MARKIPLIER IS A KING!! | Sort the Court

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Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to Sort the Court now in THIS game, I'm a Kiiiing! and not the king of the squirrels, im actually king of a people, in a Far Off Land and I have to sit on my throne -music stops- I guess the music is done now, okay? Oh okay there we go, and the music is back so I'm a King, *Mark laughs* in a Far Off Land and I have to sit on my throne, and answer the questions or requests of my horrifyingly disgusting people,(That's a little harsh Mark) and hope to help them stay alive! and not die! and maybe food... little bit, not much, we dont have much to spare so without further a dEUGH here comes King Markiplier! coming in... Hello! Hi! Royal Advisor My lord. I'll help you rule your kingdom, but you have to make tough choices. Just say yes or no, understand? No! I don't get it Very funny, just give people their answers, okay? Alright, thank you. The city's not what it used to be. There were over 250 people living here! Think things will ever be like that again? nuh nuh i dont no You'll need to be more confident than that, let's get started. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) *chuckle* Well, I don't know about this! I'm the horribly deppressed G- oh god hi I'm hungry. Can I eat some folks? I've got plenty of gold. So I can pay you back for their... ...Lives...(Darkiplier approves) He's got gold, I mean what could go wrong? How 'bout no. How 'bout no.. Ah, fine, I'll leave them alone Oh, thank you! Thank you for not devouring me instead! Uh jeez bye Hello, hi! How's it goin' ? My liege, there's a man in the foyyyyer asking to join your guard. He's got an eyepatch, looks a little shifty. If he's got an eyepatch does that mean he's a pirate? And if so I want a pirate on my guard HELL YEAH!!! What do you think we should do, take a chance? YEAH! (no brainer to mark apparently) Course we should Indeed, more swords will help us INDEED! I think I'm doing good! oh *strange mark noises* I was considering opening up a soup shop. Think it's a good idea? I'd need some gold. Aww... Grandma's soup? It would be CRUEL of me to say no to Grandma! *Darkiplier intensifies* but I reALLY WANT TO Alright, fine! You can open your soup shop. OHH!! That was a lot of gold holy shit! Very well. I will sell my soup in the town squ- Well -trademark mark stutter- That was like a quarter of my gold, Grandma!!! HIGHWAY ROBBERY! Alright, bye Grandma. Have a good one. I guess it's night now. ohh heyy *Olden days voice* I was just passing through and thought you might like some magic anything could happen(ANYTHING) Care to give it a try? I like to take risks LET'S DO IT! YEAH!! ALRIGHT! This is going wonderfully for me I'm not doing terribly which is a big change for how my life normally goes Ok Thank you Wow I can open more Grandma stalls(what!?) That sounds weird(agreed) There not stalls selling Grandma O- or not in that other ways that they would be selling Grandma(Oh god Mark) No It's Grandma soup stalls(still not better) So i did pretty good I don't know the comparison to do good or bad I wish to construct a tavern but i'll need some gold fro- YESS MORE-woah A couple hundred? *Sassy Mark rolls eyes* But then the people have BEER They can get druunk Yes! Let the Peo- Oh S#@! The towns people will be happy to have a- WELL THAT DID A LOT LESS THAN GRANDMA'S SOUP AND GRANDMA'S SOUP WAS ONLY 50 GOLD! F*** YOU!!! *Angry sigh* Well that's no good that did no good at all Hello(Jack's Septiceye enters) It's just... staring at me... Does it want something? I hope not But I'm gonna go with my gut and say that it does! Yes? Awww-uh! *laughing and/or crying* Oh no I feel unlucky! But I started out so good! This game started out so good, and now it's going to take it all away from me. *uneasy sound* Du-heeey... Meow, looks like he wants somebody to pat his belly. nnnnnnnnnnnnNo yes No, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no HOW CAN I TURN THAT DOWN?! *relieved laughing* Ok alright What, did it turn into a person?! How did that work? Oh, no, that's happiness. *mini burp* 'Scuse me, that's happiness. Hmph, you call this a castle? No. *Sad laughing* No I don't, no I don't. Noooo. You should be more CONFIDENT?! Aww, F**K you! How's that for confidence, Monsieur Esprit?! Fine, f**k off. Oh, hello. I've got a friend from witch school looking to move to town, could I get a couple gold to help her move in? Well! ...... Is it good to have MORE witches? How would I know? Sure! Why not! *excited squeak* Oh! Well that was easy! That wasn't much at all! Good! This is going wonderfully! So far. 'Cept for the little hiccup there. A LOT of lost wealth. Well, that's not my fault. 'People are happy and the city is growing.' YEAH! The city's GROWING!! People are HAPPY! Oh boy! Okay, that's good. So now people --- Aww, that's awesome! Hello. I got a business proposition for you and your tiny little town. Are you interested? *Weird Mark accent* Huh this all depends on whether or not I like foreigners Aaand the answer is yes yes i do Aha I will bring you details soon ok Have fun with your bird on your head Goodbye! Oh *chuckles* Hi *still laughing* Oh little Fang Care to gaze into my magical vampire crystal? Huh That seems like a baaad idea But i'm a risk taker LET'S DO IT Yeah OOOH! *Happy Mark* I see fame and fortune for you Yea for risks!! GO OUT THERE AND TAKE A BUNCH OF RISKS EVERYBODY!!! Don't do that (Too late) Maybe do that I DON'T KNOW! TAKE A CHANCE? *Crying/Laughing again* I DON'T KNOW Ooooh i wish to put on a show. May I have the funds to do so? How much funds I don't have a lot of funds left. I-I've got very little, NOT funds Yes? WELL THAT DIDNT DO ANYTHING YOU JUST TOOK MAH GOLD mew This cat seems slightly magical not sure what it wants though.. YES Yes Pancake- oOh I guess thats goood, okay.. b- Uh well i mean im doing good on how- Oh hi grandma. The soup shop's been doing well I came to offer you some of our ear- OOHHHH THANK YOUU :DD OH THANK YOU GRANDMA :D OH THAT INVESTMENT IS PAYING BACK IN DIVIDENDS oH THANK YOU~ The jester's show was loved by the court and put everyone in a happy mood YEAAHHHHH AWESOME! Oh thats cool! We're GROWING! :D YAY! This is still good right? Have you seen my magical cat, Pancake? Yes, I have! I patted his bell-bell! ..oh very good i knew he was around here somewhere NOT SURE WHERE THOUGH OFF TO WANDER IN THE WOODS FOREVER helloo I'd like to build a new granary. This could help expand our- ... I don't have much MONEY YES? That's all I've got! ooOH GOD You got this You got it. This will help our city grow Well I du- IM OUTTA GOOLD Oh hi In need of cash huh I could hook you up if you let me eat a few folks how 'bout.. it ... I dO have folks to... spare (o.o) *scary Mark chuckle* I COULD sacrifice a few BUT NOOOOO I WILL SP- NOT s-s-STOOP SO LOW get outta heere yeah I'll find some other way you go on and get outta here ok- Hello hehe seems you need some gold I could give you some in exchange for a few souls NAY NAY I SAY! I SAID NAY TO CHESTER I'LL SAY Neuay to you Georgie S'pose you'll have to look somewhere else for coin then yeah I will I'm just thinking that- Is that Chester from.. uhhh "Don't Starve" Hii Chester what- what- NOO WHAT DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU?? How is this in anyway good..? Well The people are growing city is growing still, I guess.. We're doing fine The treasury is empty, my lord We could raise taxes, but the people wont like it much Should we try?? WELL YEAH BETTER THAN THEM GETTING EATEN YESs OHH THATS- AHH but gOOD Ok I-its something that we can live with I suppose I mean what can ya doo hhIIII I was just passing through and thought you could- -care to try SURE PLEASE BE GOOD YEESSSS! iTS GOOOOD *chuckles* thank you! thank you~! Thank you, Travelling Wizard! You- ohhh Any mysteries afoot? I can do some snooping for a small fee if you're interested HOW SMALL?? It better be TINY I mean, I'm not one to trust a Skeleton But here we go! Oh GOOD Okay. You'll uncover the truth Thank you I don't know what truth you're talking about Hi Oh! One of our prisoners escaped! May I have some gold to offer a reward for her recapturre? *markiplier analyzes situation* It's a shifty EYEPATCH MAN he's not a Pirate AT ALLL But YEEEeeeeaaaauusssss??? How much? AH FIFTY? Aww c'mon Alright.. cool least I got some happiness back Who the hell are you? My boats too tiny to catch fish. Can I have some gold to upgrade it? I'll pay you back, I swear *deep inhale* I trust you! You look trustworthy with that beard I can't help but not- oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh god o- oh hoh oh ohh soo much moneyy *markiplier cries on the inside* At least we're still growing! ohh god oooo~ did that build agai- NOOOO NO NO GO AWAY GO AWAY WAY Yeah you leave them alone chester You turned evil at one point in your life Hello? Monsieur Mouton.. Allo sir! Are you looking for experienced barbers in your court? Sure! My beard is growing rather unruly so maybe yes. Then I shall join you! I am the best of the best Ha- Did you assemble your clothes out of The hair of the fallen?? mmkay goodbye.. Oh Hello! Hello Friend! Sure!! It turned out great last time! I'm sure it'll go great this time! WOO! Nice! Is that just randomly generated or is that the same way every time??? that's a good question.. do you find me humerus (ha very funny) *mark internally cringes at the awful pun he has been exposed to* Yeeesss?????? Har- *mark starts laughing* *a very fake mark laugh to please the skeleton* *more fake laugh* okay goodbye alright see ya around ok.. Some villagers are threatening to leave unless we pay a sum of gold should we listen to their demands- NO SCREW 'EM I see, we'll let them go WE DIDN'T WANT THEM ANYWAY THEY WEREN'T A GOOD PART OF SOCIETY if they're demanding gold to live here then they're not welcome here! SO SAYS I The King Hey and we've got more people there anyway alright so we're doing okay Oh hello again! A caravan of mine wishes to camp in your city for the next few days Might that be arranged?? suuuure That'll bring traaade for everybody Ok byee OH GRANDMA! :D OH THANK YOU GRANDMAA :DD YOU'RE SO NICE! Ohhh you're so nice Grandma! Thank you so much! Oh Hello!! can you have so- Of course you can have some food little buddy! <3 Only 2 gold for a happiness! I'll take that little buddy! alright bye bye <3 hello? Nooooooo no no no no! I'll getcha next time buddy Alright sure you will with your Sassy butt and sassy tail Hello! My friend from witch school wanted to thank you for your help So we made you some magical cookies! OH Are they weed cookies? :^) The sultan's caravan is resting in town Our citizens have been trading with them producing a small amount of TAX INCOME YES! This is going beautifully! CooOL! OH The castle's almost done in the background-euugghhh I'd like some money please! ... Now, here's a life lesson for everyone out there Never judge a book by its appearance-cover say yes OOOHHH GOD OH GOD NO A HUNDRED GOLD??? 100?!! OOOHH It's slime day, got a present for me? NO F*CK OFF Yeah GET OUTTA HERE Who cares if it's slime day I wasn't told about this Oh yes please please give me some good magic please Ohh thank you Ohh it went well I don't know how you magically spawned in more people although i can imagine how *gasp* We've been awarded with a trophy!!!!! OOOOOO yaay okay that's goood we need to make the city even bigger but it's already at maximum bigness! Hello~ awww yess of course i will <33 alright bye bye bootsy bye bye bootsy bye bye bootsy oh that's awesome! I got so much muns! ohh that's nice people are happy, good good good. :) GO THE F**K AWAY GEORGIE gEORGIE nnOO GEORGIE F**K OFF y-yoU WON'T GET ME NEXT TIME, YOU WON'T what? uhh ... ... how about how about no heh how bout- how about nO how about a whole LOT OF no how about- how about Georgie How about Georgie you go y-you go away you go away back to wherever the hell you came from oh hi plants are interesting, don't ya think I would like to open a garden, may i have some workers to help me? Yeah sure! Are you gonna consume them? Oh god you ate them sure you'll send them back okay.... awww Grandma! Oh no you can keep it Grandma! Have it for yourself! AWWWW Thank you Grandma! :D Thank you! I l- hey Reporting in! I just found a ne- mysterious way to make gold Wanna know how? Sure! I'm not telling you! okay.. thank you! Thank you! ookay! Good, we're doing wonderfully! I don't even know if there's an end to this game. I've got a business proposition. Oh is it just looping through the other stuff? Thank you Sultan! I think we got it I think we won!! I'm not sure! Oh! There's a party I'd like to go to this evening Might I have the rest of the day off? NO NO YOU WORK FOR MEEE Ok fine yeah sure whatever Go on to your party Thank you we will toast to your honor I guess they will.. Citizens say a monkey has been running around flinging stuff at them Should we put a bounty on it? I mean.. The monkey's just doing what monkeys do best But sure lets put a- Lets out a price on the head of that monkey Oh- not kill it? Oh ok alright that's probably for the best Oh Mom says I need to ask your permission to go on an adventure So can I..? Please, please?? Okay, is your mom gonna come back angrily when you DIIEEE?? Sure, go ahead! Have fUNN Have fun out there! Don't die.. Eugh I'm hungry NOOOOO NOOO *sigh* There's a petition going around to open our borders to the neighbouring town What do you say? SURE Bring 'em in, more people- woAH TOGETHER Alright, okay I can deal with that Thank you I guess this is going we- WHO ARE YOU Want me to steal from the rich and give to you? Not just the rich I'll steal from whoever UHHHHH NAHH NO THANKS Ok byee have a good one ah you'd probably just- ooooo you're cute ehh, You havent been talking to Skelly have you? uhh nnnnnnnnoooooOOoooooooo?? yyyyyeeeEEssss? I have??? OH Here take this. I was never here okay? Okay Thank you Honesty is it's own reward plus a whole heaping pile of gooOOllld ahhh f**k em Get 'em out of here we don't want them any way can't keep them in the town against their will anyways so whats the point oh OH OHHH THANK YOU Oh that- You ACTUALLY paid me back! I can't believe that! Oh that's awesome! We're doing so goood~ I don't know what else to do surely the cost of one sandwich- NAY THAT'S MY SANDWICH and you can't have it alright fine, have a sandwich You're excited to eat this.. I'm less excited that I said yes- I gotta start saying no to people Asked us to form an alliance, should we use them to beef up our ranks? HELL YEAH I love some beefy ranks yeeaaah More swords for us! Ok cool Ohhh god its you It's nice to see you sir Do you like my new haircut? Noooo it doesn't look any different... yes? *laughs nervously* ahhh you're welcomee You're welcome buddy! You're welcommee Ehh not you again It's not slime day GO AWAy Gooo away Hi Sultan ok thank you, yes do that Yeees NOOOO YOU EVIL BASTARD I TRUSTED YOU! eh Three out of four ain't bad I guess Hi Skelly You've got a skeleton of your own you know don't you find it weird that you can't see it? Nah, not really You don't think anything is weird, do ya? N-not really. Have a good one! eugh-EUGHH eugh.. HI MORTIMER BOY YOU'VE CHANGED hOW ARE YOU DOING *chuckles* ohh heya youtube hoooh One of your fishermen has been bothering me, I demand a villager as a sacrifice How 'bout no nO You've angered me, watch your back what are you gonna kill me?? The Fisherman's got my back Hello Guards confiscated some gold, can I have it back? nOOO You're keeping it? but i stooo..... o ok hello Our granary has been infected how much is that gonna COOSST Oh that's not bad! Oh okay! Oh that's pretty good! That's pretty good The escaped prisoner has been recaptured thanks to the bounty- oh okay our citizens can rest easy known that she's been put away Is it that theif girl? The spirits are appeased right now but perhaps we should grant them an offering of gold I know the spirit world always appreciates gold and it might prevent them from haunting us in the future What do you say? Two hundred gooOOOooooold? TWO HUNDRED? 200?! I kinda wanna be haunted but sure okay We've got gold to spare I'll conduct the ceremony and offer this to the spirit world okAY alright.. wOAHH hey big guy Im the blacksmith (found the blacksmith) I'd like to set up shop just need your permision Okay Go ahead, have fun Alright! Oh god not this thing (sam's back) Just staring at me, does it want something? No it doesn't, get away! OH GOD DAMN IT THAT'S NOT FAIIR There's no way to win that hello... The owners of the tavern are making piles of gold and wish to share some with you well ain't that lovely of them Grandmaa! Can you borrow a coin for the newspap- OF COURSE YOU CAN GRANDMAA OF COURSE You're welcome grandma Grandma is soo nice, i hope it doesnt turn out to be like the cookie clicker grandmas where they're horrifically evil It's that slightly magical cat from before, does this mean we're friends now? yyEAHH I HOPE SOOO AWWW YEAHH Ohh little guy aww Oh. Hi. Ba dum ba dum bum bum, yeah you've got you've got the BEST rhythm bro you've got the bestest alright uhh have a good.. one The people have started a petition to ban pineapples in the city. Should we do it? I LOVE PINEAPPLES nOO I LOVE Pineapples I love pineapples I will never give it up Could i trouble you- oh pshhbpbpbp I GAVE YOU A SANDWICH BEFORE you little sack of cra- alright fine have a sandwich You stupid piece of crap But if you ask me for another God damn sandwich I'm not gonna be too happy about it next time God damn it this ASSHOLE yEAH WHATEVER ooH HEY~ OOOOH (thanks Sam) THANK YOU Oh who are you? The blacksmith has crafted me a legendary sword May I have permission to wield it in the name of our kingdom? Sure, whoever you are I don't know exactly whooooooo but gooood My lord, a man wishes to settle a dispute. He says he is way cool but his friend says he is not Do you think he's cool? Well i haven't SEEN this person how can I- WAIT Maybe it's like, something you feeeel Like this guy SOUNDS pretty cool But I mean why would he be cool if his friends say he is not cool? WELL YOU KNOW WHAT I say you are what you want to be, so he's as cool as they come! I'm sure he'll be happy to hear about that That was the most important decision of my day... Hi Skelly.. I found a way to summon people from another dimension??????? Yea- OKAY *shrug* alright okay I ain't gonna complain OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS WAS A BAAAAAAAAD DAY eeeee hHIIi I told you! I told you I'd be back! Your people will be my um.. snack see How 'bout NO no You dare to defy me? I'll eat you ALLL uhh This is going poorly... Helloo? Would you like to purchase any swords?? Yess Pleaase Thank yoouu Alright Hello King. I am a tree of the western forest As you can see however, I have been.. shortened -actions of your team of woodcutters My home has been chopped clean through! In your reckless pursuit of expansion, you have now disrupted the lives of myself and my other good treefolk brothers and sisters I demand a compensation by the way of golden coins so we can repair this.. how should I put this Diplomatic rift ONE THOUSAND??? WE SHALL GO TO WAAAR WITH THE TREEFOLK before I pay you THAT money This is a development which will surely be met with distaste in the community of treefolk Your refusal to cooperate compounded with your woodcutter's aggression, has driven me to the peak of anger! Rest assurred, King. I WILL NOT BE SILENT This destruction you have wrought on my kin will be known to all! :( We needed to build.. Hi Oho! What is this strange place I have found myself in? Albert, do you know where we are?? My oh my, Hello kingly person I do believe I am a bit lost Might I stay in the town for awhile? Sure! It's starting to get WEIRD in here How nice! Albert and I shall find an inn to stay in I'm sure I'll see you again! Albert seems to like you.. Thanks Albert Hello.. YAAAYYYY YYYYaaaaAAAAAAaaAY Oh maaan Oh thank you! Let's keep working hard Okay! Hopefully~ Oh thank you, trusted Advisor I'm a good King... The town we made an alliance with is in trouble! Should we send soldiers to assist them?? Yeessss?? I mean we do have a- rampaging army of Spirits and Treefolk headed our wayyy but sure! Okay! Of course! We promised Yeah, I keep my promises hellooo Yeeessss Of COURSE Winston!! <3 People need to stop thattt Uh-oh Workers at a construction site arrived in the morning to find all of their lumber stolen setting work back by weeks A tree trunk led a protest in the square against woodland destruction Guards had to be called in to settle things and they demanded overtime pay.. Papers have been posted around town spreading news of the destruction of the western forest The people feel quite guilty... SPOOKY SPIRITS!? ohhh this is getting baad :( I don't know how much longer this game is gonna go Maybe it just gets progressively harder and harder to keep it going WOAH Squee, There's a mouse! Should we chase it away? NO ITS A SMART MOUSE >:( It's got a book and glasses! Of course not! Why would you? Who would be so crueell Ahh Hello again Captured some foes on the battlefield Should we bring them home and put them to work? As SlaaaaaaaaaaaAAVVEESSSSSSS???????? Euuughhh eeeeuughhh Let's not go down that road... No thank you! We need to do something with 'em Shall we ransom the captured foes off- OOOOOO I like gooollllddd I like gold~ Okay I like gold! Alright! Sounds good to me! I'm okay with that! Could've let 'em go free but that wouldn't have been good at all Alright FINE! I've said no to you, just give me the gold! They won't even know what hit em- We stole from our own people but that's beside the point It's not important I'm hungry! Can I eat some folks? Suure we're over populated anywayyyy You're eating people REGARDLESS So.. yeah?? Heyyy oo- that doesn't seem good... At least they're not UNHAPP- WOOOOOAHGHHHHHH Boo! Give me your gold or I'll eat your townspeople D: Noooo???? My GOOLD? BUT I WANT MY GOLD D: How many townspeople are we talking here? I-I Just let someone else eat them FOR gold.. so are we talking about ALLLLLL of them? Why am I even debating this? That says something about me that I'm debating this yeah? OH GOD Haha! Yes, I'll take that! Okay thank you! Good bye *cryiplier* Children's dreams are being invaded by ghosts and spooks Haunting is quite frightful Oh mann Sir, I heard about the dragon attack you were made to endure.. I've come up with an idea to strike back I can craft a blade powerful enough to slay the dragon and take all his treasures It won't be easy though I need to track down the finest materials few hundred gold? yeah sure we need to sh-eughhh Okay... We need to show that dragon who's boss My lord! I've come across a- YESSS YESSSSSS Oh not enough I was hoping for more, but thank you Sir, about the Dragonblade... yes, thats what im calling the sword now I've purchased top quality materials, but I need a few workers YES Spare all of the workers you need! We shall have a magnificent blade And hopefully when we kill the dragon that's gonna be like the last thing we do Tax the merchants? HELL YEAH HELL YEAH TAX THOSE MERCHANTS We need the MUNS Oh hello again I've returned! And not without cause Prepare yourself for a protest of unimaginable proportions I am rooted! I will not budge from this spot until you answer for your crimes against my people Your workers have wounded our way of life. Things will never be the same in the forest What say you? Will you first at least admit to your countrymen's wrongdoing? NO I DONT THINK SO I THINK WE DID THE RIGHT THING ANNND WE NEEDED THE WOOD AND THEN YANNO YANNO WHAT CAN WE DO? nnnnnnnNNNnNNNNNNNNOOOOOooooo By the great petrified pine! You twig minded sapling! You're rooted firmly in denial my soft-barked friend Your refusal to undulge in even the basest of courtesies betrays your tyrannical nature! Although I cannot say I did not expect this You humans never change Always looking out for only yourselves... Okay bye~! IT'S FINALLY DONE! I've finished crafting the Dragonblade All we need now is somebody to wield it! I'll spread the word to our heroes. If they wish to take up the blade I'll send them here Can we KILLEM ooo I'm baack Alright sure! But you're not gonna take my Dragonblade You're not! Don't you dare! My Lord! Might I be the one to take up the Dragonblade and slay the dragon? YES! YOU MY FRIEND ARE GOOD You're gonna do it, you better do it y-y-you frikin better- oh Hello! o.o YEAH I CAN SURRE Give me all of your exposed wires and I'll fix you right up I am become fixed You are not smart, but you are robot Ok.. Oh, HEY I'm truly sorry about earlier. My circuits weren't quite fried my circuits WERE quite fried I offer my thanks for your help Thank you! oooo Quite logical Thank youuu Have a good one Oh, hello Anabelle Abeille Bonjour! Just finished moving in An assistant of my own. May I have one person Sure, but why do you need an assissssssss tant WHO ARE YOU The Council of Science has devised a blueprint for a gold-generating machine It will take time to construct and many resources but if the calculations- produce gold steadily for the rest of eternity... FIVE HUNDRED GOLD I DONT HAAAVE 500 GOLD If i was more a- You're not even gonna say anything as you walk away *gasp* YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH ALRIGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHT WE DID IT!!! SCIENTIST COME BAACK Oh man we finally did it! Ok That is the end of Sort the Court- Hi I- uh NO IM NOTT GOO AWAY Ok so That is the end of Sort the Court I've been playing this for about an hour I don't think there IS an end to this game But if there IS maybe you can find it on your own you can play this game for yourself through the link in the description below! And let me know what you thought of it! It's kind of a cool game It was made for the Ludum Dare Game Jam and not too bad So thanks again And as always I will see you in the next video! Buh-Bye! *outro*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 9,591,377
Rating: 4.9344206 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, sort the court, sort the court game, sort the court markiplier, sort the court ending, lets play, flash game, flash animation, ludum dare, free game, yes or no, would you rather, choosing, funny, funny moments, mini games, markiplier funny moments, anger, rage
Id: SbP43092N6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2016
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