Why am i doing Retopo in Zbrush and how?

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this is the global other way from the previous video where i do it from sphere for an hour uh all his life but most of you already know that this video won't be for anatomy or for sculpting or for something it will be for this kind of adult subject of retopologizing yeah we all like kind of hate it but we have to do it it's it's not bad i mean it's relaxing whatever so uh first what we need to do in any program that we really apologize in we need to have a base which in most programs is a one just a plane so here we can append a plane for example and it will be okay but what i like to do is a little bit more complicated and uh yeah because uh i can start in any surface so like this i just made a little mask then i go to extract accept then i just control control shift on the top group to make it only this visible then they'll hidden of course if you don't have this menu or all those menus here custom menus i have videos in my channel how to do it default zbrush interface is hostile in my opinion it's not it's not workable and most people are giving up zbrush when they start it because of the default zbrush interface because you cannot change your brushes easily and it's just not bad not good but this retopologizing thing is mostly for people who are kind of uh not new to zbrush whatever of course if you want to do this kind of a ui you can check it out in my channel you can find it how to make your custom ui and how to make a custom menu like this with the most used functions in xerox very useful very very much speaking of your workflow so first we did this let me check out what i did okay a lot of polygons so i will just remesh it and then i will leave only one polygon and del the other so this is my way of working yeah i know it's a little bit odd but still yeah and i'm i'll make it bigger because we don't want it to be so small and this will set the size and everything of your opponents of course you can change it later it's not a problem so uh we we may start now we may start so del hidden okay i pressed it how to start with apologizing and what we will use to read to apologize in zbrush yeah we can use the retro pologizing brush or a toppo brush or something but no we will not use that we'll use the z modular brush but with certain functions so i've done that for like three months now i really apologize all my characters in zbrush they are full characters with clothes with teeth with eyes with everything i would apologize only in zbrush and then i just put them a little bit in blender just to fix their uvs because i do the uvs the base uvs also in zbrush so almost everything i do in zbrush and then just a little bit of a normal 3d pro not normal but a 3d program like blender or max i use for just fixing just making the uvs fit the canvas okay so how to start go to the modeler brush so b z z modeler brush here and uh by default the model brush is when you go to to an edge and press space it's insert single light loop okay when you go to a dot it's uh it's not move i think by default maybe it's move who knows and if you go to the polygon it's by default is q mesh okay let's turn on local symmetry just in case so we have to do something else we have to change some of those options and save this brush as our zero topo brush for example and it will be fine so first we go to uh edge and we go to move now not to move to extrude yeah this is a new function extrude this wasn't here like maybe like eight or something months ago um it's in the newest zbrush so 2021 before that it uh it didn't exist so extrude edge loop it's everything we just click extrude everything he'll be the same except snap to surface we have to snap to surface turn it on only this only this option here turn it on everything else will stay the same and when we do that when we drag just drag without any key combination or something just drag and you will see how it will fit not fit but it will snap to the surface we can start to apologize but first let's go to the dot move snap to surface also amazing so now when we move the dot when we move the vertices they will snap to the surface so the problem with this is that uh our new polygons will be exactly in the level of the base mesh this is a little bit of a problem and i fix that by just clicking transparency and ghost or just transparency only and i use it like this yeah i know it's probably not the most comfortable thing to use but you can do it and also we have to be careful not to click on the polygon because we'll do this so we go here and press do nothing so when we accidentally press here nothing will happen and you see one of the most common problems uh when we're apologizing zbrush in this case i always have this problem is accidentally doing this kind of uh you see nothing here but you see we have a little polygon in here so i will ctrl z to get rid of it but sometimes you have to delete it manually this is one of the worst things uh in retropolishing using zebra because i want to to take this vertice and move it but i just just click a little bit and and make this kind of a polygon in the back and then i cannot extrude from here anymore so yeah control z will fix it or you can delete it so now what i do in order to have this brush already set and not to have to set it all uh every time and to have my smaller brush back i will go to brush menu and click clone if i save us and save this brush now in the zebras folder if i save it now it will mean that in this session i will lose my similar brush which is not a problem i always start the brush i will have both but now i will just click clone and then i will go again in brush menu save us and then we'll go to see program files pixel logic where is it zebras 2021 this startup yes z brushes and then we call it z red topo oops nothing cubic red toppo okay save and now we have this brush zero topo here and i can drag it in here to be able to select it so we have the modeler i have it in my menu but i will take since i have enabled customize i will take zero toppo here and place it in this area here so it's a little bit further away from the rest it's more distinguishable now i will disable customize store config and everything should be okay now i am on this brush so i can start with apologizing and since i'm on uh transparent i can move rotate everything my object from here because if i don't have transparent from here i couldn't do it i have to go to the side but yeah this is perfect we can start so i just drag move drag and then we can start working around the mouth like this like this like this rotate c and this is pretty easy i mean in any program i i know how to apologize in 3d max i know how to apologize in blender and uh i choose to apologize in a zbrush why you will ask i will tell you but not now maybe in the next video no now i will tell you i would apologize in zebras because i can it's the only program that now you see i have a polygon in here so controls it we have to be careful about this polygons but it snaps i mean it's very nice it snaps so when i'm retoo apologizing is rush no other program can offer me to be able to uh fix my high poly on the go so if i have a problem here and for example i say oh she doesn't have the nose has to be more something so i go to the nose fix it for example bigger nose no problem not that big but you know what i mean and then we can continue with apologizing it's just that easy it's i mean super easy in any other program if you want to fix the high poly you have to take it back to zbrush fix it and then take it back to the other program i think it's not necessary i think this what i'm doing here is the best so you see how the the symmetry is working i put too much polygons here but whatever it's not problem because now we are just showing the things and uh yeah this retopologizing method in zbrush doesn't have too much automatic functions like the famous things that blender or other programs can do automatically put polygons and stuff but for things that i'm doing and i'm doing now characters for games which are mobile games and those games kinda have a triangular uh count very low i mean one character with armor and weapon and clothes and everything is around 7 000 triangles which if we compare it to for example the girl from horizon zero down she has a very nice hair if you remember the character the hair only is above 1000 triangles 100 000 triangles the hair only so the hair is like around 12 or even 13 or 14 of our characters only the hair so for for this to work our characters uh to be so they if they have to be looking good in game we have to make every polygon count so we always do it by hand everything is by hand we don't use like zero measure or similar stuff if you have a higher polygon count you can use zero measure and then continue zero measure as a base and then delete some polygons do the other polygons by hand like this it's very easy if you want to catch more of their one point you just make your brush bigger and you catch more points even if i go like this i can catch a lot of points and move them very easy if i want to work only with one i will go and just do this and this is just by moving i mean i'm not using any shortcuts short keys or something key combinations no it's just moving moving moving and if i have forgotten for example to put uh mustaches on her i can easily do it and then continue to apologize the thing is here the principle is the the following so we have a subtool which is a separate subtool which is the topology very cool we can really apologize on any visible subtool so the eyes for example they are separate you see that separate but we can really apologize on them too you see we're going over the eyes which we don't want of course so i can delete it they're hidden and we can continue root apologizing here of course if i want to go to the eyes and do a little work there i will go like this i will just go make a bridge to the eye area and then continue doing polygons on around the eye until i'm happy with my overall around the eye polygons if i can say so but yeah this of course are core principles of topology of the face you just do the mouth around the mouth a lot of loops you just do a lot of loops around the eyes each eye separately of course for example now i don't want to re-apologize the eyelashes i can go ahead and just turn them off and then they will not be included in their topology so i'm almost certain that nobody is doing this nobody is really apologizing in zbrush except me maybe there are few other people the thing is that i'm explaining why this is very comfortable also you finish your high poly model and you can start it apologizing right away before that i finish my hyper model i start preparing it start to merge it here and there do this do that decimate it so it's lower poly because if you try to put like 20 million polygons or more in 3d max or blender you will have a little bit of a difficulty everything will lag it will not be a pleasant experience so we decimate and now you see yeah i have a issue here i'll control z sometimes this happens these issues but the thing is here it's very very easy just uh you're ready with your high poly start with apologizing not the problem and then of course when you want to export your high poly to use it in for baking purposes of course you you have to do every step but you don't have to decimate anymore the decimation you don't have to do because it's uh it's useless i mean you don't need this kind of a lower high poly just to re-apologize because you can really apologize here i don't think there are a lot of programs that can hold the polygons that zebras can yeah keyshot is one of the problems and maybe topogun but still you have to decimate i think i'm not sure one of my colleagues is using potopogan and he's pretty happy with it but yeah for the retopology the thing is uh it's just a personal personal choice i mean i can really apologize i told you in blender i can really apologize in 3d max uh the most comfortable i feel in 3d marks although now since i have made already like maybe five characters in in zebras read to apologize i'm pretty comfortable in zbrush so it's about practice everything is about practice you can practice and you will get better so here i will have triangle which is never a good idea to have in this place a triangle so i'll go to the other the smaller verse normal one press delete and i will use it as a delete brush it's very good to have this kind of a delete brush here okay you just have to put the polygons close to each other the vertices and they will snap very useful very nice very cool and i will continue with apologizing continue speaking about the yeah i can do a triangle here it's not a big issue in the area where the the skin will not move that much although if this is for a kind of a responsible animation for animation movie or something this is not a good way to have a triangle here probably then we'll do this and but since i'm not thinking that much here that's why i can put a triangle here and there but probably it's not a good idea i mean um there are people watching they're people that will kind of learn from this and i want to show you the right way to do it so if you want to for example to extrude like a poly loop edge loop yeah you can do that so extrude one just hold it then press alt just tap out and then you will start extruding many or many edges at once i rarely use it i mean sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't then you can press out again to do this or if you click out and then press and hold out you will see everything is throwing no i mean i prefer to do everything by hand i know maybe this is a little bit too much maybe i'm a little bit old-school i'm not sure but in my case i prefer to do everything by hand yeah of course of course if you have a character which is um a lot of polygons we can do one more loop around the eyes here how let's go here insert yeah so yeah if your character is a lot of polygons has a big polygon budget i mean then you can of course use zero zero modeler uh the topology you can really apologize automatically as as good as you can because it's not the best apology but you can try sometimes and then i told you you can just fix it in zbrush in with this method of course uh yeah thank you i always thank zbrush when i'm when i'm making a video of course otherwise i don't think for this or am i i'm not sure whatever so uh what i was about to say i don't know was about to say just sometimes when i um when my thought ah yes so sometimes zebra said this is not symmetrical so that's why we work always on this side of the model this part here not this we work on this part which when we see it from the front it's our left our left or the model's right y because if something happens sometimes when you move a vertices in this side on the other side it's moved a little bit differently or it snaps somewhere that it doesn't have to snap and here it doesn't because here we are looking at here we don't look in the other side sometimes it said it's not symmetrical so we have to mirror and weld and i i kind of always do mirror and wealth i do it i do it a lot mirror wealth is my thing here we will put a triangles i'm sorry about it and you see how this is not exactly right so when we mirror on weld sometimes we get this what can we do to fix this in the middle i will tell you we press x to go out of symmetry we go to our move brush just the move normal move brush you see move and we just move this a little bit out of the center to our right and then mirror and wealth will fix it this trick i learned from a guy in youtube like most of the things and now we turn on symmetry again and start continuing so triangles are very easy to make here you just drag and it snaps sometimes it doesn't snap that easy but most of the time it snaps yeah but you see the point you see where i'm going with this let's continue with the mouth and let's see what we can do but if we have to go for example something without symmetry to do something that's like a hair uh it could be it's not a problem i mean it's super easy how i do it i have to start here for example i do this i do a bridge which goes to the hair i delete this part of the bridge then i just split hidden so i i use my polygons here to just make a base for this folder here i go out of symmetry delete the other one and just start here it's that easy just start here so maybe you will ask but uh are you using exactly kind of this distance from from the model for your low body no i always go but it takes me like not more than 10 minutes for the hormone whole model to go and inflate the low poly compared to the high poly and you can just go like this it's pretty pretty easy and then we have to connect them for example if i want my face to be symmetrical and symmetrical also in the uvs but the hair not symmetrical i have to be able to make something symmetrical for the face like this for example and maybe a little bit more even but at some point i have to start after this point i have to start to be asymmetrical which i will do by going with this but in order to do it well i go to my inflate brush and just inflate it so it goes over the surface and it's visible because otherwise it's not that visible you see just inflate brush here and there just touching sometimes with alt just to push it and then we go to our the other mesh and zero to pull zero top again and just try to adjust it manually like this yeah it's not hard i mean it's a little bit labor-intensive maybe but it's not hard everybody can do it you just need practice for this nothing more i've practiced a lot with this brush although it's pretty new it's less than an year old but already oh we have something here we have a problem yes this polygon here i have to delete it somehow so i will try to move it with the move brush just to be able to see it and then probably i will not delete it sometimes we have to use the move brush because this move of the vertices that the modular brush is offering is not enough sometimes it just don't work when our polygons are like crossed yeah these kind of things are the things that you will encounter if you start re-apologizing in zebras they are not the worst and i'm used to them now and always my model i have to kind of clean it after i finish with their topology i have to clean it which i think it's fine and i clean this kind of uh this guy i show i clean this kind of stuff this and you you don't see it now but it's there see this one behind and for example if i leave it if i go like this and i forgot that it's there it's here you know and it's it's making problems later so you have to just find it and kill it it's it's not a big deal i mean uh in blender it's very easy to fix that in max also so i fixed this kind of stuff there while i'm doing the while i'm uh kind of ordering the uv map i'm putting the uv map in order i'm not ordering it but yeah um i don't know what else this is my way of doing it i told you you have to save i mean if you put your brush here you have to store config which is in preferences config store config and enable customizer here but i have it here and as i told you you can find my video about speeding up your workflow in zbrush there are two videos in my channel one is for the uv the custom uv ui how to make it and it will be very useful for you not to take someone's customize custom ui but make it you make it your own for example i was working with zbrush for more than three years before i make my own mind my own ui and i made every brush every of those brushes which is the most common used brushes i made them to respond to one two three four five six seven on the keyboard and this way i'm working like uh like a lightning fast that's why i'm able to make this kind of a model like this this kind of a hat with a hair and eyes and everything just in one hour in zbrush otherwise if i use the normal zbrush interface i probably it probably will take me two or more hours even with my experience and everything just the normal zbrush interface is not friendly it's i think it's absolutely the worst just the default that's why in my uh course um absolute beginner course i one of the first thing i do there is to change the default zbrush interface because it's not good yeah we can do this and we can do this we can always do a triangles and stuff in 3d marks the triangles are a little bit difficult i mean it has a problem with triangles in my experience i don't know the newest versions maybe doesn't have that problem but here amazing i mean we can do triangles all day i just love it and since the triangles are not super super nice to have in your model yeah you can have them especially in some areas that you don't kind of the model doesn't move at all in armors or something you can put a little bit of triangle here and there it's not a british or here we can put oops let's try oh triangle nice so let's see yeah this is our thing that's why that's how i do it and sometimes when i have this i just go to inflate a little bit and inflate of course is you have to know it but inflate is in deformation inflate here but since i use it often i put it there and the goal here with the topology is your model the low poly to be the closest as possible to the hypotenuses it's not that many polygons sometimes we do this like uh the high poly is visible here but it's not visible here it's just a matter of yeah and if you can do it well then it will bake very nicely i bake assistance painter for example and it will be just amazing that will be it for this kind of a short tutorial yeah i know it won't be very interesting for most people but i think there will be people that will be interested which is fine by me i just have to do it uh maybe in the future i will make uh kind of a course how to read apologize and how to get the whole workflow in zbrush just in zbrush i mean the high poly lithopology and uvs everything only in zbrush and then a little bit blender and then substance painter and then you're ready so yeah bye for now and take care and the next video i don't know what it will be about maybe again some kind of a hit girl head a little bit less stylized but still stylized why not we'll see if you have any suggestions go ahead hit me uh i had suggestions for uh birth school maybe some other type of skill also i can do and i'm thinking about horse anatomy in one hour in zbrush from sphere which would be a very nice thing but i have to practice a lot before i can do it so we'll see for now goodbye
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 17,188
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Id: iF6dpIB3-us
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Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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