Question Answer Session with Randy Skeete

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all right so we'll we're going to jump right into the first question and the first question is why did god allow sin to enter into a perfect world why do you think adam sinned adam sinned because he chose to sin it was not an accident the bible is clear eve was deceived adam was not first timothy chapter 2 excuse me 13-14 now sin was allowed because the angels had to understand how god functions go to first peter chapter one let's read verses 11 and 12. first peter chapter 1 verses 11 and 12. this will tell us that the old testament prophets while they were writing did not fully understand what they were writing but they had to be told they were writing for another generation so we'll go to first peter chapter 1 we read verses 11 and 12. read very very carefully do you have that first peter 1 11 and 12. searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the suffering of christ and the glory that shall fall now verse 12 unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister to the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you finish that verse with the holy ghost come down from heaven come on which things the angels desire to look into which is the gospel the angels do not understand everything now compared to us their minds are like encyclopedias don't misunderstand me but they don't understand everything and so when lucifer fell and the lord threw him out they did not understand whether or not he was justly treated as a matter of fact eli white writes in bible commentary volume 5 page 11 49 paragraph 10 it was only when they saw what lucy what satan did to christ on the cross that the last strings of sympathy with satan were cut imagine this for four thousand years and more there were angels in heaven who felt lucifer had been unfairly treated god had to allow sin that's the reason why god allowed cain to live that the universe may see what happens as sin proceeds and progresses it's a painful thing for god because he hates sin hebrews 1 verse 9 thou hast love righteousness and hated iniquity and the things we hate we try to avoid god cannot avoid sin that's why when all the wicked are finally destroyed including satan but before he is destroyed every knee shall bow and every tongue shall finally confess that jesus christ is lord that has to happen and for that to happen sin has to be seen for what it really is so that those of us who are saved having seen what sin does we will choose to live in a world where sin will never return again so god had to let it happen and proceed yes and god always knows best that's why to please god you must interact with him by faith because he's god we're not and there's so much it's like children and parents children do not understand why the father the mother said no the parents understand the child doesn't next question all right well let's jump right into some controversy let me say something before we get into the controversy the question also why did adam sin adam put someone ahead of god genesis 3 verse 17 and unto adam he said because thou has heartened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake god said you listen to someone else instead of me i hit a harp on this but let me harp when you observe sunday you're listening to someone else instead of god and i'll leave it at that yes master all right what is your opinion on the vaccine i have no opinion i'll tell you what the church's official position is you must make an individual choice based on praying to god for guidance following the health laws the counselors of ellen white and then making your individual decision that's the position of the church and i am no position to go against the church because i see nothing sinful about that council make your individual decision remember psalm 32 verse 8 i will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go psalm 25 verse 4 show me thy ways o lord teach me thy paths james 1 verse 5 if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that given to all men liberally jeremiah 33 verse 3 call unto me and i will answer thee and show the great and mighty things which thou knowest ask god should i take the vaccine he will convict you one way or the other because your body belongs to him amen all right what do you think is the reason we are losing members our members and and what is your solution john 12 well the bible has a solution i don't have one john 12 32 and i if i be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me the first application of that verse is crucifixion he was lifted up on the cross it also means lift him up when you preach lift up truth truth will draw people to christ in the great controversy page 509 paragraph one ella white writes conformity to worldly custom never convert converts the church to the world it never converts the world to christ let me say that again conformity to worldly custom converts the church to the world it never converts the world to christ when you mingle the things of god with the secular things you weaken the power of the message and people drift are you following me god called the israelites to be different and they said to samuel in 1st samuel chapter 8 make us a king to judge us like the other nations when you're called to be different and you act as though you want to be like everybody else it is an insult to god you are desiring a path contrary to the one for which god brought you into existence to be different and so we lose members because we drift from the truth i was conducting an evangelistic series in a certain church in canada and i told them we'll meet every night for three weeks and they said every night so this little opposition to that so the pastor said come and talk to the members so i flew to the city where it was and sat down and met with him and uh they gave me all kinds of reasons why they can't come every night i said to one when can you come tuesday night well you come on tuesday night when can you come wednesday when you come on wednesday but i can't shut down the meeting because you cannot come on the thursday so we have the meeting and the past of that meeting told me to in the third week of all the meetings they have had in the past the average attendance at night was about 30 people we averaged 160 people because all i did was to do what give them thus saith the lord that's no joke there's god listening to me i was called to do an evangelistic series in minneapolis and one night the executive secretary or ministerial director of the conference came and he saw the people so he asked the local pastor how do you get 200 people in a church on a tuesday night and the pastor said listen to me they're all kind of gimmicks churches use to so-called hold people holding someone in a church building is not holding the person in christ there are two different things you can hold someone in the building is the person in christ only this this keeps a person in christ in all my travels i've observed this attracts old and young and i get texo all the time young people telling me they want to walk with god god is my witness young people all the time pastor have sinned i want to get close to god and i give them this this all right next question in one of your sermons you say that the devil this is the devil's world could you explain that a little bit yes let's pray again father as i continue answering questions for your beloved people continue to grant wisdom to the pastor and me in jesus name i pray amen the temptations of christ are found in two places matthew 4 and luke 4. in matthew 4 is eat turn stones to bread jump off the building worship me in luke it is turn stones to bread worship me jump off the building now in luke's version luke chapter 4 6 and the devil said unto him all this power will i give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever i will i give it satan is saying all this was given to me when when adam sinned are you with me now when jesus died he bought it back but it's not yet in his control are you with me christ legally bought the world back the reason why satan went up to heaven in job 1 for six now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them he came to represent the earth and the lord said unto sin whence came us thou then satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it symbolizing that's mine because when god promised canaan to mock abraham he told him in genesis 13 verse 16 arise walk through the land in the length of it and in the breath of it so god told abraham to do exactly what satan said he was doing expressing possession and so in a certain sense this is the devil's world in john chapter 14 verse 30 jesus said the prince of this world cometh the word prince the greek word arkhan means a ruler and has nothing in me second corinthians 4 4 paul says the god of this world have blinded the minds and so yes in a practical sense the devil this is the devil's world but christ has bought it back legally but the devil is still squatting along with his people and christ is coming to remove the squatters do not be among them get to christ when you're with christ you are legally inhabiting the world you're not squatting all right let's let's just have a follow-up to that yes if you don't mind okay oh follow up okay uh pastor so in a sense god made an exception in allowing satan into that meeting because we know that sin cannot exist in the presence of a holy ghost that was the question that the pastors are looting no no satan did not stand in the full presence of god remember that uh jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world are you following me the administrator of the universe is the creator that's christ the same way the blood of christ was effective from the foundation of the world so was his humanity so anyone coming you see you can't have bloodshed without humanity i don't want to be deep or tough think abraham was saved by the blood of christ before it was shed are you with me noah by the blood of christ well it means the humanity of christ had to be effective for his blood to be effective because the spirit can't bleed are you with me and so because of christ he could come but he couldn't come into the full presence of the father through christ he could come up to heaven and we don't know exactly where in heaven he was you see all right thank you okay all right are people who don't people the people who don't keep the sabbath but they make it to heaven people who disobey god will be lost are you with me people who willfully deliberately fragrantly directly high-handedly disobey god will be lost because if god saves them sin will start all over again so when the person says well those who don't keep the sabbath to be lost martin luther didn't keep the sabbath eloy said he'd be in the kingdom william miller didn't keep the sabbath he was not convicted he'll be in the kingdom during the dark ages there were thousands and millions who knew nothing about the sabbath because it was an age of darkness but god knew the heart of those people they'd be saved but when in 1844 october 22 the temple was opened then the light of the law flashed out all over the world so that excuse is gone are you with me blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right this is not salvation by works this is expressing your love through obedience all right so i guess this kind of connects with the question is can you explain imputed right righteousness imputed righteousness is what god does for us in part of the righteousness imperialize is what he does in us uh when you come to christ a sinner i'm sorry forgive me immediately christ's righteousness covers you and his righteousness stands in your place now listen to what you said stands in your place let me put it this way you're in school university of missouri city and you get f e g plus h minus those are your grades are you with me now you come to christ and you submit to him read out christ's score for me a plus a plus a plus a plus a plus plus plus those are the grades christ has in righteousness he puts that to your name when you come to him let me tell you why that's necessary a perfect life the bible says the law of the lord is perfect a perfect law requires a perfect life you said amen but did you get what i'm saying a perfect law cannot tolerate an imperfect life if it tolerated it it ceases to be a perfect law a perfect lord demands a perfect life which means you have to be perfect in the past in the present and you must be perfect in the future are you with me the only person who's lived that life is christ so when you come to christ and you truly surrender you convicted by his love as expressed on calvary you want to do everything that pleases him but the spirit is willing but the flesh is me you understand christ accepts you and covers you with his righteousness and so eloise rights in step to christ paid 62 paragraphs to if you give yourself to him and accept him as your savior then sinful as your life may have been for his sake you counted righteous christ's character is put in place of your character and you are accepted by god just as if you had never sinned okay okay give me one minute this is so astounding people don't believe it they don't believe it the gospel is the most astonishing that's why angels cannot understand it that the very listen to ii corinthians 5 21 for he god the father hath made him christ to be sin for us whom you know sin that's christ and you know sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him we must be made righteous because we cannot make ourselves righteous god was god made jesus to be sin because jesus never made himself sin by sinning and so imputed righteousness is what is given to us when we come to christ the important righteousness is that power that takes us from day to day one is our title to heaven that's imputed the other is our fitness for heaven for instance let's say my little brother is 12 and he's next in line to be king of some country in europe somewhere but he's only 12. now he has to wait till he's 18. he has the title but he does not have the fitness are you with me let me say it again he has the title but he doesn't have the fitness so when you come to christ i'm sorry like that publican in luke 18. he left with the right the title he now had to develop the fitness of christ had to work out the fitness in him and so imputed as a title imparted provides the fitness for a place in god's kingdom yes my brother one second hold on a second please mike because the people we wanted people online to hear so what you just explained then the dilemma in the church now is what we hear people will be sinning until jesus come no no no no no we see look at look at daniel daniel loved god so much when he had a choice between sin and death finish my words he chose death we have to come to that point look at the three hebrew boys who refused to bow they had a choice between bow and live and refuse to bow and die they chose death not knowing they be saved paul went to jerusalem acts 20 saying i know what's waiting for me but i don't count my life pressures when you see hebrews 2 14 verse 15 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and delivered them who through fear of death were all the lifetime subject the bondage genuine surrender to christ brings you to the place where you prefer to die then knowingly sin against god no we will come to the place where we will not sin believe this we continue saying to jesus listen to me god put adam out for one sin he can't let you in with one is jesus actually god yes that's so heavy let me pray again father i lord as i deal with this you talk to me just take me out of the way and just talk to me let me be possessed by your spirit in jesus name i pray amen go to first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three i recognize that young professor right there do you have first timothy chapter three do you have verse 16 if you have the king james version read it with me carefully are we ready let's read and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness come on god was manifest in the flesh stop now stop stop stop thank you for being eager to read god bless you god was come on manifest in the flesh that's the great mystery great mystery but we must understand sufficient because as we understand it it changes us god was manifest in the flesh now let's add to that go to matthew 1. matthew 1 is aaron back there could you take that picture off please you can put a q a one yeah put some like that take off that ball-headed vegetarian all right did i say matthew chapter 1 all right let's read verse 21 are you there read with me and she shall bring forth a son come on and thou shall call his name jesus why for he shall save his people from their sin from how many sins all they say not some all now what is his work in verse 21 he saves them from their sin but who is he go to verse 23 who is this person that saves them from their sins read for me behold a virgin shall be with child come on and shall bring forth a son come on and they shall call his name emmanuel which being interpreted is god with us now what is the work he does in verse 21 who is he in verse 23 god only god can save you it's a it's a it's an era i see in the church for those of us who believe some advances believe jesus is not equal with the father only god can save you go to romans chapter 1. 6 41. do you have romans 1 16 you don't have it yet is in the new testament you have it now okay read with me what does this say for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ nice and loud for it is the power of the angel gabriel unto salvation the power of god only the power of god can save you yes christ is god was christ worshipped when he was on this earth because he was god and man at the same time i never said christ is the father but christ is fully god go to hebrews 1. and i'm glad this question was asked you'd be amazed what people believe in the adventist church which is not among the official doctrines by the way do you have hebrews 1 this is the father speaking to the son one of my favorite chapters here's what the father says in verse 8. and what does that read that for me thy throne but of the son he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever stop what does the father call him oh god oh god a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom what is the father saying jesus has a kingdom when you read read microscopically thank you very much verse 9 thou hast love righteousness and hated iniquity skipped the verse 10 and thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens at the work of thy hand stop the father says who created heaven and earth come on who the son read verse 11. they shall perish but thou remain is stop what's that what does that tell you about jesus and creation they shall perish creation will do what pass away but thou what does that mean christ is eternal the father is proclaiming the eternal nature of jesus they shall perish but they'll reach their remains and they all shall wax all this as the death of garment huh but thou are the same and thy years shall not fail that's eternal christ is an eternal being now since the father identified christ as god he called him lord in verse 8. lord god in verse 8 lord in verse 10. let's go to psalms 90. we know who the creator is let's go to psalm 19. somebody say amen for the bible you have psalm 90 read from verse 1 lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought for stop who brought the mountains forth jesus before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting finishing thou art god jesus is as divine as the father and the holy spirit is as divine as the father now they have different functions are you with me in divinity they're like this in function they're like that are you with me we have father son holy spirit equally divine each one but in function we have father we have son we have holy spirit go to john 13 16. i'm taking a little while this is important pastor now we have from six until the sun sets i didn't say i'll take all that time i just said we have it from six until the sun says okay where did i send you john what chapter 13 what first 16. now most of the reading is coming from the left let me hear someone from the right read as well i just keep hearing from the left but let's all read together are you with me read with me now verily verily i say unto you the servant is not greater than his lord come on neither he that is sent greater than him that sent him now we have two people in that verse name them the servant and the lord who's greater come on be confident even if you're wrong who's greater the lord and the lord is the one who does what he sends now listen to john 17 3. no you don't have to go there you know it and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent referee john 5 john 17 whom the sent have sent have sent have sent now it means with respect to authority who is higher the one who sends go to john 15. somebody said okay john 15. read verse 20. are you there what does that say read for me remember the word that i said unto you the servant is not greater than his lord [Music] if they have persecuted him they will do what yes if they did it to me they won't do it to you the servant is not greater that the one who sends is greater than the one who sent him now go to john 14. let's read verse 28 are you there read for me i said what does it say you have heard how i said unto you i go to my way and come again unto you if he loved me you will rejoice because i said what i go unto the father for my father is greater than i now in what sense is the father greater in the sense of authority and responsibility not in the sense of divinity the father the son and holy spirit are fully divine and white calls them the three great powers of heaven who are working for our salvation but with authority let me show you again the authority go to john 14. read verse 26. but the comforter come on which is the holy ghost whom the father shall send in my name stop the comforter the father will send him in my name the name is the authority of jesus now go to john 15. read verse 26 oh hold on hold on let's read together are we ready let's wait what does it say but when the comforter is come whom i will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father he shall now jesus says i will send him in verse 26 of chapter 15. jesus said the father will send him verse 26 john 14 in other words the father and the son can send the spirit the spirit doesn't send them anywhere now when christ was on earth in his humanity the spirit directed him luke 4 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach yes but as god he said that what happened at pentecost jesus sent the spirit to give him thomas jesus is fully god and if you don't believe that you may have a nice religious life but you cannot be saved by someone less than god i say again jesus christ let me give you one more verse go to isaiah 9. isaiah 9. are you there who can guess what verse i want you to read who can guess the verse someone who loves jesus who can guess the verse six six all right are you are there six let me pray again father continue to be with us all as we listen to your word and try to understand under the guidance of your spirit in jesus name i pray amen read with me for unto us a child is given unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be on his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful come on counselor come on the mighty god stop the mighty god keep reading the everlasting father the prince of peace a better translation of everlasting father is the father of eternity you see eternity flows from jesus that's a concept we can't understand because eternity has no end but it come jesus is the source of eternity so he's the father the everlasting father mean the father of everlastingness and he's called the mighty god we need to understand this stupendous fact that the person in that manger with arms and legs wriggling in the air helpless was the one who said let there be light and he took that step to save us no one less than christ could have come to die because he had to give up the life that is naturally his if the angel gabriel had come to die he would have been giving up a life that's not his because he received life from the creator are you following me the life had to be the life that naturally belongs to the victim dying on that cross only christ can fulfill that no angel could but the angels wanted to come and die no you can't die for sin the life is not yours i can die because the life is mine and so i give it up and i take it back up go to john i keep saying one more verse go to john 10. i want you to leave here understanding jesus christ is fully god don't put your salvation in peril by believing he's less than god john 10 verse 3 from verse 16 and you found it let me know read with me and other sheep i have which are not of this fold them also i must bring and they will hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd keep reading therefore doth my father love me because i laid on my life that i might take it again verse 18 no man taketh it from me stop jesus wasn't killed jesus gave up his life now you're saying yes because you're nice but do you understand what i'm saying jesus gave up his life if he had been killed it would have been an unwilling sacrifice are you with me he willingly gave up his life so he says in verse 18 no man taketh it from me but i laid down of myself now finish the verse i have power to lay down now stop wait wait a minute no dead person can raise himself jesus raised himself now the bible says the father raised him the father the bible says that because the father told him when to get up but jesus said destroy this temple and in three days i will rise if the father had raised him jesus would need an assistant no christ needs no assistance to save us so hebrews 1 verse 3 when he had by himself purged our sins and to purge the sins required the death and the resurrection are you with me to purge sins requires death and resurrection go back to the sanctuary the sinner brought the lamb the lamb was slain that's the death of christ the priest is the living christ and he goes into the temple to apply the blood you must have death and resurrection to have sins taken care of jesus christ is fully god somebody say amen for jesus all right next question all right so we established the fact that jesus christ is fully god let's now deal with the holy spirit yes is the holy spirit a separate being is he the spirit of the father or spirit of jesus some argue that the trinity is a catholic teaching and that the founders of the seventh adventist church did not believe in the trinity let me listen to me carefully when we hear the word heathen and pagan and catholic we start to panic are you with me now do pagans eat breakfast do we eat breakfast is that pagan behavior are you following me is that do do pagans wear clothes do we wear clothes is that pagan behavior no now the catholics believe in the trinity it doesn't make it wrong because they believe in the trinity they believe that christ is fully god that's not a catholic doctrine that's a biblical doctrine not everything catholics believe is wrong but where they're wrong they are catastrophically wrong are you following me no you're not listening to me so they believe some things that are biblical and if you believe the bible you believe the same thing the doctrine of the trinity is biblical not catholic now let's go to matthew 3. matthew 3 you have brother matthew chapter 3 you read from verse 16. what happened that versus exactly what happened this morning at a beta all right read with me and jesus when he was baptized went up straight away out of the water and lord the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and lighting upon him and law a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well please now let's look at it microscopically and i asked god to continue to be with this session please in the name of jesus where was jesus in the world he was coming out in what direction was the dove traveling so we have two different beings where does the dove sit on the shoulder some on the shoulder jesus the voice we hear where did they come from where above so we have someone coming down now the spirit can take any form remember in acts 2 the cloven tongues like us a fire that's divine power you see we don't understand that the spirit came down sat on christ who was coming out of the water and a voice said this is my beloved son in whom i am well please we have father we have son we have holy ghost go to matthew 28. the bible is simple if we're honest it's very simple when you're honest i'm not trying to defend tradition matthew 28 reading from verse 18 read with me and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go on go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy in the name of the father the name of the son name of the holy ghost name represents character power and authority because romans 8 9 tells us if any man hath not the spirit of christ he is none of his we must be baptized in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost now let's go to john 3 verse 8. is the holy ghost a separate person is he divine john 3 verse 8 it's 3 minutes to 7. do you have john 3 verse 8 read with me the wind bloweth where it listeth and now here is the sound thereof but can't not tell whence it cometh or whether it goeth so is everyone that is born of the spirit now what do you understand by born of the spirit what's that born again the new birth conversion or justification by faith only god can do that and jesus says the spirit is the force that carries out that carries it out only god can deliver you from sin let's go to acts 13. acts 13 we read from verse 1. there are some names you need to pronounce carefully in that chapter but go undergo the discipline of pronouncing these names because we don't read the bible because the names are different undergo the discipline of trying to pronounce don't quit and give up your child of god christ fell he got up he fell he got up he walked up the cavalry kept falling he kept getting up they finally helped him but he made it because he saw you so never quit too easily quit sin quickly but not other things all right first one acts 13 what does that say now there were in the church that was at antioch certain prophets and as uh-huh lucius and saul who had been brought up with my name okay let me get home read it again and we'll be much better okay now verse 2 says what as they minister and lord and fastid come on the holy ghost said stop speech is one of the highest expressions of intelligence that's why animals don't speak although they're intelligent the holy ghost said what did he say keep reading separate me barnabas and saul for the work where unto i have now look at verse one again how many people were there read the names again barnabas simeon lucius manian and saul now five the holy ghost said i want how many two he deliberately selected the two he wanted that's the power of discrimination to the work we're unto finish verse two i have called them can electricity make a call to you to go preach for christ can energy do that the holy spirit is an individual intelligent being we don't understand him by the way for those of us who are tempted to think the holy ghost is less than anybody else let me issue a biblical warning for you go to matthew 12. matthew 12. you have matthew 12. let's read verse 31 of matthew 12. are you there what does that say wherefore i say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven the men but the blasphemy against the shall not be forgiven read verse 32 and whoso speaketh a word against the son of it shall be but whoso speaketh a word against the it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world come on neither in the world be careful what you say about the holy spirit you talk about jesus forgiveness is possible you run your tongue in your mouth against the holy spirit and that's jesus speaking be very careful how you talk about the spirit of god now we read in john 3 8 the spirit saves he's the one who carries out the new birth go to isaiah 45 isaiah 45 read for me verse 22. are you there read for me what does this say look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth come on for i am and there is what does that mean by i am god there is none else yes okay what else read the whole verse look unto me and be safe stop that's the activity be look and be saved now he says for i am god there's none else what does he mean by that i am the only one who can save you but we read in john 3 8 the new birth is brought about by the spirit and jesus himself said that then the spirit must be fully god because only god can save you all right next question a lot of seven adventists believe that wearing jewelry example earrings chains are not a sin and that they can wear them some also believe that body tattoos are not sin what does god say all right i knew trouble was coming soon let's pray father give us a heart to receive biblical truth and not social customs in jesus name i pray amen go to genesis 3. we read verse six and verse seven well let's read from one to seven read the bible genesis three one to seven we're talking about ornaments and decorations on the outside all that stuff we call jewelry which is such a big business do you have it now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made and he said unto the woman yea hath god said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden and a woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said he shall not eat of it neither shall he touch it lest ye die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for god doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil verse six and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food which it was not by the way and that was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did it now verse 8 and the eyes of them both were up verse 7 and they knew that they were naked and they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons what was made in verse 7 what what was made be specific aprons of leaves let's go to verse 21 read for me unto adam also and to his wife did the lord god make coats of skins and clothe them okay i want to draw some of your attention what was made on the first day too slow too slow too slow light second day for a moment third day is this an adventist church fourth day sun moon and stars fifth day birds and fish sixth day land animals and human beings question for you what did adam and eve make in that week of creation nothing nothing all the making the creating was done by god go back to genesis 3 7. we're looking at a principle a negative principle read verse 7 again and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked stop read verse 25 of chapter 2 and they were both naked the man and his wife and were not ashamed are you with me but that was before sin after sin they're ashamed so what are they trying to deal with the embarrassment the shame the guilt that's what they're trying to handle how do they handle it they made airprints of leaves now that's the first thing the bible records a human being ever made on the earth something to cover where the outside are you not listening to me something to beautify the outside something to help me feel a little better about myself are you with me with this principle in mind now let's go to zechariah 3. zechariah 3. are you there not yet come on come on find zechariah find malachi then work your way back malachi okay you got it now you're sure i said zechariah you have zechariah chapter 3 what's the first word in there and he showed me joshua the high priest come on standing before the angel of the lord and satan standing at his right hand to resist him keep reading and he unto satan the lord rebuked thee o satan even the lord that have chosen jerusalem rebuke thee is not this a brand plucked out of the fire verse three now joshua was clothed with filthy garments stop describe the leaves filthy garments because god had to remove them are you following me 50 garments now joshua's clothed in filthy garments and stood before the angel keep reading and he answered and speaking to those that stood before him saying what take away the filthy garments from him and to him he said behold i have caused that iniquity to pass from thee and i will clothe thee with change of raymond now in joshua we have a symbol of how god functions he removes that man-made stuff and replaces it with the symbol of the righteousness of his son are you with me now let's go back to genesis genesis 3 21 keep the information from zechariah 3 verse 1 to 4. let's go to genesis 3 verse 21 unto adam also and to his wife did the lord god make coats of skins and clothe them before he put the skins on what did he have to remove those aprons of leaves man-made for the purpose of feeling better reducing a sense of guilt and shame now to see how worthless the aprons were let's go to verse 8 of genesis 3 and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden now why are they hiding if they're already covered because there's no human covering that can improve your appearance in the sight of god are you following me no you're not following me verse 21 coats of skin the blood of christ is what needs to cover us now having said all of that let us go to exodus exodus no genesis 35 it's 10 after seven when does the sun eat what temperance and all things temperance temperance okay we're going to genesis 35 we're even verse one let me pray father as we continue please lord teach us we want to know because salvation is knowledge teach us their god in the name of jesus christ i pray amen now let me set this up for you in chapter 34 simeon and levi kill all the men in the city because the prince of that city had raped their sister jacob had 13 children 12 boys and one girl you know that girl can be protected when she was raped simeon and levi went to the city and said to the prince look you defiled our sister you have to marry her the prince said yeah i'll marry you but the boy said you can't marry her because you're uncircumcised the prince said we'll get circumcised so simon levi the servants came and circumcised all the men waited three days for them to be properly immobile are you following me then came with the swords and killed all the men brought the women into captivity and the children all the possessions of the city and in the field and took it all away and when this terrible thing happened jacob said the surrounding tribes will kill me because i'm just a small group now god is going to get them out of this are you following me he's getting them out of this crisis that's what we're about to read verse 1 genesis 35 and god said unto jacob arise go up bethel and dwell there and make there an altar unto god that appeared unto thee when thou fled us from the face of esau thy brother remember jacob running from esau okay verse two then jacob said unto his household and to all that with him put away the strange gods that are among you and be clean and change your garments this is a spiritual change you've offended god changes have to be made put away of strange gods be clean change your garments now verse three what does that say and let us arise and go up to bethel and i will make the an altar unto god that what answered me in the day of my distress and which was with me in the way which i went now jacob said in first two put over the strange gods be clean change a garment verse four read with me now and they gave unto jacob all the strange gods which were in their hands and all the earrings which were in their ears and jacob hid them under the oak which was by shechem now all the jewelry jacob took and buried it go to matthew 25 25 we'll read from verse 14. are you with me you have matthew 25 verse 14 okay you say yes but you're still turning pages all right okay okay are we there now can i rely on that yes okay read with me for the kingdom of is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods next verse and until one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to several abilities and away took his journey now next verse 16 i think it is now he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents likewise he that had received two he also gained other two read verse 18 went and digged in the earth and hid his lord's money what did jacob do with the jewelry in the earth what does this man do to tell him signifying what how did the fellow with five get ten what did he do yes he traded he used it are you with me are you following he used it got went from five to ten what about the fellow who went from two to four he used it he put it to use the fella with one what did he do he buried it meaning what he didn't use it what did jacob do with that jewelry he buried it it was not to be used go to exodus 33 exodus 33 we have another crisis the israelites are full of crises we have another crisis these people have just worshipped the golden calf and god was this close to wiping them out moses sent the levites with their swords three thousand were killed in that day now god wants them to do something to show repentance and a change of mind and heart verse 1 exodus 33 let me know when you're there read with me and the lord said unto moses depart and go up hence thou and the people which thou has brought up out of the land of egypt unto the land which i swear unto abraham to isaac and to jacob saying unto thy seed will i give it keep reading and i will send my angel before thee and i will drive out the canaanite the amorite and the hittite and the perisite the hi-vite and the jebusite now verse three unto a lamb flowing with milk and honey reading for i will not go up in the midst of thee for ye are uh that are the stiff naked people lest i consume you in the way god is saying i am so mad i don't want to travel with you in your condition because i'll just destroy you is god love can god get mad is his madness just yes verse 4 and when the people heard these evil tithings come on they mourned and no man did put on him he they did refuse to put all jewelry they had verse 5 for the lord that said unto moses say unto the children of israel ye are a stiff-naked people i will come up in the midst of thee in a moment and consume thee therefore now put off thy ornaments from there that i may know what to do unto thee verse 6 and the children of israel strip themselves of the ornaments by the mount of now let me tell you the hebrew rendering strip themselves by the mount means from the mount or meaning from that point on they left them off from mount horeb they left them off subsequent travels we have two spiritual crises and god says you need to straighten yourself out on each occasion get rid of all that stuff now go to ezekiel 28. let's read from verse 13. this is a description of lucifer before he fell are you with me i'm not convinced you are but okay ezekiel 28 reading from verse 13 are you there okay some are you still looking for ezekiel all right i give you 10 seconds to find ezekiel it's 7 18. you have ezekiel 28 18 13 read with me thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering come on the sardius the topaz the diamond what else the barrel onyx the jasper what else the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold keep reading the workmanship of thy tabernacle of thy pies was prepared in thee in the day that that was created who is that lucifer he was covered with precious stones let's find out what his problem was go to verse 17 and read it for me come on thine heart was lifted up in the y because of thy beauty come on that has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness stop when lucifer realized how pretty he was thine heart was lifted up in thee because of thy beauty you know you went in high school the most stuck-up person was the girl who thought she was the prettiest his outward appearance led to his i'm not saying there's only reason but it contributed now when god made lucifer he was covered with all that stuff when god made adam was this sin in the world in the universe when god made adam was the sin in the universe yes who would sin for lucifer are you with me so did god know the catastrophe he had with this pretty angel how did he make adam give me one word starts with n naked what did he have on him nothing what did eve have on her nothing now does god want us to breathe what did he give us we're two holes are you with me ah you're not listening does he want us to listen what did he give us with holes if he wanted us to wear earrings you got to put another hole right here and one right here uh you don't like me anymore are you listening to me yeah he made adam and eve with nothing on them a baby comes out of the womb and two days later you pound the hole in the air and you pound them and you drive a screwdriver through something and you cuff some with a saw to hide metal let me tell you some of jewelry in ancient times people wore them to identify with their idols some jewelry formed were called amulets and amulet was devised to protect you from evil spirits some jewelry had markings on them that represented the idols and as the idols were decorated people decorate themselves so they look like come on they're idols go to leviticus 19. leviticus 19. i forgot to welcome those listening online wherever you are god bless you and may the truth of his word reach you unopposed what book did i say leviticus what chapter 19 read verse 28 microscopically are you there and keep in mind the key word that describes or summarizes leviticus is holiness read verse 28 now ye shall make no cuttings in your flesh for the dead or print marks upon you i am now don't cut yourself don't print marks on you that's what people did to identify with the dead and their ancestors whom they worshipped are you following me remember the prophets of baal on mount carmel with elijah when baal wouldn't answer what does this have to do cut them all don't do that now when god says don't cut yourself what does he mean don't cut yourself don't tell god it's a little cut pastor they don't like what i'm saying don't tell god but it's just a little cut because adam could have said it's just a grape that's all i consumed why are you putting me out god said don't do it now to have earrings in your ear do you have to pierce it or some do you up here is that a cut why are you hesitating as dory why stammer is that a cut yes don't make me mad the verse says don't print any marks on your body are your toes a part of your body come on tell me you don't sound sure huh why are they red that's a mark now someone is saying this guy is extreme i'm not extreme you either for god or you're not now let me say this some people are convicted at different times different time i was preaching somewhere and i made a call to give up all that jewelry people came and put rings and on the table and i told the head elder the pastor sell it and give the money to the doctor society they took it off and put it there go to first timothy chapter two i know someone watching me wants to kill me but the pastor is here to protect me he won't let me get killed you want to kill me i know that i feel that heat coming from you first timothy chapter 2 let's read from verse 9. i'll miss you when i'm gone i really will god bless you all the days of your life god bless you god bless you i mean it first peter first timothy chapter 2 do you have that let me pray father as we continue teach us god we forget quickly teach us and soften that stony heart that does not like what is being said in jesus name i pray amen first timothy 2 verse 9 says what in like manner also that women adorn themselves with modest power in modest apparel with shame-facedness and sobriety let me tell you something modesty is almost extinct when i was a boy you know what a modest person looks like modesty today is almost extinct people in the church no longer understand what modesty is i was coming through johannesburg south africa and uh oh and i saw a lady dressed and the moment i saw her i was impressed with the modesty wishes i wanted to go and tell her but as a preacher you can't just do these things could be misunderstanding but i said lord bless that woman you can tell she respected herself and she was not advertising for a man are you following me she was just dressed modestly covered and i i looked at her i admired i said god bless that woman modesty means very little in the church today are you with me because our standards are not biblical or ellen white they are the world finish verse 9 of 1st timothy 2 again what does that say in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest power with shamefacedness and in other words you ought to be ashamed if you walk out of the house looking like that come on not with or gold or pearls or costly array now there's controversy as to what brought it here means that i have no position on it but what we do know there are some hairstyles the bible condemns are you with me now some people were chatting all right whether or not you understand what broadened hair means it does tell us there are some hairstyles that god does not approve of they do not reflect christian modesty now you can decide if yours falls under that or not i'm not here to do that but i'll tell you that verse condemns certain hair styles but there's a holy spirit that convicts you if you're genuine with god go to first peter chapter three we read from verse one first peter three reading from verse one have you found that no some people are still looking all right we'll wait patience is a virtue we'll wait you have five seconds you have it now read with me likewise you wise be in subjection to your own husbands if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wife while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear let me explain that what peter is telling women who married to unconverted men don't like the man let him see your holy life and that you still respect him as your husband let him see that and that will win him don't insist he comes to church he's an adult don't badger him until he seeks mental help leave the man alone just be faithful to god respect him as your husband and that will do the work all right now they also made without the word be won by the consciousness of the while while they behold your chaste conversation covered with fear read verse 3 who's adorning let it not be that outward the dawning of letting the hair again or oh or of putting out of a power meaning very expensive clothes first 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptable so we have corruptable in verse 4 then what is corruptable what is in verse 3. read verse three again who's adorning let it not be that outward the dawning of uh or wearing of gold or putting off apparel expensive clothes gold all the weaves whatever people do that is corruptable meaning it passes away verse 4 says but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptable even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which in the sight of god is of great price watson number three is of no value to god what's the number four is of great value to god and your child of god your first interest is what is important to god now read verse five interesting verse for after this manner time the holy women also who trusted in god adorned themselves stop that's how the holy women of the old conducted themselves modestly so the bible says now let me finish on jury with this go to matthew not matthew revelation 12. i know the subject is not popular i know that you're as quiet as a graveyard okay revelation 12. do you have revelation 12. let's read the first one read with me and they appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clawed of the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars stopped describe how this woman is adorned how is she described clothes of the sun what does the sun give light what were adam and eve surrounded by before they sinned light keep reading the moon under her feet what does the moon give light and upon a head a crown of 12 stars what do the stars give light when were they made genesis 1 sun moon and stars one of their reasons was let them be for signs for seasons for days and years and let them be for light in the firmament of the earth to give light upon the earth she is adorned in the light go to revelation 17. let's look at another woman you have revelation 17. let's reverse fort what does that say the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold precious stone and pearl what do you understand by date there's a word the rap world gave us bling are you following me watch out now from the rap world gave us bling i mean the woman in revelation 17 she is bling-bling it used to be bling-bling then they shorten it to bling that's what describes her she was dead i couldn't walk straight so heavy with jewelry listen to me carefully the one in twelve is adorned in the light of christ the one in seventeen with all the precious stones and jewelry the one in twelve represents god's through church the one in 17 the corrupt church you choose which one you'd like to look like when you dress i'm not telling you you choose now let's get off this unpleasant subject what's the next question i'm not sure if this one is pleasant okay okay what does the bible say about divorce and remarriage are adult adult well adultery and death the of the spouse okay the only ground for remarrying someone else can you marry someone who someone if someone who has been divorced yeah okay let me pray father in heaven there's usually a simple answer what sounds like a complex question tell me what to tell your people in jesus name i pray amen the bible has one clear reason for divorce one clear reason adultery the church may give you several more are you with me the bible has one clear reason for the divorce that's adultery you cannot divorce a woman because she can't cook because you know whatever adultery that's why when you consider marriage think twice but once you're in it you're stuck are you with me because that's not a good word you're in for life so think twice you can't jump in and jump out because she broke a fingernail you can't do that now adultery is a reason for divorce now the bible element makes it very clear the innocent party can remarry the guilty party must remain single for life of course it doesn't happen because we do what we want the innocent party can remarry but god prefers reconciliation malachi 2 verse 6 the lord of israel saith that he hateth putting away calvary shows that god prefers reconciliation to divorce are you with me but adultery is the clear biblical reason for divorce the innocent party can remarry the guilty party must remain single so yes you can marry a divorced person if you determine that the person has been divorced and the person is innocent because someone decides to divorce you there's very little you can do are you following me it doesn't mean that you're a monster because you got divorced it may not been your fault at all so an innocent person can remarry or can be married by someone but the clear biblical reason for divorce is adultery but the church allows others presumably based on the bible all right but remember when the flood came they were marrying and giving in marriage are you following me don't make the desire for marriage a god there's some women let me pick on the women that's all they think about and they run into trouble they marry the first man with the pulse are you following me and they run into trouble go on in exodus 28 god gives us instructions about how we should keep the sabbath day holy but a lot of seven-day adventists don't believe that it applies to strangers or individuals that are within their gates they allow them to watch tv stay in their homes when they go to church and do whatever they want to do will the individuals be that allow them to do this on the sabbath be charged by god will it be considered a sin on their part even though they're not the ones doing it let's recite the fourth commandment remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the law thy god in it thou shalt not do any work pause pause that includes doctors and nurses [Music] but let me add something before you call the police let me add something ella white writes a medical missionary page 216 paragraph two it may be necessary for doctor or nurse to go in in that case go because it's proper to ease suffering on the sabbath but only do what is required to relieve suffering and whatever money you paid give it to the church so don't go on sabbath saying i'm a nurse but knowing you want time and a half every act is judged by the motive thou shalt not do any work thou not thy son thy daughter the man's servant not my maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates if it's your home you are responsible what happens in that home you cannot say he's my cousin because god made adam to put him out are you following me you can't say he's my cousin let him do what he wants no no no no as long as he's in your home he is to follow the rules now you cannot convert him but you can let him know in this house there's no tv on sabbath there's no smoking there's no dominoes for you west indians there's nothing there's no such thing on the sabbath day if you don't like it where you can spend that day elsewhere and then come back at sunset are you with me we must put god first the honor of god above the comfort of man if it's your home you must be responsible atmosphere in that home on sabah or any other day of the week for that matter so yes god holds you responsible for allowing in your house what should not happen on the sabbath day strictness is not harshness god said don't touch the ark other trying to help he touched the ark and we know what happened to him but god has said don't touch it and god does not joke next question that was actually the last question god is good god is good i've been going all day and uh it's good to rest even there's a hand okay two hands all right so let's um use the mic so that we can ensure that don't let these hands turn into a forest all right danny puts me on the spot okay yes all right oh boy okay go ahead about the doctors and the nurses yes working on the sound you know in regards to healing on this sabbath so say they weren't getting paid on this sabbath would that change things you don't work on the sabbath okay jesus said it's lawful to do good he did not say it's lawful to work you see if you excuse sabbath work which gains pay then you must excuse the firemen and you must excuse because they have good arguments you must excuse the policeman you may have to excuse the fbi agent they quite if you have in this fbi agent the ten churches in washington dc we cannot make an exception for any commandment okay once you do that you open the floodgates to make exceptions for all the other nine in it thou shalt not do any work and trust god to take care of you there's a reason why god did not send manna on sabbath my enemy is that which keeps your life you understand because they complained they were hungry they're about to die he said man about not on sabbath which means god does not provide a living on the sabbath as i said sometimes no to whom if you make a living on the sabbath it didn't come from god it did not come from god the devil can give you things don't misunderstand me but it did not come from god yes can you repeat the text from medical missionary page 216 paragraph two page two sixteen paragraph two the chapter is the the sanitarium family something like that all right where's the other hand pastor i know the answer to the question i'm gonna ask you all right but to my friend here i want him to hear it from you okay um if you were baptized in another faith yes and you come to the seventh-day adventist shouldn't you re-baptize the strong council is to get re-baptized now in acts chapter 19 paul met 12 disciples who had been baptized by john acts 19 1-7 john said unto paul said unto which baptism were you baptized you said john's baptism john they said have you received the holy ghost since you were baptized you said we never heard about the holy ghost what he taught them then they were re-baptized when you realize you're coming to system of truth you were not familiar with now of course it's up to the spirit to convict you your decisions should be let me be re-baptized and start all over in this new system of truth the recommendation it's not a command it's a recommendation be re-baptized i was preaching somewhere way over the seas and i made a call for baptism rebaptism 50 people came my call was look you've been with god 40 years but you haven't grown it's just a routine it's just you're going through the motions you need to start again and 50 people came and i took them aside to a room to speak to them and a retired minister joined me and he told us a very interesting story in the middle of his ministry he decided to be re-baptized because he realized he hadn't grown he was passing the church they were baptism the tithe was fine but he himself was not really growing so he went to the conference and said mr president i want to be re-baptized the person said what did you do oh i didn't do anything but i realized my spiritual life has been just nothing and i just can't go through the motions i want to be re-baptized the president said okay we'll re-baptize you at night the pastor said no baptize me in front of my church because there are the members who need to make the same step let them see and he was re-baptized i was preaching in another city the associate pastor got re-baptized i was in another city preaching the pastor's wife and his son got re-baptized because something about the word revive them evangelism page 375 elohimite writes when a soul is truly reconverted let that soul be re-baptized let him renew his covenant with god and god will renew his covenant with him reconversion must take place in the churches the strong council of the church is get re-baptized new beginning all right who has the next hand yes my brother yes good evening pastor thank you for everything have a question concerning our communion services it looks like things have been changing all right how i was brought up in or when i came into the church i was taught that when having communion service the morning part of the service you know you the pastor preaches a sermon concerning the last supper and then you wash feet then you come and and come on partake of right service and then when you leave you know the the left singing him right right um what i've seen or what was tried to that was um try to be implemented was everything done be done in the morning part of washington field and then preach the sermon and then have benediction and leave so i stated you know about how i understood it and mark and then you leave yes when do you partake of the emblems yes sir and then you sing and then we leave uh after the hymn we sung and we leave singing so i don't know what's what's your take on i i didn't catch the difference though i didn't catch the difference oh sorry you said the new thing you're seeing is what oh well the new thing they switch it around so instead of having everything in the evening sorry the the washing of the field after after the sermon they they want to do everything the washing of defeat the communion service first and then they'll purchase a sermon and then have a do a benediction to close the service so is that also accepted oh no feet washing no no he's saying that the preaching came after the communion there's no biblical mandate for when the preaching should come it's a matter of style and preference the preaching can come anywhere yeah it can come anywhere it doesn't have to be before the emblems or after it depends on what the people prefer yes it's a choice it's a choice i mean you look at every church they're a list of all preliminaries they vary from church to church i've been to churches to preach i had to wait 90 minutes before i spoke there were 90 minutes of preliminaries and maybe the church baptized five people in 40 years but they have 90 minutes of preliminaries are you following me and i can understand it but anyway it's a personal choice it's a personal choice yes yes for instance you have offering am i first right then you have what a morning prayer whatever you can switch that around now it accepts people you have morning prayer before the offering some people get very upset if you change the order of service the order of service is not a biblical mandate it depends on the individual church oh you welcome god bless you yes sister this question concerns those who work in the medical field yes the nurses doctors what happened to our institution our hospitals and so forth they pay because they have to work on sabbath yeah they pay they pay in many things we do sister we're just like the world in many now this is my church i'll die for it you can't get me out of this church except in a coffin but i also know there are many things we do that are simply influenced by the world whether it's our hospitals our schools our publishing houses you know i just sometimes you shake your head and you realize the israelites were no different they were god's people but crazy and we are very much that way but don't give up this is god's church it is the object still of his supreme regard i was an advertised bookstore once and i have books by td jake and this but i said what's the problem here and you know this come on are we here to make a difference or not you go to hospitals you see a vending machine with coke and sprite and you know we have a health message but we're still god's people and god has to spank us sometimes to get us straight so don't be discouraged sister we're still god's people pray do what you can god will fix this church when he does it will be painful uh i need a pastor's yes permission pastor i have a i have a question so um last week you on your topic um obedience has side effects yes and again this morning you spoke about the sabbath and so um i have friends and from time to time we have you know discussions about the seventh day the seventh day yes yes and so i have i have one friend and he says well the bible doesn't the bible didn't say monday tuesday when sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday matter of fact it says 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 4th 6th the only day that it named was the sabbath so his argument is um wednesday could be the first day so my seventh day could be the following wednesday mm-hmm what why can i you know worship on that day make that day holy all right so my question is since um you know god named first second third fourth fifth man made today sunday morning tuesday wednesday thursday how do you all right okay after this have a bible study method called here a little very little line upon line preset upon prison all right let me ask you this on what day was jesus did jesus rise from the tomb the bible says on the first day all consistently the first day matthew mark luke's first day now let's forget adventists for a while on which day do christians celebrate easter easter all christians celebrate easter on sunday because they know from the bible what happened on that day that's when you see easter celebrates the resurrection of jesus so your friend who has a problem let him look at easter now on what day was christ crucified they also celebrated it's called what good friday and there's no argument the whole christian world celebrates you look at your calendars and you'll see easter is on a sunday now you tell me what's the day between friday and saturday [Music] simple if you're honest and you're thinking the bible does not leave us with doubt on critical issues we have to think that the catholics celebrate east on sunday the same people who change the law huh they celebrate easter on sunday they celebrate good friday on friday ash wednesday on wednesday and holy thursday on thursday are you following me and there's also an entire nation that has been on the earth for thousands of years who know when the seventh day is the jewish nation all right may god lead your friend to light pastor you're my boss you tell me who dams two more two more two more okay all right i have to say two more all right and the case is closed yes two questions [Laughter] okay professor yes number one it's competitive sports yes acknowledged by god is what is it acknowledged by god acknowledged yes okay okay and the other question is improperly doing communion partaking of communion right food washing is necessary because of the situation we're in now should we feel that as a people of god should we do one fear for washing as a people of god okay all right so those two questions okay all right let me get to them one competitive sports they are not of god they're contrary to the spirit of christ christ's spirit is i lose so you can win that's calvary i lose for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might become rich competitive sport says i will do everything i can to stop you from scoring one goal i will slam you to the boards in ice hockey i will break your legs in football i will look undercut you in basketball i will whatever competitive sports are not of god i'm upsetting those of you who worship arsenal manchester united competitive sports are not of god is the houston astros or whatever they are not of god are you with me recreation is of god difference i remember many years ago i was in the house of a friend of mine and he had a table tennis in the basement so he and i were just hitting the ball he said let's play a game i said why come on let's play why let's hit the ball come on let's play a game so we played i beat him 21-5 and that was the end of his desire to play a game he wanted someone to win or lose this is not the spirit of god you see it on pick up games on the playgrounds someone fouled no i didn't follow you fouled he looked like a foul you fouled it no not me they put their hands up lying lying competitive sports are not of god what was the other one offered washing we shouldn't fear doing what god has told us to do we shouldn't fear it let me tell you something god said don't cook on sabbath is this mic working the bible tells us do not cook on sabbath cook that's why there's a preparation day an entire day now the bible say that god is the same yesterday today and forever if he kept the food fresh in the days of the manner can he cook to keep the food fresh today yes whether you have a fridge or not because god rewards obedience are you listening to me do not cook on sabbath now everyone says you can warm the food but don't get cute and make it a cookish warming are you following me just warm it [Music] we're always trying to get around god well i'm not cooking i'm warming up the cooking no not don't cook but you can warm it but when god says do it do it do not be afraid all right pastor is that it one more one more who's that person oh my good brother yes yes if you have an art with your brother yes and you go to him and you apologize and he says i i don't accept your apology what what is the state of that good question there are a lot of problems in churches because members will not apologize to each other they prefer to go gossip instead of following matthew 18 15-17 moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if we would do that step one we would cut out a lot of interpersonal problems in the church but we call our friends we text this person we skype that person we you know and we discuss it and damage the person the biblical method is always best if someone is offended you go to that person it provides release for you and a chance for the person to be free from the guilt if the person does not accept you then there's nothing you can do but you can try again because jesus said 70 times seven he was willing to forgive you can try again but if it's clear the person is not you have done your part and god accepts that because the person is as much required by god to accept your confession or your apology as you are to give it both things must work but some people they wrap their arms and no i'm not accepting your apology that is not of god the greatest offense is sin and god accepts our apologies when we confess we're to be like him all right that's the end of it my brothers and sisters may god bless you listen to me carefully study the word of god please christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one the scriptures are the chief agency in the transformation of character jesus prayed sanctified him through thy truth thy word is truth elohim shows if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute when christ comes back he raises the dead with the word until then he will sustain us by the word and take time to read the writings of ellen white please god bless you wherever you are if i come across your mind please say lord put your words in that man's mouth god bless you [Music]
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 95,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: OlfE7WKEyG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 11sec (5951 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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