Freezer tour! + Things you didn't know you can freeze | FREEZING TIPS!

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hey fruits nation Jordan page from punchy for free calm here and today we're going inside my freezer and buy freezer on these freezers alright if you guys have been following me for longer than like 30 seconds especially on Instagram you know that I'm a little bit of a food hoarder it's true and it's ok let's just get it out there I'm fine with it I'm secure I have several freezers in my house and one of my most requested videos ever is to get a tour of my freezers and for me to teach you what I freeze how and some of my best tips tricks and hats for freezing food and keeping it on hand so today we're gonna do it I'm gonna take you inside my freezers and I'm hopefully going to inspire you that regardless of how big or small your freezer is how many you have that the importance in general is just to use it to its fullest potential because by freezing food leftovers extra meals all of it you can save so much money on your grocery bill and save a lot of time and hassle when it comes to cookie dinner especially without further ado let's get inside these freezers and I'm gonna show you what mine looks like and what you can freeze and how let's do it okay before I get into the freezer so let me explain some tools that you pretty much have to have on hand in order to freeze things successfully because one of the questions I get very often is how do you avoid freezer burn how do you keep your food tasting good how do you get it to taste good after it's been in your freezer for like a year or two let me tell you here the trick number one is get yourself some disposable pants these are money this huge pack I got from Costco for a couple of bucks the honesty the dollar store has so many different sizes and varieties this comes in handy because as you're cooking dinner you can take the pan double whatever you're making put it in a pan like I said there's lots of different sizes cover it with foil and freeze it and then you have a freezer meal ready to go you just pop the entire thing in your oven throw it away when you're done no mess no fuss the next thing you need are Ziploc bags the trick is you want to make sure it says freezer on it I tend to get the Ziploc brand because they go on sale at Costco none of this is sponsored by the way but I do find that their zippers hold up really well but make sure it's freezer another thing that is totally worth the investment and I will link all this stuff below is a food sealer a vacuum sealer I got one for Christmas and you guys I have never looked back and it helps significantly with freezer burns so especially with me I almost always vacuum seal my knee another little doodad that I found that I'll link below that's pretty cool is this little freezer cube it's not very big but one thing that's really nice is if you're freezing something that's liquid like a sauce or it's soup and what I'll do is I'll stick it in a freezer bag and then freeze it inside this little freezer cube shelf so that it freezes flat without taking up an entire shelf in your freezer the next thing you need is some really sturdy aluminum foil another helpful tool are these razors things microwave safe bpa-free dishwasher safe pretty much will do everything but teach you French meal containers that when I make excess of something or if I want to make some make-ahead lunches you just put your a little meal together pop the lid on stick it in the freezer and then you can microwave it directly in this container and have a quick go to lunch or single serve dinner sona last but not least you've got to get yourself a good inventory so that as you're cleaning your fridge or your freezer or whatever it is you keep track of what you have a date that you put it in there and how much you have whatever that item is and don't worry I've got some free printables for you I will link to them below so you can keep track of everything in your freezers and fridge for free you're welcome I love it a sharpie a little bit of a shot before you'll need these since we're in the kitchen I thought I would just start with freezer numero uno which is this cute little guy at the bottom of our yeah hole disclaimer warning warning warning warning I have not cleaned out these freezers I have not organized them I just wanted to show you this in a raw organic real-life waste so let's hope I can even get this thing say some prayers okay let's do what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go through this freezer and I'm just gonna show you things you can freeze and how and hopefully it'll blow your mind okay what do we start with number one is a port meat and chicken the best way to freeze meat is to vacuum seal it but if you do have the meat like these chicken tenders that come in bags you can just throw them straight in your freezer you're just gonna want to use them quickly or else they will collect some freezer burn and ice on bread crumbs you know you didn't freeze bread crumbs by freezing them they actually stay fresher way longer like years so you can use them for baking as usual which brings me to bread in general we are big fans of freezing bread in our house because otherwise it goes back to before yourself Brett guacamole you know you can freeze cuacamole you could actually even freeze pull avocados straight in the freezer before they go back you're welcome she's this is something a lot of people don't know you can freeze if it's sliced or shredded you can stick it in the freezer as is if it's a block of cheese you're going to want to slice or shred it or else it usually comes out crumbly when you thought so Gobert and popsicles of course like basically one of our three main food groups how nasty bananas all right this one might be on its way out but if you've got to keep bananas throw them in the freezer let him thaw a little bit and you can make delicious banana bread without stinking up your kitchen east did you know you can freeze East and actually you probably should because unless you bake a ton you probably don't go through it fast enough to keep it fresh to keep it in the freezer to the stay fresher cooked meat this is the big one that people do not know you can freeze lead that has been fully cooked think about it when you go to Costco or go to the store when you walk down the freezer aisle and you see things like frozen grilled chicken strips you can basically do that at home anything in the freezer aisle you can freeze at home as well in this case I've got cooked taco meat and cooked chicken skewers that we didn't eat quickly enough so I threw it in the freezer so now on a busy night I can pull out me that's fully cooked and thought and have a dinner ready in 10 minutes or less baking chocolate chia seeds flax seeds other kinds II see nuts oh yes you can you're nuts not to freeze nuts so pine nuts for example we love these sprinkled on our salads but any kind of mixed nuts fancy nuts snacking that's baking nuts reason just trust me on this chocolate not only does it keep it away from your kids because I can't find your stash in your messy freezer but these chocolates were from last Easter which was over six months ago and not only are they worth rushing when they're cold they taste just as fresh as the day I bought them because I put them directly in my freezer just don't tell anyone that I have lunchmeat this is another thing we do all the time in this house when lunch meat is on sale or if we're buying it bulk like from Costco we will just take out one package that we need stick everything else in the freezer all you need to do is pull it out a day or two earlier than you need it let it thaw and it tastes just as fresh and good as the day you bought it and then you're not wasting any by letting it expire for you banana bread and muffins actually freeze great fish and seafood of course can be frozen hotdogs they are amazing actually so by I'm in the summer when they're on sale on freezer meals which we'll talk about this more a little bit later but again double it your cooking triple foil the top label what it is and freeze it you can let it thaw the night before or what I like to do on a busy night you stick it straight in the oven totally rock-hard frozen let it sit oven as the oven is coming to temperature and adjust the baking time usually about double the baking time just make sure it's warm heated through and cooked through hummus freezes amazingly well so especially when you buy it in bulk or if you buy those little individual packs upon this stick half of them in your freezer so they don't go bad before you get through them egg roll wrappers this is random but yes you can't yes yes cookies baked items everyone just needs them on hand so just yeah bagels and bread typically I do freeze these in freezer ziplocs shake out any ice that's accumulated in the bag let that file out on your counter if the bread comes out a little crusty little heart wrap that piece of bread and a damp paper towel microwave it for like 10 seconds and it makes the bread nice and soft again then you can chose do in a row okay I'd like to put all this stuff back one quick tip I want to tell you about arranging your freezer is the deeper you are in your freezer the more cold it is which is better for things like meat seafood fish so load your freezer first with meat and protein test kits and shelves and the top areas of the freezer say for things like popsicles dairy frozen lunch or dinner items see that really just don't need to be quite as cold okay I think that's it for this freezer let me go show you the next one all right now we're in the depths of the Batcave aka the basement now I'm going to show you some more of what is in yet another greaser so it's just dive right in I told you I'm a food hoarder don't judge okay what have we got here so again we've got lots of meat I know you guys are gonna ask so where do I get all this meat from you know I have to tell you I used to buy it bulk crews a cons when we moved in the owners left this one behind and we had one of our own so this one is pretty empty right now so what we might do is when we go down on our meat supply we may just split a cow find a family and buy in at a quarter of a cow cuz I know that's a way to get bulk meat for cheap otherwise just look for deals at your local grocery store and when meat goes on sale buy as much as you can afford and as much as you can store so that as you need it you don't have to run to the store and pay full price for chocolate chips any form of chocolate including s'mores chocolate fries is great freeze those shuck with that form what always a good idea beans and refried beans especially the homemade kind freeze fabulously seeds and garden items especially for emergency preparedness and if you're a big gardener and had a great crop of something and want to revive those seeds to next year you can flash freeze them and they will grow oh they will grow gotta get Mol little sunshine sauces and soups you can freeze a number of different ways I love using just big mason jars just be sure to label the top with what it is and be sure to label the date it's not like a mystery sauce in a jar and one of the tricks is be sure to leave extra space at the top of the jar because liquids expand boys and girls you don't want broken jars I've made that mistake before so leave some space on the top and they freeze great Carrie okay so we talked about cheese upstairs but you can also freeze cream cheese sour cream or cottage cheese now once they're thought out you're going to want to use them for cooking not so much just plain eating or topping because the texture changes slightly but this works great for soups casseroles crock-pot dishes and I'll stock up when it's on sale stainless yogurt you think freeze yogurt directly in the container and again you wouldn't want to just eat it plain but it works great for desserts or for us we love putting a frozen yogurt right inside a spoon butter is a big one stock up when it's on sale or even buy it at Costco and big packages breathe it it stays fresher way longer and a saga super quick so ain't no shame in hockey cranberries and fruit in general yes you can freeze cranberries and yes you can freeze them whole not only then do they thaw out you can use them for holidays for you know cranberry sauce and things like that but I love making cranberry salsa so I like keeping these on hands and then fruit in general yes you can freeze fruit why do you think they sell bags of frozen fruit in the frozen aisle newsflash they freeze frozen fruit makes great smoothies and desserts and combo crumbles and all sorts of things that I don't take because I don't like to bake but smoothies are great so fruit fruit fruit along with that is veggies of course you can buy packages of frozen vegetables like this or you can freeze vegetables yourself so if your garden is busting make your batters and dough's cookie dough of course freezes fantastically so do some batters save the container and then the container becomes a nice reusable freezer container for other things in this case white bean soup pizzas and frozen meals of course these great chicken breasts one of the things that I will do is buy giant packages of boneless skinless chicken breast or it could be chicken thighs or chicken wings or chicken tenders you can divide them up and put them in individual baggies one breast at a time or in this case I have two per bag you can also vacuum seal them for extra protection we just go through our chicken really fast so I typically don't vacuum seal the chicken Rize as flat as you can so it takes up the least amount of space bada bing boom perfect for cooking if they freeze it in this store you can freeze it at home these are store-bought freezer meals of course but guess what you can make these at home as well noodle bowls breakfast bowls breakfast burritos lasagnas whatever you see make it yourself at home and freeze it for a fraction of this boss okay let's just talk about the freezers for a minute I know I have a million of them and I know it is not typical some of them were left behind by previous owners like I said some of them we invested in ourselves but now that we have them all we use them and I feel like I'm a little bit of a freezer expert at this point in time so let me tell you the differences between freezers and the benefits of having them and how you can creatively find space for them in your own home alright so first up you've got these traditional tall freezers these are I would have to say probably my favorite if you are able to have even one of these anywhere in your house in your garage in a guest room in a closet or in this case in a random storage room down in the depths of your basement it is so worth it what I love about these tall freezers is that it makes it easy to organize and find another type of freezer that we have is a chest freezer a dead body freezer if you will or a mine these are great for meat deep-freezing is awesome for things that typically stay in your freezer for quite a while and you don't rotate through quite as quickly so for us we've got one and again this is where we keep most of our bulk meat like if you split a cow or if you buy large 40 50 60 pound packages of meat like we used to keep them in a deep freezer the benefits is that it keeps things fresh or longer because that cold air really stays nice and cold in a deep freezer the downside is that whatever is on the bottom is basically lost to the world we're coming for you buddy this is where that freezer inventory printable that's linked below will really come in handy for us we've actually started trying to get away from these chest freezers and that's why we bought another upright freezer we're gonna eventually move all of this in there and probably get rid of it because I just can't get down there kick it down to the bottom and then the last kind of freezer of course is like the one up in my kitchen that is usually attached to a fridge whether it's a pullout whether it's a side open or whether it's a top open freezer those are great for things that you use and rotate through regularly we're talking everyday items like bread frozen veggies and then save these big storage freezers for things you don't use quite as often and need to be stored really well for a long time so there you go there's a look inside all of my mini freezers I have a lot more information for you on things you can freeze how to freeze them tax for freezing and thawing them that all in the blog posts I will link below so please check it out hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did when you give it a thumbs up thank you new videos every Thursday around here we've got all sorts of frugal living productivity fan and finding out hacks and tips so be sure to subscribe and I think that's it you don't mind I have a couple of freezers I need to clean and organize an inventory so I'm gonna let you go I just need you to wish me luck because I below see you next time all right since ring what it weird agree it would it okay sorry I'm just repeating myself so just pick
Channel: Jordan Page, FunCheapOrFree
Views: 1,458,850
Rating: 4.8822064 out of 5
Keywords: utah, blog, blogger, family, Jordan Page, fun, cheap, free, Fun Cheap Or Free, frugal, budget, money, budgeting, humor
Id: 1eS3D1P4Ymk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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