How to Apply Makeup for Beginners (STEP BY STEP) | Eman

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welcome back to my channel babes i am very excited because i'm doing a video that i don't think i've ever done before which is amazing for me because i have so many videos on my channel so if you're new to my channel my name is iman welcome today i am doing a back to basics video the one thing that i noticed that people always ask me or always say to me when they meet me for the first time and they find out that i'm a makeup artist is they always say i don't know anything about makeup i don't know how to apply makeup you have to teach me i always kind of wish i had a video where it was like a very simple step-by-step guide on how to apply makeup from beginning to end to create a full face like a very back to basics and i never had one so i was like you know what i'm gonna create that video so the next time someone says that to me i'm gonna say watch this video this will teach you everything you need to know so if you're new to makeup or if you just want a refresher you're gonna love this video make sure you hit that subscribe button if you're new to my channel all right babes let's get started i'm gonna walk you guys through every single step the first thing you want to make sure is that you've already moisturized and applied sunscreen on your face before you do anything else the first step of the makeup process is primer the purpose of a primer is it's basically a base on your face and this is what's going to help your makeup last longer it's going to make your makeup go on smoother primers usually kind of have this like white texture to them and you're going to apply it pretty much all over the type of primer that you use depends on your skin needs because there are so many different types of primers the one that i'm using right now is an oil and shine control primer because i get very oily in my t-zone so by applying this this helps control the oil and shine throughout the day and it doesn't make my makeup look oily but if you have more of a dry skin type you can use something like this which is more hydrating so you want to use a hydrating primer if you have really really large pores and you want to make them look smaller you can use a pore minimizing primer so the point is there's lots of different primers so you want to pick a primer that suits whatever your skin needs it's basically that barrier between your skin and the makeup and it prevents the makeup sinking into your pores because what happens when you don't wear primer you put the makeup directly onto your face and then within a couple of hours it just sinks into your pores and the makeup is all gone so primer prevents that from happening step two is foundation now i know that not everyone likes to wear foundation so this is kind of a personal preference but i'm gonna give you guys the full spectrum of everything you need to do and then you kind of pick and choose what works for you so foundation also depends on your skin type if you have oily skin and you like the look of a really matte foundation you can do that or if you prefer the look of like really dewy skin a dewy hydrating foundation would work better so some of these things are like things that maybe you need to play around with and figure out but either way foundation the first thing you really want to try to do is color match you're either going to be more of a yellow undertone or a pink undertone if you're more fair skinned you're probably going to be more pink undertone if you're more like mediterranean olive skin tone you're gonna have that yellow undertone to your skin make sure you get the right color a lot of times you just have to try the different foundations to see which one you like you can get foundations that are more full coverage or more light coverage the full coverage is gonna cover everything on your skin they're gonna have more of a thicker texture they're really gonna cover all your imperfections your beauty marks your acne scars anything like that whereas more of a light coverage foundation is going to be way more sheer so you're not going to get that much coverage but it's going to just even out your skin tone so you won't have any discoloration like you see on this side i have so much discoloration where the side is all even with light coverage it's going to do that but it might not necessarily cover everything so the main things you're going to look for is whether you are yellow undertone or pink undertone and then you're going to get color matched to get the right shade for you once you have that then you can decide if you want which texture you want dewy matte etc and then after that you decide if you want light coverage or medium coverage so that's basically the steps for finding the right foundation i recommend applying foundation with a buffing brush like this or something like this or like this all of these are great so i love synthetic hair buffing brushes brushes that you just buff the product into your skin or you could always use your beauty blender or any makeup sponge so as you guys can see foundation just makes your skin look perfect now this is not something that everyone likes to do i know that not everyone likes to wear foundation every day so another option is to do a tinted moisturizer tinted moisturizers are super easy it's like a moisturizer with a tint pretty much the name and it basically is just going to give you like the most sheerest lightest coverage ever but it still just gives you a little something so it makes your skin look a little you know fresher brighter one of my favorites is from laura mercier so it's just like a tube and you literally just pump it out super super easy to use so it has a similar texture but it's just a lot more sheer just apply it with your fingers and then the third option maybe you might like the idea of using a powder foundation so if powder foundation is basically like a powder it's in a compact it's a little bit thicker than a regular powder so it's going to give you some coverage that's also a really great option as well so those are the three options foundation to tin moisturizer or powder foundation to just get a beautiful base on your skin moving on to step three concealer to pick the right shade of concealer you're going to pick a color that's about two shades lighter than your foundation or your natural skin tone and you're applying it mainly in your under eye area purpose of concealer is we want to brighten up this under eye area and concealer makes a huge difference you guys any of these shadows we want to get rid of so basically anywhere where you have shadows you're going to apply concealer so i like taking it in the inner corner to blend out you can use your finger or you can use a beauty blender whatever works for you i like using both i don't love blending out concealer with a brush i feel like it just removes all the product whereas using your finger or your beauty blender it kind of presses the product into your skin and just makes it look a lot more natural a lot more blended concealer is also going to give you a little bit of coverage and brightness you guys can see this eye area immediately just looks so much brighter you look alive concealer is amazing for making you look more awake so whether you're doing just a tinted moisturizer or the foundation powder it doesn't matter you still want to do concealer because we all have shadows around our eye area so getting rid of those shadows it's going to make you look so much fresher and more awake is absolutely key all blended out skin looks beautiful fresh love it so the next step is is to set all of this because we want to make sure that this stays and stays put all throughout the day doesn't budge doesn't move so step number four is powder powders come in two forms you could use a loose powder or you can use a compact powder they're kind of the same you guys it's one of those things where you really just have to play and see which you prefer so many of these things are like that we just have so many options nowadays when it comes to beauty and makeup so you just need to find what your preference is what you prefer with powder less is more i really really believe that i know that like some of the trends on youtube are to just like bake and put all this powder on your face i just don't think that's the best for real life i personally prefer just using just the right amount of powder that you actually need to set your makeup we're going to apply this powder where you basically are going to get a lot of shine where your makeup is going to tend to break down because of oils from your skin the powder is going to prevent that so you're going to apply it in all the areas where you usually get a lot of oil and if you don't have oily skin at all like if you have combo you still need powder but if you have really really dry skin you don't need to apply powder you can just skip it you can definitely just skip powder all together so chin area cheek area forehead bridge of the nose around the nose all of these areas under eye if you get really oily and tend to crease i don't so i usually skip it but that's it apply powder now our face is like locked in it's not gonna budge this is going to last all day whether you're going to work going to school well i feel like we're not going anywhere nowadays but but whatever you're doing this is going to be locked in it's not going anywhere and now it's time to move on to step number five blush and bronzer so now that we have created this flawless canvas this flawless face we want to start adding color back into the face and the reason that i made blush and bronzer in one step is because i know not everyone loves bronzer so i kind of wanted to pair them up so if you love bronzer go for it but if you don't you don't have to i personally love bronzer so i would never not apply it even when i'm super tan i still apply bronzer i think bronzer just gives such a beautiful glow to the skin and it looks good on everyone and who doesn't want a glow to your skin and bronzer is just kind of like an instant pick-me-up so it's going to add that beautiful bronzy glow the way to apply it is it's an old trick that i'm sure you guys have heard before you start from your forehead and you go along your cheekbone and then along your jawline and you're creating the shape of the number three so it's like just like that it's a really simple guide on how to apply bronzer with bronzer you want to use like a nice big fluffy brush any of these shapes are great for bronzers these all work blush is literally my favorite thing ever you guys blush and concealer blush is like again an instant pick me up wake me up for your face it just brightens and just like makes you look alive so you want to apply blush always that's my recommendation don't leave the house without blush and for blush you want to kind of want to just concentrate on the apples of your cheeks and then blend back towards the top of your ears and you can just smile and that usually just helps you know exactly where to put it if you ever feel like you've applied way too much blush one of the easiest ways to solve that is to take a clean brush or even your powder brush and just really gently blend out just the edges that'll soften the blush and then when it comes to colors you can go for a pink you can go for a peach you can go for a rose it depends on your skin tone it depends on what mood you're in it really depends on so many things it's definitely a personal preference so play around see what you like but i will tell you blush is a game changer i just love it it just brightens and makes brings color to your face and just like makes you look more awake i like to pop a little bit on my nose as well okay we're all rosy and bronzy i love it step six eyebrows eyebrows are tricky eyebrows are tricky you guys because everyone's eyebrows are different some people have super full brows some people have no brows at all so it's one of those things that it really depends on what your what is going on with your brows but i will give you some basic guidelines you want to have an eyebrow brush which has a spoolie on one end and like an angled tapered brush on the other end this is the main tool that you need brush wise for your eyebrows it's going to help you brush up the hairs see what you're working with and then the other side helps you fill in with brow powder for any areas that need filling in if you have super full brows you know sometimes just a little bit of brow gel is all you need if your brows need a little bit more help you can use a brow powder you can use a brow pencil really these things are all personal preference you kind of just need to play and see what works with you fill in where you need to to make them look as complete as possible don't skip your brows and a very simple guide is you want your brows to start from the side of your nose and end on the outer corner of your eye if your shape is not that full then you need to fill in to make it complete i know that was like really quick for brows if you guys want really specific videos on how to fill in your eyebrows i will list them for you in the description box because that's a whole other video in itself either way don't skip your brows that's my that's my tip moving on to step number seven eyelashes so i'm not going to show you guys an eyeshadow look today because if you want to say eyeshadow looks that's basically my entire channel is all eyeshadow looks so there are hundreds of them that you can check out every different style look you can imagine today this is again just a makeup for beginners so very simple the one thing that i definitely always recommend for every day is curling your lashes and adding mascara that's an instant wake-me-up for your eyes it's very minimal effort and it's super easy to do the reason i say curl your lashes because it makes such a difference i'm going to show you guys a side by side when your lashes are curled and when your lashes are not curled it instantly just like does something to your eyes so i definitely recommend curling your lashes you want to get an eyelash curler that has like a tight grip to it because that's what's going to make your lashes hold that curl and then for mascara you want to use a mascara that's going to be volumizing black and lengthening but again mascaras there's a million of them out there so find one that you like with a little bit of mascara this one that i'm using is from cosas it's honestly one of my favorites and curling your lashes look at that difference for every day like that's all you really need to do to instantly take your eyes from drab to fab oh my god i had to and i know that sometimes people are like oh i don't want to put mascara on put mascara on it makes a big difference next step highlighter highlighter is going to give that just like little final touch to your skin you don't have to do this but i really love it i think it just looks so pretty and i personally love using a powder highlighter i find it just so much easier for every day and i like using something that matches the skin tone so this is like a really beautiful golden shade this is going to go really well with my skin tone if you're more fair you can use a lighter highlighter if you're darker you're going to use a darker highlighter and they're just key areas where you're going to apply highlighter i love popping it right in the inner corner gives like a little pop to the eyes i like doing it down the bridge of my nose because it makes my nose looks thinner which i really love and then on top of my cheekbone this just looks really beautiful on the skin around the eyebrows this gives the skin such a healthy fresh luminescent glow so beautiful you don't have to do this step especially not for every day but if you have time pop a little highlighter and i promise you it'll make you feel better and then the last step step number nine i wish there was ten steps because i would have made it a lot better but there's only nine so the last step step number nine is the lips and this is again personal preference you guys you can do a lip gloss you can do a lip balm a lipstick whatever you want but i really recommend putting something on your lips it's gonna complete the whole look there's so many amazing options out there nowadays some people love gloss some people hate gloss some people love lipstick some people hate lipstick so again try out different things to see what you personally like i love this one from too faced this one's amazing this is the lip injection lip gloss and the shade is glossy bossy i love this you guys that is it that is how to create a full face step by step from beginning to end i hopefully explained everything for you guys if i missed anything please leave it for me in the comments i will try my best to answer it i hope this gives you guys the confidence to create a full face and once you know how to do this and you're ready to like take it to the next level then you can look at all the millions of other tutorials that i have on my channel because they are also full of instructions but they don't go like back to the basics like this last thing i want to say if you want to use a setting spray there we go that'll be step number 10 if you want to use a setting spray this would be the time to use it so once all your makeup is completely done there are a lot of really great setting sprays out there so basically you spray it at the end of your makeup and it just holds everything together and it just really makes your makeup last so if you do your makeup in the morning it's gonna last you eight ten hours it's gonna last you all day you don't have to touch up that much so setting spray really helps for that and the key for this is you wanna kind of keep let me see if i can do this you wanna keep your arm i got to stay close to the microphone you want to keep your arm as far as possible because you don't want the spray to just like leave big splatters so you want to keep your arm as far as possible and just spray really gently that is it you guys that is my full step-by-step guide how to create a makeup look from beginning to end i really hope you guys enjoyed this leave me your questions make sure you hit that subscribe button if you're new my channel welcome my name is iman and add me on instagram adimon on tiktok adimon makeup and let me know what other videos you guys want to see in the comments and i will see you guys next week with a brand new video bye babes
Channel: EMAN
Views: 490,152
Rating: 4.9500542 out of 5
Keywords: emanmakeup, makeup by eman, beauty, how to, makeup tutorial, best makeup tutorial, best makeup tutorial 2020, 2020, eman makeup, tutorial, makeupbyeman, makeup for beginners, makeup 101, beginners makeup tutorial, easy everyday makeup
Id: CdQiOP_tn1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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