Dehydrating Potatoes -- Slices, Dices & Shreds

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[Music] well one of the things that I find it very very easy to dehydrate our potatoes and I thought today I'd make more of a comprehensive video on dehydrating potatoes because I bought a 15 pound bag of russet potatoes and guess what I'm doing this weekend so I'm gonna tell you why you should think about dehydrating the benefits of dehydrating how to do it how to rehydrate and how to store and I am going to show you how to make dehydrated potato slices potato cubes squares and potato shreds and even how to dehydrate it frozen potatoes straight from the store so come along first off I'm gonna defend the lowly potato eye here oh I'm dieting I can't have potatoes or too many calories a potato a medium sized potato this is bigger than medium has a hundred and ten calories that's you know just a little bit more than orange and it's a great source of vitamin C magnesium b6 whole bunch other stuff so why do people think a potato is so high-calorie well it depends what you put on it and how you make it and by that I mean if you're slathering it with butter and sour cream that's definitely adding the calories or if you twice-baked it or even worse if you make it into french fries and fry it that's where the calories are really potato not that many calories you can go out and buy those boxes with dehydrated potatoes looks just like this right see through them but why spend that money when it's so easy to make yourself and you can make your own scalloped potatoes without paying the box prices so how can you be hydrated potatoes well of course I'm using a dehydrator my favorite dehydrator is the excalibur dehydrator believe me kids bought me this for Christmas sometime ago I don't get anything from promoting the product but it is a good dehydrator but you know what the smaller dehydrators do a good job - just gotta switch your trays more often it all depends on the fan and you can dehydrate food and potatoes in your oven if you can get a low enough temperature in a toaster oven even and in a solar oven so really everybody should be able to dehydrate potatoes so maybe it's your first time dehydrating and you want to try something quick or maybe you got a great deal on frozen potatoes over ayan this has potatoes O'Brien with onions and peppers and this is so so easy to dehydrate you need scissors cut off the top now just take our tray and just going to pour them up here I do two trays with it then just take our hands you really don't have to take time to thaw em out you just want to spread them out and if some of them are kind of stuck together you can always separate them as they dehydrate a little and this is all there is to it you got your diced potato you got some red pepper some green pepper and yep some onions and then we're just gonna put it in the dehydrator at 125 how easy is that I've just pulled these out of the dehydrator it's been about seven hours and they are done now I happen to peel my potatoes some people don't some people leave the peels on which is easier but my feeling is I'm buying these in the store they can have chemicals in the peel so I'd rather take the peels off you notice I took off any little eyes I found or any imperfections - you want to do that otherwise when you're drying them that area will turn black and of course you want to put them in some cold water while you're doing it so the potatoes don't turn yellow cutter potato in half I'm using a mandolin you do not have to you can just slice it as evenly as you can it just makes it a lot faster using a mandolin i've used my food processor my KitchenAid and I haven't been as happy with the results as a mandolin but you've got to be careful trust me on this in fact everybody that has one can probably tell you a story you gotta put this on okay you don't want to be doing it like that barehanded because all of a sudden it's slipped it comes down and boy I almost took the end of my thumb off so use the protection even though then you don't get to do the very end okay so hopefully I can show this it's always hard to doing something in front of the camera see it just slice them back and forth see underneath those nice slices what's wrong in here okay nice even strokes getting down the bottom here okay and that's it so then you got this much left and I learned from I'm still working I she had a great channel and then she found true love and hardly heard from her again but to save these and we're gonna make these into dehydrated face potatoes so I'm just gonna put them in there we are left with just lovely look at those slices nice okay so I'm gonna finish slicing up my potatoes or as long as I have my mandolin out I'd make some shredded potatoes too these are great for making a type of scalloped potatoes also and using other dishes we're using this attachment here you see the blades Kato and we're gonna slice it the milk put on our little blades now sometimes it gets hot okay can't get anymore so then you get all these shreds here's our shreds and cold water let's make some diced potatoes no usually I would use my Vidalia chop wizard I decided this kitchen appliance it was under $19 at Tuesday's morning and usually it goes for more so it looks like it adds a little bit bigger capacity and what I liked is this dicing blade was a little bigger let's try it out you have our potato here again peeled all basically maybe that can be just a little more there all those spots removed and now we want about the thickness of the potato bases we want pick this all up right now cut her fingers okay now here's the appliance you can have water in here I just cut a couple potatoes and then put it in the water I have behind let's put some on here I think you get that one in - yes okay I'm gonna get out oops and it it does seem like it's easy to push down but I find it the lid doesn't stay on as well maybe because this is heavier so take off this you can see we have all of our slices and these are little bigger slices which what I'm looking for I'm not making a Brian this is more for soups so I'm gonna cut up a whole bunch more I'm putting it all in cold water until I get ready now there's also the question depending on some food people say hey you really don't have to blanch it Y blanch it before you dehydrate it or before you freeze it well there is some reasons for that for food preservation but from potatoes it's mainly because it really looks uh key if you don't blanch it it can turn a very black-ish grayish color and it really looks pretty unappetizing so always blanch before you dehydrate oily water slices Stewart cold sore that's the way to tuck its back up to boiling again now see the white frock that's the starch coming out and you want to make sure it all comes out like this don't want to overcook it because then we'll end up with mush potatoes instead of our potato slices you want to do this till it's fork-tender little thicker so maybe a minute and a half so when you put your base mm here you'd only want about a half a pot full you don't want to fill it up so they don't have room to jiggle and caulk do a little fork test get one here's a big one yep we're done but yeah cold water waiting and dip it in but since I'm doing so many I'm just cooling it off here with the tap water we just want to stop the cooking make sure getting it all so we'll cool it off and we'll be back gonna lay it out on our tray [Music] it's good to leave a little space in between yep take your time hang out your slices because you want them to dry evenly aren't those nice slices right there okay the shrugs have to share some of their space here with the sliced potatoes it's nice to get these as separated as you can that's much harder with something like this and as they dry you can always separate them a little bit more so here's our dices laid out they kind of look like pineapple chunks one of the questions I'm asked if I have a dehydrator what temperature do I D hydrate potatoes do it according to your dehydrator manual mine is at a veggie setting at 125 degrees and most people say between 125 and 135 degrees Korea and I'll tray up more and we felt at the hydrator you you can also do is I only have five trades so what happens if you fill up your trays and you still have more sliced potatoes or whatever I just put them in water and put them in the refrigerator then I drain them and I D hydrate them when those trays are empty longest potatoes are covered with cold water they will not turn black so as you can see my dehydrator is full what I'm gonna do he's already blanched rest just put them in a dish here because I only have five trays and it was 15 pounds of potatoes and I'm already on my second five tray so 10 trays have been full and some people have the larger dehydrators I think Excalibur also comes with a ninth ray or something but I just don't have space for that okay now we're just gonna fill this with cold water one of the questions I have a nice tired dehydrating was well what happens if I it's not done I want to go to bed I'm testing it the stuff really isn't done okay just turn it off and then next morning turn it back on and finish dehydrating yes you kill I do that all the time I do not have a timer on my dehydrator and if I only think it has a little while left I am NOT gonna leave it on all night me the first batch is done look like little potato chips don't they I don't know if you can see but they're almost translucent they're very firm to the touch a question I also get is do dehydrated potato slices taste like potato chips the answer is no they don't they taste like dried raw potatoes now I suppose if you put some oil on them and some salt they might taste a little bit like kettle chips but definitely not like potato chips the shreds got that nice and quick either really crispy now when you look at this you might think hey this is done you see starting to get like translucent parts all right let's try biting one open it is done I'm going to see really open it up because the middle might not be done hmm know what I'm still thinking the sneeze just a little longer how you can see but there's just a little piece in there it's a little pliable I don't think that's done yeah because if the middle is still just a little potatoey then it can turn dark and it will spoil your savings so it's better to go a little longer than you need then not to go far enough I'm going to put this in just a little longer one of the questions I get but what's the Sturridge life of these potato slices well it's at least five years if you properly really make sure they're dehydrated the slices are dry and you put them I put them in a glass jar and vacuum pack and I keep them downstairs in the dark and the basement where it is a cooler temperature and I haven't verified dehydrated potatoes that were four years old and they worked just wonderful so at least five years if you store them properly I talked about storing the dehydrated potato slices in jars you can see here's the slices this is a quart jar and there's quite a bit of space in it but that's because I don't want to crowd it I don't want to crush the slices and you can see in the shreds you need a lot more shreds into a jar this is a pint jar and what I do is I use this handy dandy attachment goes with my food saver and I bought it online on Amazon and this is for the large mouth lids and you can also get one for the smaller mouth flips it just goes over your jar like this and then you have for my case I have a tube that runs from my food saver I put that tube in here I put the food saver on and then I press accessory and it makes a heck of a lot of noise and voila take it off and I have a vacuum sealed jar which I can pick it up just from the lids you see it's really vacuum packed so that's my favorite way to store my dehydrated goods you know if you put it in a baggie a rodent can eat through it and that will ruin your storage you can use mylar bags with oxygen absorbers but since I'm a canner I have plenty of jars and to me this is the easy way to go and unlock mylar bags these are reusable I get questions on how do I rehydrate what ID hydrate and it depends you know the potato slices and the shredded potatoes to me really rehydrate quickly and I pour boiling water on them the cubes depending on the size cubes you want at least a half hour of rehydration I think it's better to rehydrate food before I put it in super Stu's because it can absorb too much liquid but you can also rehire you can rehydrate in chicken broth beef broth any kind of broth and that really gives it a little extra flavor now I put this the microwave speed up boiling water price a little more to cover that one flatter one pouch and let's see how long it take if you remember this is where they were it's how they cracked so I have two five minutes you see how we're getting back their flexibility this will actually be pretty be able to cook it pretty soon and something else I should mention as it rehydrates it gets whiter in color otherwise it's a little bit of a very light golden color then I get questions you use your dehydrated potatoes on my favorite way for the Taino slices is to just fry them up in the cast-iron pan they get really crispy and a little soft in the inside they really really taste good but of course you can also make scalloped potatoes with them and other dishes and my shredded potatoes hash browns right but you can also make a scalloped or cheesy dish with the shredded ones and I don't have any my cube set they're still in the dehydrator but I use those basically in soups and stews so anywhere you would use a sliced potato I'll shred a potato or a cubed potato you can use the dehydrated one instead remember in the beginning that fifteen pound bag of russet potatoes well here it is dehydrated we have four quarts loosely packed with the potato slices in one quart with potato dices in one pint with the shredded potatoes and one lone potato left over and that's it for 15 pounds of potatoes well I hope you learned how to dehydrate a potato really not hard at all and potato slices are so versatile I think once you do it you'll be hooked if you have any questions please put them below or if there's anything you do differently when you dehydrate potatoes I'd love to hear it this is pepper potpourri saying please subscribe share the knowledge thumbs up if you like this video thank you [Music]
Channel: Prepper Potpourri
Views: 197,949
Rating: 4.9567037 out of 5
Keywords: dehydrate potatoes, dehydrate sliced potatoes, dehydrate diced potatoes, dehydrate shredded potatoes, dehydrate hash browns, dehydrate spuds, dehydrate frozen potatoes, dehydration, dehydrated potatoes shelf life, dehydrating potatoes, food preservation, Prepper Potpourri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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