly and then gotten to work and looked in the mirror and just gone what was I thinking then to be honest if I'm in a rush I'm going to skip the blush I don't think it's really important and I will probably just go flush anyway when I'm running to the train station so blush is not necessary today but I am going to take a little bit of highlight obviously any highlight is fine whichever one floats your boat takes your fancy and I'm going to commit a makeup crime here and use the same brush that I use for my powder but my highlight because once again we're in a rush so the powder that's already on this brush is actually going to make me highlight a little bit less intense so the fact that we're rushing is probably going to mean that it's not going to be perfect so it will dull it down a little bit which will probably mean that we will look a little bit more human than if we were doing it while we were rushing without the powder on the brush I also find that highlight is the best of making you look like you have proper put your face together is a very good sheet if you want to make yourself look put together when you haven't put a lot of effort in highlights or sort of makes you look more awake and glowy and ready for today and like you put a lot of effort in when you haven't so finally for the lips is obviously not that important that you have a lipstick on you can put one in your bag and put it on at work or on the train or something but I like to carry around with me a tube of Lenna lips this stuff is amazing it's just like a all a tap or pour cream or something like that and I like to this put a little of that on my lips in the mornings to be honest I don't usually wear that many lip products in my everyday wear I usually just pop a little bit aldana lips on my lips it's good because it's actually moisturizing your lips while you're at work and you don't really need to look about amazing if you like working in a job in like retail or in the office or something so it's just a good way to sort of like help and hydrate your lips ready for like your weekend when you want to wear like a red lipstick or something and voila now you're ready to leave the house I think also I want to mention tune with Hale this little topknot situation sort of quick flip your head over twist it around tie it off in a bun and you look like you've put a lot of effort into a nice little top knot when you really have it so I think that's my number one number one thing for when you're running light with hair is just chalk it up in a topknot also your best friend in the morning is going to be dry shampoo but when you don't have time to wash your hair in the morning this is a savior even when I'm wearing my hair in a ponytail sometimes I find it can be quite flat so I'll put a little dry shampoo on my roots and instantly it looks like I have washed my hair freshly and blow-dried and it's amazing and it's like the best creation ever invented ever if you don't have dry shampoo where have you been what are you doing with your life so I really hope you guys enjoyed this quick sorters get ready with me video I thought it'd be a fun thing to share because it's something that I do a lot throughout the week when I'm rushing to go somewhere and I know a lot of you guys you know we all like to look glam but let's be honest about 50% of the time actually 80% of the time we just don't we just can't we just can't afford to look glam so this is more of like a realistic looks you guys I really hope you are enjoying my upload so far this month I've uploaded every single day this month so if you haven't seen them go check them out there is plenty of videos waiting for you and plenty more videos to come I heard me help a lovely rest of your day and I will see you tomorrow with another day of Stephanie maez you [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Bailey
Views: 4,087,690
Rating: 4.922236 out of 5
Keywords: quick makeup, quick and easy makeup, easy makeup, makeup tutorial, easy makeup tutorial, 5 minute makeup
Id: xZuytMLbRDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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