BACK TO THE FUTURE BREAKDOWN: Every Detail You Missed | Deep Dive

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Marty McFly is a 17 year old high school student whose best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist explain how they became friends I mean I never explain it and we were all fine we were just like who's his best friend the disgraced nuclear physicist all right proceed it's kind of true but I still love this movie the truth is we actually know why Doc and Marty are friends 2015 Back to the Future Untold Tales number one GOC hires Marty to be his assistant after Marty tries to steal audio gear that's why Marty uses the amp I mean I get it no one reads the comics but hidden at the core of Back to the Future is the real answer to the secret of Doc and Marty's friendship but this movie ain't Back to the Future aha I'm sure you super fans already caught it this is actually the opening scene to Back to the Future Part Two when they reshot the first movies ending shot for shot replacing Claudia Wells with Elizabeth's shoe but before we start feeling bad for Claudia Wells Claudia Wells was a recast from Melora Hardin Jan from the office while Marty McFly was originally played by Eric Stoltz who replaced the First Choice Michael J fox great Scott what the hell was this movie I'm Eric Boss and this is the Deep dive and we are blasting back to back to the future the 1985 classic directed by Roberts meccus and written by zemeckis and Bob Gale it is the seminal time travel film that gave us Avengers End Game Rick and Morty theme park rides a stage musical snarky stand-up bits and an unauthorized Fork will screenplay that I wrote that'll never get produced so long as the original filmmakers are still alive despite some goofy 80s camp Hey incest that's fun Back to the Future remains a perfectly structured Thrill Ride and the film holds up not in spite of its cringe but because the filmmakers knew exactly how horny and weird it is disillusioning the 50s and 80s for their buried moral filth is really the entire point and despite its reputation as the best time travel movie Back to the Future is not really about time travel it uses time travel as a device to serve a simpler story in which a boy saves his father to break down this father-son story let's use the delorean's time circuit board act 1 and 1985 Marty's dad ruins his weekend Act 2 1955 Marty befriends his dad so that he can return home and act three back in 1985 Marty saves his dad yet truly behind the wheel is Marty's weird relationship with Doc Brown why are they friends well we are gonna get to the bottom of the power of love and the best way to support the Deep dive channel is to grab some deep dive merch from nerd like one of these vasma not shirts or if you're Mr Peabody a Spaceman for Pluto you need to shoot before he runs over one of your Prime trees this film opens on of course clocks all synchronized to Doc Brown's Lab Set to 753 except for the one on the floor as Marty walks in which is set to 8 18. the correct time since the others are 25 minutes slow as we learn later though the hour hand on that floor clock isn't where it should be it could just be the clock is broken but either way our man Doc Brown has broken time everything we see in this opening tank is foreshadowing everything that happens later in the movie like we passed one clock recreating Harold Lloyd's famous clock hanging scene from the 1923 silent film safety Last which Christopher Lloyd no relation reacts in the film's climax the with the drunk appears alongside Leah Thompson's name as Lorraine has a drinking problem and it starts in her teenage years there's a newspaper telling us that Doc's Mansion burned down and his estate sold off explaining how he got the insurance money to fund his experiments the JVC camcorder Marty will use later a news report about stolen plutonium by a Libyan terrorist group and we initially only see Marty's feet he rolls his skateboard and it bumps into the case of plutonium defeat the close-ups in Marty from behind were all Michael J Fox's stand-in it's not actually boxed until he sits up in the rubble so why this stand-in on Marty's entrance well a quick Branch timeline on the insane casting drama of this film Michael J fox was the meccasin Gale's first choice for Marty McFly A Gifted physical comedian but more importantly Fox's role as Alex P Keaton on Family Ties Alex P Keaton was a teenage conservative with liberal parents he was the face of the Resurgence of the political right in America when Ronald Reagan brought 1950s Style conservative values back into the mainstream zemekis and Gail as kids who came of age in the late 60s were caught right in the middle of of these conservative decades and felt a disconnect from their parents as an adult Gail saw his dad's old yearbook photo and wondered if he and his dad would have been friends zamekus always suspected his mom's moral scolding was hiding a more adventurous youth when I was your age I never chased a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy zemekis and Gail had always wanted to do a time travel movie but they fueled this vehicle with the emotional core of a kid feeling unstuck in time struggling to relate to his parents and so their goal with Back to the Future was to take the icon of 80s neoconservativism and throw him back to the 50s to expose how that era wasn't an American ideal it was a scary violent time in which even creative intellectuals were considered Slackers the issue was Michael J Fox's schedule was tied up with Family Ties so they ended up casting Eric Stoltz initially he was a more dramatic actor and they shot five weeks with Stoltz until they realized he just was not bidding their Vision so they went back to the studio increased a budget of the film by 5 million dollars and reshot 35 of the film with Michael J fox in the role that's how important he was to this movie's success now Michael J fox was shorter than Eric Stoltz so they also had to recast Marty's love interest they replaced Melora Hardin with Claudia Wells and Michael J fox spent every weekday shooting Family Ties and then they had a station wagon with a mattress in the back for him to sleep on as it drove him over to the backs of the future set where they would shoot the film's nighttime exteriors and then once they were done with that he'd be driven back to the Family Ties set they had to get all the backs of the future daytime exteriors on the weekends so just imagine when he rewatched these scenes and Michael J fox looks exhausted or exasperated or commits to base plant Pratt Falls or rolling down Hills or slick Hood slides or when those eyelids just look heavy on lines like and since these reshoots were so costly they had to save money in other ways like confining the film's action to the universal Backlot set and right here making this movie's opening shot a Warner in Doc's lab with a stand-in Marty tours the Town Square in act 1 so that we can compare the changes that happen in act 2. the Town Square is a parking lot now but we'll see in the 50s it was a grassy Park the storefront show several businesses moving or going out of business the cinema has turned into a church as the 80s saw the rise of the Evangelical Christian rights Marty transfers from the truck to the Jeep as it rounds a square just like he transfers from Carter car while fleeing bit later or earlier but it's not action star moves that he's using in this movie it's a classic Bart Simpson that he does every day that just blows the minds of everyone in the 50s now outside the high school some graffiti reads Lorraine Del Calvin Ananda Lorraine in 1955 becoming obsessed with Calvin Klein Strickland says you're too much like your old man yeah Strickland starts by telling Marty to stay away from Doc and ends by telling him he's as hopeless as George this gives us Marty's want and his fear his want to play music at a high school dance and his fear that he might end up like his dad the music Marty's band The pinheads plays is Huey Lewis in the news Power of Love one of two songs that Huey wrote for this movie on stage the other guitarist Marty plays with is Michael J Fox's guitar instructor but Marty immediately shreds into a solo that just ruins a song which is why the judge who's a cameo by Huey Lewis himself grumply stops him outside Marty swats a branch this is actually the same tree whose Branch will snag the cable later or earlier a tree that hates Marty McFly for all time I assume what a cousins of the Peabody pine tree getting revenge for his Fallen brother Marty shares his fears with Jennifer what if they say get out of here you got no future yes he fears creative rejection which is something he inherits from his father but also buried in there is something deeper the fear of having no future and as we'll see at the end of the second act Marty will both bomb on stage and face having his future erased Marty and Jennifer get clock blocked save the clock tower 30 years ago lightning struck that clock tower and the clock hasn't run since yeah it reads like a comedic distraction but Save The Clock Tower is exactly what Marty does by redirecting the lightning into the DeLorean and we get key Exposition along with a key prop in the form of that flyer that Jennifer writes her grandmother's number on the back of leaving Marty with this kiss yeah behind Marty in this a freaking porn theater screening orgy American style back home Biff bullies George and you can actually hear the grease in George's hair hello hello anybody home now when the timeline warps at the end of the movie George's hair is gray that's the natural color his hair would go so hereby greasing it George is just trying to look younger we're here in Act One Marty's dad ruins his weekend and we see how George's weakness is a burden that Marty carries afraid I'm just not very good at confrontations I love how George clenches his fist as if wanting to deck Biff but when he says the word confrontations he releases it now in the next scene Crispin Glover is a red scrape on his finger making me wonder if George might have punched a wall in frustration or maybe the actor just hit something to get into character Chrisman Glover kind of a weird dude but there was something removed here notice the bowl of peanut brittle this was actually from a deleted scene where a neighbor and his daughter pressure George into buying peanut butter for a baseball team knowing that he'll be a pushover see honey I told you would only have to go to one house Lorraine dreamily and drunkly recalls how George kissed her at the dance it was then that I realized that I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him oh I love how the board game life is strategically placed behind George as Lorraine feels stuck in her life with him and of course George is watching the rerun of The Honeymooners that Lorraine's family later watches the original airing of when Ralph dresses up as a Spaceman as Marty does to scare George in the parking lot Marty finds Doc's truck which has a bumper sticker reading one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day originally this story was going to feature Marty driving into a nuclear test site back when the time machine was going to be a government invention and a refrigerator instead of a DeLorean if this sounds familiar it's because this movie's executive producer was Steven Spielberg and he straight up used this idea of nuking the fridge in Indiana Jones in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull but using a DeLorean was equally silly in the 80s because sales for that car had been lagging and car maker John DeLorean was on the news every night for drug charges that's really the inside joke when Marty struggles to start the car in the third Act and why here he says are you telling me you built a time machine out of a DeLorean it's funny not because the car was cool it's because this car sucked doc sends his dog Einstein through time and the fire tracks blast under their feet and the unfinished VFX is always left in even in all the remastered versions I love this because the editors of this film had only nine weeks to cut this whole film which is insane the reason why is that three weeks after they wrapped they assembled a rough cut and screened it for test audiences this is around mid-may 1985 and this test screening was so successful the universal moved the release date up to July 3rd now notice when Einstein returns it's 1 21 a.m 121 as in wouldn't put 21 Jiggles yeah scalen sebek gets consulted with one expert who apparently pronounced it gigawatts despite the correct pronunciation being gigawatts but it's a thing about Back to the Future I guess there's a lot of goofy choices and Goofy mistakes you might call them but they embrace it all and by doing so it doesn't look like a mistake it feels intentional now when they were writing this movie the best known time travel stories featured characters going back to the past and finding history set in stone unchangeable but when they were conceiving Back to the Future they wanted to play with the idea that the past could be altered and could alter history therefore through the butterfly effect Bob Gayle cited the butterfly effect concept from Ray Bradbury's the sound of thunder now on the new Rockstar's Channel I identified the eight categories of time travel stories and I called back to the future type 1 or hit time travel in which all of time just kind of exists on one smushy timeline and changes to the Past just kind of echo forward through history and give you kind of these playful storybook endings now the second back to the future film expands the logic into Branch timelines the Multiverse logic that we see in movies like Avengers end game but the first fact of the future focuses Less on time travel mechanics and instead just uses time travel to bring a son and father back together that's really it despite how much we hear Doc Brown explain time travel to us it's really not that confusing in this movie we don't hear of anything like the grandfather father Paradox or the bootstrap Paradox there's no Multiverse in it but this is the time to travel with the most dramatic Stakes because we don't know what the future of the characters looks like and because there's no Multiverse there's no disposability if Marty gets eraser from the timeline he gets erased from existence but overall they keep it pretty simple like the time travel in this movie is the simple Act of driving a car through your hometown and seeing how one block has moved on with time but others have been frozen in time and changes to the timeline are represented by the simple prop of a fading photograph the way faces and photographs can fade from our memories over time the one thing to futurize the technology in this movie is the fact that the time machine is powered by a nuclear reactor which in a way makes Back to the Future a sort of veiled commentary about how the 80s nuclear brinkmanship took us geopolitically back to the 50s so anyway as doc prepares to leave he suddenly remembers I almost forgot the ray extra platonium how do I ever expect to get that one tell it one trip I must be out of my mind one pellet one trip key Exposition also those plutonium vials do look a lot like what Marvel would later use for pin particle vials in Avengers end game you can really see the DNA of Back to the Future spread throughout all-time travel Cinema thereafter and then Philippians arrive they shoot Doc and Marty flees he accelerate and the needle gets close to 88 but then he turns and it drops back down Michael J fox always has to keep his arms raised which gives the steering an intensity but really it was just because he was crammed in that driver's seat due to the bulky time circuit gear and that Marty hits 88 miles per hour and Doc's body is immediate to his right as he passes just as Doc's body will be on the ground when Marty hits 88 in 1955 in act 3 and Marty instantly flashes to the Peabody Farm in 1955. there are no glowing wormholes just a flash of light and instantly you're somewhere new zemeckis really worked hard to try to just keep this simple the idea that when we drive from town to town or just turn on the wrong Street it really feels like you've traveled through time so onto the Peabody Farm which Doc Brown just kind of gave us a history of back in the parking lot Mr Peabody's son is named Sherman the father and son named after Sherman and Mr Peabody the time traveling Duo from the Rocky and Bullwinkle shorts Sherman's comic is Space Zombies from Pluto so space man from Pluto was actually proposed to be the title for this movie by Universal head Sid scheinberg but Steven Spielberg replied to his memos saying they thought this was a hilarious joke so scheinberg reportedly dropped the suggestion in shame and as he leaves Marty takes out one of Peabody's genetically bred Pines resulting in the mall back in 1985 warping from Twin Pines mall to Lone Pine Mall the billboard for Lyon Estates shows a house with the same exact construction is McFly family house just painted seafoam instead of yellow and Marty walks through the Hill Valley Town Square set to the cordettes 1954 Mr Sandman painting all of this as a possible dream for Marty which makes Michael J Fox's sleep deprivation a happy accident now in my theory that every American Film is trying to either be The Wizard of Oz or Citizen Kane a Dream escape or a puzzle mystery Back to the Future is definitely Wizard of Oz Doc is the wizard in this moment is Dorothy entering the Technicolor World Marty passes a sign for the movie cattle queen of Montana a 1954 film starring Barbara Stanwyck and Ronald Reagan build second I love that instead of a re-elect mayor Goldie Wilson car now it's re-elect mayor red Thomas red is actually that homeless guy at the end of the movie in the altar 1985. Lou makes fun of Marty's life preserver vest and George is sitting facing away from us dumping cereal in a bowl echoing himself dumping peanut brittle earlier we are now in act two Marty befriends his dad and unfortunately Marty realizes his dad was a pervert so behind Lorraine's romantic meet cute Legend is a horny horny truth my already saves this pervert another one damn kids jumps in front of my car he says another one of these damn kids the Justin George might jump down in front of his car before how many times have you done this George now with all the amazing shots in this movie I think my single favorite shot is actually this simple one in the bedroom because the blocking is perfect Michael J fox falls out of the bed Lorraine's mom calls Leah Thompson spins around Lorraine jumps out of frame tosses the jeans back to Marty from her hope chest in the mirror you can see Lorraine sneaking a peek smiling and then Michael J fox perfectly buttons this single take with a perfect and probably painful pratfall now the Deep dive is still a very young Channel and when new channels get started it's hard to get people willing to sponsor us and as we're talking about a movie with some adults who definitely didn't age all that well or really take care of their hair I'm honestly super grateful to have geology in their skin and hair care products sponsoring us today on the Deep dive thank you so much so geology is a 16-time award-winning personalized skincare company recognizing Men's Health Esquire and ass man grooming Awards with over 6 000 5 Star reviews you just take a quick 30 second diagnostic quiz and geology is going to create a simple and effective skincare or hair care routine customized just for you with ingredients that our dermatologist tested proven to work and personalized to your needs for Hair Care geology's got strengthening shampoo and conditioner co-wash which will transform your routine and deliver the best hair of your life it extends the time between washes and replaces the need for so many products so you wash your hair and you save money and when your lifelong bully knocks on your forehead saying hello hello you're not going to hear any grease in those knocks they also offer body washes and deodorants that are free of harsh ingredients and they smell great like for skin care they have you covered from all angles fight acne reduce oil-ness prevent wrinkles combat darker puffy under eyes have smoother hydrated skin and Target those signs of Aha and McFly their daily personal and skincare routine comes with two face washes morning face cream retinol night cream eye cream and right now for a limited time you can get a five piece trial set for only 15 if you use a code rockstars 70 at checkout that's over 50 dollars a product for just fifteen dollars on top of that you'll get an additional bonus offer on one of their brand new skin hair and body products of your choice when you add it to your trial to get started just click the link in the description thanks to geology for sponsoring us and back to the channel Marty meets Uncle jailbird Joey you're my Uncle Joey better get used to these bars kid yes Joey wears black and white stripes classic prisoner attire so Marty meets 1955 Doc Brown and he shows them a photo of him and his siblings already at the top of Dave's head is fading off now does it make sense for history to slowly erase Dave from the top down and then Linda and then Marty over the course of a week in 1955 as opposed to just like all three disappearing at the same time instantly the moment the timeline Alters I mean maybe it does maybe it doesn't but it's more fun to watch it this way because again this is not a time travel movie it's not a list of rules spoken to each other by robots this is a narrative about a boy and his dad and Destiny popping them to each other a skeptical doc asks who's president in 1985. Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan the actor I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady yes Jane Wyman was Reagan's first wife and they divorced in 1949 Ronald Reagan had already remarried to Nancy David Reagan in 1952 but I like this shows that doc has been keeping up with current events he's really buried in his work after Marty convinced the stock with the story of the flux capacitor doc Marvels at the camcorder no wonder your president has to be an actor he's got to look good on television yeah that's right earlier Lorraine's dad said who the hell is John F Kennedy JFK didn't become a household name at least here in California until his debate against Richard Nixon the first televised presidential debate and Kennedy looked way better on camera and a lot of historians attribute this one moment to Kennedy winning the election in 1960. that and his Bootlegger Dad buying a bunch of boats in Chicago similarly Ronald Reagan was referred to as the communicator in Chief he used to be an actor and as president he was known for his telegenic charm the Saint the clock tower of flyer comes back when Marty shows doc Jennifer's note and for the first time Marty sees the other side of it so that idea to use a bolt of lightning hits like the bolts of lightning we're sending you Back to the Future Dark points at the camera and then immediately he is skews off Christopher Lloyd does such a good job making docs seem just a bit unhinged and another ridiculous shot that I just noticed as Marty and Doc approached the school for no reason at all they walked directly into the bike rack and awkwardly climb over the bikes there's a lot of random physical Huber in this movie in every shot now this redhead puts the kick me sign on George it's actually the same guy who cuts in on George and Lorraine's dance later so it's not just Biff who's bullying George it's his entire world now zemeckis uses a recurring two shot of Marty and Doc Marty in the foreground on the left doc on the right pacing back and forth away from camera we actually saw this earlier in the parking lot Marty facing forward focused only on the future doc zipping back and forth thinking about the ramifications of time travel there's actually similar framing with Marty and George in the backyard later and there's some importance to this that I'll get to at the end of the video now in the cafeteria when Marty pulls Biff off Lorraine notice how George is immediately gone from the table behind him anytime bit begins to assault Lorraine George runs away Marty has to convince George using a Walkman tape labeled Edward Van Halen Edward is written smaller above Van Halen and that's because the band Van Halen didn't want to be associated with the movie despite the fact that Eddie Van Halen recorded a guitar riff for it so they had to write in Edward above Van Halen later wearing his yellow radiation suit Marty has a hair dryer tucked into his waistband now hair dryers like this did not exist in 1955 this is from Doc's suitcase meaning that 1985 doc wanted to be able to blow dry his hair wherever he went or whenever he went there was actually a removed part of the scene where Marty points his hairdryer at George like a gun threatens to melt his brain which George Recaps later to Marty meanwhile in 1955. going through a 1985 Doc's suitcase was another deleted scene where 1955 dog finds a Playboy back at the diner George works up some courage give me a milk chocolate remember earlier in the cafeteria George had chocolate milk with his lunch now he wants to finish what he was drinking when he left Lorraine out to dry before Marty trips Biff Biff Rises so that all we see are Marty's raised eyebrows I love this shot Thomas Wilson was significantly taller than Michael J fox but notice when Marty punches him the punch comes from a higher angle that's because in the shot this isn't Michael J fox this is Eric Stoltz it's one of the few shots of Stoltz that they kept in the film Stoltz was closer to Wilson's height and reportedly Wilson didn't really like how physical stults would get during their scenes so by keeping this in they keep this raw physical anger between the actors so Biff chases Marty around the town square one of the best scenes of the film and it's super economical again all the action sequences of this movie really take place right here on this set in this instance if you track the cars around the set they really just do two laps around the block even as one of the most iconic action movies all of back to the future's locations are really in a Suburban Town exec producer Steven Spielberg borrows from Indiana Jones which she also worked on a couple years earlier Marty gets stuck on the front of the car like Indie does in front of the Nazi truck and Raiders but while Indy goes under the truck Marty pulls an equally awesome move running over the top of the car and landing on the skateboard it's awesome but it is a false Victory it's another example of Marty having to be the hero inserting himself where history does not need him to and ultimately makes his mission even harder by creating an enemy Doc uses a scale model of the town and for the clock tower Doc uses a wristwatch that he's set to exactly 1004 the time the lightning strikes after Lorraine asks Marty to the dance in the next scene we see Marty with George doing laundry and Marty has a punching bag this is actually connected to another deleted scene where Marty gives George boxing lessons and George struggles to punch with his right hand it was going to be implied that George was left-handed but like many left-handed kids who grew up in the 40s and 50s he was forced to use his right hand unnaturally which might be why he scribbles so awkwardly when he's writing his short story in the cafeteria and so later in the movie when George finally punches Biff notice he does it with his left hand which catches all of us even himself by surprise Marty hints that he plans to make Lorraine uncomfortable you mean you're gonna go touch her on her no no George yeah George was holding his mother's bra and Marty grabs the rod I'm saying tosses it back in the basket because Marty faces the reality that he's probably gonna be having to deal with his mother's bra on the night of a cop asks DOC for a permit for his weather experiment and we see doc going through his wallet but in a deleted scene doc was going to bribe that cop with cash again it's the 50s it's not as wholesome a time as we thought though in a way this is a weather experiment harnessing lightning the way one of Doc's Inspirations Benjamin Franklin did with his kite in the key two arguably equally important technological moments George's wristwatch is behind as Marty's watch always seems to be off in this movie George was supposed to punch Marty at exactly 8 55 but even if George was on time it wouldn't have worked since Lorraine wanted Marty to make a move on her bait intervened to give time for Biff to get there in a way fate was punishing Marty for creating an enemy in a way that he did not need to but also is intervening in a way to make sure history gets righted on the correct path we survived this edible tension when Lorraine cosmically comes to her senses I kiss you it's like I'm kissing my brother and Marty size and relief but remember earlier in this movie complained to George about the blind spot of a car now appears exactly in Marty's blind spot to punish Marty we're getting a little too Victory Lappy earlier and in the sequels the comics the Animated Series Biff becomes something of an eternal evil in the Back to the Future mythology who exists in incarnations throughout all of time it's really all because Marty had to show off and I love it there's a solid bit of continuity here this upper lip is cut from when Marty punched him earlier he is and it's gray and black bomber jacket makes him look like a great white shark with a taste of blood in his mouth it is genuinely terrifying when Biff gets in the car with Lorraine the 50s Not So Charming it's also a time when a character named 3D uses a racial slur against Marvin Barry and the starlighters another character named skinhead calls them Reaper addicts all while the third crony match Billy freaking Zayn doesn't do anything to stop them but again George being late and in character ends up working out because for the first time he finally speaks up to Biff hey you get your damn hands off and just by starting to say this rehearsed scripted line just having the words coming out of his mouth gives him enough courage to see this through no you leave her alone and he gets Biff the left hook heard around the world now this should be enough of a victory for Marty right his photo still is not fixed because George hasn't really proven it yet and Marty hasn't overcome his fears yet doc even signals that the worst is yet to come he isn't just talking about the thunder above on a meta level he's also referring to Marty's greatest anxiety inside having to play guitar at the school dance where he has a nervous breakdown and he feels physically his future being erased from existence and it is painful sorry to compare to Marvel again but the pain we see each of the Avengers getting dusted doesn't even come close to the pain Michael J Fox shows on the stage but that redhead cutting in was actually triggered by George's own insecurity aren't you gonna kiss me I I don't know George overcoming this proves that his competence wasn't a fluke or a product of his anger at Biff but he needed an inner self-respect to not let anyone with him but again Marty still takes another Victory lap and plays Chuck Berry's Johnny B Goode and the room loses their goddamn minds and becomes professional swing dancers I mean does anyone get paid to swing dance now zemekis and Gail considered cutting the scene but the test audience loved it so much that they wouldn't even dare and thank God because it is an amazing scene Michael J fox does the Chuck Berry duck walk it's just a lot of fun and yes we get the moment where Marvin bear Harry calls his cousin Chuck to share with him that new sound he was looking for and sure he can snark over history being revised so that a white kid inspired a black rock and roll legend when historically was definitely the opposite his white artist stealing from black artists but that is the point of this joke Marty Only Knows Johnny B Goode because he grew up listening to Chuck Berry and Chuck Berry was totally fine with this joke being in the movie but it also makes sense within the inner logic of the movie because seconds after Marvin holds out that phone Marty gets carried away and shifts into the Van Halen solo and the room grinds to a halt they all hate it so Chuck wouldn't have had that much time to hear the blues rip on the other end to him it just would have been distorted chaos really all of Marty's big wins the past are actually forgettable blips but still when the room freezes in confusion you can see George in the middle of the crowd in the background still smiling supportively at Marty a classic dad at a talent show but now a dad who really supports creative Endeavors Doc and Marty argue about the letter is disaster that's a risk you're gonna have to take I never thought about this before but zemeckis made Lloyd and fox scream all of these lines which is justified by the howling wind but still the effect is that it gives an otherwise pretty slow scene insane emotional Stakes what follows is just a perfectly edited and scored sequence and I haven't talked enough about Alan silvestri's epic score thanks YouTube ounce of History obviously an amazing composer who went on to compose the main Avengers theme for the Marvel Universe but here is really his best work every beat of the sequence in the score hammers us with madcap tension but most importantly Silvestri deprives us of the full main theme you know because it is not yet earned until he passes the Finish Line doc scales the scaffolding the ledge breaks off remember this all began with Doc slipping on a Ledge his toilet to hit his head and conceive of the flux capacitor and he circles back to that slipping now what seems like a stumble is actually an important Triumph all of this is edited like the Star Wars Trench Run lots of things having to happen in sequence we cut to a sweating pilot in the cockpit mentally sane stay on target stay on target flashes of lightning like Cannon Towers they get one shot at this and Doc finally zip lines down and patches the timeline by using his own body as a conduit he becomes part of the timeline that fixes the timeline and finally only here does Sylvester hit us with the da da da da da da and the DeLorean blast to the Future that movie theater in the background is playing Mickey Rooney's the atomic kid a movie in which a guy wanders into a radioactive test site and gets Powers another nod to the original draft of having to drive into a nuclear blast just as Marty effectively does here by driving into a cinema after all of the noise we just heard everything goes so quiet and rather than following Marty into the future we stay with Doc in the quiet fixed 1955. we Revel with him in his victory and it's amazing to think that doc will spend the next 30 years of his life building a time machine burning down his family home dealing with terrorists all of this not out of Reckless experimentation but out of fated determination close the loop of History we're back in 1985. it's a great transition of doctors looking up at the clock tower we think we're still in 1955 but oh here's a helicopter and notice how the clock tower ledge remains broken former mayor red Thomas is now homeless Now red is actually played by George Buck flower an adult film actor who starred in orgy American style that's playing at the theater now and again the Twin Pines mall now the Lone Pine Mall history has changed and all these details make us feel more okay for Doc to have read the letter Marty Witnesses doc being shot from a different angle I love how his past self cuts off his no before he could say it as if both Marty's reacted scene doc dead the same way we learned that doc taped together the letter and saved himself with a bulletproof vest well I figured what the hell yes I love how this movie looks at its own time travel Madness and says Nah because again the time traveler rules are not what this is about Marty wakes up the next morning and on his wall is an enlarged version of his photo with Dave and Linda because nothing makes us feel better than seeing these three siblings together we see how the McFly home is now nicer and Marty faints upon seeing George and Lorraine Mom Dad did you hit your head remember Marty hitting his head on that street is what got him stuck in the love triangle with his parents Biff went from Wrecking George's car to waxing it George's novel arrives a match made in space George fictionalizing what he went through with Marty in 1955. now if it's his first novel how do they have this nice house I assume that George had published a bunch of short stories and this is just his first full novel and George says like I've always told you you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything so it would seem here that in act three Marty has saved his dad but hold up this isn't right because George is kind of a prick yeah in fact the Glover didn't return for the sequels is that he hated how George McFly became stereotypical 80s materialistic Yuppie but doc returns in the future because their time stream has been disrupted by their actions or something no no no no Marty it's your kids Marty something has got to be done about your kids this movie totally knows that it's kind of gross that the mcguise end up rich and materialistic when Marty randomly rewarded with the truck he wanted at the beginning of the movie that is why doc storms back in to disrupt the storybook ending the supposed moral of the movie The Wisdom George just spoke was actually a line he stole from Marty in 1955. if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything but we actually first heard this line in the opening minutes of the movie it's like doctor yeah I know I know if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything yes this Immortal wisdom came from Doc at the beginning of all this I said this movie was a story of a son saving his father but what exactly does that have to do with the mystery of Marty's friendship with Doc well there is a reason we feel so unsatisfied with George McFly at the end of this movie it's because George wasn't the father Marty really saved doc was that is why this movie pairs George and Doc in parallel shot composition but the two characters never actually meet after years of being asked why Doc and Marty are friends screenwriter Bob Gale finally started to talk about this and he said that in addition to the comic book origin doc represents Marty's Rebel Spirit as a cool dad well when I was growing up in uh in St Louis I was I don't know eight or nine years old my next door neighbor was a professional photographer and he had a dark room in his basement and he invited myself and my two brothers to come over one evening to show us how film is developed and this guy had all this really cool equipment in his basement and he was as far as you know I was concerned he was a real Doc Brown I don't think he and his wife had any kids so maybe he looked up on me and his my brothers as as as sort of surrogate kids yeah as kids we are drawn to quirky Wizards in our lives to guide us through the unknown and Dr Emmett Brown is Marty's True Father Figure in this movie and like Marty's photograph our images work to reflect this new timeline it was Doc who ruined Marty's weekend by getting him embroiled with Libyan terrorists that Jason back in time doc was the dad Daddy-o Marty gets to know the best in 1955 and Doc is the papa that Marty saves back to the future's ending is perfect in its escapism because Doc and Marty never felt at home in this 1985 the out of time license plate has been replaced with a futuring mirror barcode and doc says where we're going we don't need Rose I love it there is a compass on the dash so doc needs a way to orient himself in the air now to be continued was not in the original theatrical release because this was not intended to be a Trilogy at first Galax have said otherwise they wouldn't have had Jennifer get in the car just to sideline her in part two and three to be continued was added for the home video release in the TV airings and so I just love to imagine Back to the Future ending on this thrilling Cliffhanger with nothing to follow the DeLorean blasts directly at us and we are left like Doc and Marty with our feet in the fire Trails a father and son having saved each other escaping the moral decay of the 1980s Suburbia to a roadless future that we can only imagine these Timeless Heroes go back to where they belong Back to the Future please support us by grabbing some deep dive merch at subscribe to the Deep dive turn notifications on and share this Channel and its videos with everyone you know follow me at EA boss thanks for watching buttheads [Music]
Channel: The Deep Dive
Views: 939,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to the future, back to the future breakdown, back to the future analysis, back to the future easter egg, back to the future time travel, back to the future timeline, back to the future explained, back to the future scene, doc, marty, back to the future deep dive, erik voss
Id: 47pvUwoRmXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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