Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update and Q & A

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(Music playing) Such an honor to be here with you this evening. How does it feel to be part of the biggest drill in the history of human kind, when it comes to having the entire world dancing to this music of one international organization? This has never happened since the Tower of Babel. And this is interesting. You know, they've tried everything for the longest time: clime change, and terrorism and so many other things. They try to scare the world. And so the world will somehow act as if it's one and obey to one authority, and that's it. And every time terrorism happens, such as 9/11 or clime change, when everybody realized that actually clime does change every year. And then came, of course, something that I was pretty shocked to find out. And you may not even know that but America actually funded a great research in the Wuhan lab. Yep. You guys payed the millions in the previous administration. And then, of course, this whole virus was released. I'm not gonna get into how and when, but it's definitely a lab made virus, and it has been released, and it is affecting our lives ever since. And this is quite amazing to see all of that. And in the midst of all of that, the one thing that keeps ringing in my ear every single day is the Restrainer, the Restrainer. And I'm kind of: What is it about the Restrainer? And you know what? I'm standing right here right now this evening, and I'm watching the Restrainer right now in front of me. I mean, are you locked up in your houses, scared to death not to worship God together and not to assemble as the Bible commands us to? No. And this is remarkable. I believe that we are in amazing times. No generation since the time of Jesus Christ have seen that convergence of so many prophecies being fulfilled as our generation is watching and seeing. Unfortunately, so many people do not understand that. Do not realize that. I would say there is a breaking news from a couple hours ago. The US ambassador to the United Nations just told the Arab News, the network Al Arabiya, that another country will sign a peace deal with Israel in the next day or two. This is just from a few hours ago. That, by the way, connects to information that I received earlier today, in one of the Cabinet meetings of Netanyahu. He was actually called out of the Cabinet meeting for a very urgent phone call. That has nothing to do with Israel's coronavirus battle, but has to do with some international development. Now we're not sure exactly who is in line. Morocco or Saudi Arabia or Oman or Qatar. Qatar I believe has nothing to do with that. They're actually aligning now with Turkey and with the Hamas and Iran to create a block against the Israeli Sunni alliance. But it's interesting to see what is going on. Who would believe? I want to show you something about Saudi Arabia, the biggest enemy of Israel when it comes to funding terrorism. By the way, it was the biggest enemy of America also. Most of the funding of 9/11 events were coming from Saudi Arabia, whether you like it or not. And looking at these two tweets from yesterday. Take a look at the screen and see. These air two tweets that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State of Israel basically tweeted yesterday. One is saying, "We offer our highest words of congratulations and blessings to the leadership and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the occasion of the 90th Saudi National Day. May God return, and be with you." And then the other one says: "The Israeli people congratulate the Saudi people on the occasion of the 90th National Day." Look, we even released a video of Israelis in Hebrew, congratulating the Saudis with Arab subtitles. Now watch it when you see subtitles. YouTube, when they translate my name, when they hear Amir Tsarfati, they actually put "a meal so fatty". And what up with that? But again, this one just was tweeted yesterday by the Israeli authorities. In fact, the Saudi king today at the United Nations General Assembly, for the first time in many years, was standing there and accusing Iran for destabilizing the Middle East, destabilizing Yemen, destabilizing Lebanon, destabilizing Iraq and all the countries around. And and this is very bold move for a king that is about to kick the bucket in any day now. He understands that Saudi Arabia, there is new wind that is blowing in the Middle East right now. And another heartbreaking thing that I saw in the last few days is Lebanon. I want you to see this picture in Lebanon. This is a picture of people fleeing Lebanon. These air Lebanese people that understand that our country is actually going to disappear very soon unless Hezbollah and Iran are not going to disappear from our lives. We are going to disappear as a wonderful, beautiful, country. And people get on boats and they just sail towards Cyprus and towards Europe. Just get us out of here. This is so sad. I mean, in the next one, if you can show them, you can see actually it's a video. I don't know if you can show it, but if not, it's okay. This is basically a huge house that exploded yesterday. And why? It's because Hezbollah, in every third house in southern Lebanon is a factor factory for weapons and a storage place for weapons and people are not safe. And this is probably an accident, and Hezbollah claimed that that was a gas station. Yeah, sure. A house. The president of Lebanon two days ago said the following thing: "Lebanon faces ... [look what he said]. Lebanon faces hell if new government isn´t formed", President Aoun warns. And he cried when he said that. The problem is that he is the problem. You know, he is collaborating with Hezbollah. This is what we have north of Israel. East, north, northeast of Israel, we have Syria and you know that the country of Syria doesn't really exist anymore. It's just a chaotic place, full of foreign countries that are meddling over there. Let's take a look at Iran for a few seconds. The Iranian currency, you can actually wipe the floor with it. 290,000 rial for one US dollar. 290,000 rial for $1. It´s just they don't know what to do. They just don't know what to do. But I guess they do know what to do, because they use all their money to build four new types of drones such as this one that was unveiled yesterday. So they know what to do with the money. It's just not going to the people. And this is very, very sad. By the way they showed how these drones are equipped with very good cameras. And yesterday, the Iranian television broadcasted the following footage. Take a look at four different digital photos of US Carrier Nimitz. That is right now in the Persian Gulf. Look at the resolution. Look at the pictures or other vessels as well. And they just showed it on national TV to embarrass, of course, the Americans. And if that's not enough, speaking of devaluation of currency... And look, I'm building a case here for the message. This is just the introduction to what we're going to talk about in just a few minutes. I just need you to understand the background of all that is going on. Turkey, let's talk about the Sultan Erdogan, as I call him. Take a look at what happens to the Turkish economy right now. Look, it says: "Turkey's economy suffers historic contraction in second quarter". An 11% decrease, but it's the Turkish lira that is more than eight liras for one US dollar. When Erdogan won the election, he managed to get it to 3.3. And now it's more than eight. And the Turks are desperate. They're desperate for a lot of things, but one of them is to find sources of energy so they can fill up their tanks, and the pockets of the public, of course. And they're trying everywhere. They claim to have found great discovery of natural gas in the Black Sea. They found nothing. They found nothing. And the experts say that there's nothing there, and they invited no one to verify that also. And this is an interesting thing that is going on here. And that leads me, having seen what's going on with Turkey, and what's going on with Iran, and what's going on with Lebanon and Syria. And things are not even better with other places such as Libya. The Libyan prime minister just resigned because he collaborated, he sold his country to the Turkish Sultan. So he came back and he resigned. Libya is torn to pieces. Sudan is also in a very delicate situation. Guys, Ezekiel could have lived now and written his 38 chapter, and it would have bean as accurate as what he wrote 2800 years ago, mentioning the exact countries, with the exact heart to come together. But the thing is, the countries that Ezekiel mentioned that will invade soon into Israel, there's only one problem, they need to invade into safe, secure and prosperous Israel. Safe, secure and prosperous Israel. And for that God is taking care of business in a different way. You can actually see what's next on the screen and is, of course, the Abraham Accord. Have you heard of that? They were very careful not to call it Isaac or Jacobs Accord. That will, of course, limit the options of who you can make peace with. Abraham, you know, it's very... In fact, I want to show you four verses from Genesis 17, "Then God said to Abraham, 'As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her. And then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother..." Then, remember? "Then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of [what?] nations. Kings of people shall be from her. Then Abraham fell on his face ...", and you would say: "and worship God". No. He fell on his face and laughed. "And he laughed and he said in his heart...", and I love it. We always think that when we say something in our heart, God cannot hear. Look, the Bible records it. Somebody heard. You know, in those cartoons, you see the bubbles. So obviously God could hear, him saying to himself. "Shall a child be born to a man who is 100 years old? And shall Sarah, who is 90 year old, bear a child? And then Abraham said to God..." Look, this one he said to himself. "So, God, that Ishmael may live before You!" And God is like, "Excuse me? We're not talking about Ishmael right now. Ishmael is fine. We're talking about someone else." "He said to him: 'No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son. You shall call him Isaac...'" Look, God is basically telling: "Look, that's what's gonna happen. You listen to her. You do what you need to do with her. She will bear a son. "You will call him Isaac. And I will do my job, which is to establish My covenant with him for an [what?] everlasting covenant, and with [who?] his descendants after him." Man, so many replacement theology teachers are right now saying: "Gang, why did you have to quote these verses? Can we remove the everlasting from this please?" And so not too long ago, we saw this picture from the White House. Beautiful picture. You see Prime Minister Netanyahu, the foreign ministers of the UAE and of Bahrain and, of course, President Donald J. Trump sitting there and they sign a historic deal. A historic deal because I tell you why. Israel, for the first time, is signing a peace deal where Israel needs to give nothing to no one. Peace for peace, peace through strength. And it's interesting because Prime Minister Netanyahu, in his speech, he concluded it with the verse from Psalm 29. He says, "The Lord will give strength to His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace." And he said that in Hebrew. "Adonai, oz le'ammow yitten; Adonai, yevarek et ammow beshalom." And that's how we feel. Now, immediately Christians around, all over the cyber planet, all around said: "This is a bad deal. President Trump is dividing Israel. He's dividing Jerusalem. He's the Antichrist." Ladies and gentlemen, I don't understand why the word peace is such a bad word for so many Christians. When there is war in Israel, they're worried. When there is peace with Israel, they are worried. Make up your mind. We need to live at some point, somehow either through war or peace, but guys, peace is not a bad word. In fact, the Bible talks about fake peace and about true peace. But peace by itself is not a bad word. There is going to be a fake piece. I do understand that. I do agree. But let's not mix the fake piece of the Antichrist that will come, after were already gone, with a piece that is brokered by the United States president that has been the most pro Israel president since this country has been founded. Listen. Yes, in the Book of Daniel in Chapter 9, verse 27, I understand that. I read the same Bible even more so in Hebrew. And I can tell you he says that, "Then he [that Antichrist] shall confirm a covenant with many for one week [which is seven years]. But in the middle of the week, he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering." Which means that there has to be a temple in Jerusalem already. If you bring an end to the sacrifice and the offering. "And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate." This is, of course, a scene from the tribulation period. Of course, this is... Trust me, Covid is not the tribulation. This is nothing. You want to know what the tribulation is? Read the Book of Revelation, because it has nothing to do with what we're gonna go through. In fact, what I'm trying to say and that's what is ringing in my ear the whole time. The Restrainer, the Restrainer. And why is it so? Because in first Thessalonians in Chapter 5, we see another description of that fake peace. "But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourself perfectly know that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. And when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape." This is a description of how that fake peace of the Antichrist is going to surprise all those people. It's not only that. Look, peace is something that actually God commands us to pray for. In fact, in Jeremiah 6, we see that fake peace will be in the future when he says, "They have also healed the hurt of my people slightly saying: 'Peace, peace!' [what?] When there is no peace." Jeremiah 8:11, "For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying: 'Peace, peace!' When there is no peace." So we know fake a peace is going to come. There is no doubt about it. But there's also real peace. In fact, Romans 12:18 says, "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, [what does it say?] live peaceably with all men." In Jeremiah 29, referring to Jerusalem, he says, "And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it, for in its peace you will have peace", he says. In Psalm 122:6, "Pray for the [what?] [war of Israel or Jerusalem?]" No. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you." 2 Thessalonians 3:16, "Now [what?] may the Lord [of war?]. No, the Lord of peace himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord will be with you all." John 16:33, Jesus is saying, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have [what?] peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." So we understand that there are two different types of peace. But there's also wars that are going on all around us. There's peace and there is war. I'd like to show you something that is going on the Middle East and many of you are not even aware of. It's called the Silent Energy war. But first, let me show you the energy piece that we have. Yesterday's headline. Not 5 days ago, not 20 days ago. Yesterday. "Israel to sell $30 billion worth of natural gas to Egypt and Jordan." Do you understand what I'm saying? Syria is collapsing, Lebanon is collapsing, and Israel is selling to Jordan and Egypt natural gas. Those two countries wanted to destroy us in 1948. Those two countries wanted to destroy us in 1967. Egypt wanted to destroy us in 1973. Now we make money on them. There is peace between those countries. There is business going on. If that's not enough, just earlier this year, Greece, Israel and Cyprus signed the East Mediterranean gas pipeline deal. You probably don't understand, but this is what Ezekiel's War is going to be all about. It's not about Palestinian, it's not about Islam. And it's not about anything but energy. It's about something that they want to come and steal and take and plunder. Israel found trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, and now we signed a deal with Greece and Cyprus. Take a look at this pipe. The pipe is going from Israel all the way to Cyprus, all the way through the island of Crete, to the mainland of Greece, to Italy, to Western Europe. You can see clearly that some of the gas fields have been already explored and some are under exploration right now. And Turkey is looking for gas all around. They can't find it. And they send research vessels escorted by submarines and F-16s and some warships all around, and they find nothing. Suddenly, that research vessel lost its engine and they had to go back to fix it. Humm. So that's the energy peace. But do you want to see the energy war? Let me show you the energy war. One of the biggest enigmas of people, Bible scholars, is what will cause Russia to come into this game? As Rosh is mentioned in Ezekiel as the leader of Persia and Gomer and the house of Togarmah, which is turkey of today. What will cause Russia to be pulled all the way down and to invade into Israel eventually? Well take a look at this: "Gas pipeline called North Stream 2 links Germany to Russia, is actually splitting Europe." In fact, it is an American senator that found out that there is a business going on behind the back of the US. And most of the NATO countries exposed this deal and they almost completed it. And everything came to a standstill. Because of a president that came to Angela Merkel and said, "You have to choose, you're in NATO, which is against Russia or you're with Russia, which is against NATO." "But you cannot expect me to fund NATO and then do business with Russia at the same time." And so you know, Russia is not doing that just for the money. Every time Russia needs to put pressure and apply pressure, all they need to do is closed the gas. That's it. They did it to the Ukrainians and they will do it to the Europeans. That's how you do things. You create dependency here, and then that's it. And so the Americans said to the Europeans, "Do you really need gas? No problem. Go to the Israelis. Half price!" By the way, this is an existing pipe, and the green one is the North Stream 2 that is almost completed. And, you know, with a gas pipe you can be completed 99%, but if the last percent is not completed, gas will not flow. Putin already put trillions of dollars from his own pocket through Gazprom, which he owns, and of course, now he's angry. If that's not enough, take a look at the Mediterranean. Look, Greece and Egypt signed a deal. Turkey and Libya signed a deal. This one is crossing this one. Do you see what I'm seeing? War. This is what we see here. Turkey says to the Libyans: "Let's split our Mediterranean connection." Greece said to Egypt: "Let's split our Mediterranean connection." And all of that is in order to block the East Mediterranean pipe. Interesting. This, not Antifa, not BLM. This, will bring about Ezekiel 38 to pass. You understand? You're being distracted. Thank you by so much nonsense. Nonsense, but not so nonsense. I'm watching as an Israeli. Look, I can say whatever I want. I'm not a member of the Republican or the Democratic Party. I'm not even an American. I don't want to be an American. I have no desire to be an American. I love my country. I'm an Israeli. But I must tell you, that from where I come from, we're watching your politics. And we don't really understand you. Wait a minute. I have a lot to say. I came here officially to offend you. Wait, I'm watching. And not only me, by the way. Everyone I know all across the world, we're watching right now, the Last Stronghold. Before this country is falling and becoming nothing but Venezuela. Now watch this. Listen to this. If you really study well, what is going on in America today, you'll understand nothing is new. You know, your schools and universities started indoctrinating the students into Marxism, Socialism many years ago. You see, it's called the Frankfurt... The Frankfurt School. Where basically it started in Frankfurt. Very nice, easy, nicely chewed Marxism. Then Hitler rose to power and kicked them out. They moved to New York City, and from there they started moving all around in universities. And you know, you've got a rule, a law that after 10 years, you can't fire really any professor in university. He can actually say whatever he wants. And I know that because I've got friends that are transcribing lessons from your universities. That's their job. And they know what is being said in those classrooms. Everything but what the person came to study, indoctrination and indoctrination and indoctrination. In 1969 there was a young student named Hillary Rodham, and she wrote, take a look. That was her thesis. "There is only the fight." "An analysis of the Alinsky Model." A whole thesis of about Saul Alinsky. Nobody really paid attention to this. Years later, when she became first lady of first Arkansas and then, of course, of the United States. Everybody started paying attention to this thesis. And, of course, they asked themselves, "Who is this Saul Alinsky?" Is it the same guy that in 1972 released the book called Rules for Radicals? Is that the same guy that said, 'The despair is there, now it's up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change'? Is this the same person who detailed in his book, "The first thing you need to do is [what?] divide and conquer." "Second, you need to create scapegoats." "Third, to create chaos and fourth to make it a movement." "Fifth, political trash talk to ridicule your opponent." "Sixth, disinformation and lie about your opponent and accuse him from things he never did." "Seventh, the thing is never the THING. The THING is the revolution. Nothing else. All else is smoke and mirrors. It's a virtuous cover for a Marxist agenda." "Eighth, seize power." By the way, seize power means take over and don't ever let it go. Every country where Marxism took over, they never let it go. "Create police force and military in line with your philosophy." "Burn books, eliminate and censor free speech." People burn Bibles. And Facebook, and YouTube and Twitter are now censoring every other thing that you say. "Create a sense of ongoing and immediate threat from an exaggerated fictitious enemy." Exaggerated? Covid? Exaggerated? I heard that one of your mayors fixed some numbers and cooked some numbers here? Oh, bad smell. We smelled it all the way to Jerusalem. Don't cook numbers! "Rig elections." Mail-in ballots is the perfect way to do that. "Cause governments of local states not to ask for IDs." You know that I was offered to vote here? I'm not joking. I was wearing a mask and it says, "Trump and Pence, 2020." And I said, If I was an American, I would be voting this thing and somebody offered me to come and vote. And I said, "I can't vote." He said, "Sure you can." So how? He said, "I'll show you." Guys, anyone can vote here in some states. "Rig elections". Am I reading the platform of the Democratic ...? I'm not sure, and you know I'm not a political figure. I'm not running for an office here, but I like New York City. I've always liked New York City until not too long ago. And I saw a mayor that it didn't add up. I mean, what's going on there? And then take a look at this guy. Ok, that's when he was young, and that's when he's now... whatever. This is Warren William Jr that worked for the Quixote Center, which is strongly supported the Marxist Leninist ruling government of Nicaragua, the Sandinista National Liberation Front, and he is of course, known as Bill de Blasio and is the current mayor of New York. And he also announced that he wants to be one day the president of the United States of America. Listen, I'm just trying to tell you. It's no longer being hidden. The agenda is out there. And when I say Restrainer, I'm looking at all of you here. And I'm thinking to myself and again, I'm not a political figure. And I came here with the Bible. You'll hear so many verses in a few seconds. But I want to tell you something, folks. We care as an Israeli, I care who sits in the Oval Office. Why? Because whoever sits in the Oval Office brokers peace deals in the Middle East. And whoever sits in the Oval Office moves the embassy to Jerusalem. And whoever sits in the Oval Office is recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli, and every Israeli settlement in the West Bank as Israeli. And the person who sits in the Oval Office determines my future in my own country right now. And by the way, it's been like that forever. Kings and rulers of big empires. Eventually we're behind decisions that were so critical in the history of the Jewish people. Who do you think allowed Nehemiah to go on rebuild Jerusalem and the temple and the city? You understand there is a great significance to whoever sits there. But I sense that there is a spiritual war here. Listen, I was in the middle of a dinner. We had a fundraiser for our young adults and pastors tours to Israel. And then we got the news that the justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. And I knew, it's only gonna be a matter of few hours before we're going to get all those videos of people screaming at the camera. And sure enough they came. And one of the girls that was demonically screaming, listen to this, screaming at the camera. She did not talk about Ginsburg. She did not talk about her legacy. She did not even talk about America or the future or anything. You know what she talked about? She said, "Now they will stop abortions. I hated that I was born. I wish I was aborted." Listen. All she was angry about is that the killing of the unborn is going to be stopped. She was angry about it, and she was in a demonic manifestation, screaming with her fist on like that, which is now all over America. Spiritual war. And it's at your door post. And I'm thinking to myself, she's a young lady. She instantly calculated that the death of this justice equals to what? Stopping the legalization of abortion. That's what she did in her mind. And I'm thinking to myself, the enemy is so stupid. Because the enemy understands that the Restrainer is at work. The Restrainer is at work. And the only thing that is going to take the Restrainer out of here is the rapture of the Church. Nothing else. Ephesians 6 says, "Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against [what?] against principalities, and powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness [where?] in heavenly places." Satan is still there in a realm above us. Shortly, he will be casted down to earth to start operating on Earth during the tribulation, while we give him the place because it's the great exchange, I call it. And it's interesting because Isaiah 54 says that, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord." 1 Peter 5:8-9, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." He says in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, he said. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." You see, there is a terrible war going on. But it's a spiritual one. And America right now is like a showcase for all of us around the world. We're watching. What is going on here? This is the Last Stronghold. Guys, listen, if this White House is falling on November 3rd, the ripple effect will be felt all across the globe. Make no mistake. Tens of millions of people will be on their knees praying for you to make the right decision. Because it is important. 1 John 4:4, "You are of God little Children, and have overcome them. Because [what?] He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." And you know what? The enemy knows that. They are so afraid. Look, the plane was packed over here. Planes are packed, churches are empty. What's if you really think about it? A little metal tube crammed with people, wearing something that will never, ever, ever stop that little virus from going in or out. Listen. And they tell you. They tell you that the virus is so polite, that when you need to eat or drink, he will wait. The virus waits. Are you done? Please. Because I want to attack you, when you're done eating and drinking and you put back your mask then go back to be panicking. Relax when you eat! See, they're playing with our minds in a way that it's unbelievable. And I want you to know that... Look, this is unbelievable, what I see here. Let me explain something. Israel, my beloved country, entered as of 2/3 hours ago into the harshest locked down we've ever had since the country was born. Yes, this is the first Yom Kippur in our history as a nation, that synagogues will not be open. This is the first. Listen, we look and see how it's so... I'm thinking to myself, "This is a drill!" You know that this is not really... Look, if they allow protests to go on and churches to be closed. Obviously it has nothing to do with the virus. Of course it's a drill, but I'm thinking to myself. Look, they already got all the people to the whole world to behave the same way. Every time I go to the gym, I have to give either my hand on my forehead for [what?] temperature. Now people are used to give their hands or forehead everywhere they go, and I'm thinking to myself, I know it's not the tribulation. The beast is not out there. The mark of the beast is not out there. But people are already trained to give their hand or forehead as a matter of habit. James 4:7, "Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil and [guess what?], he will flee from you." 2 Thessalonians 3:3, "But the Lord is faithful, and He will establish you and guard you from the evil one." No weapon that is formed against you shall ever prosper. Do you understand? I'm not a charismatic leader of the church in America. I'm a Israeli guy that is reading from 2 Thessalonians 3:3. It says that the "Lord is faithful and who will establish you and guard you from the evil one." I read from Isaiah, that says that no weapons shall attack you. And then John 10:10, "The thief does not come except [what?] to steal and kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have [what?] life, and that they may have it more abundantly." And I want you to understand that the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. I'm watching footage from Detroit, footage from Portland, from Seattle. Footage from Chicago. I spared you from all the horrific videos. Trust me, I have them all here. Unbelievable carnage. People are being harassed. People are being attacked for no reason. Lawlessness. That's the name of the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness. So don't tell me that the one who says "Law and Order" is the Antichrist. Watch this. The Bible says the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Now let's read it together, "Only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And THEN..." Stop there. And I want you to say that "and then" as if you're saying "AND THEN", ok? Let's try it. So, "He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And THEN the lawless one will be [what?] revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming." The Restrainer has to be taken out of the way for him to be revealed. There Restrainer is still here. He cannot be revealed. Look, the Antichrist is nothing that you've ever seen and hopefully will not see also. People say, "Oh, he's the Antichrist. Macron, look at him. He's the Antichrist and he's like ..." No, ladies and gentlemen, the Antichrist is not anyone that you can see today ruling any country. You need to understand. This is someone who is receiving his throne power, an authority from the dragon, from Satan himself. He is going to have a deadly wound. He is going to recover. The entire world will worship him. Not like him, accept him. Worship him! Whoever receives the mark of the beast... The mark of the beast is not just a vaccine. It's a token of rejecting Jesus and worshiping Satan. That's what it's all about. And the Bible says, whoever did not receive the mark of the Beast is the one that the Lord can save. And take a look at this. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-17, "That coming of that lawless one is according to the working of [who?] Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders..." They're going to deceive you. Not you, but the people of the world. I look at my own nation. I have no problem seeing how they will be deceived. You see, if you don't believe in the New Testament, and you don't read those words of what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, and what John wrote in Revelation, you will not truly understand the depth of the deception that this planet is going to go through. You will not be able to understand that. And Israel will be deceived. What I read from Daniel 9 in the very beginning, he will [what?] confirm a covenant for one week, for seven years. The covenant. By the way, the Hebrew word for confirm is not confirm it. He will increase. He will make something normal, spectacular. What can any peace deal? How can any peace deal be so spectacular for the Jewish people? I have a suggestion. The temple will be built in Jerusalem. He allows them to build it when he begins the treaty, and he will stop the sacrifice in the middle of it. The Abraham Accord has no temple for the Jews up there. And the world does not worship Donald Trump. Trust me. If anything we're very entertained. But we don't worship him. I want to tell you something. I pray for him all the time, because I want to tell you something. I've never seen in my entire life such a brave, strong person, who is convinced that what he's doing, at all costs, has to be done, has to be done. To stop the killing of the unborn, to stop the sex trafficking of hundreds of thousands of children in America. To restore law and order, to restore the economy and to, I mean, this is the most pro Christianity president ever. This is the first time you see a president that has such an advisory board. And he surrounded himself in a cabinet with born again spirit filled Christians around him. And he is the the most pro Israel president I've ever seen in my life. Our hope and our peace is, of course, not in Donald Trump or in his Cabinet. The Bible says in Philippians 4:6-7, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to [who?] [Trump?] [no] to God, and the peace of [who?] God, which surpasses all understanding..." What is a peace that surpasses all understanding? Against all odds in the midst of pandemic, you have peace. Against all odds, when things are not going the way you think, you still have peace. Jesus said to the people in the boat. We're going to the other side. He didn't say, "Let's take a vote." He didn't say, "Let's try." "We're going to the other side." "That peace of God which surpasses all understand, will guard your hearts and minds through [who?] Christ Jesus." There is no other name. There is no other name. Israel cannot be saved. Gentiles cannot be saved. Arabs cannot be saved. Jews cannot be saved. Pig eating, bacon devouring people cannot be saved. Only by His name. In the name of the Holy one of Israel, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel. The name of Yeshua. I want to remind you, John 16:33, "These things Jesus said..." Look, there's a lot of anxiety in this world right now. I want to teel you, I read the numbers. Domestic violence is skyrocketing, suicide is skyrocketing, alcoholism and drug abuse is skyrocketing right now. We're talking about, what they did in this whole drill to keep you out of church is they wanted to destroy the lives of so many people. And they unfortunately... Look what the Bible says, Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome this world." Titus 2:11-14, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for [what?] the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from [what?] from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works." And I would like to conclude with the verse from Revelation 3 that John recorded, that these are the words of Christ to the Church of Philadelphia, the faithful Church. He said, "Because you have kept My command to persevere..." Persevere. That means there's going to be problems and troubles and trials. But persevere, He said, "Because you have kept my command to persevere, I will also keep you [what?] [through?] [Not through] FROM the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those to dwell on the earth." And let's all read this together. "Behold, I am coming quickly!" Hallelujah! Father, I thank you for your promise to soon return quickly. To take your bride to be with you, to meet us in the air. And we will never, ever be separated from you again. We thank you, Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We thank you, Father, that this is what makes us wise in this foolish time. That wisdom, the person of the Holy Spirit, that makes us the wise virgins that have oil in their lamps. And when the bridegroom comes, they are ready to be taken. Midnight is about to come. That trumpet is about to blow. We want to be ready. We want to have oil in our lamps. We want to be found smart and wise, and not foolish. If there is anyone here this evening and anywhere around the world that is watching it right now, you can either be a true or false Christian. You can either have the Holy Spirit and you can actually move by the power of that Spirit. Or you can just have a little bit oil that is enough just for having a little light there. But it won't last, because there is no oil to keep it lasting. Father, I pray that tonight you will meet that person. And cause them to understand their need to be truly born again from above, from the Spirit, filled with the Spirit and have their lamps ready for the bridegroom's arrival. We thank you. We bless you. And in the midst of this trouble sometimes, we have the peace that surpasses all understanding. And indeed, we hold on to your promise that you are coming quickly. We thank you. And we bless you in Jesus name. Amen.
Channel: Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati
Views: 227,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BsVyVF2EbkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 45sec (7005 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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