How to Apply Eyeshadow Like a PRO | Complete Beginners Guide

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[Music] hi there gorgeous hope you're having a fabulous day in today's video i'm bringing you a complete beginner's guide to everything eyeshadow application now whether you are a brand new beginner you've never done eyeshadow you just want to get better or you're a seasoned pro and you just want to hang out with me i just thank you so much for taking the time to watch and for being here i get asked a lot about eyeshadow and i do feel like it's one of the few things that i could call myself an expert on because i've had so many years experience doing it and so i wanted to share all of my tips and tricks and the helpful things that i learned through trial and error on my own in the past that have given me the results that i get today and so i will also be doing time stamps on this video below for you in the description box in the event that you want to hop around and you want to look at different topics throughout the video all those will be referenced for you below at any rate i hope that you find this helpful it is currently raining so i hope you will enjoy because i am loving this weather right now so the first thing that you want to do when you're doing your eyeshadow application is always moisturize your eyes i notice such a huge difference if i don't take the time to add a moisturizer both on the eyelid and underneath the eyes the eyeshadow application is much different and you may have noticed that yourself if you have ever skipped that step so the one that i'm using today is from the hada labo brand this is an excellent ice cream ice cream it's an eye cream not an ice cream ice cream sounds good right now i do have an entire video i did not too long ago of a bunch of different eye creams that i reviewed all under 20 that are excellent this is one of them and they do an absolute wonderful job so i do apply it underneath the eyes and also on the eyelid it goes without saying that if you're building a house you want a really strong foundation and the same is true when it comes to makeup if your base isn't good anything that you put on top of it isn't going to look that great and that's why moisturizing the skin is so important both under your face makeup and your eye makeup usually i'll let that sink into my skin and take about maybe three minutes or so to fully dry before applying my eyeshadow primers so while i'm waiting on that i'll share with you the eyeshadow primers that i use and that i love number one milani's eyeshadow primer i need to get a new one this is great if you have oily eyelids one of my other favorites is from nyx they make one called proof it which is one that will last for 24 plus hours it is excellent profusion also makes one called no budge that is outstanding very affordable price points with all of these also lately i've been using one from alter ego cosmetics simply because they've been sending it to me for free and it's a great product it's a little higher in price compared to the ones i just shared with you but they all work equally great it doesn't matter how much you apply i mean you don't want to glop it on or anything but just apply enough and then blend it in one of the biggest things that you want to do when it comes to your eyeshadow primer is to allow it to fully dry and i learned this the hard way when i first started out i would apply the primer immediately apply the eyeshadow and then i would end up with all kinds of problems and you do want to make sure that the eyeshadow primer is fully dry if you don't you can end up with creasing it can be hard to blend you'll notice a lot of unevenness in your application and one of the best ways to ensure professional results when it comes to eyeshadow application is to apply a blending shade after your eyeshadow primer has fully set so i have been using up some of my old mac blanc type eyeshadows and this is a simple matte shade that matches my skin tone perfectly wet and wild creme brulee is another one that i also favor so you want to find a shade that matches your skin tone perfectly in the event that you cannot find one you can also use a translucent powder it works the same way and the way that you do this is you simply apply it onto the brow bone and bring it down into the crease a little bit and what this does is it primes the skin and it creates a smooth surface for the eye shadow to glide onto so if you were to skip this step you can end up with unevenness the eyeshadows can blend more harshly and it makes the process a little harder and that's why i always recommend applying something like this on the brow bone first plus it cancels out all those nasty veins that i don't like to look at i often get asked about brushes which brushes are you using which ones do you recommend so i will give you a little general overview here of my top favorite brushes that i use pretty much consistently for all of my looks and there are really only five but i'm going to give you some alternatives too for each of the five brushes that i'm showing you let's first talk about the blending brush that i use this is from it cosmetics it's the heavenly luxe no tug dual eyeshadow brush it's their number five brush and i love the end of this brush for blending specifically specifically because it is densely packed and it's fluffy and you can see when i say densely packed i mean that the bristles are tight together so there's not a lot of movement in the brush you can see there as opposed to let's say a brush like this one by comparison this one has a lot of movement it's a little more loose of a brush this is much more tightly packed and when it's tightly packed like this it makes it a lot easier to blend out crease colors to blend out harsh edges it makes for a better experience overall i don't have another one that i use this is the one that i have been using for a good two or three years now and it's my go-to favorite and i would highly recommend it the next one that i love and i've been using also for a number of years if not i think i've been using it for the past nine years that is the mac 239 brush and what i love about this is that it's a flat shader brush it's excellent for picking up a wide variety of mediums shimmers especially it holds on really well to the eyeshadows and gets them from the pan to your eyes with very minimal fallout and that's why i love this brush so much i have several of them now if you don't want to go out and spend money on the mac brush you can also find an exact dupe for it in crown brushes i have two of the crown brushes and they are c510 and you can see up close the dupe that they are to the mac brush this is the mac brush over here extremely extremely close and i use all three of these interchangeably between one another and i love them they are excellent for applying eyeshadow directly onto the lid for applying eyeshadow into the crease i go between one of these three brushes on a routine basis so the first one i'll show you here the pink and black one is the sedona lace eb15 the second one is from aoa studio this is the e129 the third one is from sedona lace i believe no sigma sorry sigma e45 and you'll notice that between all three of these brushes they have a fluffy tip but it's also a tapered tip and it's a smaller brush too as opposed to a much bigger brush now if you have bigger eyes then you can go with a little bit of a bigger tip compared to this i have a little bit smaller eyes and so i find that these fit really well into the crease now the aoa studio brush that i'm showing you here i'm also going to be showing you another one shortly these came from a 10 piece brush set it was 10 for the entire set so you're getting more brushes than just this one and the other one but it's worth it for 10 and these are of excellent quality they are super soft and i absolutely love these for outer v work and more tightly packed areas i will use either one of these three brushes first one being the sigma e25 and what i love about the shape of these brushes is that they have a densely packed fine tip to them the second one is the aoa studio e128 you can see very similar design to the sigma e25 much cheaper by comparison great quality and the third one is from crown brushes and this is the c511 and that is a dupe also for the sigma e25 that i use so very similar shape between all three of these and they make getting into tight areas a breeze and the final brush that i use mainly for applying eyeshadow as eyeliner or doing winged eyeliner is the mac 263 you can also use this one for your brows it has a incredibly fine tip you can see it there it creates very sharp precise lines and it's a go-to favorite of mine i have a few of these because they are that great the eyeshadow palette i'll be using to apply my look today is one of my favorites so that's why i'm choosing to go with it that's the visi art neutral matte palette you can see it's very well loved so we'll walk through this step by step i'll show you everything up close and i'm going to try to edit it as little as possible so you can see everything that i'm doing so the first brush that i'm going to use is this one from sedona lace it's the eb 15 and i'll take this shade from the palette which is my most favorite cool tone to neutral and i'll go ahead and apply this into the crease now you don't need much pressure you really want to rely more on your wrist to move the brush around and just do small circular motions until you get a nice wash of color into the crease i often get asked about placement like you'll see me often i'm sure do my crease first or i'll do my lid first and then crease second and people ask me often is there a reason why you do that and there is sometimes there isn't but most of the time there's a method to the madness and usually when i am wearing a really shimmery glittery eyeshadow on the lid i will apply it last because if you apply something like that first let's say i applied a shimmery glittery shade on the lid right there and i went in to apply my crease color afterwards by the time you're doing all this you're brushing away a good portion of that lid color and then you have to go back and reapply it which is not a big deal but it just makes it less work to go ahead and do the crease first and then save the lid for last and so that's why sometimes you'll see me working crease outer corner outer v and then apply my lid shade the other thing that i would highly recommend doing if you have hooded eyes especially is to bring the eye shadow up higher in the middle of the lid so you can see that i always tend to bring mine up a little bit higher right above the pupil and not only does this help to open up the eyes because it extends your eye shape but when you have hooded eyes when the eye is open you don't have that lid so you wouldn't see this lid on someone with a hooded eye and so you would see the eye shadow there and not only are you bringing it up higher so you can see it when the eye is open but when you bring it up into the middle a little bit higher it creates some lift there and it looks really nice it's also a really good technique to use on aging eyes if you find that you feel like your eyes are drooping or you want the look of a facelift without surgery it's another great little optical illusion that you can keep in your back pocket and don't be afraid to layer i layer more often than not with eyeshadow and i find that it's a lot easier to add than it is to subtract so take a small amount at a time and build it from there blending is an art in itself it just takes practice that's all i can really tell you there's no real surefire method to get it instantly overnight you might and kudos to you if you do but if you don't just realize that it's a process and it took me a while to learn it too so you're not alone what i will usually do is just take the brush that i started out with so when you apply that blending shade in the beginning there's going to be some residual left over in your brush so i'm not putting anything extra on the brush at this point i'm simply taking that brush and going over the edges of that crease color and simple back and forth motion like this and i will say that the brush that you're using to do this will make all the difference in the world you do want to make sure you have a densely packed brush like this and it really does make a world of difference that's what i've noticed and that could that's probably the best advice i can give you when it comes to blending is get the right brush because if you're using the wrong brush you're going to get frustrated you're not going to see the results that you want that's my opinion anyway now what i will also tell you is that sometimes i'll blend away too much because i'm a little bit of an overachiever like that but it's okay because what you can do is go back with a tiny bit more of your eye shadow and i did it on this eye so you can see what i'm doing here and go back over it a little bit and this may take you a while also to figure out you have to understand your own unique sweet spot if you will of where it looks best and minimal pressure again sometimes i have to do some back and forth like that to get the exact blend i'm looking for so don't be afraid to add a little bit blend add a little bit more blend it's just going to be trial and error until you figure out what works best for you but i typically do not go back and add more of my blending shade for this step if i use more the blending shade it will be a little bit later when i show you how to clean up the edges of the outer v but at this point it's just using what's already on the brush taking the crown c510 brush i am going to use the white eyeshadow from the palette and i will apply that directly onto the inner half of the lid you can see why i love these flat brushes they are amazing for putting the color on you don't need to pick up much with the brush it's a great great brush i love these and this is a very simplistic look by the way i'm not showing you anything too complex here today and don't get overwhelmed with what i'm doing if you want to keep this really simple you can stop here i mean just take this shade all the way to the end or any other shade that you want you don't have to use white you can use the same color from the crease you can use a little bit of a darker brown it's completely up to you but just stick with two colors if this is your first time doing eye shadow make it easier on yourself because i'm going to be using four which can sometimes be a little overwhelming especially when you're first starting out and when i did first start out i did use a lot of two color eyeshadow combinations until i did get comfortable so just a little bit more info there to help ease you in so you're not feeling like oh my gosh because i don't want you to get overwhelmed with this process it's it's so easy to talk yourself out of it and to negative talk yourself just realize that you're learning and you just need patience for the next step in this look i am taking the deep brown from the palette same brush and you really don't need much of this because it's so pigmented and i will apply that to the outer third of the lid so it's only this little part out here where i am tapping the eye shadow on and then when you get to the point where you want to blend the inner color into that outer third you can wipe your brush i usually keep a paper towel on my desk so you can see that my paper towel is here where i wipe the brushes off quite often and i will wipe off the excess and then go back and tap between those two shades you don't need much pressure here either and you do that light enough to where you get a gradient fade and those are your results for the outer v i am going to be using the aoa studio e128 brush and i'm taking a little bit of the dark brown from this palette now the outer v is an area of the eye that will require a lot of practice this is an area that i didn't quite master until ah i want to say maybe even like five years ago is when i feel like i finally did master it but it takes a lot of practice so again be patient with yourself yourself and understand that so the way that i typically do this is i'll take a little bit on the tips of the bristles and that's probably a little bit too much so i will wipe off some of it there on my paper towel and then you go directly into if you feel with your finger on the outer corner of your eye you can feel the orbital bone and you'll feel a dip i know this is so like but this is the only way you can really find your outer v you'll feel a dip from that bone down into the corner of your eye now that is where your outer v is so that's where you want to focus the application with your brush and so i'll usually start there and begin to do small circles and work the eye shadow up and out until i form that v shape and you don't want much on the brush because it is so easy to apply too much here and then end up with a mess that you have to clean up and yeah just trial and error from take it from somebody who's been there less is more it's a lot easier to work with this small amount than a bigger amount and so that's pretty much it what you're seeing right there and you'll see i have a pretty good shape formed in the outer v and then what i will usually do let's say i slipped outside the outer v let's say that this line went out further than what i wanted for it to you can clean that up very easily i don't feel like there's a need to use tape some people will use tape to keep the eye shadow in line there but i feel like that creates more lines and it just doesn't look as professional my opinion of course one thing you can do is you can take your blending shade again with your blending brush and you can sweep it along the outer edge there and that will help to clean up any straight edges and diffuse harsh lines and i will do this also even when i haven't slipped outside the outer v to give the look a more polished appearance and there you go applying eyeshadow into the outer v is a personal choice i mean obviously but there are certain eye shapes that really benefit from this type of placement most notably downturned eyes which is what i have you'll notice that on the outer corners my eyes droop and when i apply eyeshadow into the outer v it helps to create lift in my eyes and the same can be true for hooded eyes also you'll notice that sometimes with hooded eyes there is a droop on the outer corners and putting eyeshadow into the outer v can also help to create a lift and make your eyes appear elongated so it is a really nice technique to try to master if you want to create that kind of look to complete the look that i'm showing you here i'm going to be applying eyeshadow as eyeliner but i did want to briefly talk about the different kinds of eyeliners that you can use to complete your looks first one being liquid very well known medium it's been around for decades and i will tell you that my most favorite that i've been using recently and i would highly recommend it is from the jason wu beauty line this is the classic liquid eyeliner it is a matte black stay put will not budge all day drugstore priced liquid eyeliner that is absolutely fabulous gel eyeliner is also another great medium it can be a little you need a little bit of practice to really nail it at least that was the case in my experience with it but when you do learn how to apply it and you get really good at it there's so many things that you can do with it and i highly recommend looking at inglot's gel eyeliner line they have so many colors to choose from it is amazing best part is if they dry out on you which they more than likely will at some point i mean come on it's a gel eyeliner you simply take the inglot mixing medium that they sell separately mix it in it brings the gel eyeliner right back to life and you can continue using it just like that so absolutely love those you can also use pencil eyeliner not my favorite from the standpoint of it being a little more difficult to apply it can look uneven on the eyes but it's going to be up to you from a personal preference point of view the great thing about pencil eyeliner is that it is readily accessible it's a little easier to apply than say a gel or a liquid and it is a little easier to correct mistakes with it also by far my most favorite method of eyeliner application would have to be eyeshadow because it is so easy to correct if you do make a mistake and if you do make a mistake it's not that easy to see the mistake as would be with a liquid eyeliner which basically is a huge tattletale so i will usually use a deep brown or a deep black to line my eyes and so i'm going in with the deep brown from this palette i'm using the mac 263 angled brush everyone has their own method of applying eyeliner what i will usually do is tap it on a little bit at a time simply because i blink a lot and i always find that if i don't take time to pause or apply a little bit at a time that is when i make my mistakes is when i blink and you can keep the line sharp like i've done there or you can take a brush like the sigma e30 this is a very fine tipped but incredibly soft pencil brush and you can go over the edges of where you applied that eyeshadow and this is one of the reasons also why i like eye shadow is because you can smudge it it can look very slept in it can look smoky and so there is the difference it's very subtle but it's a really beautiful effect when you take the time to smoke it out a little bit you can also apply eyeshadow on the lower lash line i will sometimes do that with looks i'll take the same mac 263 angled brush in the same way i applied it on the upper lash line and i will simply swipe it on the lower lash line like so now if you focus the eye shadow to the outer half of your lower lash line it will make your eyes appear bigger so in other words if you were to take this liner and go all the way in to the inner tear duct it can close your eyes off and make them look smaller but when you keep it to the outer half it has the opposite effect the same is true of the upper lash line by the way if you did not want to go all the way into the inner corner there's nothing saying that you have to you can actually start about right there on the eye and then go out and that can also help to elongate and open up the eyes another one of the questions i get asked quite often is why do you do your eyes first and not your face first i was always taught to do my eyes first for the most polished looking appearance because when you're applying your eye shadow sometimes you can get fall out from the eye shadow on the under eye of your face and it can make clean cleanup a lot harder if you've already done your face and so that's why applying the eyes first will give you that more professional polished appearance in the end [Music] i learned everything that i'm showing you here today through trial and error through mistakes i made so many mistakes and if it's one piece of advice i can give you right here right now is that make mistakes go out and make as many mistakes as you can because the more mistakes that you make the better you're going to get and hold on to that because there's beauty in that and i truly hope that you will enjoy the learning experience that comes with it and if you would like a complete beginner's guide also on false eyelash application very similar to way to the way that this video was presented today i will have that video linked for you below in the description box thank you for being here for taking the time to watch and if you have other suggestions in the future for videos like this feel free to share them below i enjoyed this and i look forward to more have a beautifully blessed day ahead
Channel: Zabrena
Views: 321,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XYlgtvMBaRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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