HOW TO FIX A NEGATIVE SLOPE | Basement Drainage Tips!

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here we are we're gonna do some drainage work today Road Ilyas ah I wrote Donnie oh he you know he doesn't do just nickname mechanicing work he's also a Cocker you can see already what the issues so they're getting water in their basement you notice if you do notice and if you don't notice here's what's happening let me get my finger so this down spouts drains of water you see the negative slope here this all slopes back towards the house so water comes out runs a ride along this edge goes down soaks the footing water gets in the basement worse than that here in Kansas this ground gets saturated in the fall freezes and then what ends up happening is this foundation pushes in you notice that down spouts look weird grains grains right into a hole negative slope we've got the same thing going on you just hole you can't hardly see it this here this neighbor's yard hope sorry rains down comes in here and sits along this whole edge all along here so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna put window wells on we got five of them to do we're gonna lift that air conditioner up and then we're gonna build this soil all up all the way around this house the only way we can build it up people are gonna say well you can't build it up there's not enough room right well there is enough room if you put window wheels on and I'll show you how we're going to do that in just a moment because of no higher than these window elves have to be we went with an 18 inch galvanized steel window well so what we're doing is is the other side we brought two inches below the siding so we basically took a level we put it right under here like this we're level we mark our under edge that's where the top of our window well goes on both sides okay now we just dig these out a little bit on this one here you can see that we don't have to dig out there at our because the ground is so low so on some of them where you have you know ground was higher we'd have to dig down more you always want your bottom of your window well at least about six inches below maybe a little bit more and the reason you want that is if water gets down in there it has a chance to it has a place to fill and soak away and we'll put gravel in the bottom of these window wells but we're just gonna hold our edge here now we're kind of centered to come by with just a little bit right right there now we're centered on the window now he's gonna drill we're using cordless drills probably next time we'll use power going hard and we're using what's called a hammer drill so this drill can drill or you can go to hammer what that means is it it hammers when it reels gonna mark it first goes in it's already working better clean out that hole now I'm gonna lay a bead of pure silica 100 percent silicon just to seal it up against the concrete a little moisture out all right now we'll hold this up there and he's gonna run that that's the nice thing about these anchors is you can just roll a tap hole and then he's using an impact driver there we go yep that holds it now we'll finish drilling two more holes on each side that pins it to the house and then really in truthfully what ends up happening is these become pins that hold it against the house you you sometimes you do get settling and these could settle and pull away so the anchors help hold it against the house but now we'll continue doing back filling we built this all up in comparison if you want if he can show the before shot how much we put a probably a foot of soil in here now we've tapered this away so what it runs out his water comes here it goes down and out the back so what you do is if you have a basement for every foot let's say from this point here to the basement floor is six feet then what you should do is for every foot down you should come out a foot with your proper slope so okay so for every foot there's an inch of slope so if it's six feet from here to the floor and what I do is it's six inches of slope so if this is my level which it is and I make it level then I should have about six inches of slope in here where the water drains away so we could pull a little bit because we can clean this off a little bit and make it more level to when people dig down and they coat their walls or seal cracks and then they still have negative slope waste of time I have literally seen basements where you could stick your hand through the crack on the end of the dirt the crack is that big and they're dry because they've got proper slope sealing the basement wall is a waste of money get your water away and unless you have groundwater issues that's different we're talking we're managing surface water if you have groundwater issues where the grounds coming up from below then you got to look into sumps or french drains around your house we're controlling Gura surface water today is what we're doing not groundwater big difference between those two there you go another tip from your uncle Larry so if you have a crawlspace people think well I have a crawlspace I don't need to have drainage because I don't have a basement you want your crawlspace hydrate stay dry as well because your footings will even settle spiders fall I don't have to call it in this rug crawlspace if I open the hatch and it's full of spider webs it's wet in there it's either sewers broke waterline broker there's getting moisture so those are the tell-tale signs where you want your crawlspace to stay dry if you're on a slab house same thing what it'll end up happening is is you'll get heaving in the corners or wherever it's wet so you have to be careful so even proper drainage on a slab house but especially basements they'll get water in them and worse than that the ground freezes and then that's what fractures and breaks basement walls and then we got a pin them
Channel: Saving Old Stuff with Lariss 'n Kris
Views: 1,424,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Restoration, How to, Do it yourself, Remodel, Historical homes, old stuff, Home improvement, proper drainage
Id: dcqHbw1EkcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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