Eyes and eyeballs for dummies :). Proportions, modelling and drawing.

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so if you see that I don't have ice of this character and I will tell you why because as you know from the title of this tutorial this is about making ice so I will explain a lot that I have learned through the ears I have read in Internet and everything about the proportions of the ice compared to the face and also the eyeballs very important for sculptures especially because if you draw eyes the eyes are one-fifth of the width of the head so if you draw them it will be easier for you because you have one eye between both eyes and you have one eye distance between the the corner of the eye and the end of the head but the end of the head not here but in the most way widen or the most white part of the head which is here in the brain no it's here above the ear in this place here is the the most white part of the head so we will measure this now without perspective because yeah let's put the perspective on but let's make sure that this small perspective not so big so yeah 85 is nice so probably the ice should be around almost 5 times compared to the width of the face but not exactly 5 I will show you so first what we want to do is append a cylinder let's take this cylinder remove symmetry now because not symmetry to the perspective yes we don't want that and we'll make this and yeah this and it doesn't matter how big it is because this is the eye this represents the eye of course is very simple here Matic but whatever so let's just copy it five times let's do it like this I'm control holding and shift also holding because if I don't hold shift only control I it's it's happening it's not problem so it cool and I will do this and this will be our ice let's remove this one ok let's remove this one thank you they'll hidden and we work a so now these are our this is the width of our head so I will make it smaller of course because it has to be this kind of with let's do this and move it a little bit this way and probably this is it you can see that the wit now is exactly the width of our head so we'll go down and now we will make it a little bit bigger because the the the distance between the corner of the eye and widest part of the head is not exactly one eye sometimes it's a little bit less so I will make it a little bit bigger but not too much just a little bit ok tiny bit so now we know where our eyes will be so we can go to the head and just mark the beginning of the eye here and the end of the eye around here remove this and then I will draw my eye but be careful where to put it because sometimes you can do this thing and this will be too low of course so we might want to go to go from this area and this will be the other corner it will be a little bit upwards so this is corner to corner and then we'll have this kind of thing eye and the bottom part of the eye the bottom eyelid will be not so curvy most of the time although it could be you can open a female eye in Google and you will see how much different eyes are so I'm just draw the eyes now what I want to do is inflate a little bit so I can put the eyeball inside so I'll go to get my inflate brush and just inflate inflate inflate inflate and just smooth and inflate smooth and yes so this is it it looks very odd but doesn't matter so now for the eyeball very important let's open the sphere and let's see I had a question in my youtube channel what how do you how do you notice not how do you notice but how do you determine how big is your eyeball and this is a very very good question because most people are struggling with this and yeah most people make this diable like this this size which is approximately the size of the eye the width of the eye you can see it's like almost the width of the eye which is wrong yeah the eye is bigger than the eyeball I mean the visible part of the eye corner to corner is bigger than the Apple because it goes five times into the width of the head but the eyeball I will tell you how it measures so the eyeball is approximately two and a half centimeters which is one inch approximately it it goes from two point three to two point seven maybe but two point five is cool so two point five is one inch the head is from six to seven inches wide so it's the eyeball can go into the head with seven to six to seven times but for women probably they have smaller heads and bigger eyes eyes so we will go like six times so let's go six I will go like this copy it with control holding oops now I just want to touch it okay and I'll just control pull it until you have six for male characters we may have seven or six and a half you can make it six and a half but I will make it six for now for our character so let's do this and then let's go to the middle as much as possible and then just squeeze it and it doesn't matter that I'm so much in the middle but I will try to be so make it a little bit bigger a little bit bigger that's more just a little bit so it's six and not a half but six and something you know I'm trying okay now all right now one of these will be our eyeball but see it's not this one or this one or this one of course maybe is this one but it's not exactly this is just to measure the size of the eyeball so we'll get one eyeball now and we'll fit it inside our eye that we have measured before so let's do that let's go and out a group so we have every ball in a different group and then select only one of those balls and excuse me and then they'll hidden and we'll have our eyeball and our eyeball will go into the eye itself let's go transparency and fit it here it will go I guess something like that so it's cool and now we will try to model the eye around our eyeball let's try to do this it will be difficult and dangerous task but we're up to it so now I will do it and then I will show you as a bonus how to make a good eyeball in ZBrush in the tutorial about the female head have done it but it's one hour and probably you would want it to be here also because it's very fast it's like five minutes and it's done and it's not exactly the perfect eye but is very decent and that's why I'm doing it you know it's very cool so we'll just make the upper eyelid the bottom eyelid below the bottom eyelid there is always this kind of this kind of going inside you can see like this it's a little bit too much in mice in my case should be a little bit less but I will smooth it and it will be okay and then we should make this kind of a tear thing here yeah my plate tubes is not working which is too bad some of my brushes are working some of my let's play brush oh yes it's RGB only so it was not working when it's on RGB mode it's only drawing but not doing anything else so I will just do this because we have this kind of a fat tissue above the eye especially in female in male also but you have to be careful not to do this what I've done here so from from this point here if you see the silhouette we have to go deeper and deeper and deeper like this and when the silhouette is showing us this we have to dig deeper with our eye and our eyes should be a little bit deeper like this dipper is not deeper yes and our eyes should go a little bit more inside like this most likely and also you have to be careful about the upper eyelid you have to go from the bottom and just the upper eyelid should always be above or in front if you look from this direction in front of the bottom eyelid so probably our I should go a little bit upwards like this so we'll have this yeah it has of course it cannot be done super quick and look super nice but it's starting to look mmm relatively good so I will work a little bit on it just refine it a little bit more and then we will make the eyeball the iris the pupil the pupil people its pronunciate people and it will be fine so as you can see in the other eye here era have symmetry because I disabled symmetry a little bit a little while ago and I will have to do some trick that I will show you now it's fast and efficient and the trick is to an able to disable symmetry again just mask this area what you want to repeat from the other eye invert the mask go to deformation smart with some and you're ready then we'll go to symmetry and just everything will be fine then I will go and mirror this eye and we'll have it so I will turn on perspective and now you see the eyes are looking relatively nice so the next thing we want to do is go to the eye itself and just symmetry because I want to work on both eyes you may work only on one eye it's up to you of course so I will decimate twice not dismayed but increase the resolution twice divided twice and then I will tell you how to determine how much the iris will be of the eyeball so the iris will be a circle about this size and let's see if I'm right yeah it's a little bit difficult but let's see if I'm right so it to check out you can make this from the beginning from the middle of the iris up to here the distance is the same as from here to the end of the I so the radius of the iris is equal to the distance between the iris and the end of the eyeball looking from the front like you can see here from the front from this of course it's different but whatever so we invert the mask and then we inflate this part and I call this a lens it's not unless it's a clearer or something like this but let let's not get into terminology that much because it's here so it has to protrude like you can see here so now I keep my mask and I go with a blue eyes I always go with blue eyes away I like them and bluish fill object and now what we'll do is just keep the mask and go with a lighter color go with our alpha brush or if you don't have alpha brush you go to a standard brush and just disable the add and enable RGB and you will be set and then you can draw with the color you have choosen chosen so I just do this just draw lines which are going into the center which is yeah you just have to be not precise but just a little bit like going to the center and outside and like this then I will go with a darker color just for good measure then I will go with a very light color only on the bottom part here because if the so-called lens what I call it is is protruding the iris itself is going inwards a little bit so it catches the light by its bottom part like here like this direction and the top part is a little bit darker but you will see that in a minute so now I will just fill it with black which is this is the pupil what we call the people and it will be this size you yeah watch for this to be a circular hopefully you can make it and now we have the eye but it doesn't look good so it's very important you go to your materials find the top plastic material and em fill object our degree so this fill object is not here it's obvious of the tax I think it's in color yeah colorful object so don't worry about it maybe I will do a video someday about my overall how I do my interface because this is much easier to work with so this video is starting to get pretty huge I mean not super huge but the eyes are a subject that needs more attention and I haven't seen a lot of videos explaining the ice in the internet so it's good so now we have our ice set our eyeballs but our model looks a little bit off so I'll explain what we can do so we go to a basic material folder for the model and go and just adjust the eye a little bit more from the side view it could not go to much like this it should be more like this you should be careful about that I've seen a lot of mistakes regarding this and every time when we sculpt exactly when you sculpt we will make the eyelids much fatter not much fatter but just wider or thicker than they are in real life a little bit because we need more shadow and we need this shadow to go to the bottom of the eye to the eyeball although we don't have it now I will do this a little bit in the bottom here and then of course this part and then smooth and we see here it's a little bit off but it doesn't matter too much I will just mask the upper eyelid it's a trick just mask it easily and then I would move brush I will go ahead and move this just a little bit down here and this will give us the impression of just a more relaxed look let's see it from okay okay okay it's look it looks fine yes then I will just increase this a little bit more and you see that it started to look a little bit better now but not quite we are not quite there yet we'll have to make this line continuous here and this is like this so next thing we want to do that will make our model look very much better she will not have this very much wide eyes look you know like wow I'm so scared or something like this first I want to take this a little bit more upwards and this one this part here and then the eye will go down from there but you have to be careful because the corner of the eye from the outside shouldn't be lower most of the time shouldn't be lower than the corner of the eye in the inner part because this will be out so most of the time it's like this the corner here is a little bit higher but not too much because if you make it too much it will be an Asian character and if you want a Shin character it's it's okay but if you don't want it's not okay so next thing we want to do very importantly you will see how our model will change will get this ice eyeballs a little bit upwards and not it's not that what we'll do is go to them go to our alpha brush or the standard brush with just RGB on without a Z AB RGB intensity low lower than 10 and then go to our very dark color and just start to add shadow just below the upper eyelid just a little bit like this shadow there and shadow just a little bit a little bit below here but you have to be very very subtle very so like this and now she looks a little bit more like it like what you will ask like like herself okay and now we will add shadow not shadow but just mask this area here and the bottom area this will just give us the impression of a makeup and eyelashes and we are kind of ready you can see the eyes they are looking fine and in the beginning they looked small but now they look pretty much okay so yeah that's about it about the eyes in 20 minutes thank you for watching and hopefully this was useful to you
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 113,303
Rating: 4.9648662 out of 5
Keywords: eyes, eyeballs, anatomy, head, female, eyelids, how, make, big, sculpt, zbrush, draw, model
Id: EydgMh8etEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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