PYGMALION (1938) - Full Movie - Captioned
Video Statistics and Information
No captions available for this video.
Views: 1,612,944
Rating: 4.8240671 out of 5
Keywords: deaf, deafness, hard of hearing, visually impaired, blind, caption, captioned, captions, closed captions, closed captioning, description, audio description, video description, AD, education, deaf education, blind education, student, child, children, parent, educators, teachers, interpretor, interpretors, translator, sign language, ASL, classroom, video, DCMP, CMP, NAD, my fair lady, higgins, howard, musical, freddy, eliza
Id: tmdPj_XbF30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 3sec (5763 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2010
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