The Flash Trailer 2023: Ben Affleck Batman and Superman Easter Eggs Breakdown

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I lost my parents that pain made me who I am I spent a lifetime trying to  write the wrongs of the past   as if fighting crime would bring my parents back you actually did it I can't imagine what you've been through I love you monkey you lost  both parents in one day very I went back in time to save my parents but  instead I completely broke the universe if you went back and changed the past  this world must die to change the future   do you know what the symbol  stands for means hope right I will help you if I thought you want to get nuts let's get nuts I have to undo what I did these  scars would have make us who we   are I'm about to go back and fix them  no that's your tragedy to find you wow no matter what we do we're not going  to be able to fix this no nobody dies Welcome back everyone it's Charlie this will be  my new Flash trailer video there's a whole bunch   of new footage in Easter eggs so we'll break it  all down if you're brand new to the channel be   sure to subscribe to get all the videos also do  a movie ticket giveaway when we get a little bit   closer too this trailer just doubles down more on  Michael Keaton's Batman talks a little bit more   about his origin story and why he became Batman in  the first place about losing his parents and about   how the flash literally was able to go back and  save his parents whereas Batman was metaphorically   trying to save his parents like he knew that he  couldn't time travel but the flash actually did   time travel in Ben Affleck's Batman trying to  tell him some of the lessons of the comic book   Flashpoint like your pain makes you who you are  because that informs his own Batman character all   versions of Batman like they became Batman out of  their pain and that drives them to become better   people like he's trying to inspire The Flash but  then you have this other younger version of Barry   later in the trailer where he's screaming at our  version of Barry Allen from present day say no no   no nobody dies and it sounds like that informs  him becoming the dark version of the flashlight   they're just calling him dark Flash and he  has this Kryptonian looking crazy suit that   looks kind of like a version of reverse Flash's  suit from the new 52. he's sort of like a secret   villain in the movie from yet another different  timeline because we're talking about all these   converging timelines the idea of hyper time in the  DC Universe converging in this one place because   of the way they're fracturing time with the speed  force the movie is based on Flashpoint but it's   sort of a combination of the ideas of hyper time  different timelines like you talk about in the   Loki Series in the Marvel Universe In traditional  time travel that you see in the flashpoint story   in the comics every different comic book movie  has their own idea about how time travel actually   works but the trailer actually starts with  Michael Keaton Batman's character talking   about losing his parents why he became Batman in  the first place on the ruins of his Mansion but   remember most the movie is set about 10 years ago  in the past like this younger version of Barry is   about 10 years younger during the events or right  before the events of the Man of Steel movie when   zodge shows up but because we're talking about  hyper time here and converging timelines Michael   Keaton Batman's timeline has been supplanted on  this Earth combined with Barry's own timeline so   when he says I created a world with no metahumans  he's talking about these converging timelines and   it's the timeline for Michael Keaton Batman's  Earth where there weren't metahumans he touches   the picture frame of Thomas and Martha Wayne when  he was a child but just starting with all of his   suits here the one in the center is the one that  you see him actually wearing in the trailer it's   just meant to be his most advanced suit that he  has so far they didn't say how many years he's   been dormant like how many years since he's been  running around as Batman the way he looks it seems   like it's been more than a decade for the most  part they're all meant to be based on his same   design language from the 1989 Batman suit that  one is actually in the background on the right   here the one directly is the one that he wore  in Batman Returns is just slightly more armored   that was the whole joke of him using that suit in  the movie because Selena Kyle was able to use her   claws to penetrate his suit on the far left here  super deep cut this is meant to be a version of   his very first suit like his Batman year One suit  and the Batman symbol is also different from the   others if you couldn't tell all the other Batman  suits have the same symbol on it except for this   one this is meant to be the Adam West Batman  symbol from the 1966 TV series the pistols are   also meant to be grappling hooks not actual guns  according to the costume designer for the movie   he also said he designed the ears for this cowl  based on the Golden Age original Batman cowl from   the comics so it's like Michael Keaton's version  of Robert Pattinson's Batman year 2 suit a very   low-fi early prototype for what would become his  1989 Batman suit and other future suits speaking   of which for those of you that always wanted to  see Batman in the movies where the blue and gray   suit from the comics the one right behind this  is the blue and gray suit from the comics Ben   Affleck's Batman also wears his own version of  that in present day earlier in the movie it is   meant to be an updated version that's closer  to the design language of his normal bat Flex   suits but it's still very clearly the blue  and gray suit from the comics the next one on   the back right is another huge deep cut for the  Batman Returns movie it's the underwater Batman   suit that they sold as a toy but he never wore in  the actual movies it was just one of the many many   toys that they sold as merchandise speaking  of which the last one on the far right isn't   actually a desert suit even though you see the  goggles there it's actually another one based   on a toy they sold from the Batman Returns  movie called The Arctic armor bad suit and   it was just for cold environments or cold-based  villains like Mr Freeze raise your hand if you   spent all your money on all those Batman toys  when those movies came out back in the day they do pretty much the same thing for every  Batman movie but it was just special back in   the day there were so many toys if you watch  the behind the scenes features they talk about   all the merchandising they did for those movies  they made so much money on the toys for those   first couple of Batman movies part of the reason  for them doing such weird deep Cuts though is to   tell you what happened to Michael Keaton's Batman  after the events of Batman Returns they're saying   that he went on to have more Adventures he used  these batsuits during them this is meant to be his   Batcave it seems like it's been upgraded since the  events of the 1989 Batman movie some of his gear   some of his technology has been upgraded like  he has newer versions of the bat suit he also   has a newer version of the Batwing the Batmobile  seems like it's the same one though you see the   Batwing slowly come down from its Hangar Bay  when he talks about spending a lifetime trying   to right the wrongs of the past the whole idea is  that he's been retired as Batman for a while and   it's both versions of Barry Allen that try to  convince him to get back in the suit and come   back into action and try and help them fix what  they've broken or what are barry Allen's broken   they finished the scene with Barry talking to him  in the bat cave where he says you actually did it   you traveled back in time and this is part of that  larger scene where he explains why he went back in   time like I don't want to live in a world where my  mom isn't alive during the custom DC logo too this   is actually meant to depict the speed force with  the flash traveling through it like that's why you   see that energy arcing through the reddishness  here we get a slightly new version of the scene   of him staring at his childhood home in the middle  of the night the woman saying I can't imagine what   you've been through actually sounds like Sasha  colay's Supergirl talking to him we get a longer   scene of him as a child with his mother and father  and his mother's death when she says you lost both   parents in one day she's actually talking about  the death of his mother but his father was hauled   to prison a big part of the movie or a plot point  is him helping his father get out of prison I   don't know if they've changed that a little bit  in the original verse of the movie the ending   was just a little bit different but I think that  part of the movie stuck like he's still trying to   get his father out of prison that's part of the  Flash's origin story that they've only hinted   at in the DC movie so far even in Zack Snyder's  Justice League the whole idea the reverse flash   is the person who actually killed his mother even  though the reverse flash himself isn't supposed   to be a big character in this movie unless they  radically changed his origin story I'm assuming   it was still reverse flash of the DC EU or now the  DCU and we'll just see him in a future movie or   they'll just tease him at some point during this  movie as far as I know they haven't cast an actor   for that role yet this is a similar scene of him  traveling through the speed force traveling back   in time when he's talking about going back to  save his mother and his father the way they cut   the footage is a little misleading I don't know  if this is meant to be the moment he arrives in   when he travels back in time like he stops in the  middle of the street and sees the Kryptonian ship   zod's ship destroying the Earth but this is meant  to be right when he arrives and the whole idea is   that the hyper time the combining timelines have  overwritten his own main timeline and now Superman   isn't there Aquaman isn't there as far as we know  Wonder Woman isn't there either and that's why he   has to sort of reassemble a version of the Justice  League with what he can find on this Earth like   he hears about a Kryptonian but it winds up being  Sasha clay Supergirl who came to Earth in her pod   not Henry Cavill Superman as far as I know zod's  whole storyline is fairly similar to what it was   in Man of Steel like he knows about the Kryptonian  signal so he's coming to Earth I don't know if the   whole codex storyline with the Codex being written  into Superman's DNA is holding with Supergirl too   that was really the reason why he came to planet  Earth because he was looking for the Codex he   didn't care so much about cal-el there's another  Easter egg for Henry Cavill Superman when she   asks him do you know what the symbol stands for it  stands for Hope and it is based on the design of   Henry cavill's Superman symbol in the background  you can see the younger version of Barry in   their homemade version of The Flash suit cobbled  together from an old Batman suit that they've just   repainted we get that classic Batman line you want  to get nuts let's get nuts you want to get nuts let's get nuts come on let's get nuts there's a new scene  of Batman dropping them into battle with the   kryptonians this scene is from earlier in the  movie when they're actually going to Kara's   prison and trying to find out which Kryptonian is  there thinking that it's going to be Henry Cavill   Superman nope it is not the whole idea is that  in Michael Keaton Batman's timeline the idea is   that Cara's pod fell to planet Earth the military  found it and then trapped her underground thinking   that she was a threat this just seems like a  scene of Barry looking at his childhood room   there's a longer version of the scene with Ben  Affleck's Batman talking to him explaining that   the scars that we have make us who we are like  the terrible things we go through help Forge us   into better people trying to convince the flash  that he should not go back in time not sure what   attack this happening in present day that they're  trying to stop but I think it's just meant to be   a regular attack in Gotham City Ben Affleck also  teased the gal gadot's Wonder Woman is going to be   part of this too and helps him during the battle  they have like a funny scene where she uses the   lasso of Truth to save him he winds up getting  really chatty and having this heart to heart with   her saying all these things that normally Batman  would not not say just because the lasso of Truth   is making him do it this might be a version of  the scene from the comic book Flashpoint in the   Justice League Flashpoint movie where flash is  trying to get his powers back and Kara takes him   into the sky to try to get struck by lightning  so that he can get them back during the original   version of Flashpoint in the flashpoint movie  The Flash has to shock himself a couple times   like he almost kills himself a couple times  trying to get his powers back not sure what   Supergirl is yelling at when she says what did  you do she might be yelling at Zod we get more   scenes from the battle with krytonian ships  crashing into each other it seems like she   almost winds up killing Zod and I think the idea  with her character is that because of what she's   been through because she's been locked up for  so long she has so much more pent-up anger than   Henry Cavill Superman did and as a result she's  a much more stabby version of the character like   imagine a much angrier version of Superman that  hasn't gone full Dark Superman like we saw like   evil Superman and Justice League Snyder cut she's  not quite that pissed off this is another scene   of them inside Carl's prison trying to rescue her  with Batman using his cape to block the bullets   this scene of The Flash running up the building  might have something to do with a Kryptonian   attack like it just seems like all of creation is  being swallowed up and destroyed really cool scene   of Batman flying through the air too in the middle  of whatever attack is happening in the regular   present day before the pass gets changed and like  I said this scene at the end of the trailer with   both berries talking to each other with the older  barrier like the regular Berry talking to the   younger version trying to convince him that they  can't save everyone seems like it's the turning   point for the younger Berry and they're inside  the speed force in younger Barry winds up going   off the rails turning into the dark version of  flash some of these scenes during the Kryptonian   fight like the Kryptonian jumping up on Batman's  ship and punching it seemed like it's right out of   the Man of Steel movie like they're paralleling a  lot of scenes from Man of Steel with a really cool   scene of Batman just jumping out of the cockpit  and using the cape like a glider to make it to   the ground then at the end when they transitioned  with the symbols you notice that they work in all   the character symbols like you have Michael Keaton  Batman symbol you have Ben Affleck Batman symbol   The Flash symbol and super girls symbol which  is the same symbol as Henry Cavill Superman   even though Wonder Woman is in the movie obviously  they don't put her symbol and I think because they   don't want to reveal her yet the very last scene  with Batman flying to Earth away from the Batwing   though is obviously meant to be a direct callback  to the scene from Batman 1989 with the Batwing   in front of the moon like they're literally doing  the same shot I'm sure there'll be lots of direct   scenes and callbacks to that 1989 Batman movie and  Batman Returns like they have the do you want to   get nuts line in the movie as well as a couple  other lines too like yes I'm Batman here you are I'm Batman are you I'm Batman some of the other  cool cameos that we've learned about is that   there is supposed to be some speed force cameras  like really quick blink and you'll miss it cameos   for Nicholas Cage's version of Superman who's  supposed to be fighting a giant robot spider   and if you remember Tim Burton was supposed  to make the Nicholas Cage Superman movie and   during that movie during the original script he  was going to fight a giant robot spider so it's   sort of them doing an Easter egg for the Superman  movie that never was like it did happen just in   an alternate universe I believe that George  Clooney's Batman is supposed to have a cameo   somewhere in the movie too like blinking you miss  it kind of a funny moment but he's also meant to   be from a separate earth like they're saying that  all the older Batman's like Michael Keaton George   Clooney and Val Kilmer all came from different  Earths and supposedly there will be some Henry   Cavill Superman Cameo scenes in the movie but the  scenes are just taken from Justice League they're   not new footage that he filmed if you spotted  any other new Easter eggs or references in the   trailer that weren't in my previous trailer  videos just write them Below in the comments   I'll do more Flash videos soon we'll be getting  more footage really soon everyone click here for   my brand new Blue Beetle trailer video and click  here for all my other Flash trailer videos thank   you so much for watching everyone stay safe  and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 359,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailer, The Flash Trailer, Emergency Awesome, trailer, The Flash Movie Trailer, The Flash, the flash trailer, Blue Beetle Trailer, Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Trailer, guardians of the galaxy 3 trailer, Superman, The Flash Batman, Marvel, Movies, Movie, 2023, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, avengers kang dynasty trailer, Batman, The Flash Supergirl, the flash movie trailer, The Flash Reverse Flash, the flash, flash trailer, superman legacy trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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