Quality PVC drainage system solves 40 year flooded basement

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this is shawn we are on a job today in greensboro and they've got some flooding going on and so we're going to catch a few gutters and redirect them give that water a place to go so let's take a look we're going to catch this gutter and take it across here catch this gutter and catch this one we got a gas line right here somewhere so we got a probably hand to get corey brought all this dirt in here and brought this because the it sloped down into the foundation so corey brought a bunch of dirt in here and tamped it and worked really hard right hold the pine needles back up so that's all done okay so we're going to come across here and then we're probably going to i would guess probably stay in the in here somewhere this item probably yeah and we'll have a little outfall out there somewhere so just have to figure it out okay and if you want to come across here and into the iv uh i was just thinking right where you were i don't know what the fall would be like yeah it looks pretty good right there but we'll figure it out okay okay and then let's walk around the other side yeah so they've had a bunch of flooding going on so we're going to grab this gutter you see what's happening here the water is just landing right in there and it's got nowhere to go oh yeah so we're going to hand trench across here and catch this guy probably into a sanitary tee and take it around catch this one and there's like a there's an existing corrugated right there so we'll probably come across here and just dump it onto the sidewalk okay so we should be in good shape i was almost like we started raking this back and they've got gravel right up against the foundation and so we've seen this on other jobs before but you already know that that water goes through gravel so you're taking all this water and dumping it right here in this low area and it's the water is letting it go straight into the foundation so that's a that's a good sign as far as i'm concerned because that's a clear problem right there and by catching this water sending it to the street we're going to be getting rid of this water so we should have good results with this system this gutter over here you can see where the water's just been running down along the foundation there we're just going to send it across here and out to the alleyway so that's what i'm working on right now with the trencher all right so we got that gutter caught this alley is really really narrow so you can see these pipes get driven over all the time so i set the pipe back in the bank a little ways and hopefully it will be protected but you can see it's already draining water it's barely sprinkling out here and that is a testament to that smooth pipe and making sure it's falling as you're installing it and laying it in the trench so that's all water that is no longer a problem [Music] cory's over here we've got an old terracotta and there's no real good place to re-route it with pvc so it came out right here oh you're here man am i there well i can hear it keep rolling i'm hitting something yeah i can get working through it i can hear it though good that's a good sign yeah it is yeah i just had to keep working it's a route okay i got the cutting bit on there it's cutting it just a little bit at times okay yeah but yeah we didn't really have a good place to send the water here and there's an existing line so if we can get this line working then that water will be out of here so obviously it's going underneath the steps so we couldn't really go under those very easily so as part of this job we included cleaning out this terra cotta yeah the small ones like that they only come with a half blade okay yeah man send it through a couple more times out good i'm gonna put a different bit on it too push it yup push the rest out of it ain't backing up yet so that's a good sign oh it's flowing good over here yeah if we get that spoon bit in there clean it right out yeah look at that oh yeah oh yeah cory's running another bit down through there and we've got a garden hose going on up for some weight some water weight on there nothing's flowing pretty good so far and once that gutter starts flowing through there it should keep it cleaned out i'm going to show you a little bit later how they had it connected and why it failed to begin with if it's hit or anything okay so this is what was in there before and now we got smooth pipe actually connected that was just jammed in there and it wasn't even connected in there at all full of dirt full of dirt all right you think that'll hold yeah i got my wedges in it and once you concrete it okay i'm gonna put some concrete around both ends to hold them in place then i'll bring the wheelbarrow down here and put in that down here i'll put some over that too okay put your roof rock around it good to go okay good deal that's what we want to hear professional style [Music] well we're getting some of this piping in we got that gutter caught we got fall across here we got this one caught we're still falling going downhill we got this one caught and we're heading out to the alleyway there whatever all right this one here let's get our measurement if anything a little long we'll cut it down there but we need to glue this on our full stick and bow it on this piece we are getting this last part of the job covered up here we got these two cutters caught these two gutters and we're falling down over here we've yet to catch this one by the gas meter and then we're gonna take it right out here into the the natural area and so they've got a pretty they've got a couple of terraces going down here and so not really a good place to take it all the way to the street so we've got this natural area here so they were good with ending it right there so we're moving right along with this job all right we are just getting finished up here so we got this gutter we got the pavers back the fence this paper is a little bit higher than it was so we had we loosened up the fence right here and positioned it up a little bit higher so it's it's still a little bit lower than the other side but i think we're good but we got clearance now and we are just getting stuff covered back up trying to get these pine needles put back they'll probably end up putting some new pine needles down and just freshen the whole area up that's what i usually do and here's our outfall so there's our outfall on this side we're going to line this whole bank area with with some riprap and armor that but we should be in good shape it's been a couple weeks and it's been raining this morning so i figured i'd come out here and take a look that one's flowing pretty good this one's catching the most gutters and you can see just how much water that's catching so that's all water that was landing by the foundation and falling down through that gravel so by taking it out here to the alleyway it's gone it's away from the house no longer a problem i always contact my customers after the first big rainstorm and look at this reply that i got they said sean we are really impressed by how well your drainage system worked after several inches of rain we still had a dry basement a tiny bit of water seeped under the garage door but i knew that would happen the gutters were not as clean as i had hoped i saw standing water in a couple but they never overflowed and i'm calling my roofing friend to get a regular gutter cleaning setup we would normally have had gallons of water in our basement after a rain like that so i was astounded that it stayed dry throughout congratulations on a great plan and thanks what a great review to get back after asking how the system worked
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 175,476
Rating: 4.8987565 out of 5
Keywords: pvc drainage pipe, drainage system working
Id: 15M1qK_hp30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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