My House had no Footer Drain Tile! Water in Crawlspace FIX

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there's the crawlspace entrance crawlspace is only two blocks high that corner of the house on the inside of the crawlspace I know this water was coming in the crawl space and starting to cool pretty good it only showed up around two and a half to three and a half inches you didn't hang over that there was a heck of a lot of water coming through the crawl space I'm not going to leave here and tolerate that so I had to do a lot of research on french drains and put her tile drains and all kinds of stuff there's a lot of information a lot of misinformation out there and to me from what I've seen what I've researched everybody's situation is probably going to be different than somebody else's I don't think any - or like unless you're living in some kind of a cookie-cutter subdivision neighborhood where the train can be laid out pretty much identical to your next-door neighbor's now I let this water get higher than normal because I want to show you just how bad it can get so I've got my two blocks and they're laying right on top of the footer in both that rubber coat number 57 you painted that on there I like the way that come out and put two coats on it and we're going to pump this out and I'll show you what it looks like I've got a sump pump at the end of that white hole is that's a garden hose it's moving it's just a cheap hundred dollars or something pump submersible it's sitting down there on a on a tube of 12 piece of wood in through the garden though it fills a 5-gallon bucket up every one minute and to keep them coming in the house I just pumped out for two minutes so I've gotten 10 gallons out of it but what I did before I got to this point is I dug to test holes so my first test hole was on this side of the corner that's where the water was coming in then I split the difference this is 15 feet by the way from that corner to right here I dug it down to the footer and then went seven to eight inches below the top of the footer so I'm running about seven to eight inches maybe nine inches below the bottom of that second block that you're looking at I dug a test hole here and I noticed a little bit more water a dug one here and that had the most water coming in I could even see it coming in so that really there really caught me off guard I was expecting that I was expecting the majority of the water to come in there but in fact it's coming in here and flowing down that way so this wraps around the other side of the house now this yard drains has got a pretty decent drain to it it's not great but it's got some but the Matt point on from this corner on it does flow away pretty good the flattest part is what's running into that house some on the surface most of a subsurface this is a first time I've seen any water for the last two months on this we've had some pretty good rain sets in so I'm thinking now that the water is running here subsurface for my corner up there it's catching all the water in the backyard clear back to the tree line but I've been keeping this pumped out pretty good until I can get my sump pit installed water only entered the crawlspace when he got to the bottom of that second block so where the mark meets the top of the footer and I believe trying to seal that get 100% seal is probably next to impossible so my son's gonna go right here it's gonna be about it's going to be a deeply I think the total deaths going to be about 48 inches and I'm going to go back with the Zoeller in 53 pump an apple drain swears by them and I'll show you how it looks just as soon as we pump her out here you would think that would fill a 5-gallon bucket in less than one minute but it don't that's gonna be the sump pit that's a meter well or a meter pit whatever they want to call it that's 18 inches inside diameter I'll put this in down it's gonna be a little bit on the short side so you can buy extensions this is a six inch the sump oil itself there's only thirty six inches gives me 42 I think it's gonna be on the short side and then you can buy lids for it depending on your uh when you're in your discharge line depending how you want to do it you do it are you going to do it out to the side you're gonna do it off the top all you have to be determined to where I'm going to cut my whole 4-inch hole actually it's a four and three-quarter inch hole for the with a pipe I think this won't work out pretty good okay here's what's going to go in it for the footer tile 15 feet is what I need these come in 10 foot lengths got them ELO's she been running about 20 minutes so we're only talking 100 gallons so far but what will happen is after I pump this out we'll have a better idea how many gallons came out of it go through the rest of the day before dark it's about 1 o'clock p.m. before dark I'll have to pump it out again and then in the morning it'll come through again and that's all just to hydrostatic pressure between here and on out through there on my test dig here on this corner of the house I've got good drainage from here down it's got to be following the foundation it's got to be following the footer from up there ok we shut her down we're at about 50 minutes so we're looking about 250 gallons of water another thing to keep in mind is that very little this was actually run off it was subsurface and that subsurface water it moves by hydrostatic pressure and you have to realize that a single gallon of water weighs eight and 1/3 pound it doesn't take long that up to a considerable amount of weight pushing on this water and this is heavy clay soil this water is moving that fast through heavy clay soil so we are talking a tremendous amount of pressure if you consider the backdrop right there it's about six inches deep looks like the block is running about 16 I'm about another 16 to 17 deep starting to rain again just gives you an idea how much water's coming in in four hours in the actual trench itself what you're looking at right there in the middle of the camera is about six inches deep and she's just about 10 inches deep right here by the sump pump now little more pumped out again this is the next afternoon we ended up with four inches and two-tenths and I've pumped it out a few times one of my theories was like keeping this pumped out here and keeping the water below the top of the footer I'm not going to have any water coming to my crawlspace well that worked I've kept this low all day and I dug more test holes you can see them down through there just dug that one shovel them there they're down on the end so water wants to run down this side down towards the highway get out in the yard the water's running down here any surface water will make us way through there but the problem is somewhere in this area subsurface water making its way here these holes have been dug for hours that water is a good six to seven inches low they're kind of matches that that might be possibly lower there now let's move to the next one two in the middle of the highest there's your two blocks that water at the most is two inches below the bottom bar and now as you were going down to the last test hole which was one of my originals this hole actually remained dry for two months the right now of the ground is saturated the farmers are way behind and it's June 17th so this water on this end is actually lower than the two test holes in the middle of the house so it just tells me that I've got some I've got better drainage out here subsurface now the me where it gets tricky you come around this little end of the house I've dug another test hole just to see what the waters doing I'm missing them on a little better than a four inch rain and how much worse will they get if I get another two inches tonight in tomorrow I don't know but I'm going to find out but to sum it up I've better hug in the ass because I'm gonna have to dig at least 30 more feet to lay footer Kyle so I'm going to dig this up here's a short side here I'm just getting started digging it out I'll get her dug out and get that get those two rows of concrete blocks brushed off they need to dry a little bit and I'll brush on some of that blackjack liquid rubber number 57 getting ready to put on the first coat of blackjack we got the first coat of blackjack 57 on I'm not endorsing the product there has got to be a better product out there for this purpose I just don't know what it is it dries and cracks if you get too thick at all towards the bottom it's going to dry and crack so basically all I'm doing is trying to get pretty good amount on my first two blocks just to give the block a little bit of protection at the top of the footer it's not going to be too important if the pipe does this job waters not going to get up there anyway it does look pretty decent after it dries it's just hard to get the surface prepared and get it good and cleaned you can't hardly get it cleaned enough especially on an older house and an older set of blocks if everything was brand new and dry you could do a really good job on getting a good coat on it okay we've got this one side of the house ready to go there's the gravel I'm going with it's kind of large its river gravel it's clean there's no fines in it we'll take a closer look at that but I'm getting ready now to put down eight ounce gee textile fabric we'll take a look at that too this might be a little large for an ideal size but if I went to the next size smaller I thought there was too many fines in it the next size larger was the course weight today we're gonna go with this this is a six feet by 50 foot roll 107 bucks delivered online I'm gonna split it right down the middle with utility knife to do my wrapping this is 8 ounce I might uh I might have made a mistake I wish now I wish I got 6 ounce this has got some thickness to it but it does move water but it's slow what I'm trying to do is control the subsurface water that tends to move slow and it tends to move under hydrostatic pressure so this still may be a good choice okay here we cut her out so we're basically going to use three feet and hopefully hopefully we still get a wrap there's a sighs nails I'm using I'll show you where them come into play I'm doing this by myself this just kind of helps hold it into the side of the the ditch up against the house we're just using some bricks they were actually all dug out of this backfill I did the video on that to show you the all the trash should come out of this backfield broken bottles I didn't get any of them on film but plenty of broken bottles and cans and sheet metal there's the nails every few feet I just stuck a nail in there to hold it worked out pretty good and I'm probably gonna remove the nails I just don't feel right about leaving them in there so well dump some gravel in there now no I'm only going to go about one to two inches thick on my gravel that's not a whole lot down in there but that's all I'm gonna go top of the footers right where that brick is heading so my 4 inch pipe is gonna be I think movie about 5 or 6 inches below it if not 7 looks more like 8 inches below it which you didn't gonna hurt anything and this is the dry side of the house the other side is the wet side the only thing that concerns me now is that gravel is so coarse I hope it doesn't deform my pipe we'll get a section that I put in here I'll show you what I'm talking about I don't think a will because there's not a whole lot of weight on top of it there's nothing driving on top of it the only weight is a little bit of rock on top and some dirt but dirts going to be up to here we'll get a section of pipe in there see how it looks okay we've got our pipe in there it's a ds4 inch corrugated and of course perforated I still wish the gravel was a little bit smaller on average it's kind of hard to work with just another looking at it from lower down it's got real fine slits in it one there there and there may not go up on camera and they're just all over the place I've got plenty of gravel so I went ahead and put a layer on top after I folded the fabric over you didn't overlap a lot I don't think I need to show you right about here that piece right there it's overlap over in here the other one came up to about here the other ones overlap clear over here to the edge put the rocks down just mainly from weight there's a lot of clay here it might buy me some time on the dirt sifting through it that remains to be seen and this 15 foot run here is going to be the NDS that's the one with the styrofoam in it kind of a neat looking product it's a very expensive product compared to the 80s 4 inch corrugated we're trying to get to digging finished out on this section this is the 30 foot run here there's a short run refinished we got nearly half of that rubber coated with blackjack 57 ok we've got this 30 foot section done this is just a look from the other end I cut my fabric off that 6 foot wide roll I cut it about four and a half to five feet but they didn't want to have to open up any more than necessary that's what she looks like with a little bit of gravel in the bottom whether it's enough or not I don't know right wrong or indifferent that's what's going to be down there next we'll get the pipe on it we'll try to get a little bit of gravel around it and on top of it before we wrap it okay we've got our 30-foot section of footer tile laid getting the idea how much I got on top not really a whole lot and then I fold it over and I'll put a little bit more on top of that but not too much more and I didn't realize this but on blackjack liquid rubber number 57 logo to gallows and he was telling me that he called it's hard to find out the drying times on this it's hard to find anything definite on black Jack's website especially between coats so he said he called a manufacturer on back field on this exact situation here and they told him to wait 15 days before you backfill them so with all the work involved you don't want to jump the gun so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to wait to two weeks or 15 days before I put my dirt right up against it it does still feel very soft four days two three four five days afterwards and it's got the Sun beating down on it several hours a day on this end and you'll notice I let plenty of slop on this end that's where the sump it's gonna go or I want to be able to maneuver that tile enough to get it into the sump pit getting ready to put the NDS quick drain in here more lay the black fabric in the bottom because I've read a lot of reports online this is heavy clay and the clay is stopping up the NDS but I'm not going to go with any gravel that way if it does fail it should be a fairly easy dig out to tear it out and replace I can find as many good reviews on NDS quick drain as I can bad but I've done got a bought I'm gonna go ahead and use it it's pretty hard fighting that fabric down in the ditch to get it to cooperate without driving nails up into the dirt on the sides of it so I had this brainstorm I don't get many of wrapping the NDS quick drain with the fabric I've got some overlap overlaps going to be on top from here to here I'm gonna lay the overlap tough because I'm not worried about water coming down from the top my problem is water coming in 80 to 90% of it his subsurface on the end cap I just left it I didn't I did buy an end cap but I didn't use it just double it over put a big heavy-duty zip tie on it I'll cut that off gonna get ready to lay it in the trench okay there's the NDS quick drain all wrapped up in its geotextile nonwoven fabric what I've got to do there is lay another small section over the top and overlap it on both sides before I start putting dirt right on top of it I cut plenty cuz I don't know where I'm going to come out yet on my sump or how far run they're gonna go so after I get that cover up for this heavy clay dirt I'd be surprised if it floated out or it's gonna come clear up to here it's quite a bit dirt on top but this is going to be a good test this nonwoven geotextile fabric I believe this is seven or eight ounces it is supposed to hold back clay but we'll find out and if not in the future if a dust plug up the only good thing I can say about this is that my this run here is only 15 foot okay she's ready to have dirt thrown on top of it got most of it in there certainly enough to keep it from floating out anyway okay I got the sump gun in there pretty level small layer of gravel in the bottom no more than an inch and on top of that I'm putting in blocks and then I hope I have enough to operate the pump I think the Zoeller of him fifty threes need nine inches but I'm not sure about that maybe ten today I got the holes cut into some pit in the footer tile inserted in it I've got the extension off right now there's the extension that's a 12 inch it'll slip right on top of that I don't know if I've said this or not I'm doing some any short video pieces I tend to repeat myself and I'll try to edit out all that I can that is a 36 inch 18 inch diameter casing for water meters for water meter replacement or new construction water meters that was bought at a meter supply house they sell the extensions to that extension was $57 the 36 inch by 18 inch casing as the post one I could get on one of the 48 couldn't get it that was it and I think that was about sixty two or three dollars by itself so if you're knew exactly what you're going to do you might want to look at getting a short culvert and just cutting it to your length but I'm okay with this here's how that come out that host always for 3/4 inch by the way and it cuts a perfect hole you can see the fit on that 4 inch corrugated perforated pipe just a perfect fit it's not any tighter you might struggle to get it in and anymore you're going to have a pretty big gap and with a little bit of gravel in the bottom and that concrete block which is about an inch thick maybe an inch and a quarter I'm at 13 inches so I've punched me in good shape whether I use the Zoeller in 53 or the m49 pump they're both sitting at right at 13 inches that's gonna put me in pretty good shape I made a bad mistake I've cut that one a little bit too short I wasn't happy with that so I went ahead and took a small 6 inch piece split it down the middle overlapped it about as much as you can jamming in there as far as you can and then just let it spring back out and watch them corrugations mesh with the others on the original pipe it'll never come out of there not ideal but I made the mistake of cut it too short we're going to run to discharge it's an inch and a half schedule 40 PVC that's going to run out there about 60 feet to a small front pond and once it hits that we'll walk over I'll show you it hits a swell it runs clear off the property I'm just going to lay the pipe in here and stub it off because I don't know exactly how I'm gonna do it here this is my first rodeo on any putter dial some pumps etc shoving this way you can standing on it get get me down in there taking out a chunk you can move along pretty good especially if the soil is there's a little bit damp then once it hits here it's going to travel 60 feet hit this and that swell should show up okay we've got our inch and a half discharge glued up and down into the ditch the only thing different I've done this time as far as gluing PVC and CPVC goes is while I was at Lowe's I gave Odie a call and told him what I was doing I've always used the orange CPVC PVC cement and she said on this straight PVC this is just straight PVC pipe pinch in half she said did not use the orange she steered me to this OD rain or shine rain or shine with the FOB Lockwood had bought the kit with the primer went ahead and capped it off till I get a little closer and I'll be making the cut out here I don't know where I'm going to go here exactly yet so I just stubbed it off and I'll make another connection here here's that glue pretty blue getting ready put some dirt back on top of it I stepped off sixty feet you'd end up using 57 feet puts me to there I'm gonna make another cut off about here and run and spice this into four inch corrugated what a really nice lid with a sump gasket in it $55 lid but it's pretty quality discharges are going to go right at the bottom of the black 12 inch extension gutted adapt it into a 4 inch perforated corrugated the great work still isn't done but I want to show you down the side to sump it I've got the solar in 53 down in here the check valve is at the bottom it's a solar check valve one one and a half inch pipe threads it screws right into the solder and then inch-and-a-half PVC it's got a hose clamp the mounts right in top of it and then on the discharge going out D'Oench and a half no hub you'll read a lot of different things on the internet on this if you ask a hundred plumbers how they would do that half of them may not agree with using an old hub fitting they may want to use a union of PVC Union fitting and if this don't work that's what I'm going to go to but I guarantee you 50 out of 100 they're using the no hubs especially with the shield on they call this a shield it's a piece of stainless steel wrapped around it you can see the clamps there it's got that sticker on it but that's a stainless steel right in here and you can torque these down to 60 inch pounds that's pretty darn tight I just get them almost tight as I can with 5/16 inch nut driver well it's going to be nice about that all I have to do is pull my lid off and check for leaks if you got any questions go ahead and ask call net I'll put a silt fence up it's two feet high got Adolphe amazon 100 feet of it for 22 bucks delivered I had to add a few stakes in there it comes with 11 and cut out the vents I hope it keeps when we get the hard rains this fall I hope it keeps the mud off the brick if it stays up there at will if the winds tear it down I don't know how it's going to work out we just got 2 inches today and last week we had an inch and a half this is the first test of the new sump she's taking her down you can see the motion in there Nestor's over 53 we'll go check the discharge filling up nice discharges here shooting out there it's gonna run out through here when he gets high enough it'll go down a nice swell and off the property I'm going to be tickled to death with it 60 feet the footer towel done by hand there you see the water coming in from the footer tiles that's kind of cool see it rolling in [Applause] shut off it's one thing that I'm not sure about this solar pump it goes from it goes off at full wrenches it comes on to think at 9:00 and I've only got an 18 inch diameter sump and you can see how deep it is it actually kicked back on I think I'm going to get a whole lot of short cycles she just cycled right there so I'm going to have to live with laws short cycles but it ain't like it does it all the time this pump never operated for three months because we had the driest September and October like in the last hundred years waters already starting to slow down some this one here is just coming from 15 foot run that's coming from almost a 45 foot run very happy with it so long to work and doing it all yourself I done it for right around between 2000 and $1,200 she just kicked on you can almost see how fast it drops boom she dropped right there
Channel: Pm Tips
Views: 493,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sump, sump pump, footer tile, tile install, outside sump install, outside sump pit, Zoeller M53 sump pump, sump pump discharge, landscape fabric, non-woven geotextile fabric, perimeter tile install, drain tile, corrugated perforated tile, PVC drain discharge, sump well, sump pit lid, Zoeller sump pump, sump pump check valve, footer drain tile, crawl space, water in crawlspace, wet crawl space
Id: NF30L0E42Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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