22 Questions, Questions, Questions // Pr. Randy Skeete

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so when we see sickness war famine broken families drought plagues all of those are expressions of a dying world something for this evening questions questions questions what did I say questions questions questions let's pray forth in heaven bless us with an understanding of your word speak through me father simply and directly i humble myself before you I truly do seeking only your glory and the blessing of your people use me as an instrument of blessing touch every listening heart I pray those seated and those passing by in Jesus name we pray let all God's people say Amen and amen what I plan to do today is to preach a sermon that answers some direct questions that's why the subject is questions questions questions question um Berwyn why do we leave your Testament if we believe in Jesus who is the god of the New Testament why do we need the Old Testament if we have Jesus who is the god of the New Testament let me see immediately that Jesus is the God of the Bible not just the Old Testament but let me teach you to the Word of God very directly and show you that the Old Testament is as essential as the New Testament and to ignore the Old Testament is to ignore Christ let us go to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 we shall read from verse 1 our subject is questions questions questions and do not hesitate to shout out slowly please because you know what my habit is to go too fast I got an email today they said please pastor can you speak slowly I have a friend whose first language is not English and I have always to keep that in mind because I keep forgetting because you speak in so well first Corinthians 10 reading from verse 1 more of a brethren I would not that he should be ignorant how all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea and it all eat the same spiritual meat now verse 4 is critical and it all drink the same spiritual drink for the drank of that spiritual rock that follow them finish the verse and that rock God loudly was Christ now the Bible is very clear the rock from which the Israelites right represented Christ the divine presence that followed the Israelites all through the wilderness wanderings was Christ the Bible says for the trunk of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ if you throw out the Old Testament you throw up Christ let's get reading verse 5 but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these are our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted who is they the Israelites in the wilderness in other words what happened to them we must study because their experiences are examples for us that we should avoid what they did there is a saying experience is the best teacher but let it be someone else's experience not yours don't get drunk to know what drunkenness is like don't take drugs to know what addiction it's like don't commit crime to know what it is like learn from all the people's experience so these things were our examples to the intent for six we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted now here come four examples of things they lusted after mistakes they make that we shall avoid neither be idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play and that's found in Exodus 32 between verse five and six neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand now verse nine neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of surplus the Bible says when the Israelites give God a hard time in the Old Testament the person they were irritating was Christ now this is the first again for smile first Corinthians 10 am I going too quickly all right I'm close to it let me heat it back off neither let us tempt Christ the word temp means to really try the patience of God to push go to the limit as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents when did this happen keep your finger on first Corinthians 10 verse 9 let us know the numbers 21 which I'll read verses five and six we want to identify the incident when they were destroyed by serpents because the tempted whole Christ numbers 21 reading from verse five and the people speak against God and against Moses let me pause be very careful how you criticize your leaders someone gently duly elected by the church is in that position by the will of God when you attack that person when you attack that office you attack God I'm not saying you must agree with everything people do I am saying when you try to undermine leadership of the church when you constantly attack leadership of the church when you damage a person's influenced by what you say to the members you are attacking God listen to verse 5 numbers 21 and the people speak against God and against Moses because Moses was elected by God the church is the body of Christ when officers are elected they must be respected even though we disagree and the people speak against God and against Moses wherefore have he brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread and there is no water and I was sold love with this light break the light bread being the manner verse 6 read for 6 with me and who the Lord sent what fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died now the Bible says the Lord sent the Serpent's but the New Testament tells us who the Lord was and who was that tell me Jesus Christ now we go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 9 neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents so we have two verses 1st Corinthians 10:4 the rock that follow them was Christ 1st Corinthians 10 9 the godly irritated was Christ let us go to Hebrews chapter 11 we shall read verse 24 and 25 for 24 to 26 ebrill is a level 24 to 26 our subject is questions questions questions we're answering the questions why do we need the Old Testament when Christ is the god of the New Testament and I responded immediately by saying Christ is the God of the Bible not just the Old Testament because 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness how much scripture all Scripture is given by inspiration all Scripture is profitable now we're in Hebrews 11 24 the Bible says by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God that they enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season where the next verse esteeming the report of whom Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward when Moses chose the sight of God's people Moses decided I will accept any reproach for the name of Christ esteeming the reproach of Christ Moses was aware that that power that spoke to him in the burning bush that declared the law in Sinai that was the rock that fall of them the water that came from the rock the pillar of fire by night to keep the warm the pillar of cloud by there to keep them cool from the burning Sun in the desert that was Christ discard the Old Testament and you discard Jesus Christ let's go again to first Peter chapter 1 first b21 we shall read from verse nine first Peter chapter one reading verse nine I was told also by a distinguished leader of the church I don't give you enough time to find the verses so I repent in sackcloth and ashes and ask you now have you found first Peter chapter one reading for first not receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that are coming to you searching what verse 11 and what manner of time now Peter is saying the Old Testament prophets wrote about salvation that Christ was to bring in person notice I said bring in person salvation function from the time Adam sinned but Christ came in person and so verse 11 searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the suffering of Christ and the glory that shall be revealed the Bible is clear the spirit that inspired the Old Testament was who spirit the Spirit of Christ now it straight to me how do you get rid of the Old Testament you gettin rid of Christ first corinthians 10:4 the rock that followed them was Christ first Corinthians 10 9 the God they made angry was Christ Hebrews 11 verse 25 26 motives accepted the reproach of Christ first Peter 1 verse 11 the spirit that inspired Isaiah Jeremiah all those Old Testament prophets was this spirit of Christ my brothers and sisters if you get rid of the Old Testament you are getting rid of Christ listen again to our scripture reading 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture what does that include the Old Testament all Anil all scripture is given my home inspiration of God to dump the Old Testament is to dump a gift from God if all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine one of the reasons why people don't accept doctrines as they should they do not go to the Old Testament any doctor in the knew has its roots in the old let me say that again there is no doctrine of the new testament that has its root in the New Testament whether salvation forgiveness repentance the second coming of Christ extender there the Sabbath the law is judgment you choose the doctrine its root is in the Old Testament so all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be one perfect throughly furnished unto all good works all that he needs to live a life of good works in the eyes of God is found in the old and in the new when you discard the old you have discarded some of what the man of God needs if you've thrown it away get it back listen to John 5:39 I'll let you find it our subject question questions questions the first question we're dealing with why do we need the Old Testament when Christ is the god of the new god Christ the Holy Spirit there our God of the Bible do you have John 5:39 search the Scriptures now when Jesus said that what Scripture was he referring to because then you had not yet been ready he said search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me so Jesus says you want to learn about me go to the scriptures and all the Scriptures he had was your testimony when you get rid of the Old Testament you get rid of a source of knowledge that Jesus recommends if that's clear somebody say Amen search the Scriptures for in them ye think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me my brothers or sisters the Bible is the old and the new the same way people were saved in the New Testament they were saved in the Old Testament there's only one way to be saved and that is by faith in Jesus Christ so you read Hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 by faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet move with fear prepared an ark to the saving of his house by which he condemned the world and became the heir of the righteousness which is by faith Noah was saved by faith by faith Abraham verse 17 when he was tried offered up Isaac Abraham was saved by faith even earlier verse 4 by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by faith Abel was accepted verse 5 by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him by faith Enoch was saved by faith in the old my faith in the new the only difference was Christ had not yet come in the old in person he came in the new in person but every Lamb sacrifice in the Old Testament was a symbol of the land that was to come is that clear please get back your Testament if you have thrown it away question number two why do I have to keep the law if I am under what grace oh by the way before I get into that well let me get into it there is only one reason why people try to throw away the Old Testament one one and it's because of one chapter can you guess what that chapter is what chapters that Exodus chapter 20 which contains what the Ten Commandments that's why people throw away the entire Old Testament they are trying to get rid of the law now let's be more specific people say we do not have to keep the law we're under grace they are trying to get rid of the Sabbath because the people who say I'm under grace I don't have to keep the law they want you to obey the law that says thou shalt not kill tell me if I'm right they have they want you to obey the Lord it says thou shalt not take my wife commits adultery what they are really targeting is the Sabbath commandment but to get rid of it they say we don't need the law to get rid of the Ten Commandments I as a whole they say we don't either your Testament you keep that up you'll eventually come to the place where you say we don't need one in the entire Bible if you live long enough and you step on that path I don't need your Old Testament I don't need the law you come to the place in effort ibly where you conclude I don't need the Bible but God in His mercy cuts people off before they reach a point of no return in their rejection of truth why do I have to keep the law if I'm under grace go to Romans chapter 6 we read verses 14 and 15 of Romans chapter 6 you're not telling me to slow down you should so if I rush off like a train and someone doesn't understand I will point the person to you to explain it'll be your fault it's not about me what book did I say what chapter one verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for a year what not under the but under now Paul says that in 1 verse which a lot of Christians love to read ah you see we are not under the law we're under grace but they do not read the very next verse read out loud with me what then shall we because we're not under the but under philosophers not forbid now what is sin now okay reverse 15 again using that definition read nice and loud come on what then shall we no no no no no what is sin and now reverse 15 using that what then shall we transgress the law born because we're under grace and not under the law god forbid what does God forbid mean are you with me god forbid that your position under grace gives you the right to break the law what Romans 3:31 I believe it's Romans 3:31 if it's not Romans 3:31 is based rhombic 3:31 what does that for saying do we then do I make fly the law through faith yeah we do want establish the law now faith must be used twice even though it's mentioned once do we then make void the law through faith god forbid here we establish the law through faith even though that's not written that's what the writer means faith in God is the means by which we establish his law my brothers and sisters any man under grace finds the law as an expression of love for his Saviour being under the law means under the condemnation of the law when I see a policeman I am pleased you know why he represents order he represents a protection from harm and hurt when a criminal sees a policeman he tries to hide why because he is under the condemnation of the law that's why the Bible says the law was not made for a righteous man in other words it was not emphasized written on stone for a righteous man because the righteous man is a law-abiding man are you with me if you drive through a neighborhood nice neighborhood likes clean lawns nice walls nice houses very clean and neat you don't put up a sign please don't throw garbage on the ground because there's none yes now you go through neighborhood with garbage all over the place what do you do you'd put up a sign please pick up your garbage are you with me so that there's no more needed for the neat clean neighborhood because they do it naturally but for the neighborhood where people throw things all over the place there must be a law pick it up for the person who truly loves Christ in whose heart Christ dwells no law needs to be written the law comes out of the heart and so the Bible says the law is not written for a righteous man it is written for a sinner the word written means emphasized in connection with I'm under grace not on the law therefore I break the law go to Jeremiah 31 let's read verse 33 because in connection with that is the claim some Christians make I am a New Covenant Christian I don't have to keep the law I am a New Covenant Christian let's look at the New Covenant as prophesied by Jeremiah Jeremiah 131 reading verse 33 but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days if the Lord I will put my law where in the inward parts and write it where in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people that's a prophetic statement of something that would be done now let's go to Hebrews chapter 10 there is Paul talking about the fulfillment of eye of jeremiah 31:33 Hebrews 10 16 when you have it say Amen so I know I've given you time to find it alright do we all have Hebrews 1016 for this Oh someone said no look in the New Testament whether it was that said no somewhere towards the back of the Bible somebody help that nice person find Hebrews but since we haven't got all night we have to press on can you say Amen Hebrews 10:4 16 what does the Bible say for this shall be the Covenant that I will make with it after those days saith the Lord I will do up put my law in the and right and in their hearts will I write them I will put my laws in their hearts in their mind and in the heart will I write them now what long this got right in the heart of the New Testament the same law he wrote where on stone the old is simply transferred from stole and put where on art the New Covenant does not present a different set of laws it is just a different location for the writing of the law symbolically under the Old Testament the law was written on terms of stone and kept in the ark through Christ it is written on the heart which by the way was the way Abraham lived let me say I hope it doesn't confuse you everyone who's ever been saved has been saved by the New Covenant Abraham was saved by the New Covenant the law was in his heart adam noah enoch new covenant the law in the heart because of slavery in egypt they are forgotten god that's why moses said give me a name that i may tell them so God had to take a kindergarten approach a primary school approach with visual aids the law on tables of stone the sanctuary visual age for these kindergarten people but Noah Abraham Seth all those holy man the law was on the heart Jesus came to reestablish that under the Old Testament the loss of tables of stone under the New Testament the same law it's written on the heart it is not done away with it is not changed my brothers and sisters the same law but it is written on the heart so if you are a New Testament Christian the law the Old Testament Christians were supposed to keep you and I are required if we love Jesus Christ to keep sir question I was christened why do I have to be baptized well let me say I was christened too because I grew up as a Catholic I was properly christened by a priest for some water my forehead I didn't know what was going on I was told years later the priest did not realized that a prerequisite for baptism is repentance you didn't understand what I just said let me say it again when Peter preached on the day of Pentecost and in first 37 of Acts chapter 2 the Bible says when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and said unto Peter and the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and he shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost no baby has any sins to confess no baby can repent repentance requires a knowledge of wrongdoing a six-month-old baby in the arms of a priest cannot be baptized his head can be wet but he cannot be baptized why let us look at what baptism is physically and what it represents spiritually Matthew chapter 3 reading from verse 13 Matthew 3 reading from verse 13 gospel number one before Matthew met Jesus Christ like Zacchaeus he was a thief but when you meet Christ you go from theif the gospel writer can you say Amen Paul was a murderer when he collided with Christ Christ reminisce thinking he went from being a murderer to a soul-winner can you say Amen Mary Magdalene was a prostitute she became the first person to see the risen Christ Christ can change your life drastically if that's what you want let me see it again Christ has the power to change your life drastically if that's what you want and that change includes changing bad habits you've cultivated and changing bad habits you've inherited now inherited means it's genetic and something genetic is supposed to be scientifically unchangeable but the blood of Jesus Christ can change genetics you've inherited something from your father or from your mother the power of Christ can change it Matthew three reading from verse 13 then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbad him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and cometh unto me and you can understand why John said that he recognized Jesus as a savior how can a sinner baptize a sinless man jesus answered and said unto him suffer to me so now verse 15 for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness which immediately means baptism is an act of what slow let's go back to verse 15 suffered to be so now Jesus is doing for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness baptism is an act of what righteousness so he suffered him for 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water now use your imagination to come up out of water where would you have to be first in the water which tells us immediately that baptism requires a lot of water the Bible says and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and Lord of heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him and lo 4:17 a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased now think with me Jesus is called the second one the second Adam why are we possessed with a sinful nature because the first Adam sinned and contaminated the whole race now Jesus is the second Adam when God said to Jesus this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased that statement of acceptance by the father extends that everyone who in obedience to Christ decides to be baptized because Christ represented you in the act of baptism and represented me as the second Adam let me say it again when God the Father said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased that statement of acceptance extends that everyone who in obedience to Christ decides to be baptized so those of you who will be baptized this weekend and the next when you come up out of the water by faith you must hear the father say of what this is my beloved son or this is my beloved daughter finish it for me in whom I am well pleased I want somebody say Amen baptism pleases God but it requires a lot of water why does it require so much water let's go to Roman's 6 reading from first one Romans 6 reading from first one let me slow down no one is helping me Romans 6 really four first one do you have Romans do you have Roman tea okay what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid how shall we that the dead to sin live any longer therein nor not now listen carefully to verse 4 verse 3 that so many of us as were baptized into Christ finish the verse who were baptized into his death and through the Rite of baptism we by faith enter into the death burial and resurrection experience of Jesus Christ know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death for for therefore we are better with Christ by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life what Paul is saying we must participate spiritually in the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ listen to verse 5 for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his one we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection planted means buried here is why water is required when you decide to be baptized you have made a decision to give up your own life of sin and anything in error you have decided I have learned truth I choose the truth I give up my life of error and sin and I want to live in your life now you have died to your own life by that decision now the preacher takes you and he puts you down what is that that's the burial as Christ was put down then after one second the preacher brings you up what is that the resurrection now can you do that with chrisley you must be buried to fulfill the symbol now the water of baptism is not what saves you you've already accepted Christ but it is an act of obedience to the one who saved you you must go down come up knowing this for six that our old man is crucified with him now the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin not from henceforth you will make a mistake you would serve sin so the baptized person now has a new Lord whom he or she serves and that Lord is Christ's baptism requires a lot of water the very word baptism comes from the Greek word baptisia which means to immerse or to dip and it was a cuss and the word was borrowed from tradespeople who died cloth you take a white piece of cloth back in those days to die you dipped it entirely under the dye red blue and the white cloth came up a different colour the church then took that word baptizo to represent the symbol of going under coming up a different person so first five says even so we should rise to walk a new Ness of life you go down one person symbolically notice I say symbolically you come up a different person this is based on the fact that Jesus when he died was different from the Jesus who rose let me explain before Jesus died and rose there were some things he could not do Jesus could not just appear in a room and disappear he couldn't do that after he rose with his glorified body he can appear and disappear right through a solid door by the way the Bible says that's the body we will have when we make it to heaven can you say Amen Philippians 3 verse 20 Jesus rose with a glorified body no longer the suffer hunger and all the weaknesses of the flesh which is the body with which we will rise when this mortal puts on immortality when this corruptible puts on incorruption and so when you bow down in your mind you symbolically come up different new powers and that new power is the power of the life of Christ in you why should be baptized if I was crystal because christening is not baptism and I speak with great respect for anyone listening to me who may have been christened listen to me when you follow Christ you do things Christ's way the biblical way the entire nation of Israel was baptized under the cloud and in the sea 1st Corinthians 10 verse 1 all baptized as that nation came out of the land of Egypt which is sin into the land of the wilderness God had prepared for them when you leave the land of sin you pass through the waters of baptism to be cleansed and you move on up walking hand-in-hand with God as your pillar of cloud by day your pillar of fire by night your source of water from a rock your fruit from above in other words living by faith in God let me review and make a call why do I have to keep the why do I need the Old Testament when Christ is the god of the new Christ is the god of what the whole Bible how much Scripture is given by inspiration oh how much is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all you need the Old Testament who was it that provided food from heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness Christ who was it that provided water from a rock whom did the attempt that said serpents to bite them Christ what spirit led the Old Testament prophets to write the books they wrote the Spirit of Christ whom did Moses understand was with him when he chose to do the Israelites Christ get rid of the Old Testament you get rid of Christ let me say again the reason why people try to get rid of the Old Testament is to get rid of exodus 20 which contains what the law when they can get rid of your Testament they try to get rid of the law in order to get rid of what the Sabbath yes question two why do I have to keep the law firm under grace because of very verse 14 of Romans 6:14 Romans 6:14 says for sin shall not have dominion over you for Yili under the law but under grace the very next verse says what then shall we sin or transgress the law because we're under grace God from being god forbids anyone on the grace to transgress his law simple as that let me said again god forbids anyone under grace to transgress his law question number 3 if I have been christened do I need to be baptized the answer is yes because christening is not baptism baptism is the symbolic entering into the death the resurrection burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that death is death to your life that burial when you go under the water that resurrection when the preacher brings you up and I keep saying symbolically because the moment you accept Christ the change has already occurred but Christ wants a public expression of that private change are you with me someone seeing you baptized may decide to be baptized you don't live your Christian life just for you a friend of mine sent me a whatsapp message three days ago said I don't feel like going to church today this Sabbath I wrote back and said well I understand but you just can't think of you your absence may damage someone spiritual experience you go because but someone just seen you in church might be encouraged don't just go to church for you or don't just stay home for you remember your presence may be a blessing to someone else think of others not just yourself so when you're baptized and people see someone we see that guy got baptized if he can get baptized I can get baptized that's the way people think many people commit crimes because they see other people commit crimes we are copycats well let's copy righteousness can you say ml tonight I preach three little sermons to clarify critical issues I'm going to make in a call right now three calls one those of you who say based on what I heard tonight I realize that the Old Testament is as inspired as the new and I need both if that is your commitment make sure your right hand I need both old and new raise your hand hands down god bless you god has recorded your response to being under grace does not give me the right to commit murder which is different way of saying being under grace does not give me the right to disregard God's law let me see it again being under grace does not give me the right to steal or commit murder on steal somebody's spouse how many of you will say father I am under grace but I'm still required by Christ to keep his law can I see your right hand and by His grace I'll keep his law hands down those of you who understand that baptism is entering symbolically into the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that crystalling does not do that if you understand that let me see your right hand Kristen character it because you don't go under hands down now a specific hole this coming Sabbath we're having a baptism we have one of the third first as well I'm calling all those who've made decisions to be baptized this coming south or the next I want you to come let's pray before I let you go come from where you are come you made a decision to be baptized come come quickly I know you take your time I'll wait the sooner you come the sooner I let you go you've made that decision come don't wait to see who's coming first me first god bless you come you've made that decision come let's pray some decisions not always to be repeated you ask wives they always want the husband's to say I love you that's a repetition every day don't let her assume say come let have no nerve see you have kept your word as God keeps his I will be baptized that's my decision come if you already have your limbs that's fine come who will make the decision for the first time tonight I want to be baptized whether this Sabbath the next Sabbath or some other time who will make the decision I want to be baptized in obedience to Christ you doing so for the first time tonight come first time come if you afraid ask your friend to walk with you I am deciding tonight I want to be baptized make the decision the date can be set some other time just make the decision come I want to be baptized come and some who made the decision are not here tonight we understand that come my brother come but bless you I am deciding tonight I want to be baptized come then while you thinking of coming those of you seated how many of you will say father thank you for your word thank you for the explanation I recommit my life to you how many of you will say that can I see your right hand thank you for the explanations thank you for the word I recommend the line please stand with us please stand with us god bless you the latest call is I am deciding tonight to be baptized come make the decision that's the biggest step make the decision someone else come somebody else ten after seven I won't let you go i 7:15 someone has come a decision to be baptized god bless my good brother who just came god bless you someone else come decision to be baptized it does not have to be this weekend or the next but it is essential that you show God where your heart is on the side of truth and obedience make the decision I want to be baptized come always come in the direction of Bible truth come my brother come my sister please come I call as your brother not just a preacher your brother god bless you god bless him give that life to Christ who pay for it with his blood somebody else come I am making a decision to be baptized to obey God's law to live in accordance with truth and not tradition with Bible fact and not feeling somebody else come 60-seconds I pray in the presence of a holy God I choose to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized that by faith I may hear God say that is my beloved son that is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased 45 seconds somebody else I know someone else needs to come I wish you would come thirty seconds a decision to be baptized the devil has too many people on this side let's come on the side of Christ which is the side of truth 15 seconds I'm deciding tonight to be baptized doesn't have to be the same weekend or the next make the decision as the spirit speaks to you make it before the conviction leaves you and if it leaves you does not come back 60 seconds are up I'm going to start praying those of you who've come if we do not yet have your names give it to us if you already have your names that's fine we don't want to give you necessary work heads bowed eyes closed loving father in heaven we thank you for your word day God we thank you that all scripture all the new it's given by inspiration of God and its profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God or the woman of God may be perfect throughly furnished in other words having everything that person needs to live an upright life unto all good works we thank you that God that being under grace does not give us the right to commit murder not a steal or to lie it is by the power of your grace that we obey your law we thank you to God that your word is clear baptism requires going under the water so Chris's lien does not qualify baptism requires repentance of sin no baby can do that so we thank you for enlightening truth a god and for those who have come to say we want to obey Jesus and be baptized and father as in previous nights I pause one more time 30 seconds somebody else come finally lay down your fight with God and say I am making a decision tonight to be baptized I am doing what is right come come come please I'm not calling you to commit a sin to commit crime I'm calling you to do what's right 20 seconds somebody else a decision to be baptized just make the decision there's power in a decision ten seconds somebody else come you know who you are you want to come to say to God I am deciding publicly to be baptized baptized prophet heaven move upon hearts that as I pray the person's may come thank you thank God for the clarity of your word if it is read honestly thank you Father even for the struggles that some people are having right now because it means they are thinking and so I pray that you would help them with their thinking be God and take them by the hand by the arm put your arms around them with a spirit and bring them their God to the point of decision to be baptized into the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that they may rise symbolically their God to live in your life a double blessing upon those who came father keep them firm in the decision that no power on earth which is their minds because we know no power in heaven will try to change it because the decision is right bless every man every woman every boy every girl thank you for your word thank you for your spirit bless the sign brain take us home safely bring us back tomorrow to hear your word again I offer this prayer in Jesus name that all God's people say Amen you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 30,046
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 29 2014
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