Clue Game in Real Life At Detention

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someone here tried to seriously hurt if not kill maddie you need to help me solve the mystery of who did this to maddie in this room it's like clue in real life but we're in detention i can't believe we're doing this we got a note that said meet at the basketball court at 11 a.m why is everyone else here duh we obviously got the same letter do you think maddie and daniel got this letter too there's maddie what's going on she needs mouth to mouth daddy maddie what's wrong i don't know i don't know her face she's having allergic reaction or something maybe it was the snickers someone caught my own one oh she has sneakers she's probably allergic to peanuts is she dead get help get her backpack off what do we do what do we do i don't know okay stay back we need to get this woman to a hospital yeah no i'll come with her she's my cousin no thank you what where are you taking her she did no no no no maddie get up maddie what do we do we're then we can't go to the hospital okay well let's tell the others is she okay i don't know her she's not okay she's going to the hospital well the emt gave us this letter i don't know what it says it says one of you did this to maddie so we're sending you all back to detention whoever figures out who did it will win ten thousand dollars detention starts in five minutes well if someone did this we have to figure it out yeah you're right detention i've never gotten detention before it's not that bad plus ten thousand dollars i hope mads is okay detention i've been in detention ten times this week guys i'll show you the way follow me hey daniel what happened maddie just had an allergic reaction she got sent to the emergency room watching the er what's going on what do we do now no no someone here did it we need to get to detention and figure out who did it did this to maddie okay let's find out let's go you need to help me solve the mystery of who did this to maddie in this room it's like clue in our life but we're in detention well student orange already knows who did it it was student purple he came in late criminals always return to the scene of the crime i have no idea what's going on i showed up late yes but i don't know what happened to maddie it wasn't me daniel i mean student purple would never do that he's our best friend he wouldn't do that to maddie i shouldn't be here this is gonna go in my student record okay student blackness goody tissues you've never been in trouble a day in your life huh stop picking on her plus didn't she and maddie have a thing that's a little suss madzenine that's none of your business mats mads criticism five minutes has already passed what are we doing here welcome to detention you have been gathered here today to figure out who in the room killed maddie so someone here did that to maddie using the accusation button gifts correctly and you will win ten thousand dollars that's the only reason i'm here ten thousand dollars gonna make a wrong accusation and you will be eliminated additionally you will be competing in a series of challenges where the losers will be eliminated a series of challenges use three minutes to search the room for clues go okay zamfam i'm gonna look through maddie's backpack to see if i find any clues in here let's see what there is this was the snicker bars that she ate what is this it's gotta be a challenge man get a snack i already got one why choose shaving your head why is maddie's locker the only one with a lock on it accusation button why is this one locked it's locked i don't know it won't open is your key somewhere maybe yeah yeah okay zambian besides the snickers bar in maddie's backpack there's not much there's some glue and then her diary but it's locked if there's a clue inside we can't see it we don't find the key maybe i can like look at the pages somehow how's it going did you find any clues no i haven't found anything at all well i'm here to help i think we should work together yeah we should but just play it off like we don't know each other we need to figure out who did this to maddie i don't see any clues underneath this desk at all student green just dropped a snickers wrapper they have snacks here kidding me yeah what'd you find uh student green just dropped a sneaker zapper does have anything to do with what maddie ate well she was eating snickers when did the allergic reaction keep looking around rebecca claire i mean student black what are you doing here i was gonna ask you the same thing we cannot let anyone know that we know each other it's super sus so you're a student black student red we just met okay okay and look for clues go over that way time is up everyone gather at the table in the back for challenge one a challenge i knew it so this is challenge number one someone can get the key to maddie's locker oh okay who goes first i say since big reds first you go ahead big red i'm not big you were but i'm not pregnant anymore fine i'll go i'll get the key to maddie's locker oh starting sandwich i hate sardines i have to figure out who did it to maddie so i'll do it oh just bite it spider eat it okay yeah oh yeah what's it taste like okay i'm ready it smells worse than the taste probably all right i'm gonna get the key maddie's locker get it purple [Applause] what's a swirly this is a swirly somebody get my glasses at my beanie thank you that was cold the freshly used toilet too shave i've got a snack i'm going to start i'm up next there's snacks i'm in i'm about to get the key to matty's locker and win this challenge good luck buddy oh make an accusation yeah but if you guessed wrong you're eliminated just who seems the most sus right now i'm just going off what i know right now i saw something super sauce happen earlier i'm going to press the accusation button that's right be smart about this okay i have some information that you guys probably don't know about student green dropped a snickers wrapper what it wasn't me the peanuts the peanuts with maddie and the peanuts are you sure about this i'm making an accusation student green incorrect accusation it's wrong that means that you're eliminated from the game yeah what happens now the message coming out hey no no no what's going on what's going on what's happening okay well i think we have to finish the challenge here we go oh yes get a snack so much better than sardines well pick these there's a code a code three digits what do you think that means might be in the game master book it might be a clue zamfam if you have the game master mansion mystery book go and look up this code it might be a clue to see who did this to maddie i'm gonna go no no no let me go let me go oh yeah i guess this game likes me more just like mads does get that sardine sandwich it's delicious you don't want to switch no that's okay my turn excuse me i'm starving i need a snack excuse me ladies first okay then then go ahead oh student pink is the winner and man lock maddie's walker everyone else go downstairs to challenge two yes thank you okay let's open it oh what a lame locker what's this looks like a burner phone oh but it has a passcode i can't get into it what if there's a code oh what's this student pink is going through maddie's locker right now what do you think she's going to find all of these people are suspect but who do you think did it you guys comment below i'm about to figure this out it's a note mads there's only one person i know who says mads roses are red violets are blue please give me a chance to start something new just give me one more shot i miss you i miss you please or else you'll regret it i think i know who did it to matty and i'm going to win 10 000 welcome to the pe obstacle course challenge to proceed you must first land a quarter in the cup make your way around the warehouse without touching the floor first to finish wins and it's game over go oh you got it oh got it got it okay got it right behind you hurry up hurry up for ya oh my gosh he's out go melanie good job green thank you i don't even care student green is the winner everyone head upstairs we're going to figure out who here did this well i guess the tension's over since the killer got eliminated what do you mean the killer's eliminated obviously it was student white student white has been eliminated but the killer is still at large that means it's still one of us you were wrong pinkie toe oh no did you guys not see student pink push student white what oh i saw her push him are you sure i saw her do it i'm going to make my accusation right now what i believe student pink is the killer incorrect accusation it was her i told you guys you're coming with me student vlad let's go class come on let's go let's go don't make it guys well i didn't do it then who did the passcode for the burner phone has been placed under the door the winner of the pe obstacle course may use it along with a partner to go through maddie's burner phone everyone else head to the middle of the death circle for the next challenge what burner phone oh you mean this i'll take that so you're gonna show me what you're doing actually rebecca do you want to check this out yeah do it over here sorry wow so this is the password to the burner phone yeah i didn't even know maddie had a burner phone why would she have one one two three four that's pretty easy that's a picture of maddie and students i mean student white you're right i really thought you did well clearly i did not and you're very quick to point fingers so maybe this guy's really quick to talk so you know what he probably did it that's such an accusation you're a lot like i got a crap i got to sit down guys come on it's maddie and student yellow interesting why is she keeping these photos though on a burner phone i don't know that's mia her new puppy is she on a date looks like it's in my movie theater and it's with someone but she scribbled out his face obviously you and i are working together but we can't let anyone know that we actually know each other someone here tried to seriously hurt if not kill maddie we need to figure it out see if there's any more photos that's a creepy text message i wonder who sent that whoever did i bet is in this room right now spill your guts or fill your guts everyone draw a number and sit at your corresponding desk excuse me i'm just gonna let me just grab this i'm over here i guess i get this one stamping bagel bites with hair what is this challenge going to be hot sauce and lunchables don't go together peanut butter jelly and bugs it's a normal sandwich but it has thumbtacks in it i don't even know what this is just a bag i hate this earlier not again either answer your given question or take a bite of your school lunch we'll start with desk number five number five that's me who do you trust least in this group i don't really want to eat this i will have to go with student orange he just seems the most sus and i feel like he would do something like this to matty i'll remember that desk number three is maddie your crush no we're just friends yeah right desk number four is it true you and maddie had a crush on the same person at the same time oh she's not answering it who did you guys date she's not answering oh she did it with hot sauce oh it was really hot yeah i let it burn desk number six is it true maddie ghosted you after your last date i think that was my half of the sandwich why wouldn't you answer that i don't know what happened but i'm team maddie disgusting oh desk number two you've been a bully to maddie why oh okay maybe she was cute but i didn't kill her i couldn't have i don't kill cute girls who do you kill moving on desk number five do you know any secrets about maddie that you haven't told anyone um you know what i'm gonna eat the hair oh no why would you eat hair what secrets are you hiding was that human hair or what does she know oh i thought the sardines were bad desk number three do you have more information about maddie's poisoning than the rest of the group hi bugs what are you keeping from us he's going to throw up he's going to throw up i knew it i told everyone i knew it oh that one had legs desk number one did you and maddie have a falling out recently i can't answer that what is this [Applause] i can't eat this i'm sorry i'm eliminated i need her to help figure out what happened to maddie and then there were five no no no you know what i have enough information i think you did it i would not have done it no no no it wasn't me i promise you i know you know student black and student green i overheard your conversation that's how i got my information doesn't mean i didn't read [Applause] told you guys it wasn't me now i'm really confused so who did it exactly so we know that we didn't do it that it has to be one of these two one of the boys did it to maddie oh not me i wouldn't do that why would i hurt maddie orange you know who's guilty hmm that was pretty good this is don't sit at the wrong desk challenge one desk has a good idea one desk is a badass rock paper scissors determines who gets to choose first rock paper scissors show looks like orange right which do you want i want this one okay okay wait you're blindfolded i know i know i know i look good all right am i beautiful all right check it out let's step it up we don't got time here take a step to your what about you orange i sat on a big pile of money oh it's like a thousand dollars red looks like you're going to the elimination round what's the elimination round at the end of all this one of you will be eliminated we gotta be eliminated now rock paper scissors let's go let's go rock paper scissors shoot oh what what happened yes yes i choose that desk because it won last time where i got no idea okay excuse me let's step it up just me to the right let's slide yep you're good remember zamfam one of these people is the killer it's not me not me all right let's ready those butts ready three two one take a sight is like toasty now okay at least you didn't have a taser the boys are safe ladies looks like you're moving on to elimination round one of you is going to be out of the room soon it's not fair i can't even do it yeah rock paper scissors shoot all right yeah you did yeah awesome i'm sorry sorry so i get to make the desk i pick the same desk maybe it'll be different this time yes well i have no choice i guess i'm going on this no matter what though we have to figure out who did it to maddie i just want ten thousand dollars you're only doing this for ten thousand dollars someone went to the emergency room and could have died that's true ready set sit oh man oh my god oh ow ow ow ow ow i have something in my mouth it's a cactus which means student pink strong the good news is that we know she didn't do it ah my two best buddies why don't you do his favor and open up that envelope i don't think we're buddies we're just in detention just open the envelope teacher's desk and it's a key that's not a kid i'm going to go check this out i need a little privacy here fine we'll stand over here i have the key to the teacher's desk this might hold the final clue to reveal who is the one that did it to maddie do you think that it's student orange or student purple i have an idea but i need proof hopefully i'll find it in here huh students looks like it's files when all of the students here look maddie good at math me talks a lot i don't talk a lot okay maybe i talk a little bit right now it's down to student purple and student orange what if i just find their files see if i can figure out who did it to maddie here purple always late yeah daniel's always late hot hacking for grade change this is orange no nuts he has a peanut allergy just like maddie he's been sent to juvenile hall watch out for bullying can get highly emotional do you think orange was the one that did or do you think it was purple comment below who is more sus i think i know who i'm leaning more towards too now i just need to win this next challenge this is the apple rule challenge closest apple to the game master book will get to make the final accusation so this is it this is going to determine which of these guys did that to maddie me or you what's this in your pocket would you eat a snickers though you have a peanut allergy i don't how do you know that i have a peanut allergy it said it in your finals you've also been to juvenile hall whoa that was a misunderstanding i don't trust this guy i didn't trust him before but now i don't even trust him now i'm bringing my a game right now let's do this i guess ladies first [Music] oh pretty good really cool all right boys good luck trying to beat that apple you're fantastic no thank you no he's the one that did it i can't do anything he's not good it's all up to me and i'm the most athletic here come on go ahead and see what you gotta do oh justice i just hit your apple which means that i get to make the accusation oh yeah boys well we all know it's not me which means it's sound to you guys you know there's someone that's been to juvenile hall there's also someone that likes to bully people no but more importantly there is someone that has a peanut allergy and why would someone with a peanut allergy be eating a snickers bar that has peanuts in it all truth i am making my accusation right here that student orange is the one that did it to maddie student orange no is not the killer i told you so if it's not you and it's not me you're the one that did this to maddie and center to the emergency room oh well not exactly who is that hey i set all of this up i never had an allergic reaction i faked that so that i could go on vacation thank you daniel for helping me with this plan hope you guys enjoyed detention because i'm gonna go enjoy my vacay maddie bingo so daniel you helped maddie do this yeah she asked me she really deserved a vacation but the locker how did that happen when you guys weren't looking i slipped a note in there the note that was from mr white was from me and i stole a snickers wrapper from matt and you put it in my pocket and then i saw that which made me vote for orange and i rigged this final challenge so that you would win oh so maddie did all of this just so she could go on a vacation she just needed a break need to keep us busy my only question is maddie is a broke college student where did she get the money to go on such a fancy vacation taking the money and running betty what bye that's not part of the challenge i'm a cat hey get up are you kidding me zamfam i need you to click this video right here do it click it click that video i did every extreme challenge now that i'm not pregnant and you need to watch
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 10,330,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clue, in real life, detention, school, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: w4Elu4mJKto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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