11 "The Silence of the Tomb" // Pr. Randy Skeete

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so when we see sickness war famine broken families drought plagues all of those are expressions of a dying world our subject for today the silence of the tool what did I say the silence of the true before I go any further every day I invite you I welcome you for coming I thank you my visitors but please understand we really happy you came and I need to say that we are really happy you came and we want you to do what come back and come back with somebody to listen to the words of life before I begin two three favors for me favor number one please switch off all your cell phones please if you've been rebelling the past week or so please put a stop to your rebellion and turn off your phone we will be so happy but I must confess I have not heard a phone ring during the meetings of course some people said far away but I have not heard a phone ring and so I thank you for your cooperation please cooperate tonight as well turn the forms off save for number two while I'm speaking pray for me and simply say Lord put your words in that man's mouth and favor number three I want you to think as you listen let us pray loving father in heaven I'm asking you very directly very specifically they God granted me utterance clear speech words from the throne of grace the throne of glory and the throne of power possess my mind all that I am take full control they God with my invitation and permission now I stand before your father as an instrument to be used by you for the blessing of your people and for the glory of your name bless everyone who came a double blessing on our visitors I pray in Jesus name Amen let me tell you what preachers have to struggle with I can tell you best by taking you to the Bible go to John chapter 8 just before I jumped into the silence of the tombs John chapter 8 will read verse 43 in verse 42 Jesus says if God were your father he would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself but he sent me now if you've got my first in the King James Version read verse 43 with me loudly here is what Jesus what he's asking a question what does he ask why do we not understand my speech go on even because what he cannot hear my words now here not with this but with the heart Jesus Christ who explained the Bible more clearly than anyone who ever lived or will ever live despite the clarity of his presentations and the simplicity of his messages some people just decided I will not get it and Jesus almost at a point of frustration he asked the listeners why do you not understand it's so simple here's what he says in verse 44 the a are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it every person who accepts error accepts the teaching of Satan Jesus says he is a liar and the father of it not verse 45 and because I do up tell you the truth was the result he believe me not listen to me carefully a lot of people turn away from preaching simply because it is true it is a tragedy people do not love the truth they love convenience not the truth and Jesus says and because I tell you the truth he believed me not which of you convinces me of sin and if I say the truth why do you not believe me question for you don't answer me do you love truth but me you should answer me make sure the heads of those of you who love truth are I'm serious you love truth okay I don't see all the hands the fine maybe not fine but nothing I can do do you love truth let me show you something else that a preacher is up against that's why I always ask you tell God put his words in my mouth because I'm up against opposition that I cannot handle let's look at one of them second Timothy chapter 4 reading for three second Timothy chapter four reading first three and I must give this preface before I jump into the silence of the tools we have second Timothy chapter four verse three what does that say for the time will come when what they will not endure what sound doctrine sound teaching biblical teaching but after the own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears now the people of the itching ears are those who cannot endure sound truth and so they look for preachers who will tell them what they want to hear not what the Bible says and so after their own lusts I want to go to church but commit adultery I want to go to church but smoke I want to go to church but Gamble I want to go to church and have four or five husbands or wives that's the lust the Bible says after their own lusts then looking for preachers who will preach a message that supports that lifestyle I'm not one of them are you with me I have told that over and over I will die in a pulpit preaching the truth I don't care I'm going to preach it straight before and they shall do up turn away their ears from what the truth and what's the result they shall be turned unto fables there are people who deliberately say don't tell me that is why people who are lost are self-condemned you understand what I mean by self-condemned God doesn't God doesn't have to say anything by a refusal to accept the truth I accept condemnation and so Jesus says in John 3:19 this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil it is similar to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 chapter 4 verse 3 and they shall not endure sound doctrine after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers who will teach a message that supports their sins this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men and women love darkness rather than light now what is God to do God forces no one to accept truth and so one of the opposition's I'm up against is that people will not endure in the last days they cannot take it when plain truth is spoken to let's go to Galatians chapter 1 see another thing preaches up against when I see preachers those who preach the word as it is written plain and simple Galatians chapter 1 really from verse 6 this is a long preface to the message because the message I'm about to give is one that people do not like that's why I'm setting it up this way Galatians 1:4 says Paul says I marvel that he is so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which me not another but they be sub which is not another but they be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ there is another gospel that competes with the gospel of Christ the gospel of Paul the gospel of Peter and that gospel says gives your life to Christ and live with light and you should be saved that gospel said once saved always saved that gospel says accept Christ live on the Grace and disobey his Commandments that gospel says you free to do whatever you like because God is so loving he will destroy no one that's the gospel people love that's the gospel that says you're homosexual common well yes everyone should come but God calls you to change your behavior can you say Amen the gospel people love is a gospel that says come as you are and stay as you are that's the second thing we're up against the third thing preaches up against I mean preachers who love the truth let us go to Romans chapter 8 read for seven it's a very serious thing I'm telling you and those of you who preachers listening I hope you'll take a note of these three barriers make it so difficult to bring people to Christ Romans 8 verse 7 it is the worst of the three and we have Romans 8:7 many of you can see it from memory because the carnal mind is what enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be the Bible says the carnal mind the way we are born is opposed to God and His law the Bible says God's Lord's truth my tongue shall speak of thy word for all that Commandments are truth our righteousness and truth some 119 verse 1 51 thou art near O Lord and all that Commandments are truth thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth if the law is truth and the carnal mind is the law the carnal mind hits truth we have three barriers what we are born with a mind that hits truth that's why the Bible says spiritual things I want spiritually discerned to in the last days people will not tolerate and endure sound doctrine and 3 there is a flattering gospel that most people love because it supports carnal behavior now having said that let me get into the message for tonight if I go ten minutes longer please don't get angry with me is that okay I'll ask God to bless you he met you anyhow whether I asked or not but I like to ask can you say anything all right let's pray again loving father in heaven you know the difficulty of the message I have to deliver you know how universally opposed the world is to what I'm about to say Lord truth is truth it has its power the power of truth is the power of Christ unleash that power tonight that those gather to listen to your word may be touched in their hearts touched in their minds and drawn to you in surrender to the truth in Jesus name we pray amen go to Genesis chapter 2 you can observe almost every sermon I began in Genesis all the problems beginning Genesis the root of every major Bible teaching is in Genesis particularly the first three chapters and of course the first eleven that's why the devil has gotten into the mind of scientists to say the first eleven chapters of Genesis are not history they're not real it's amazing how many Christians do not believe that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are actual literal historical accounts Genesis chapter 2 4 7 the Bible says and a Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul now God made man out of the ground and they breathe life into him he did not make man from breath he made it from dirt listen to the verse and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground that's one specific action God perform having done that he breathed into his nostrils so that man was made of the ground not of the breath and the Bible is very clear mankind is always identified with the ground not with the breath let's go to Genesis chapter 18 listen to Abraham as he speaks to God Genesis 18 we read verses 26 and 27 our subject is the silence of the tombs you have Genesis 18 verse 26 and 27 now in 25 at the end of 25 Abraham said shall not the judge of all the earth do right meaning destroy the wicked and save the righteous and the Lord said verse 26 Genesis 18 if I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city then I will spare all the place for their Saints by the way that is a powerful principle of the Bible listen again now the city's got targeted for destruction were sodom gomorrah admah saboom and bela five cities of the plain God said if I find 50 righteous so how many righteous per city 10 that's all I will spare how much of the place all the place why for their sakes listen carefully to me if you Christian there are things God will do for Kenya for your sake it is one of the eight things about God we always forget you read the Bible every time God performed a miracle and performed miraculously and did something spectacular it was on behalf of Rome the Israelites and God hasn't changed those who truly believe in Christ they are modern Israelites and as God work miraculously for the Israelites then he will do it now and so God says I will spare all the place for their Saints God can do something for your office because of you god bless Potiphar because of Joseph and God slowed down the destruction of Sodom because of lot and one of the five cities God did not destroy because Lord said let me go to Zola and the angel said see have accepted me concerning this thing also that I will not destroy this city for the rich now has spoken have you spoken for your home have you spoken for your community have you spoken for your office and God will hear you and bless but I'm thinking that your child of God not just a church member they're two different things very often now when God said it in verse 26 listen to Abraham in verse 27 our subject is the silence of the tomb and Abraham answered and said behold now I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord finish the verse which am but dust and ashes Abraham said all I am is what dust and ashes he did not say dust and breath let's go to Psalm 103 we read verse 14 listen to God speaking through David Psalm 103 verse 14 our subject is the silence of the tombs do we have that for he knoweth our frame he knows how we're made he remembereth what that we're dust this is God God does not remember we're Dustin breath because we're not we are just dust let us go to Genesis now and listen to God speaking directly to a man Genesis chapter 3 reading verse 17 and we read on 2:19 and unto Adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake not cursed is the ground and the breath now listen to Genesis 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground but when God came to curse what did he curse only the ground not the breath because man was not made from breath breath brought the dirt to life and so God said curse is the ground now please get this not the breath for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life France also thistles shall it bring forth unto thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field verse 19 in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was now taken a listen to God looking at him straight in the eye for dust thou art now he told him that while he was alive you are dirt not dirt and breath now era was breathing the breath in and out but God that you are dirt not dirt and breath while much what am I trying to stress understand clearly the Bible identifies us as dirt dust ground earth clay all meaning the same thing that's what we are because that's where we came from now keep us in mind as we continue with the Silence of the tomb or the tools we came from the ground not from heaven let's review God made Adam from what come on talk loudly author are the dirt or the clay or the earth the ground where did the breath come from two opposite places remember what God said in Isaiah 55 for as the heavens are higher than the earth what is he trying to say there's a vast difference between Earth and heaven now the ground is the material that made us but the breath is from heaven we came from here let me see it again we came from here not there keep this in mind now and listen to God speaking to Adam verse 19 Genesis 3 The Silence of the tomb in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou do what return unto the ground now why should Adam return to the ground and not go to heaven for out of it what's not taken the word for is equal to because in other words God is giving the reason why Adam at death must go back to the ground and nowhere else because four out of it what's the kicker is that clear say mmm that's where he came from that's where he's going now I told you earlier every major Bible doctrine originates in Genesis forgiveness begins in Genesis in Genesis 3:4 7 and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons that's our own attempt to deal with our sins and we can't do that verse 21 or to Adam also and to his wife that the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them that's forgiveness God removes the aprons of leaves and replaces them with what coats of skin forgiveness is the process by which God takes away something and replaces it with something else forgiveness as a doctrine begins in the Garden of Eden let's go to genesis 3:15 the second coming of Christ begins in the Garden of Eden and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between her seed and I seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel listen carefully it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel let's go to Romans 16 verse 20 Romans 16:20 and keep genesis 3:15 in your mind it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel who bruises the head Christ bruises the head of the serpent the serpent bruises the heel of Christ now a fatal wound is gone is given to the head not the heel Christ died he rose when Christ destroys Satan he'll never rise again so he gets a wound in the head Christ got his wound in the heel listen to Romans 16:20 and the God of peace shall do our bruise Satan we're under your feet when shortly now in other words it had not yet happy genesis 3:15 has two applications one the cross of Christ where Christ died Hebrews to Satan's head but certain is not yet dead are you with me he's not you're dead so Paul says there's a future bruising ah you're not getting it you're getting it or just making me feel nice are you getting it listen to Romans 16:20 and the God of peace shall what tense is that future there is another bruising to come which will occur the second coming of Christ so genesis 3:15 is an announcement of the first coming and the second coming the second coming starts in Genesis what is sin listen to God Genesis 3:17 and on to Adam he said because there was hearken unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground now the curse is the result of sin that's why revelation 22 3 says and there shall be no more Christ in the new world now since then is doing what God says don't do give me one word for that disobedience that begins in Genesis not ruins every major doctrine begins in Genesis the substitutionary lamb someone dying for someone else and Adam it to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins use your common sense where did God get the skins animals had to die and it wasn't God that killed him because he didn't sin Adam how to kill them so who kill Christ we did so the substitutionary lamb begins in Genesis 3 all the major doctrines begin in Genesis 3 or surely the first 11 chapters of Genesis now the state of the Dead also begins in Genesis are dead people dead and God deals with that in Genesis listen to God dealing with it Genesis 3:4 17 verse 19 in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return where unto the earth why does he have to return it to the earth for out of it was thou taken God is teaching us what happens at death and why which means well let me say this way when you identify the root of a doctrine that is what guides your study from that point on in the end of the Bible sin is disobedience to God that begins in Genesis whatever else you study in Romans and Philippians and Revelation will not differ from the root of that teaching in Genesis 3 let's go to Genesis chapter 1 verse 20 time and he said Behold I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree and the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for me the ideal diet is taught to us in Genesis 1 which is plant-based food I heard one in man I'm not surprised the Bible teaches us the best diet is a diet based on plants that begins in Genesis chapter 1 ah Thank You sis I will the doctrine of the reliability of God's word begins in Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 and God said what did he say let there be light finish it and there was like that's the reliability of God's Word you can trust this a word that says let there be light and there's light it's a word you can trust a day you don't study the Word of God beginning first in mark now god bless mark don't misunderstand me but you begin Genesis chapter 1 for 3 the doctrine of sanctification when you separate yourself from sin begins in Genesis chapter 1 listen to God test teaching that doctrine to us and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light color from the darkness in the Bible darkness represents sin God has never wanted sin and righteousness acquiesced well don't stop amen now no one covers with those doctrines here comes the doctrine of the state of the dead right in Genesis 2 and 3 God teaches us all living beings on the earth came from dust and when they die they go back to the dust what did I say how many living beings including man and animals you don't believe me let's go to our scripture reading Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and this subject can take a whole week but I told God I'll try to and I've let him down by going too quickly I talked about try to be slow when you pray let's go to put his words in my mouth also say Lord slow that man down you must pray that maybe you'd make me cough or sneeze and slow me down equally she has six of the three reading from verse 19 now read honestly read honestly listen to the Word of God for that which we falleth the sons of men before it beats what does the word befall it mean to happen what arrival says what happens to mankind happens to animals even one thing before it them read the next expression as the one diet so diet the other yay they have one one breath so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast for all is vanity verse 20 all what go on to one place are you all in one place yes oh what's included in all mankind and animals where do they go one place all our other finish it and all do what but that's what God said hundreds of years before sleaziest 'yes you will go to the dust because that's where you came from now when ministers preach when you die you go to heaven they have to show from the Bible that people started in heaven and no one can show that because God is too clear you started in the earth that's where you go back too many ministers most of them teach you hear them at funerals he's in heaven looking down with all respect if he's looking at all he's looking up are you with me I lost my father he's in the ground I lost a brother he's in the ground I've lost friends in the ground the Lord of Heaven and Earth who cannot lie he teaches when you die you go back to where you came from that is a fundamental teaching and the root of that teaching is in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 now what do Christians do they run to Luke 16 there was a certain rich man which was clothed with purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores we have a rich man we have Lazarus and Jesus telling a story using information that the people were familiar with and it came to pass that a rich man adèle beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried he noticed Lazarus wasn't buried straight to Abraham's tomb ah-hoo rich man is buried and in hell verse 23 he lift up his eyes being in torment and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom now you've got asked the question do people in hell see what's happening in heaven no I'm not trying to be funny if you say that parable is designed to teach when you die you go straight to heaven or hell you must also say that people in Hell listen and observe what's happening in heaven and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torment and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame you must believe that people can leave heaven go to hell pour one on somebody to cool him off and then go back that's what the story is saying but it's not a story based on fact it's God is trying to teach a lesson and I'll tell you what the lesson is verse 25 here Bram said son now Abraham is in heaven and that man is in hell he's not Abraham son he wraps his son remember that thou in thy lifetime receive us like good things and Lazarus likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and our tormented and beside all this between us on you there's a great gulf fixed so that they would pass from us to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence then he said I pray thee therefore father I was send him to my father's house verse 28 for I have five brothers that he may testify unto them lest they come also into this place of torment he is telling Abraham from Hell Hebron is listening in heaven go to my father's house and talk to my five brothers so they don't come where I am ever HAP says unto Him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them I like that here's Moses on the prophets you don't need something spectacular here's the miracle you need just obey this he said nay father Abraham but if one went unto them from where from where the dead even the parable itself tells you that Lazarus is dead the parable itself Lazarus is dead they were repent he said unto him if they hear not Moses our prophets neither will be persuaded though one went where from the dead this parable is not designed to teach what happens when you die is designed to teach that this lies is the time to do what is right are you with me because when you die there is no more opportunity this life is the parable is designed to teach after death there is no prohibition there's no second chance to be saved this is the only chance that's the purpose for the parable price was not teaching that when you die you go to hell because he said in John 5:28 Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in there is all that in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth Jesus cannot talk out of both sides of his mouth now I my so worked up about this because you know in Kenya Uganda Tanzania all over this continent and in Western countries in a different form people go to the dead if I'm lying tell me people pay money to find out what the dead have to say even though the Bible they have tells them in Ecclesiastes 9:5 the dead know nothing notice you know what Jesus said why do not understand my speech now some of you and I hope not may leave this place and still go for witchdoctor better to get an education to move a curse or to put a curse on somebody or to get a husband or to get good old make money and if you in Tanzania in the area of was it Shin Jana or something if you find a man who's not by now you kill him sell his hammer his photos neck for money give it to witch doctor who makes them kind of brew or stew so that you can get money who's from Tanzania this happens our miners in Burundi and Tanzania live in fear of their lives because witch doctors want their body parts to make magical potions to make people rich and intelligent people with degrees from the University of Nairobi University of Dar es Salaam University of in Masai Mara they believe that they believe it and God must be scratching his head the Bible is clear dead people know nothing go to me Ecclesiastes 9 quickly then I have to let you go you've got to work tomorrow he Ecclesiastes 9 reading from verse 5 then I'll close the silence of the tool I'll make a call before I close it'll be a courageous call I hope you come because yes is 9 really from verse 5 the Bible says for the living know that they shall die but the dead know nothing we have two opposites living people know things dead people know nothing neither have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten dead people have no memory also their love and their hatred and their Envy is not perished neither have they any more reward for ever and anything that is done under the Sun the Bible says dead people have no involvement in anything that happens on the earth none I'll tell you what they're evil spirits that can talk to you there are demons that can talk to you and when you spend God's money to go to witch doctor and someone talks to you it is not your grandfather it is a demon talking through that witch doctor yeah not your grandfather and if you say you're child of God you insult God by going to the devil to get advice when God says in Jeremiah 33 verse 3 call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not it's an insult to God to go to witch doctor a soothsayer necromancer to learn the future when the Bible says in John 16:13 howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come my brothers and sisters listen to what God told the Israelites whether we're coming out of the wilderness about to conquer Canaan and the reason why the storms are silent it's got their people can't make noise in our title is what the Silence of the tombs how many of you will sleep in a graveyard tonight let me talk to the men how many of you would join me and sleep in a graveyard tonight can I see your hand any men no men here tonight two and a half men okay why wouldn't you a graveyard is no different from right here right here there is not only thing person the graveyard none why wouldn't you sleep in a graveyard because you believe during the night someone will touch you and you'll jump up with your eyes closed and run but there is no living person in the graveyard the tools are silent come on say Amen there is noise in heaven because Jesus is a resurrection and the life this is the what daughter of the utilized Deuteronomy chapter 18 reading from verse 9 find out quickly then we close Deuteronomy 18 reading from verse 9 the Bible says when they'll come into the land which I given to you or which I experienced your fathers thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations God said don't do what they do do not do what they do first then they shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to passion to fire that's human sacrifice or that youssef definition or an observer of times an enchanter or witch or trauma or consult with familiar spirits or wizard or necromancer the Bible gives a long list to cover all the bases don't be involved in any kind of fortune-telling witch doctor reading your palms reading the entrails of an animal reading dead bones reading whatever do not get involved box hell's for all that do such things are an abomination and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out you know go to all the Israelites go and kill that mission that mission that nation and people read the Bible to see how can God be so cruel God had given the time to repent they wouldn't repent this was a lifestyle which doctors bones of animals under the intestines of an animal reading palms looking at the stars living by the moon that's how they live and God said destroy them because those who live like that are living in the kingdom of Satan and God said because of these abominations I tried somehow 4:13 these nations with thou shalt possess hearken unto observers of times and definers but as for thee the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee soul to do God is saying don't do it I said in western countries they do the same thing but differently every day people in itíd States read the horoscope it looks sophisticated it's the same thing what's happening but Pisces and Aquarius and Libra and Virgo and that's how they mark they plot their lives in my town there's a house that has been there for 30 years it's a psychic and there's a sign psychic reading come on in you go in a woman read your palm reach the bumps on your head if you have any bumps and and then she tells you what happened next week and then you give $100 Neagle God cries she laughs and you are frustrated what does God say some 32 verse 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go I will guide thee with my eye the eye of God is the wisdom of God my brothers and sisters let me close the book let you go it's late thank you for your patience if you are practicing that in the name of Jesus Christ stop clean it straight in the name of Jesus Christ stop because by practicing that you have made your life your physical body and your home the territory of Satan and once Satan comes into your life it is the hardest thing on the earth to get him out you put your children at risk because the same way God blessed Pharaoh because of Joseph someone in your house can be possessed because of you do not engage in these practices I call upon you again what's today's date D level is a level in levels of August 2013 in Gong Road do not involve yourselves with witch doctors which is wizards and if you're new or night runners ah you thought I didn't know uh-huh nice runners and if you're a runner you too what's a night runner are you running to or running from listen we're children of God and we function differently let me make you feel those of you who will say father I will turn to you for wisdom for guidance and direction and not to witch doctors and witches and wizards can I see your right hand I will turn to you for wisdom stand up with me quickly I'll make another call than I let you go the silence of the tones why because dead people make no noise they know nothing they cannot talk you want some noise look to heaven because Christ is speeding on your behalf angels is our singing God loves you there's noise in heaven the noise of salvation the noise of Mercy the noise of intercession in the grave there's silence listen to me carefully I'm a sinner too I need Christ and I speak with that consciousness listen carefully and I want you to respond quickly if you go to witch doctors and you want to say God I'm sorry I want you to come if you have recommended that someone go even though you didn't go I want you to come if you've taken a child who could not say yay or nay I want you to come if someone has cut you and put some rubbish in you come if you've been carrying around in your purse a charm to protect you come if you think someone has put a spell on you come come down a spring I said it's a tough call I'll wait you've got to which doctors come you need to stop and you've sent someone your church leader you went to the witch doctor you took a child the child is no right or wrong you're responsible for the effects on that child you carry a charm in your purse you've hung something in your house you got from the witch doctor someone cut you put something in you come you're a night runner come come don't think of me nobody comes he feels badly ha ha ha ha I must give you the opportunity to come sister god bless you now until you walk into his kingdom god bless you sister god bless you come God will forgive cleanse the heart right now someone else come sister right here follow the pastor the call I go to witch doctors I'm sorry I have sent someone I'm sorry I took a child I'm sorry I have a charm in my purse I'm sorry I've had somewhat cutter I was cut something put into me I'm sorry I believe someone put a spell on me sorry I asked you witch doctor put a spell on somebody else sorry come anyone else then I'll pray let you go god bless you for being patient tonight I mean that from my heart god bless you I'm a god cover you for any inconvenience my delay may cause may god cover that tonight and tomorrow at work anyone else before I pray can't delay along the sixty Seconds and I pray then I mean that well let's do in to pray the spirit convicts me sixty Seconds beginning now come you know you've gone you know you still go you know you send someone woman can't get a husband you send it to the witch doctor a child can succeed in school you send it to witch doctor someone can't get a job you recommend it go to the witch doctor someone sick go to the Wittstock and your Christian come 30 seconds it's a great offense to God listen to me it's and the penalty in God's days that is of the earth like she was death the penalty was death because you're going right to the devil god bless you sister fifteen seconds yeah I'm going to pray all laughing Father in Heaven we thank you for your word that is so clear with accurate God for the teaching that the dead know nothing we thank you for the warning you gave the Israelites which is for us that all who engage in these practices are worthy of death Father the evil spirits around they were cast out whence god defeated Satan these are the ones that speak through these people who represent the devil father as children of God children of the kingdom children of light we ought to have no interaction with the kingdom of darkness and so for those of us who have practiced this terrible activity we ask you God to forgive us cleanses father from that terrible stain and give us a mind that will seek wisdom that comes from above according to Jim 3:17 and not the wisdom from beneath which is earthly sensual and devilish Oh Father in heaven open our eyes that we may see that just going to church is not enough obey your word is the key the foundation stone of a vital vibrant relationship with you if any child under the sound of my voice as we take into which doctor father cancel any negative effect because the child had no responsibility put that child under the blood of Jesus and canceled effect their God and convict the heart of the adult who committed that crime against that child if there is any man woman carrying a charm in pocket or purse hanging something in the house let them under the conviction of your spirit remove that offensive thing at the first opportunity that Satan will have nothing in them on which to hang his powers Oh father in heaven let us look to your word for light for strength for truth for sanctification for all our needs bless us they God have mercy upon us save us when you come now take us home safely take God bring us back tomorrow to hear your word again I offer this prayer in Jesus name let all God's people say Amen
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 17,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Mon May 26 2014
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