Quick and easy retopology of head in Zbrush (with bonus UV mapping)

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so guys if you have followed my tutorial about the female head for example or any other tutorial that I have you may end up with this kind of mesh which is dynamesh it doesn't have subdivisions it doesn't have a lower version of it so it's a little bit unusual and useful or useless we'll see but you can make it work by zero meshing it so let's go to geometry tap and then zremesher and then go to zero measure by default is around five so we go to 1.5 something and zero measure and you will see that the measure will do it very very rough it will be not very nice but we have a way to make it follow some guidelines and those guidelines are exactly the zero measure guidelines so you can see our polygons now they are not looking good in this area here also bad here in the nose area it's very nice but only them only there the other areas are just crap so the nose area is pretty much almost perfect I'm just amazed but the other air is no so we control Z and we go to zero measure brush I'm now at it but I will show how to get it there so let's go to a standard brush and then go to be four brushes Z for Z remeasure brush and then three measure guide brush which is our you can see here so B Z our and we go to zero measure brush make sure your brush size is small and then like mine not like this but small and then we start following the shape of the mouth a little bit like this then a little bit like this we are just making some loops around the mouth which is very important because this will make sure that how this will be okay here we have a problem because if you pass through another loop near another loop closer than the diameter of the of your brush the loops will start to collide so you have to not do it okay we have made the loop for the mouth let's make a loop for the eye and try to not make the loop too sharp because if you make it sharp probably it will be a problem let's see if it will okay now it's nice I will make another loop here around the eye I want to make sure that the geometry around the eye will be good for animation for example and that's why I'm making this loops mostly hopefully in the nose area it will make it as it was before but I doubt about it because I doubt it not doubt about it I doubt it because now we have this this guidelines that it will follow in the areas that it has to follow them and in the other areas probably the things will change a little bit but if we make it like this okay let's make one here and one here just for fun and let's try now zero measure our curve strength is 51 by default it's 50 so this means that ZBrush will follow the curves that we have made 50% so it will follow them but sometimes not exactly which is unfortunate but let's see how it will handle this and I will tell you what we will do sometimes this will be very nice sometimes we will have few problems but these problems it will be very difficult to do to make sure their work in ZBrush so probably you should go in some different software and fix them but basically it will make it look relatively nice now for example our poly count account is pretty low so it has made here a problem in the mouth area is probably fine but in the nose area is not so I'll ctrl Z and try to force it to make in the nose area some loops like this and another one here probably or if you want to delete a loop you just have to out drag above it so it will delete it I will try to make some loops here for the nose also one thing here just to show this you saw ZBrush where we want our polygons to cool I want this basically you have to know where your polygons where you want your polygons to go but still if you follow these guidelines that I'm making now if you do them similar probably you will be okay with this so this should be fine but let's see let's make it like this and then go like this just a little bit and then try again zremesher if something bad happens again first will increase the target poly count which now is 1.5 which is 1.5 k polygons it rarely is doing this it's making them at least double that yeah it's aiming for that oh now it looks pretty pretty nice so it's relatively good except for this part of part of the eye here this part of the eye is not also not super nice the nose is relatively nice and we have all the forms in the other areas the chin doesn't have enough polygons probably but I don't know if we can fix that exactly but other than that it looks much much better than before so we can try to do one more thing just ctrl z increase poly count around almost two and then go and increase the curve strength to around 70 for example and zero mesh and whatever happens we will accept it and I will show you how to project what you have done before from dynamesh to the low-poly and make subdivisions of this dynamesh head so now it looks pretty nice it has some issues but they are minor minor so we will do this duplicate this then make it without ice so we have now two low poly versions but the top one has a history so we can choosy the top one and we have the the version with the more polygons and poly paint and everything because this these things all the eyebrows and everything are poly paint obviously so if we want to get rid of those lines we just we just control drag the model no we're not if we want to get rid of those lines I can just go ahead and out drag there was another way of getting rid of them but I just don't remember it so now we get got rid of them I think it was just by clicking yes just by clicking without any other thing just clicking on it and everything will disappear now we go to the lower mesh and we go to the project or project we will project details so now all we have to do is we have to be only those layers visible or those sub tools this and this and this is the high this is the law we are now on the law and we can see the high is also visible but we are on the low so we go to project all but first control D which will make a subdivision and then project all it will ask us if we want the poly painting and we'll say always yes and now you can see it's going somewhere so ctrl D again and then project all and we'll have a little bit more detail even and now ctrl D and we don't need to project in this case because our head is not that polygons but if we had some kind of a pores or something we can project even better so it's pretty nice now this one is 270 mm polygons and this one is three thousand three hundred thousand so it's pretty good and the polygons are nicely going around every forum and everything and I hope this could be useful to you of course this is a issue here we have which we have to we have to think about before we start projecting but yeah whatever now it's it's impossible to fix now of course it's possible everything is possible but the thing is that this tutorial was just to show you how you can easily make it and now we can make even we can hide this and we can make low poly not low poly but UV coordinates for example how you can go to the plugin and dock this here then you've a master and then we can most of the time I work on clone but now we'll try to work exactly on this model so we will just unwrap let's see what happens so flatten will show us okay so working clone flatten and this is our unwrapped head which doesn't look good so we will uncertain and we will try to work on it a little bit more so first we will enable control painting protect we want when you click protect you will start to draw and we want the face to be protected so it won't have seams on the face so I will try to protect the face mostly okay I cannot draw here which is unfortunate I can try feel it okay so this is protect and attract will attract the seams to whatever we want so attract the seams to this part of the head for example no but protect is more more that we want we want all this area I will just mask it it will be easier for me to mask it and then reverse the mask and fill object and now we have protect that area and now I have the area that we might want some seams and then we will unwrap and basically what it has to be is flatten will see that our face is now here it's protected and it's it's looking good and we just want to unbutton copies go to our other mesh which is the real mesh paste UVs and now we'll have movies for this hat and we can make a texture and everything we want so this is the base let's see the ice fitting perfectly we have low poly you can put this in max it's how many polygons five five thousand polygons so it's good for kind of a renders and everything it's nice we have a we have even UVs now which we can use so that's about it that was what I want to show and bye for now
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 260,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, head, retopo, retopology, clean, zremesher, zremesh, gudes, how, uv, unwrap, face, female
Id: 2UdUNa7c4ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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