DON'T FORGET To Bring These Items To Basic Training!

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what's going on guys so today we're gonna talk about five things that you definitely don't want to forget whenever you leave for basic training before I get started with this video it is Tuesday and I just want to let you guys know that I just found that a little while ago that the best military youtuber competition is going to be going on this morning I don't know if it'll be right after I post this video but this morning sometime after I post it I will let you guys know in the comments section all my social media so make sure you guys go and support me if you want to support me or really just you know participate in the entire competition because that would be awesome so without further ado let's get into the actual topic of this video the first thing that you do not want to forget whenever you go to basic training and a lot of people do forget it I didn't bring it and that is stamps right so you're going to basic training you're gonna have the opportunity buy some other things you're not going to have the opportunity to buy a stamp so the way I mailed home and mailed my family and stuff was I use my battle buddy stamps and luckily you know we were friends of stuff and you didn't charge me for it so like if you decide to go to base strain you can bring a whole bunch of stamps and then probably charge people you know there's a whole lot of ways to make money at basic training like this but do you like charge people to you know for them to use your stamps so do not forget stamps especially if you want to write a whole bunch of letters you got your girlfriend that you want to write 50,000 letter twos every single day of basic training like some people do don't forget stamps the next big thing that people ask me about and you definitely shouldn't forget is a watch right so I've got an Apple watch a SmartWatch do not bring a SmartWatch you're not going to be able to have a SmartWatch a basic training they're just gonna have that you're just gonna get that taken away from you so my advice for you guys if you have an Apple watch and you don't want to go buying a really expensive watch I just say to you guys just go to like Walmart go to Target or whatever buy like a 10-15 dollar watch that's waterproof that'll be you know cheap and that can get messed up because you're gonna be a basic you don't want a nice for it's like I wouldn't want to have my Apple watch anyways because it would get just destroyed so go pick yourself up a super cheap watch and then you should be good to go so do not forget your watch everything a basic train is based off a time hacks you gotta be a certain place at a certain time might tell you got five minutes to do something you know everybody can set their watch or whatever to go for five minutes or you can just go off of the time so watches are really really really important at basic training and you do not want to forget it the next thing that's also super important that people do actually forget and that's your phone charger right so when you get your list from your recruiter your packing list of things to bring or whatever your phone charger at least for me it's not along that list so some people just they don't even really think about it they're just you know they take their phone or whatever but then they forget their phone charger so multiple people it might happen your platoon or whatever will forget their phone chargers so you don't want to forget your phone charger because if you do whenever it comes time for you to be able to use your phone of course you're not gonna have your phone throughout the whole time of basic training but let's say you leave for basic training and you're using your phone the whole time you're getting there on the bus ride on the plane right or whatever then you get the basic training you've got like 20 30 percent battery left like the next time you have the chance to use your phone your phone could very well be dead even though you might have had it turned it off or whatever you know maybe you might get a few minutes for a phone call but then after that you're pretty much done you might not have a phone charger you might have to borrow somebody else's that might work out for you but if they need it and you don't have one then you're kind of out of luck there so don't forget your phone charges people do it but don't forget it the next thing I think I'm gonna add all kind of in one which is kind of your personal hygiene kit the number one thing that I really want to stress you guys is bring good razors don't bring like the really cheap you know razors that you can get like ten and a pack for a dollar or whatever don't get super cheap razors and don't forget razors period you're gonna need it if you are a male you are going to need razors with other things that kind of have to do with your personal hygiene is your deodorant and shampoo the big thing here is your deodorant so with the whole personal hygiene topic that I'm talking about right now with your razors don't forget to go drink yes you will have the chance to buy deodorant for those of you who are curious you know if you do forget deodorant if you do forget shampoo or whatever body wash you are going to have the chance to buy that but for the first couple days you're probably not going to have the opportunity to buy some extra deodorant to buy some extra shame whatever but deodorant is the big thing don't forget the our grant is you know it's just you know just save everybody out some trouble don't forget deodorant and the final and probably one of the most important things that you don't want to forget is your paperwork and that's all of your paperwork right so your driver's license the copy of your birth certificate I believe is the copy anyway so I don't think you guys should be bringing your original unless you know maybe things say to bring the original but for me the copy of your birth certificate the copy of or whatever you know your direct deposit slips and all that stuff so all of the paperwork that you need to bring the basic training just do all your final last-minute checks before you go before you leave out the door you know with your flight itinerary and stuff make sure everything's together all of your paperwork is together all the IDS and stuff that you need please don't forget that stuff it's just gonna be a really difficult time for you getting there going through all the in processing if you don't have all the stuff then there's gonna just be this whole big issue that you're gonna have to deal with so the paperwork is extremely important do not forget any of your paperwork you know double check you know maybe if you want to double check you the recruiter hey I got this this this this is all I need right and then they'll be like yes that's that's all you need don't forget it so that's it for this video you guys asked me all the time some of the things to bring to basic training and I can make a video on you know things in total what to bring and then some things that you might think that you can bring but you can't but in this video I wanted to talk about the essential things that please do not forget these things you know some things like to watch maybe you didn't know you should bring a watch or your phone charger just just make sure you bring all these things to basic training and you'll be good to go as far as other things to pack on the packing list it's very minimal basically everything that I listed or talked about in this video you can really just bring that you could just walk up and just just have the stuff that you have that I talked about in this video and you're pretty much gonna be good to go you don't need anything actually you need an extra pair of shoes you don't need an extra pair of shower shoes you don't need to bring an extra towel you don't even bring extra pair of pants or an extra set of clothes and all this other stuff that they tell you to bring you don't need any of that pretty much everything that I mentioned in this video but if you have any other question or anything leave your comments down below don't forget best military youtuber competition is going on possibly right now possibly in a couple hours we will see stay tuned on my social media if you're not following me already so if you enjoy this video hit that like button that would be awesome if you wanna stick around some more my videos hit the subscribe button that would be even better I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you guys later [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 314,600
Rating: 4.9671063 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, Army Vlogs, Shootemup89, Army, Army Reserves, What is the army like, What is basic like, What is basic Training like, What is AIT like, What is red phase like, What is white phase like, Blue phase, Red phase, Army Training, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, USAR, National Guard BCT, USA, What to Bring to basic training, Basic training packing list, What to bring to BCT, BCT what to bring, Pack For BCT
Id: 30_7525cA6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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