How To Know Your Skin Undertones + Pick Foundation

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hi it's Molly and welcome back to my channel today's video is all about undertones I feel like this is the number one thing that people struggle with when they're trying to match their foundation it either seems too pink or too yellow it just can seem a little off so I want to go into how I match myself personally and how I match my clients really quickly you can follow me on instagram at girl get glamorous and on Pinterest at Molly gardener 1 the first thing I want to talk about are surface tones versus undertones I'm gonna zoom in without any foundation or concealer on so you can really see what I'm talking about surface tones are exactly what they sound like they are tones that are only on the surface of your skin you can see here a little bit of redness from past acne scarring and in general I tend to get some redness around my eyes some bluish purple under-eye circles my foreheads tends to be fairly even toned but around the sides here I get some redness and I also have some redness over my chin these are all surface tones once foundation goes on these will pretty much be evened out that's why it's important to match your undertone and not your surface tone for the longest time I would see these red tones and I thought that that meant I had pink or cool undertones and so I was mismatching based on that your undertones are the colors that do not change in your skin when we talk about undertones I want you to think about them like a water color it's just going to be a hint of that shade so when I say silver pink peach yellow olive or red just think of a wash of that color a wash of yellow a wash of peach because if you think about it and you're like really looking for a strong undertone you're not gonna find it here are all of the undertones that can be found in your skin and foundation the first is silver and then we have pink or rosy this is peach next up is neutral this is yellow olive and red so once again silver pink peach neutral yellow olive and red and you can see when we talk about undertones why it's important to think about them like a watercolor because each of these undertones is so subtle it's like once you know it's there your eyes see it and can instantly pick up that color like I see the peach and the yellow really strongly here color striping is my go-to way to match both myself and client and what that is is exactly what it sounds like you're going to grab anywhere from three to four foundations seem like they could be a good match and will start to blend them out I'm gonna start with a rosy tone because I thought I was rosy for so many years this is shade 4.75 in the Armani luminous silk this is shade 4.25 also in Armani luminous self next up this is Tarte light neutral and finally do your skin shade Oh - OH which is also neutral but leans a little bit more yellow you can see these are both neutral but you see what I mean how about this one is a little bit more yellow based to me once you get your stripes on this is the most interesting part because when you're just looking at the stripes 4.75 looks like it's going to be the right shade right and this is a cool toned Foundation and the 4.25 looks like it's going to be a little bit too warm and a little bit too dark and the neutrals actually look like they could be a pretty good match so I'm gonna start to blend it out and especially bring it down your jawline into your neck so where initially 4.75 looked like a good match you can see now how it's looking a little bit frosty on my skin and just looking a little a little bit too light and that shade 4.25 that was looking a little bit too dark once I pull it down my neck it completely disappears and just becomes invisible as I start to blend this one out you can see that with the Tarte it actually becomes a little bit too gray and so it's making my skin look almost a little bit dirty because of that grayness and the do your skin we're blending that one out and that's pretty decent match it's just a little bit too yellow and so you can see how you're getting you're just noticing the foundation a little bit more versus that peach undertone once you start blending them out it should become a lot more clear and maybe you can eliminate two like I'm gonna take out these neutral foundations and we're gonna go between these two Armani foundations this is where it becomes so interesting to me foundations that you think were a really great match we're gonna do a half cheek swatch of this is the shade 4.75 that look like a pretty good match when we first looked at it once you blend it out you can start to see how it's looking a little bit light and frosty and you can see I'm gonna have to put on a lot of makeup to really warm my skin back up and this is the shade 4.25 which initially almost looks like it was going to be a little bit too dark and then once we start to blend it out you can see that it basically just disappears in to my skin and so on this side I really look like I'm wearing makeup once I've zoomed out in my opinion you can start to see how this side definitely looks too light even though these are both shade fours the undertone makes such a big difference on this side I can just see the makeup I can see where it stops I can see it sitting on my skin versus this side where to me this just looks like my own skin I want to show you if you are warm toned and especially peach toned like me and you buy a neutral foundation I want to show you what happens so this is the Tarte light neutral and I love this foundation and I wore this shade for years like years you can just see the makeup sitting there it's looking a little bit gray and overall it's just bringing down my skin it's making me look kind of grey dirty dingy it's not a fresh bright glowing look this is another foundation that I love that I just got in the wrong shade and this is the one that's a little bit too yellow so it's really important to do this striping but then I also think it's equally as important to do this half cheek testing and start to blend it out that's what I can really tell like okay so this foundation is just clearly too yellow it's compared to the rest of me you can see how next to the rest of my skin it's just not quite a match it is a little bit harder when you're matching at the drugstore because they don't have testers and generally you cannot bring home samples so in that case I definitely recommend googling swatches and seeing what you can find on Google and Pinterest I made a chart on the blog of all of the L'Oreal undertones for fair and light shades because I was really struggling to figure it out this is shade 420 and this is their peach undertone and I thought it was a pretty decent match at first and then when I was looking at it on camera one day I realized that it is a little teeny bit too neutral to sort of grayish if that makes sense it's just a little bit darker than like versus the armani 4.25 so I've just been grabbing a drop of shade 410 and putting that in there to brighten things up this one's a little bit too yellow okay let's be honest is it the most perfect flawless beautiful match on earth no but if I'm having a day where I'm running errands and just going out and I don't want to use a $70 foundation honestly it's a pretty decent match so you might have to combine a few shades if you really and truly cannot figure out your undertones which I get I recommend going and picking your closest match in a brand that is tried and true that has great undertones for me that's Armani luminous silk and co gundo and I want to mention the Cogan dough because their foundations are primarily just warm and cool so it's a little bit easier to pick out if you're really struggling to figure out undertones and their undertones are so incredible you guys so this is the shade one one three and I just find that they match everyone really really easily now initially it looked like it was gonna be a little bit too yellow right but as I start to blend it out you can see how seamlessly that blends with my own skin and there really is no makeup look this foundation is so incredible it's made my best of foundation lists I feel like I use this on so many clients just because it's so easy to color match and again initially it might look like it's a little bit too yellow and then as I start to blend it in you can see how easily it blends so I wanted to mention this brand because if you are struggling it might be a good one to help out and help you find your perfect shade I love this foundation I would say the two foundations that I wear the most are the Armani luminous silk because their peach undertone is absolutely incredible in the co gundo either aqua or moisture foundations in shaded one 1/3 both of these foundations are just incredible thank you so much for watching I hope this video was help I know that undertones can seem a little bit overwhelming so I hope that thinking about them as subtle like watercolors really helps I really hope that color striping helps and if you want any more information if you need more swatches there's always more on the blog at Gregg a glamorous calm and make sure that you subscribe and turn on notifications because the next video is going to be all about how I shop online for foundations and have bought the right shade ninety-nine percent of the time which truthfully even blows my mind if I'm being honest I'm gonna go through my method on how I shop online because so many Foundation and concealer launches are online only so make sure you subscribe turn on your notifications and you'll get a notification when that video goes up and that's everything alright thank you so much and I will see you in the next video
Channel: girlgetglamorous - Molly
Views: 127,408
Rating: 4.9220138 out of 5
Keywords: foundation, under, tones, how, to, know, see, pick, tell, warm, cool, concealer, peach, pink, silver, yellow, neutral, olive, red, fair, light, medium, tan, deep
Id: ZaVfsJjnYKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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