High Capacity drainage system solves basement flooding

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that's a big load of rocks you got there [Music] and i'm going to leave it up to you guys how you want to do it but this gutter they have one downspout there we're going to stub out here so i want to stub out here oh they're going to change that from there to here yeah or they're going to add another one okay so we want this one here we're going to grab this gutter stub out to this one so a little little y right here and we'll probably go right across here and through here i would guess grab this gutter and what they have going on is this just all pulls up and then their basement floods no i think just catching the gutters will be good enough we're coming through here is this sidewalk that's being bored yep we're coming through here you know however you guys want to do it if you want to come through here and straight across if you want to come through here and cross right here i don't care either way and then we're going to catch this gutter i thought there was a second place we were stubbing out maybe it's on the back anyway let's take a look we're going to come across i think if we want to stay in this natural area so maybe we'll come across the gutter i mean the sidewalk there yeah that probably would be a good idea to stay all in the winter yeah all this we're going to catch this one into our six inch and then we're gonna put all these into four into the six inch yup loop these two into four and then into six down there somewhere and then our outfall is just gonna be in the in the grass somewhere so they've got water coming off all of this over here there's a they reposition that gutter they just did that recently and so that's coming down now it was just going off in the in the retaining wall there and so all this water comes down and it ends up right here so we're going to replace this what is that like a six inch yeah catch basin we're going to replace that with a 20 inch so this is where you want it yep and it just goes down right to where that bush is our outfall is going to be right there so we're just running straight four inch we're not tying into the rest of the system it's just yep super easy sweet yep so if you want to dig this yup just like you did just like you digged just like you dug the other one yep nice and tight okay okay i'm not used to this little tiny bucket i'm gonna keep going or is that good that's fine you got to go hmm see jeremy can't get no work done just be careful with that thing yeah i don't want it to be stuck underneath the sidewalk yeah i meant to grab that oh and i forgot about it is that her yep that's an impromptu allen key but it works oh yeah probably got a little bit more leverage than a normal allen key yeah [Music] all right i got it but it worked out pretty well huh yes uh what i do my allen key it's up here here you go you see it right there it is nice thanks sir yeah that was uh that was nice i think it worked out well and letting it run in there i think we got us a six inch or more hole okay think that pipe will slide through there i think it will awesome [Music] so [Music] so [Music] right this is the old corrugated from the old catch basin and this is the power for the old sprinkler system the homeowner said there was a pump down there at the at the pond so we just got to get this all unwound from our trencher looks like mike's got it covered yeah all that stuff i have no idea where they ran all that stuff so okay but yeah it shouldn't it's not hot because there's a controller in there so it won't be hot on this okay we're about to wrap up into again maybe to cut it this time oh [Music] getting our catch basin ready to set so we set it on a bed of gravel and then there's our trench going down so this is going to be a much much higher capacity than what they previously had so they catch a ton of water coming off this gutter here we reposition this gutter downspout it did just empty into this retaining wall all the water coming down here they already have a nice little swale right here they said there's no water going that way so since we have all this surface water coming across here including this gutter we just decided to put a new catch base in here and so that's just going to go out where the old outfall was so it's going to work similar to this one just a higher capacity we've got these gutters caught this one is stubbed out we're gonna put another downspout right here just because trying to catch as much water as we can across here and keep it out of this bed the plumbers are working pretty hard here so we already got this one cut we got our pipe through there so far so i've got a bunch of people on the job today big job with a lot of components to it how we doing fellas [Music] get some markings here for communications they've got as you can see it starts up here we're coming down with two of them and they cross which means this is my telephone going this way and spectrum is crossing me well then spectrum comes down here it cuts across or they zigzag again either way and i've got a communication line coming out this way and it comes to here and disappears it stops so as you come and look we have time warner here or spectrum whatever you want to call them and the line goes out here what doesn't make any sense is what this line is it looks like they had got a reading on it got to this point and stopped they saw the cable box on the side of the house and they just made a little couple orange markings here toward it i don't think they ever located it because as you can see it's going in a different direction if i would not have just seen the box out of the corner of the eye and stopped to think about what was going on we would have cut it there again may not be active but it may check out this beautiful water garden that they've got up here [Applause] got some tadpoles in there we've already seen a few frogs running around and they've got some fish in there too real nice waterfall you think that hole is going to work oh god just put a piece through it oh awesome there there's less angle less flow back foot we need two of these and grab you a four inch wire and probably a uh straight forward how's this agreeing with you mike wonderful wonderful perfect thank you showing fresh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] okay [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are finished with this job so let's take a look we stubbed out right here they're gonna add another downspout right there so we got that we got this gutter caught we cored underneath the cur the sidewalk here so we've got good fall coming down here we caught this gutter came through this natural area caught this gutter came around cut this gutter and we caught these two gutters in four inch and then we took them into our six inch main here and i wanted to show you what the outfall looks like here that we did so there's our outfall right there so we got that armored with some rip wrap and then over on the other side where we set our catch basin let me show you the outfall for that so there's our outfall there this is similar to what was there before but this is a little bit higher capacity and up here is the 20-inch catch basin that we set that replaced that six-inch catch basin so there we go and then any water coming off of that gutter right there or down the hill on the driveway will be caught in here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 73,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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