Poor Girl SHAMED at PROM, Ending is Shocking

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I bet you that my boy can get her to go to prom with him oh what happened you cannot be a photojournalist you have to make her prom queen okay Maggie no smile for the yearbook photo why am I doing this because one day you're gonna want to look back and know that you went to school here so smile on three two one perfect I'm done why do you let a girl's Four Eyes take our yearbook photos hey there's nothing wrong with four eyes but she is the poor girl where'd you get that camera maybe she's stolen I didn't know that the lunch lady takes school pictures next all right let's get this over with dork you're not supposed to move the chair that's okay I can fix that come on four eyes I don't have all day I have to get to practice smile three two one you should go put this on her okay thank you that was great hey that's a great photo you took there I can't wait for mine can't wait for mine I'm up next right yeah yeah just turn the chair there's some stink over here you guys the smell smells right here trash or Garbage or something okay oh my God look at her clothes you see her hair looks like she hasn't washed it in a week yeah she probably doesn't shower well if you could just sit there and oh give me one second I've got to clean my lens I like all day just stay calm they're just people you're just taking photos just focus on making them good okay watch this no oops I am so sorry she broke her camera she didn't deserve that camera anyway right no no it's broken I'm just coming over here for my yearbook photo what happened I am so sorry she's coming out you guys can do this those mean girls are going to get revenge I can't be nice no revenge is not the answer Rebecca yeah this is a portal shane.com gaming you haven't even made it to prom yes and if I mean then the game will be over so I've got to stay calm let's do what I would do inside of there Rebecca you got this which is what you're right just do the opposite of whatever I was doing so I have to figure out a way to get to prom but I don't think I can do that it looks like you're heading home [Music] laughs what am I gonna do I can't believe they did this Rebecca is that you oh no my dad he can't know that I broke my mom's camera oh I'm glad you're here what's wrong muffin oh uh nothing it's my allergies at school I've been like acting office what is that is that your mother's camera hand it over it's okay Ted I'll put it back I know where it goes give it to me this is one of the few things that I have to remember her by oh that camera was her mom's and her mom died camera was like super nice though that explains why a poor girl has such a nice camera I didn't mean to it was an accident I don't know what happened I'm sorry Dad I just wanted to use it to take yearbook photos don't they have their own camera for that kind of thing I'm sorry I've told you before you can do anything you want in this world but you cannot be a photojournalist because you see what it got your mom but Dad no go to your room even though it's what happened to Mom isn't gonna happen that's enough go sorry not fair [Laughter] hey I've got to go work my second shift you know keep the world safe dad you work overnight at a close Chuck E cheese hey you don't know what those animatronics do at night it's not pretty anyway I just wanted to say I'm sorry I just don't want the same thing that happened to Mom to happen to you you can't keep me sheltered for forever Dad not fair life isn't fair [Music] hey hey you good just checking on you after your camera broke yeah I know I'm good I mean my dad grounded me but besides that I'm I'm good I'm sorry that sucks what's that hanging up behind you those are articles my mom when she was alive she won awards for them I miss her sorry I'm fine I'm fine this is crazy I it's just been a long day are those your photos up behind you oh yeah I've just been taking photos it's no big deal they're really good and I know I don't say this a lot but your mom would be really proud of you thanks Maggie you have no idea how much that means to me right now foreign forgot to pay the power bill again listen I'm sorry I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow thanks again for calling dad I reminded him about the bill yesterday I knew what you guys I knew my dad would be upset about the camera in the metaverse but that was my mom's camera Focus the goal is to make it to prom and I don't think you're gonna make it Rebecca I'm definitely gonna make it I am so confident that I'm gonna make it I will give someone in the zamfam and iPhone if I make it to prom so make sure that you are subscribed right now you guys Daniel where am I going next all right looks like you're going back to school and where are those mean girls be nice yeah don't be me if I mean I can't beat the program I've got this and that's why my passion is photography let me do I'm practicing my speech I have to talk about my passion in front of the whole class today what's the big deal the big deal is that I have a fear of public speaking and it's not exactly like my classmates like me you'll be fine oh my gosh she's practicing for her speech you're right in besides all my most important photos are on this I just need to let my work speak for itself and make my mom proud she's coming anyone can grab their iPhone and take a selfie wait till you see what I have planned please put all those little moons tell the story entire image can tell a great big story what are they gonna do with that flash drive come on settle in settle in all right kids welcome this is public speaking 101. I think Rebecca's gonna be up first today so let's get started okay hi I'm I'm good don't slip I'm ready here all right anyone can grab their iPhone and take a selfie louder or or snap a quick image before they're real but all those little moments tell a story an entire image can tell a great big story and that is why my passion is photography let me share some of my favorite photos with you as I tell you why I love taking photos so much oh cute you're trying to be like your mommy oh this is a photo I took at my grandma's it's a sunflowers and I thought it was beautiful and I just wanted to capture the moment wow so interesting this was at a at the fair last year it's kind of dark I took it at Sunset I thought it captured a mood what are those two dots huh next and this was someone a stranger I met on the street I thought she looked lonely really cool I thought I would just capture her eyes and how sad they looked snooze Fest in this next one that's what she's wearing today I don't know where that was uh the next next oh my gosh is can we keep going she's wearing the same outfit three days in a row all right well wait what is she wearing Tuesday and Thursday that's when she wears the overalls in that ugly yellow sweater oh you're right Abercrombie and ick that was so mean you all are jerks shop guys settle down fell asleep Rebecca are you okay [Music] don't listen to those Mean Girls they don't even know anything about you that was a good prank how'd you do that I switched the flash drive switch to a flash drive yeah girls like her will never go to prom if she had the same clothes as you she easily could get a prom date no way oh it sounds like a bed oh I bet you that my boy can get her to go to prom with him and if he does then we get your Tesla it's over my Tesla you have to make her prom queen I got this i got this I got it out of my way we'll shake on it Tesla's mine hey are you okay out of the girls bathroom I just wanted to check on you everything okay really sorry for what they did oh yeah no no I'm I'm good the allergies in here I wanted to come in here because I heard an amazing speech and I saw amazing photos and I wanted to see if you can take new photos of all my football and baseball and basketball shots for my sports teams you want me to take your photo yeah I think you are an amazing photographer really yeah yeah I could do that how about the park tomorrow yeah I could take your photo it's a date I'll see you there it's not a date he just wants to take photos like headshots for him but he only plays one sport we have to tell her about the bat do that no yes if we tell Rebecca about the BET then she's gonna be mean to them and then it's gonna be game over so no telling her about the bet I can't lie to my wife well you're gonna have to lie now my class is completely mean to me but I have to stay nice and not be mean back to them but at least that one guy he he was nice to me okay super attractive guy I get to take pictures for him yeah that could be good right yes a relationship might develop all I have to do is not be mean and then get the problem right right so it'll be easy you guys didn't see anything else right no no no no no no no just give that headphone get in there looks like you are taking some photos I know I said meet at the park but I thought taking photos would be a little bit better here I wish I could take photos but I broke my camera remember the lens photos right right won't use my dad's what a Canon ultrasonic where did you get this I just said it's my dad's are you sure I can take photos with it I mean this is a very expensive camera yeah go ahead are you sure you can handle it I mean yeah I'll be careful start off with like an informal football got it no way that looks amazing let's get the next Sport come on the next sport you're sure you want to be on a basketball court with the football yeah I'm just playing a little basketball yeah okay I think I got it why are you playing basketball with the football well maybe I should tell her about the bet if you're gonna act like that no you are not don't worry about it Manny look at that no wait you just took that yeah do you like it looks pretty amazing what you did with my hair there hold on what this is a film camera this isn't digital I don't know how I'm gonna develop these photos I think I can help you out let's head in the house the house come on okay this is my house whoa this is your house it's giant it feels pretty good doesn't it pretty good I can feel my whole apartment in this room alone come on I'll show you the house it's a lot to show that's a Williamson photo I would recognize that anywhere he's one of my favorite photographers the way he adjusts color with everyday objects look at that palm tree it's pink and then there's the blue he's a pretty good dad too wait what are you saying that he's your dad he was oh yeah he passed away oh they both lost a parent I'm so sorry no no no no sorry I'm so sorry I I wasn't I wasn't thinking I'm sorry I wanted to show you something in the house but this isn't it oh yeah come on I feel better I didn't mean to say that okay this is my dad's dark room look at all these photos your dad was so talented yeah it's pretty amazing we couldn't bear to take him down so we just come in here to remember him you can use this room to develop the photos really yeah do you know how to use it I know how to use one I've never had my own but I can definitely get those developed and I can have it done for you by tomorrow you know I feel super bad about this I invited you here but I really wanted to ask you something else oh I can get the photos framed too it's nope it's not that it's not that what is it well I've been spending some time with you and I think that I really would like to spend some more time with you at prom so Rebecca will you go to prom with me I've never been to prom well I've been it's actually a lot of fun I think you would have a good time and I'd love to go with you okay Rebecca will you go to promise me yeah I think so she's going to prom this is great even if this is for a bed she has to go I really think that we need to tell her about the bed no come on I'm not telling her about this I'm bad he met the guy he's nice to me so this should be easy I can complete the game yeah I don't think anything bad's gonna happen yeah no one's doing anything behind your back at all so just get back in that game all right I am getting you guys an iPhone right now I hope you guys are happy did you tell him about the book signing oh in case you didn't know we are all doing a book signing this Saturday in Los Angeles at the Grove at 2PM so make sure to come we're gonna be taking pictures signing on graphs all of that so I'll link all the info in the description because yeah I bet you guys are gonna like to be there okay now it's time to win you guys an iPhone here she goes I bet you guys well Maddie stop it is oh my gosh I love your sweater thank you not trying is so in right now guys and I love what you did with your hair today yeah like where do you shop I don't really have a specific place I just kind of get things once in a while so unique yeah vintage are you going to prom by the way no did you even get a dress I was thinking about going to prom but I I haven't gotten a dress oh my gosh we have the perfect dress really yeah for sure you're gonna look great also I have this makeup that'll make you look so much better thank you I appreciate that just meet me at my other Locker okay yeah okay cool I love that why are they being so nice to her maybe she's the popular girl or girl a popular girl in 24 hours so here's the dress I was telling you about and I diy'd it to make it even more modern so cute right and you don't mind me borrowing this for prom no you're gonna look so cute thank you nice gross oh my God I can't believe you've actually got her to wear it I know and now we just have to make sure she's prom queen and it'll be the worst night of her life oh [Music] makeup she's letting me wear her dress this is going well maybe probably fun after all quiet kids quiet it's time to vote for prom king and queen that will be announced at the end of prom please do that quietly just you know I'm voting for your girl you're gonna lose your Tesla I have two others I promise it'll be worth it who are you gonna vote for for prom king and queen promise stupid I'm not voting for anyone or going to prom what are you going for well I was thinking about maybe voting Tiffany for prom queen don't vote for her she's been really nice are you going to prom I was thinking about it you cannot go to prom it's a bad idea not let me tell her about the bed but I think we should tell her about this this is getting pretty bad oh she has to get to prom now we have to find out what's gonna happen at what cost though come on hey everyone's being so nice to me now nothing weird going on it's just awesome all I have to do is go to prom and to be honest did you guys see I have a dress now looks so nice and I have makeup I mean this is going to be the most amazing prom ever yes definitely the most amazing is she in trouble because this is going to be bad right it's on you guys she's not a problem yet she looks like she's getting ready for promise okay how do people even use this stuff since when do you wear makeup Tiffany gave it to me Tiffany I still think you should come to prom with me even if you don't have a date it would be really fun no I don't think that's a good idea what am I gonna do without you I mean I've never been to prom and besides I'm going with Freddy and I'm really nervous I need a wing woman are you ready no I'm not going to prom especially Tiffany okay well then I guess I'll just go on my own you're gonna wear this that your friends say you look so good in yeah she did it looks like trash maybe you're just jealous this is my first time going to prom and I have a date and how long have you been in high school and no one's asked you out on a date I'm not jealous that you're going to prom oh you aren't you just don't want me to go yeah I don't think you should go why not because I don't have a good feeling about it that's it you just don't have a good feeling exactly I'm sorry Maggie that's not a good enough answer for me I'm out of here have fun at prom I'll have a great time it's gonna be the best what was that about nothing what's up Dad as you know I've been working a lot of shifts and saving up a little bit of money and I got you a little something for tonight really for me yep what's that her dad has Dad it's beautiful I just want you to have a really good time thank you Dad you're so welcome what a good dad he's been working two jobs together that Dad goals I'm gonna wear this to prom well I better get dressed all right I will leave you and uh you should be here soon yeah just don't embarrass me Dad dad come on I missed this move just don't scare him this is the dress that I get to wear and I finally get to go to prom I gotta get ready come in hi Rebecca's dad you must be Rebecca's date I am nice to see you sorry I was a little bit late didn't realize I had to park my own car yes we don't have personal valet like you might okay he's doing pretty great here look at this place I like your outfit too come on in thank you seats thank you oh I got this just in case for later you want to put the flowers in a vase that's very thoughtful of you thank you oh here she comes oh we get to see what she's gonna look like no way [Music] oh I didn't see it you came out right before we found out what you looked like oh my gosh you guys you are going to die when you see the transformation it is incredible it looks like prom is up next so let's get in there I have a good time at prom yeah I am so excited I mean so far nothing has gone wrong it just keeps getting better and better and better yeah and then I bet we need so easy all right let's find out if she's all that I think I heard my clavicle get on each side of me we're gonna do Charlie's Angels look who's here [Music] foreign [Music] she's kind of all that we're getting that Tesla everyone's staring at me it's because you're the most beautiful girl at prom I'm really nervous right now Rebecca you have nothing to worry about you're with the most popular guy in school I'll make sure nothing happens wearing the dress we made you I'm so sorry but my dad he'd been working extra jobs just to do this and he surprised me with this dress so I had to wear it but thank you so much for the makeup I really appreciate it yeah of course yeah thanks a lot Tiffany I'm gonna go take some photos yeah right this way we'll see you later okay she looks kind of good but don't worry I'll ruin that foreign let's go dance you know what I'm just gonna go use the bathroom real quick I'm gonna drop I'll be over here okay you look like you're having the time of your life tonight you must really want that Tesla it's not about that anymore Tiffany hey sorry there was a line for the restroom what were you guys talking about nothing the song oh this is our song that's the song it's the song oh yeah [Music] hello okay kids we have the prom King and prom queen announcement the prom King is Freddy yeah my boy I'm gonna go buy my last name Mercury three years in a row didn't see this one coming thank you everybody oh yeah I forgot about that thank you Mr Gupta ready to give away that Tesla never and what we've all been waiting for the prom queen Rebecca yes you it's not over yet if you want the Tesla you're gonna have to do something for it first oh no this is gonna be bad I told you guys that we should have told her about the bet she can't beat me else it's game over me yeah Ms Rebecca I'm gonna do this you can't have what happened last year happened okay our prom queen oh my gosh it's step four step four here's your queen scepter prom queen no no no I said I'll take care of it there you go you're officially the prom queen oh my gosh time for speech a speech uh well normally I'm not expected so I I don't really have a speech prepared but I just want to thank all of you guys for being so nice to me I mean honestly a couple weeks ago I felt all alone and and thanks to you guys making me feel so loved and so important I'm just I'm really lucky to have friends like you guys so thank you good friend finally it's going as planned oh poor prom queen did you get slime I can't believe you actually thought people liked you this was a BET right prom King a bet he did it so he could win my Tesla um go cry Home Care daddy oh wait you can't because he works security overnight at Chuck E cheese loser was this all a bet tell me oh Rebecca I hope you're happy Rebecca are you okay no what are you even doing here you hate prom I do but I wanted to protect you and I couldn't and I'm sorry it's not your fault it's my fault I mean to think that those girls even wanted to actually be my friend I'm just Rebecca you okay obviously she's not okay you don't deserve this are you kidding me she's right get out of here get out of here get out he never even liked me you could do so much better I hope she found someone better yeah totally knew it was gonna happen too look who knew what was gonna happen they made a bet what you heard about this now you guys knew about this yes we know about everything Rebecca obviously we were watching then why didn't you guys tell me I need you to get to promise poor girl shamed at prom we have to get you to prom are you kidding me now I want revenge bench with lime on me no you can't be mean or else the game is over what this is the hardest part Rebecca no that is impossible you guys there is no way I'm getting revenge she gets revenge she's not gonna win the game she's not gonna win you guys an iPhone way to go guys you ruined everything on Earth come in hey Daddy I heard what happened at prom last night dumb I don't want to talk about it okay okay did you take all these yeah they're so good you have your mother's eye I do yeah she clearly passed all her Talent on to you really yeah and you know I've been thinking about it and I know it scares me a little bit but you gotta do what you want to do that being photojournalist is what you want to do then that's what you got to do and I'm going to support you in that and stand by you oh daddy daughter goals one day my daughter and I are gonna be just like that really Dad absolutely I mean it's tough it scares me but yeah you got to be you right I love you Pat I love you too oh she accepted as a puppy what does he want her to do now and there's one more thing what there's someone outside that I think you should talk to I don't I don't want to talk to anyone hey trust me on this [Music] what are you doing here I came here to apologize Oh you mean now that you won the bet it's not about the bet I'm so sorry that they did that to you and I was a part of it you're an amazing girl you don't deserve that I want to come here and see if you would want to start fresh fine fine we can start fresh now that we're starting fresh will you go somewhere with me it's up to you yeah I'll go okay great get dressed I am dressed yeah she's got clothes on man oh yeah yeah your outfit looks amazing just the way you are so where are we going you guys are so weak do you even work out we're out of here uh you guys can't it's great on you stay right there don't move I'm gonna kill you what's going on here Rebecca she slimed you so it's time for you to slime her back no no please I mean I just got my hair done this is the surprise surprise stupid Rebecca let's get revenge no if she gets revenge then she's mean and loses the game you know what [Music] Rebecca I can't see this I'm not a mean girl he might have done it to me but I'm not gonna do the same thing and I forgive you she didn't she didn't do it well she's not gonna slim you I got this here we go okay guys I beat the game check The High Ground you did knock your revenge that was so hard I'm so glad I wasn't mean but in the end I don't know why but no matter how mean that mean girl was to me when I saw her duct tape top I just kind of felt bad for her get it now mean girls have feelings too but you know what this means that means I want an iPhone comment below your Instagram handle and I'll be announcing the winner in the next video I know what game we're doing next in the metaverse no that one [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 12,527,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poor, girl, shamed, at, prom, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: ICZp5lqrKDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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