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Hey guys, So the other day I tacked on the end of a video me playing a game that I've wanted to play for ages called Sort The Court and it's a game where you become either the king or the queen of a land and then you have to answer yes or no questions from people in your kingdom and they have positive or negative consequences and you know what it was actually pretty fun, you guys enjoyed it too so we are back playing this game. But today i'm hitting new game, I'm confirming that i'm gonna lose all of my existing save, all because I want to be the queen instead. Hit queen and let's begin. Ah, you know what? The queen still looks really upset The king looked really upset last time. So i'm gonna try and get to day six if anything interesting happens in the first six days then I'll let you know I'll see where we get to in six days. Starting off with our first problem, Chester the chest here wants to eat some of our some of our people in exchange for gold. Sure let's go. 100 gold for five lives! *laughs* Monsieur Esprit! He's back! "Good day madam. Do you require any haunting services? For a small price I'll scare some people for you." Umm okay that was a terrible French accent. Yes, I would love for you to scare... Oh. Okay, maybe not, that was - I should have thought about that one, shouldn't I. Why do you want to scare people away? Oh well, I'll do it *laughs* Get outta here. "My lady, a man wishes to settle a dispute. He says he is way cool, but his friends say he is not. Do you think he is cool? Umm... His friends say he's not cool, that's that's pretty bad, if your friends say you aren't cool then you're probably not that cool... I'm not gonna be able to see him before I decide? I'm gonna decide that he is not cool, I'm sorry. "Very well, I shall inform the friend of her correctness." Oh. I feel like I chose the wrong thing there, whoops. Day One is complete, population -6, wealth +98 that's not so bad. Alright the wizard is here, he's just passing through and thought you might like some magic, anything could happen. Care to give it a try? Sure, let's see what happens. Yeah! "Seems like it went very well for you!" See, the queen has got good luck already. I got a lot of stuff then, I'm already rolling in gold, people, and happiness. Wait Day One was complete again? Okay, that actually worked out way better for me. *laughs* The queen has a crazy amount of luck. "Mew. (This cat seems slightly magical. Not sure what it wants, though...)" Now last time we said yes to Pancake, I'm gonna say yes again, hopefully it just stays. Yeah. It just stays. "The chicken is running wild! Should we capture it?" Bok bok, yes, capture it make it stay. Oh wait, "This thing is dangerous..." Did it just kill a person?? Why is there eyeball here? It's just staring at me. Does it want something? The All-Seeing Eye. It might be able to tell my future as my reign as queen. Let's press yes and see what happens? Wait what, no, what is a eye gonna do with a hundred gold? Get out of my sight! Actually I need to get out of your sight because you took my money. There's another cat as well this one's called Boots. Doesn't have the best name in the world, but I'm gonna say yes to patting his belly. Plus one! We've got plus two cats minus 100 gold.I can't believe that eye just took that money from us! "Eh he he! The spirits are appeased right now, but perhaps we should grant them an offering of gold." The witch is back. Hi witch, how's it going. Uh, should we give them gold? "I know the spirit world always appreciates gold and it might prevent them from haunting us in the future." You know what, I do have... Oh my goodness, 200 gold? You're insane. I can't do 200 gold, I'd rather lose people than gold. Get outta here! "Nothing for now, then. I'll let you know if anything changes with the spirit world." So she can let us know anyway if anything's coming and then we can just run away. Day Two complete. -1, +2, -100. The city's growing, people are happy. You know what, that's fine. We started off pretty well and then got knocked straight down by a stray eyeball. "Could I trouble you for a sandwich?" "Surely the cost of one sandwich is nothing to a great queen like you." Sure. Looks like you're a little bit tubby for your body size, but I'm gonna give you a sandwich anyway. That's fine. *laughs* "I'm excited to eat this." I bet you are buddy, I bet you are. One bite, the whole thing is gonna go in. Hey it's a granny, hey grandma! "Eeeh, hello sweetie. Can I borrow a coin for the newspaper?" Yes, of course you can. Go - get out of here. "Thank you dearie." Bye grandma, see you later! You better be cooking me some some kind of nice tasty meal soon. We're actually meeting loads of people we haven't met in the previous video, so... looks like we're just playing these days as it is. The fisherman. "My boat's too tiny to catch many fish. Can I have some gold to upgrade it? I'll pay you back, I swear..." Does this guy look trustworthy? Does he? He doesn't even have pupils, I'm not sure if I can trust him. Mind you, the queen doesn't have pupils either, um... I have 294 gold. Boats are expensive, right? I'm saying yes. Yeah, a hundred. "Oooh you won't regret this! You'll see!" You know what, I feel like he's pretty trustworthy, look at the shine on his head. It looks like his head's on upside down, if we flip it... it looks - *laughs* Get out of here buddy. You better be giving me some fish later on. Yoo look at this dude, he is absolutely ripped, and look at that dragon tattoo, amazing. "I'm a blacksmith and I'd like to set up shop here. I can pay my own way, "I just need your permission. What do you say?" Absolutely, Go ahead buddy, I'm not gonna argue with you 'cause you will be able to kill me in a punch. He could be able to kill me by flicking me in the forehead. "Haha, yes! I'll show you my incredible skill, you just wait!" Go on, get out here, buddy. *laughs* Oh no it's you, the Duke of Spook! I would like a spooky nickname please. it's always just +1 happiness, you say no, -1 happiness, which I - I don't want. "You can be... The Creep Queen!" Thank you. Weird man. We lost a lot of money again today, this is not going well. But our happiness of population is going up, the city in the background grows as well, which is quite cool so we need to keep an eye on that. "Villagers are complaining about garbage in "the streets. Should we hire workers to clean them up?" I guess... so I'm spending a lot of gold now though. 50 gold isn't so bad. "The villager's noses will thank you, surely." No problem, no problem. Ahh it's the jester boy. "Oooooooo! I wish I could put on a shoooooooow!" *laughs* May you have the funds to do so? Umm... You, you elongate your o's too much, so no, I'm sorry. - 2 okay, that's not so bad. I need to save some gold, I'm sorry - get out of here, buddy. Come back to me in a few days. Ooh look at this. Butler. "My lady, there is a man in the foyer asking to join your guard. He's got an eyepatch, "looks pretty shifty." You know what, if he's got an eyepatch, I'm letting him in. "Should we take a chance on this stranger?" Yeah, sure, he's got an eyepatch. Come on in. Maybe he's a pirate, who knows? Are we actually gonna meet him? "Maybe more swords will help us." Do I not even get to meet my bodyguard? Well that's definitely not him, he hasn't got an eyepatch. *laughs* Right, this is the sultan, and I'm pretty sure the business proposition is good, as long as he hasn't changed what his business is. So I'm pressing yes. "I'll bring you details soon." I'm pretty sure it's a caravan and a camel, so, good deal. Ahh, it's the skeleton. "Any mysteries afoot? I could do some snooping for a small fee if you're interested..." I need to save gold right now I'm afraid, so I'm gonna say no, I'm really sorry. "Are you suggesting you know all the secrets of the universe already?" Yes. I do. I'm the queen, look at my face. Population 1, our wealth has gone down again, but we've gained 10 people. That's not so bad. That was a very unproductive day. *laughs* "The people have started a petition to ban pineapples in the city. Should we do it?" Umm? Is this is - this because of the whole 'pineapple on pizza' debate again, is - is that the reason why? I don't think so... Mind you, it'd make the people happy. It's not gonna make the queen happy, but it's gonna make the people happy, so let's do it. Sure. Yeah... why did I use gold? Uh. "The pineapple trade will suffer, but the people demand it." You know, I'm losing gold at a crazy rate right now. Who are you? "Uhhhh, you think you could tell people to stop callin' me 'slimeball'? It's hurting my feelings..." Winston, you have a glorious name so sure. I will. +3, yes! "Thaaanks boooosssssss..." 'Boss'? Do I employ you? Who's next, who's walking through my door? It's you again! Yes, what's my nickname now? Are you just gonna call me the same thing over and over again? Yeah, you are. You know what, it's +1. Get out of here, buddy, I'll see you later. See you tomorrow for another unimaginative nickname. Ooh. "Want me to steal from the rich and give to... you? No, not just the rich, I'll steal from whoever, basically." So this is gonna lose happiness but gain gold. Yes. Let's risk it. Yes, that was a good trade. "They won't even know what hit them." Perfect! So, I can't be blamed if you get caught, then it's your fault. I gained fifty gold. Let's - let's do this. Okay. The wizard's back, he's ready for some magic with his beady red eyes. Uhh, last time it went well, it - ugh. No, I'm not sure what to do. I was just gonna hit yes, but it went so well that it could possibly go so bad. I hitting yes. Come on, come on... Yes! Ha ha! The gamble paid off. We're doing well. Already on Day Five, that is green all over the place, and look how big our city is getting in the background. Hey, it's you! "Would you like to purchase any swords for your guards? A well-protected city is a happy city." ...I could spend some money now, but a lot of swords... sure. 20 gold yes! "I'll have a shipment of swords sent to your barracks." Thanks buddy, see you later. It's the spooky ghost! Oh, it's Monsieur Esprit! I feel like this was bad last time, he wants the same thing... no. Don't - don't do it, please. Oh, that's good. So definitely say no to that, 'cause it has no effects. Umm... Who are you and why are all the people visiting me French? "Bonjour! My name is Madame Abeille, and I've come join your court. Will you have me?" Well... you kind of look like a bee princess. If - if I can imagine or draw a bee princess, this would be what I would draw. You have a lollipop, if I can have your lollipop, then sure, you can stay. It's gonna be fine. "How sweet! I'm sure many wonderful adventures *weird mouth noises* "await us!" *laughs* I can't get these voices right. *laughs* Oh my goodness, look at this handsome dude. Uhh... oh, we've seen him before, yes you can stay! +1, just don't cause trouble, and get out of here. Cut the people's hair! Hey it's Monsieur Esprit! No. I've already told you no today, what have I said? Get out of here! Right, back to where we were before, in pretty much the same position I think, just with more interesting people, including this guy. "It's sliiiiiime day..." I think you made that up, didn't you? Have I got a present? *looks around* No. Bit awkward. Sorry I don't have one for you. Oh no! I'm sorry Winston! No, don't walk away, Winston, no! Oh hey, it's the butler. "That man you hired earlier has gone missing." Oh, no. "Should we send a search party?" I really want to know who he is, just because he had an eyepatch. So yeah, sure, sent send the search party. Go. Go! "We must find him at all costs!" We - we certainly should. Next! Oh. Really? Sure, give me the nickname. It's gonna be the same. There we go. Thank you for the +1. *laughs* Oh my goodness, look at this guy! "Bum bum badum dum dum! "Booooosh! You like my rhythm, brah?" Just because you said 'brah', I'm saying yes, and I think it'll make you happy. *laughs* "Badadadada brap!" *laughs* Get out of here. I said yes because you said 'brah', but you said 'brap'. That would have been a no. So, good job you didn't say that first. "Mhmhm there's a bunch of goblins in the lower quarter. I'll shay then for a few gold coins if you want." Yeah, 'cause otherwise they're gonna run rampant, so yes, please. Okay that's not so bad, 10 in exchange for 4. Oh. Ooh, this happened last time! "The witch is becoming a celebrity, "she's becoming something of a folk hero." Good job, good on you! And she's protecting the city at the same time, which is good. Average day, city is growing, 217 people. The queen is doing much better than the king last time. Oh, look at this fellow. "M'lady! I wish to embark upon a treacherous quest!" I... Do have to pay for it? He doesn't mention payment, so get out of here. "For the kingdom! I shall return to you, lady!" You'd better bring me a dragon that'd be sweet. Oh, it's the thief! "The guards confiscated some gold that I found." "Can I have it back?" No. Get out of here. *laughs* Give me the gold back, you stole it! I sense double standards happening here, uhh... I got her to steal gold before. Just - get out of here and never speak of it again. The sultan's back! "An offer for you, friend. I would purchase a shipment of luxury goods from you, for a fair price!" Uhhh... yes? That can't be bad, right? Okay, he bought people. Oh, no, happiness. 300 gold?! Yeah, why don't people like the sultan though, what have you done? What are those eyes hiding? And - and your chick as well. Ahh, the eye is back! No no no no no, press no, press no - get out of here. -10 happiness? This eye is annoying me! He's corrupting my kingdom one day at a time. Uhh *laughs* "I accidentally ate some folks out front. Can I pay you back with gold?" Well we're not - if you've already eaten them, we're not getting the people back, are we? So just give me the gold please. Thank you. -5 people, he paid more for the people this time, so I forgive you, Chester. For now. Look at that well stat! That is insane. Our happiness needs to grow though, 'cause otherwise we're gonna we're gonna - we're gonna be running a kingdom of yobs. Oh, Sandwich Boy is back! He wants to construct a tavern but he'll need some gold. Yes. Okay, go ahead buddy. You want a couple hundred - sure, you know what, I have it to spare, I have 700 right now. Take my money and build a tavern for the great people. 3 happiness in exchange for 200 gold, wasn't what I was expecting, but you know what? At least they're happy. Oh jeez, look at this. *laughs* Georgie! "Hey bud, care to flip a coin with me? Heads, I give you a bunch of gold. Tails, I take a bunch of your people's souls." Uh, I'm gonna - I'm gonna risk it, this is - I'm literally the riskiest queen ever. Come on buddy, heads! Heads! Heads! Yes! Haha! I am the richest queen in the seven kingdoms.Get out here, Georgie. "Heh, yeh got me! It's heads, enjoy your gold." Georgie, goodbye, see you later. Oh, it's this dude again. Umm... yes, I'll give you the juggling balls, you - you make people happy for ten gold. Stop elongating your O's, it's - it's creepy, buddy. Just stick to juggling. Oh it's a tiny child! *laughs* "I - I'm Little Timmy! N - nice to meetcha! You - you like some ice cweam?" Sure, Timmy. You sort your voice out, though. I'll have some ice cream. Thanks, buddy! Uhhhh... I don't like that guy, he creeps me out. Oh, Pancake's back! "It's the slightly magical cat from before, does this mean we're friends?" Sure. Sure it does. Bye Pancake, don't eat too many pa - pancakes. Another successful day. Oh no, the wizard is back! Do I risk it for a third time? Yes! Yes, yes! Ah! Look at this money! Just, look at it! "A spell of great fortune." Uh, you can come back any time, he is the best magician in the land. "Ahem. Might I get a cup of tea for you, my lady?" Do you even need to ask, butler? Yes! 3 gold for 3 happiness, not so bad. Thank you, see you later, buddy. Ooh. "A petition to bring the circus to town is circulating. It could attract tourists, are you interested?" Yeah, definitely! How much is it gonna cost me? Uhh... nothing, apparently. It's gonna give me gold. Fine, enjoy the circus, people! Oh grandma! I can't even remember your voice. EEEEHHHH Oh yeah, that was it. *laughs* "I was considering opening up a soup shop. Think that's a good idea? I need some gold..." You know what grandma, you didn't bring me any cookies, you didn't bring me nothing, but I'm gonna say yes, just because we're related. And it wasn't too bad. "Very well!" See you later, grandma. I can't be bothered to read the rest of yours. Ooh, look at this. Look at this! "Madam, the city's population is growing steadily. Our records of citizenship indicate that "250 people are now calling the city home! With a bigger city we'll need to maintain even higher happiness in order to keep people satisfied. "Make sure you pay attention to the citizens and their issues to raise happiness! "Anyway, we still have lots of work to do. Let's make this city even bigger!" I agree with you. Let's go. "By the way, remember earlier when I mentioned the Council of Crowns?" I do. "I heard a rumor that one of their members has been searching the land for a new ruler to join them. Perhaps they are aware of your progress. Maybe, so I can be on the Council the Crowns? And the circus is in town bringing joy to all to those who visit. It also happens to bring a nice bit of gold! Not that we need gold, we are rolling in it right now. Day Ten. 20, 20, 357, that's all thanks to the - to the wizard. *laughs* Hello sir. Oh. Ohoho! Ohohoho! Monsieur Mouton! "Citizens from far and wide come to visit my barbershop! Would you like a fresh cut, madam? Free of charge!" Look at my hair. Do you think I need a haircut? Of course. Yes! Thank you! *laughs* "Of course you do! You look dashing!" It didn't change. Think i just got ripped off. Mi - mind you is free it was fine. Ooh! Georgie's back with a flip of a coin, yes, let's go! Yeah! Oh my goodness, I have literally just putting my hand out and money is falling into it, thanks to all these mythical creatures. You can come again, Georgie, with your stacked coin. Do I want you to steal, again? Uh, I said yes last time, I'm gonna say no this time, 'cause I - I don't want to. Laters! Oh, it's slime boy Winston! "Uhhhh, somebody came by and cleeeeeaned up my hooooome. "Are you gonna pay me baaaack for that?" You know what, I didn't get you a present for your birthday, so sure, enjoy it buddy. *laughs* Sandwich boy! "Working conditions for us are unsafe! Will you please spend some gold on improving our ability to work?" Mason, first you take a sandwich off me, now you think you're not safe at work... You - you're quite the demanding little fellow, aren't you. Uhh, sure. I can't let people die, can I? And happiness will go up by 2, not so bad. Just don't ask me for sandwich ever again, buddy. *laughs* Look at this! Our wealth's gone up by 260 thanks to that coin flip, we're doing all right! Look all the money I'm sitting on, it's insane! Oh, Georgie, Georgie. Could we do three in a row? We did three in a row with the magician. Yes. Oh no. Whoops. Uhh... he just took 15 people's souls. Georgie, I'm not gonna be mad at you 'cause it was my choice, but please get out of my castle. Thank you. Ohh... why are you always doing this to me? They want gold and I'm pretty sure it's 200 as well. I can afford it, yeah, sure. You know what, witch. You're annoying me, if I find out these spirits are fake, then you're banished. Forever. Monsieur Esprit! You called me out last time on my castle, and of course it is. +1 happiness! *laughs* I though your monacle would turn around. Oh! Yeah, it's you! *laughs* She accidentally stayed up all night eating candy, can she have some gold to go to the doctor? You're still holding candy in your hands, you haven't learned your lesson, have you? But yes, you can go. How much does it cost, 10? Not so bad. "I never thought I could eat too many sweets." Same, you know what, same. And then my teeth started falling out. Pancake, my magical, magical friend, how's it going? Still says nothing. I think Pancake is secretly a person in disguise, so, mark my words, Pancake will talk at some point. Oh, no. That's a bad day, isn't it? That's a very bad day. Ahh, little builder! You always want sandwiches from me! Can't you make your own? I paid you so much gold and you can't buy your own? I know it makes you happy, so i'm gonna do it. And it's not - it's not that it's not that expensive but come on! He's gonna be coming at me for free sandwiches for life now. Wait, who is this? Petite Souris! *laughs* "There's a mouse! Should we chase it away?" Are you kidding me? It's wearing glasses and reading a book! No, it's staying here. "laughs* It seems happy. Look at it, oh look at that thing! It's so cute! Oh, it's you again. Uh, you want to put on a show, you know what, I said no last time. Yes, have some funds. Make sure people like it though, otherwise you will be in trouble. This could be a - oh, you? Back for another sandwich? He actually is! What is wrong with you? You're so short that if you eat too many of these sandwiches, you will be the widest man in our kingdom. So be careful, I know it makes you happy, so i'm gonna say yes, but if you get fat, don't blame me. You've only got tiny legs, so you won't even be able to walk okay? Yes, the jester's show was loved by the court and put everyone into a happy mood! Good job, buddy. Thank you for that! Uh, happiness is actually really really hard to make go up. It only goes up by tiny amounts, I haven't really seen more than like 10 happiness at a time. But that's Day Thirteen, We did more than double the days last time, we got 1,180 gold in the bank, 282 in our kingdom, and 167 happiness, which isn't so bad. I think - I don't know about you guys, but I think I make a good queen. Let me know. Do I make a good queen? If I do, leave a like, that'd be greatly appreciated. Also leave a like if you did enjoy this video, and if you'd like to see some more Sort the Court and see how on Earth we can build our kingdom with all these mystical magical creatures and Mason. Mason the sandwich guy. But if you did enjoy, a like would be greatly appreciated and if this happens to be the first video you've seen by me, please do consider subscribing to join TEAM! TDM today for daily videos. I will see you guys in the next one, thank you so much watching, have an amazing day, and goooodbye!
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,262,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, sort the court, dantdm sort the court, sort the court dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: BMB_zGL8w4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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