PYGMALION (1938) - Full Movie

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[Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] why i found the seventh jewelry one last week for what a children a talent cheerleader it's like a spider it's got six legs and it stings you with its tile well what did you do with his mouth it's the bananas you mug [Music] looks like road yeah a bit stormy ain't it [Music] what can freddie be doing all this time he's really ought to have got us attacked as i know exactly [Applause] [Music] there's not a taxi to be had for love or money you haven't tried at all oh you really are helpless freddie go again and don't come back until you have found yourself simply get soaked for nothing what about us you selfish pigs oh very well i'll go i'll go [Applause] sorry freddie look where you're going there oh my god [Applause] [Applause] how do you know that my son's name is freddy how is your son is he well if you've done your duty by him as their mother should be no button to spoil the poor girls flyers and run away without playing unless there's a sixpence for you oh thank you kindly now will you tell me how you know the young man's name but i heard you call him freddie now don't you can't deceive me yeah real according freddie or charlie same as you might yourself if you were talking to a stranger and wish to be pleasant come along mother sick and thrown away [Music] oh cheers up captain if it's raining worse this time it's nearly over come on buy a flower for poor girl i'm sorry i haven't had a change john captain i can change you off a crayon no don't be trouble word you're saying but i ain't done nothing wrong by speaking of the gentleman i'm a good girl i am selfish what's your in the back that i never spoke to him except to ask him to buy a flyer off me what's he good at fashion what's the round what she do there's a tech taking her down him over there [Music] what do you want to take down what i sit for you'll just show me what you wrote how do i know if you took me down right what's this that ain't proper writing i can't read that [Applause] cheer up kitten buy a flare or for poor girl oh it's because i caught him why not i'm in no arm oh sir i don't have any judgements oh you don't know what it means to me they'll take away my character and they'll drive me on the facebook speaking of gentlemen charge i make no charge really so you didn't start protecting me from molestation until i ask you anyone can see the girl meant no harm business taking down people's words don't be ridiculous who's hurting you you silly girl what do you take me for it's all right he ain't a copper he's a gentleman look at his boots gentlemen he's a blooming busy body that's what he is and how are all your people down in celsius and how do you come to be so far east you were born in listen grove oh but what almost am i leaving this will grow it wasn't fit for a thing to live in and i had to die four and six away live where you're alive but for himself stop making that noise come no one's going to harm you who perfect right to live for you please for instance i'm a good girl i am i'm here do you know where i come from hoxton well who said i didn't nami you know everything you do where's your warrant get some time to take liberties with a gentleman yes tell him where he comes from if you want to go fortune telly go on yes go on tell him all right cheltenham harrow cambridge india right i should get pneumonia if i stay in this draft any longer else call will you please keep your impediment remarks to yourself did i say that out loud i'm so sorry your mother's epsilon mistakenly oh how very curious you know i was brought up in large lady park near epsom that's a devil of a name isn't oh excuse me are you looking for a cab don't you dare to speak to me oh please clara yes we should be so grateful to you if you could find us a cabinet i don't know whether you've noticed it but it stopped raining oh so it has clara we'll walk to about a cab i can tell where you come from can you and will insane asylum henry insane thank you teacher oh may i ask her do you do this for a living in the music hall well i have thought of doing so perhaps i shall someday then how nice do you do it simply phonetics the science of speech that's my profession easy yes it's also my hobby you see you can spot a yorkshire or an irishman by his brogue but i can place any man within six miles i can place it within two miles in london sometimes is in the case of this girl within two streets [Music] [Applause] and mind his own business and leave a poor girl of my neuro woman cease this detestable boo-hooing instantly i have a right to be if i like slime as you a woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be anywhere oh remember that you're a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech and that your language is the language of milton shakespeare and the bible don't sit there crooning like a billious pigeon oh wow hemsworth sound you see this creature with her kerbstone english the english that will keep her in the gutter for the rest of her days well sir in three months i could pass her over as a duchess at an ambassador's reception yes i could even get her a job as a ladies maid or a shop assistant which requires better english you mean you could make me yes you squashed cabbage leaf you disgraced to the noble architecture of these columns you incarnate insult to the english language [Music] i could pass you off as the queen of sheba god you don't believe that to your captain well everything is possible i myself am student of indian dialects are you yes have you ever heard of colonel tickering the author of spoken sanskrit i am kind of figuring no yes who are you henry higgins now yes the author of higgins universal alphabet you and i came all the way from india to meet you and i was just going all the way to india to meet you where do you stay carlton no you're not you're staying at 27 a wimpole street come on i'll buy a flower kind sir i'm short for my lodging oh you liar you just said you could change half a crown you want to be stuck with knight as you walk yeah fight the old blooming basket for sixpence reminder [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] oh excuse me have you seen those two ladies who were here just now oh they went to the bus when the rain stopped and left me with a cab on my hands oh block never mind young man i'm going home and attack sleigh [Music] [Music] then i'll be bashed [Music] you're back in the balance how much dearie cost you a ball yeah you're a robber you are eats this price full of bob for two minutes ever been in the taxi before um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] as you see my dear pick the human ear is a perfect recording of amplifying apparatus well tired of listening to sounds amazing [Applause] do you know i rather fancy myself because i could pronounce 24 distinct vile sounds your 130 beat me i can't hear any difference between most of them oh it comes from practice you know deny offenses myself because they've pronounced 24 distinct vile sounds you're 130 feet me i can't hear any difference between most of them concealed microphone for unsuspecting victims what is it mrs pierce a young woman wants to see yourself younger than what she wants she says you'll be glad when you know what she's come about she's a very common girl sir i'd have got rid of a rule you see such queer people sometimes all right has she an interesting accent just dreadful girl show up at once [Applause] you know this is really a bit of luck we set our talk and now taking down my phonetic shorthand never get around the machine you can turn around as often as you like how are we here's the young woman [Applause] oh it's you oh she's no use i wear all the records i wanted the listen grove lingo be off with you i don't want you yeah don't you be so saucy you ain't heard what i come for yet did you tell him i'll come into texas you think a gentleman like mr higgins guess what you came in hopefully you're proud aren't we but he ain't about giving lessons not him heard him say so and if my money's not good enough i can go elsewhere good enough for what good enough for you so now you know don't you i'm come to have listens i am and to pay from too mad no mistake well i say pickering shall we ask this object to sit down or shall we throw her out of the window i won't be called an object when i've offered to pie like any lady what is it you want my dear i want to be a lady in a fly shop instead of selling in piddly circus that won't take me less i can talk more genteel what he said he could teach me here i am i'm ready to pay i'm not asking any fibers they treat me as if i was dirt i know what lessons cost and i'm ready to pie how much i'm now you talking i thought you'd come off it when you saw a chance to get him back a bit of the money what you checked at me last night you'd had a drop haven't you sit down huh if you're going to make a compliment of it sit down what's your name eliza doolittle won't you sit down mr little i don't mind if i do how would you propose to pay me for the lessons oh i know what's right a lady friend of mine she gets french lessons with haitian pens now from a real french gentleman well you wouldn't have the nerve fast the same for teaching me my own language is what you would for french so i won't give you more in a shilling take the leave it i am i'll take it you know picking a shilling to this girl is worth 60 or 70 pounds from a millionaire it's handsome it's enormous it's the biggest offer i've ever had 60 pounds what were you talking about i never offered you 60 pounds holy time nobody's going to touch your money somebody's going to touch you with a broomstick if you don't stop sniveling sit down with it who er anyone would think he was my father he didn't i'm interested what about that boast of yours a duplicate offers a duchess at an ambassador's deception well what about it i'll say you're the greatest teacher alive if you make that good i'll bet you all the expenses experiment you can't do it and i'll pay for the lessons ah you're real good oh thank you captain come here sit down this is almost irresistible [Applause] she's so deliciously low so horribly dirty wash my face names before i come i did i shall make a duchess of this draggle-tailed gutter sniper in six months in three if she has a good ear and a quick tongue i'll take her anywhere and pass her off as anything we start today now this minute mrs pierce take it away and cleaner take off all their clothes and burn them bring up and order some new ones grab up and brown paper till they come you're no gentleman you want to talk to such things i'm a good girl i am and i know what the likes of you are i do we want none of your slump prudently here young woman you've got to learn to behave like a duchess here take it away mrs pierce if she gives any trouble wallop no call the police i have a new place to put her put it in the ash cat he can't take a girl up like that as if you're picking a people off the beach why not jimmy be maddie yeah there he was the girl very properly says guy who would marry me bye george eliza before i'm done with you the streets will be strewn with the bodies of men shooting themselves for your sake yeah he's obvious chump he is i'm going i don't want no loonies teaching me oh i'm mad am i very well mrs bliss don't order those things throw her out stop mr higgins i won't allow it go home to your mother i ain't got no mother okay while she ain't got no mother very well then a girl doesn't belong to anybody she's not any use to anybody but me what's to become of her is she to be paid anything to be sensible mr higgins now what on earth would she do with money she'll get her food and her clothes she'll only drink if you give her money it's a lie nobody ever saw the sign a liquor on me doesn't it occur to you higgins if the girl has some feelings oh i don't think so have you eliza i got my feelings the same as anywhere else you see the difficulty pickering optically together to talk grammar i don't want to talk graham there i want to talk like a lady will you please skip to the point mr higgins what's to become about when you've finished without teaching what's to become a very reliever in the gutter that's how business not yours mr hill when we finish with we throw bacon together oh you've no feeling art in you you haven't i'm going away i've had enough of this you ought to be afraid of yourself elijah come here life yeah yeah have chocolate liza how do i know what might be in them those girls being drugged by the like of you oh pledge your good faith elisa you shall live on them now listen to me eliza you're gonna live here for six months and learn to speak beautifully like a lady in a forest shop if you're good and do whatever you're told you should sleep in a proper bedroom have lots to eat money to buy chocolates and take rides in texas if you're naughty at idle you should sleep in the back kitchen among the black beetles and be walloped by mrs pierce for the broomstick at the end of six months you shall go to buckingham palace in a carriage beautifully dressed if the king finds out you're not a lady you will be taken by the guards to the tower of london where your head will be cut off as a warning to other presumptuous flower girls but if you are not found out you will receive a present of seven and sixpence to start life with as a lady in the shop if you refuse this offer you will be a most ungrateful and wicked girl and the angels will wait [Applause] now are you satisfied quickly can i put it more fairly mrs pierce thunder off to the bathroom you're a great bully you are and i won't stay here if i don't like it i never asked to go to batman palace i didn't if i know what i was letting myself in for i wouldn't have come here i've always been a good girl you wash my face and ends before i come out i shall make a duchess of this draggle-tailed gutter snack on them and evolve in oh light now where you call proper one nonsense eliza don't you want to be sweet and clean and decent like a lady you know you can't be a good girl inside if you're adapted to girl outside now await your room and take off all my own you scale don't you take off all your clothes every night before you go to your bed no why should i catch my death i'll take off my skirt and lie sir i'll be a good child once and come back it ain't decent [Music] um [Music] [Music] now come away and tell me the water's oh [Laughter] [Music] excuse a straight question but are you a man of good character where women are concerned have you ever known a man of good character where women are concerned yes very frequently well i haven't i thought breakfast is ready sir i find that the moment i let a woman make friends with me she becomes jealous exacting and a confounded nuisance so i'm a confirmed old bachelor and likely to remain one coffee thanks you know what i mean i hope it's understood that no advantage is to be taken to her position what's that thing sacred i assure you i've taught scores of american millionaires as to speak english the best looking women in the world i'm seasoned they might just as well be blocks of wood excuse me mr higgins i'd like to trouble you if i may yes would you be very particular what you see before the girl i'm always particular about what i say oh no sir it doesn't matter before me i'm used to it but you really must not swear before the ghetto i never swear what the devil you mean that's what i mean i don't mind your damning and your blasting but there's a certain world i must ask you not to use the girl used it in the bath because the water was too hot it begins with the same letters i cannot charge myself with ever having uttered it except perhaps in moments of extreme and justifiable excitement only this morning cell you applied it to the boots the butter and to the brown brain oh that a mere alliteration natural to a point is that all uh look sir you have to be very particular with this girl as to a personal cleansing yes certainly certainly most important am i to ask you not to come down to breakfast in your dressing room or not to use it as a table napkin if you do and will you please remember not to put the porridge saucepan onto the clean tablecloth i hope you're not offended sir no not at all not at all mrs biss is that all oh no sir i really don't think i can't put the girl back into these it might you wear one of those chinese garments you brought back from abroad yeah certainly look what the devil's up oh don't burn that we'll keep that as a souvenir you know that that woman has the most extraordinary ideas about me here am i a shy different sort of man she's firmly persuaded that i'm a bossy arbitrary overbearing kind of person how do you account for that i can't imagine i can't imagine either i'm afraid i've got to tell yourself that the trouble's beginning already there's a dustman outside alfred doolittle he says you've got his daughter here i don't like the looks of him sir show the blackout him may not be a black guy of course he's a blackout we may get something interesting i don't know about the girl no no i mean his dialect do little sir [Applause] professor again here good morning sit down morning ever [Applause] a compare a very serious man again thought i've been houndslow mother welsh i should imagine what you want do little want's my daughter that's what i want well of course you do i'm glad to see you have some spark of family feeling left your daughter's upstairs here take it away at once what oh look here governor is this reasonable is it fairity the girl belongs to me you've got it where do i come in how dare you come here and try to blackmail me you sent her here on purpose that this is a plot a plant an attempt to extort money by threats i shall telephone the police have i asked you for a blast i'll leave the gemini i might said a word about money what else did you come for well i'll tell you if you don't let me get a word in [Applause] i'm willing to tell you i'm wanting to tell you i'm waiting to tell you no pickering this fellow has a certain natural gift of rhetoric observe the rhythm of his native wood notes wild i'm willing to tell you i'm wanting to tell you i'm waiting to tell you the wealth straining him how do you know the girl's here if you didn't send her but she sent back for the luggage governor and i heard about it like it's what luggage it was a musical instrument a few pictures a trifle of jewelry and a bird cage hello she said she didn't want no clothes what was i to think from that i ask you as a parent what was i to think so you came to rescue her from worse than death yes that's right mrs pierce this is eliza's father he has come to rescue her from worse than death give her to him take her away mr higgins how can he you told me to burn all her clothes that's right i can't get her to go through the streets if she's a blooming monkey can i where's the closer coming did i burn him or did your missus here listen governor you and me we're men of the world hide me oh we're men of the world are we you better go mr pierce i should think so indeed the floor is yours do little i think you can't again tell your truth i've turned a sort of fancy to you and if you want the girl i'm not so certain having a back home but what we mightn't be open to an arrangement regarding the light of a young woman she's a fine handsome girl as her daughter she ain't well for keep i'll tell you straight all i ask from you is my rights as a father you're the last men of the world expect me let me go for nothing you're one of the straight so you are all i can see there well what's a five pound note to you and what's eliza to me i think you ought to know mr doolittle mr higgins intentions are entirely honorable of course they are governor of course they are if i thought they wasn't i'd ask 50. why you call us rascal do you mean say you'd sell your daughter for 50 pounds no no not in a general sort of way i wouldn't but to oblige a gentleman like you i'd do a good deal i do assure you have you no morals man i can't afford him gunner [Applause] well neither could you use as poor as me i don't mean no arm but if eliza is going to have a bit of this well why not me too it's natural morals you know it's a positive crime to give this chapter farthing but i do feel there's a sort of rough justice in his claim that's right that's all i say it's a father's art as it were well i know the feeling gets it hardly seems right no no don't look at it that way again what am i gavin smith i ask you what am i well what are you i'm one of the undeserving poor that's what i am well think think what that means to a man it means he's up against middle class morality all the time if there's anything going i puts in for a bit of it it's always the same story you're undeserving so you can't have any and yet my needs is as great as the most deserving winners that ever got money out of six different charities in one week for the death of the same husband i don't need less than the deserving man i need more i don't eat less arty than he does and i drink a lot more so i put situations two gentlemen down don't play that game on me i'm playing straight with you i ain't pretending to be deserving i'm undeserving not mean to go home i mean i'm deserving the likes sit down do little would you retire into a man out the price of his own daughter what is brought up is fed he's clothed by the sweat of his bra until she grow big enough to be interesting to you two gentlemen is fart burns unreasonable i puts it to you that leaves it to you yeah shall we give him a fiver he'll make bad users i'm afraid no swept me don't be fried i shall save it spare it to live hide on it there won't be a penny of it left for monday just one good spree for myself and the the missus this is irresistible come on let's give him tim i know no thank you guys ten times a lot of money makes a man feel prudent like and then goodbye to happiness and just give me what i ask governor not a penny more not a pay less you're sure you're sure you won't take ten no not now governor come on come on now another time trips thank you kindly thank you goodness bro that's pardon miss gone don't you know your own daughter drive it's eliza i know before she cleaned up so good looking she's a credit to me aren't she governor she'll soon pick up your free and easy ways yeah i'm a good girl i am and i won't pick up no free and easy wise eliza if you say again you're a good girl your father shall take you home you don't know my father all he come here for was touch you for some money to get drunk on well what else would i want money for put in the brighton church i suppose don't you give me none of your lips don't don't tell me you're giving any of these gentlemen either you'll hear from me about it see have you any further advice to give her do little before you go you're a blessing for instance no governor not me i'm not such a man let me kiss you all i know myself if you want elijah's mind improve government do it yourself we were strapped so long gentlemen [Applause] [Music] oh like father e e as in machine repeat after me the rain in spain [Music] stays mainly in the plains stay mainly in the plains the rain in spain stays mainly in the plains the rain inc stain stays mainly in the plains you see these three marbles i want you to put them in your mouth yes one two three now don't be alarmed it's just an exercise now then repeat slowly after me the shallow depression in the west of these islands is likely to move slowly in a westerly direction inside of a person in buffalo a rifleman yeah we have sweated don't worry we have plenty [Music] in the western seas more is likely to move slowly in a more easterly direction hampshire hereford harford hampshire heritage two yummy chumps so it will eliza every time you say correctly now then try once again in hampshire hereford and harford hurricanes hardly ever happen in hampshire harrison hartford hurricanes hardly ever happened hardly ever happened hardly hither [Music] how do you do bad bad bad do it again you aren't trying do it again that's not good eliza it's not bad now's the time to try her out on somebody well uh i know my mother anyway hello dear what are you doing here today this is my home day you promised not to come oh brother go home at once but i just come here on purpose you see there i picked up a girl you mean a girl has picked you up no no no this isn't a love affair oh what a pity what you never fall in love with anyone under 45 oh i can't waste my time with young women they're all just idiots anyhow do you know what to do if you really love me henry get married i suppose no stop fidgeting and take your hands out of your pockets don't sit on that table you'll break it come and tell me about the girl okay she's coming to see you this afternoon really i don't remember asking her no you didn't and you wouldn't have if you'd known her indeed why she's just a common flower girl i picked her up in cotton garden you've asked her here oh don't worry i've taught her to speak properly she'll stick to two subjects only the weather and everybody's help all that oh that's a blessing anyway well um it is and it isn't now what do you mean by that you see there i've got her pronunciation all right but you've got to consider not only how the girl pronounces but what she pronounces mrs and miss ainswood hill mr answered him so good as you can see thank you you know my son my son henry [Applause] miss hill delighted mrs hill and sean mr hill you're celebrated son i've always so long to meet you professor higgins i've seen your face somewhere before i haven't the ghost of a notion where but it doesn't really matter sit down mother look here hi sorry to say my celebrated son has no manners you mustn't mind him i don't travel [Music] how do you do mrs higgins the reverend from mrs birchwood what more of them how do you do you told your mother what you've come for no we were interrupted damn it oh are we in the way no not at all no bite george we need two or three extra people you'll do you'll do as well as anyone else sit down will you excuse me colonel pickering henry what are you doing in my head terrible queen i must know what is the exact position in wilmington street is this gala servant if not what is she major and mrs rockcroft mr siegel i really must tell this is the most absorbing experiment i've ever tackled yes this girl regularly fills our lives doesn't she through all those talking lies teaching your life blessing your life she has the most amazingly quick here you've ever heard of yes just like a parent i hear mrs higgins oh yes it's quite clear to me too little [Applause] how do you do mrs higgins professor higgins said i might come quite right my dear i'm delighted to see you colonel pickering is it not how do you do mr little professor higgins stick to the weather and your help [Applause] this is hill miss do little i feel sure we've met before miss do little i remember your eyes how do you do my george is it all comes i'm sure i've had the pleasure somewhere [Applause] uh will it rain do you think the rain in spain they say stays mainly in the plains they say how to too miss doolittle but in hampshire hereford and hartford hurricanes hardly ever happen [Applause] do they hardly ever miss doodle how awfully funny what is wrong with that young man i bet i got it right killing oh excuse me [Applause] i do hope it won't turn cold there's so much influenza about it runs right through our family every spring my aunt died of influenza doesn't say but it is my belief as how would they done the old woman in [Applause] done her in yes lord love you why should she die of influenza when she come through this theory right enough year before perhaps it wasn't diphtheria you see vicar oh but i saw her with my own eyes terry blew with it she was they all thought she was dead but my father he kept leaving gin down her throat till she come to so sudden that she bit the bowl of the spoon dear me now what corn would a woman with that strength in her head to die of influenza ah and what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me well what somebody pinched it and what i says is then what pinched it done her in done her in could you tell me just the new slang vicar but uh you surely don't believe that your aunt was was killed do i know them she lived with would have killed her for a head pin let alone a hat but it couldn't have been right for your father to have to have poured spirits down her throat like that now that might have killed her not her gin was mother's milk to her besides he'd poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it oh how terrible for you oh it never did him no harm what i could see he was always more agreeable when he had a drop in when he was out of work my mother used to give him two and a kick and tell him to go out and do not come home until he drunk himself cheerful and loving like charming there's lots of women has to make their husbands drunk to make them fit to live with [Applause] yeah what are you snickering at the new slang you do it so awfully well if i was doing it proper what was you laughing ed i said anything important there are a lot of things too little well that's a messy anyhow what i always said [Applause] well i must go now goodbye mrs higgins so glad to have met you goodbye my dear goodbye sticker goodbye turn off pickering bye mrs good goodbye excuse me miss doolittle but would you be walking across the park because if so not bloody likely i'm going in a taxi [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] oh it's no use i shall never be able to bring myself to use that word oh don't it isn't compulsory you know [Laughter] [Applause] say what you like the dive is ashamed you'll never do it done oh that's aware a bit hasty but i'll soon put that right it's no use higgins you'll have to face it it doesn't fail the poor girl better call the whole thing off nonsense i said i'd pass the gutter snipe over the duchess and pass her over the duchess i will here you see that it's an invitation from the transylvanian embassy i'm going to take her there you're mad i tell you pick that girl can do anything eliza you like stop sniveling though eliza shall i give you another chance will you work good no no no do it again i'll try no no no i told you 500 times you drive me mad girl come to higgins be reasonable once more no [Music] she's engaged [Music] oh why can't you do it like this it's here again oh sorry man sorry mark come on now both together one two three that's better now listen carefully eliza how kind of you to let me come see how kind of you can let me come [Music] how kind of you to let me come oh it's mister i know he's here again no good sir may i have the pleasure mr little get up here get up yes i'd be delighted i'll be delighted all right come on then one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two see no sense of timing at all you know watch me with pickling come on victory one two three one two [Applause] drinking is one of the hallmarks of a lady wake up eliza how do you address an ambassador you're excellent right now imagine yourself standing before an archbishop how would you address him no no no an archbishop not the pope your worship no your majesty right an ambassador your excellency an archbishop your grace the queen your majesty now it's duke [Music] mr higgins [Music] [Music] send to dressmakers hairdressers makeup artists manicurists and all the rest of the parasites did you ever see the mic no little sprayer no [Music] more mud there [Music] [Applause] aren't you idiot almost nervous yes hey aren't you oh not a bit of it not a bit of it nice [Music] you remember me no i don't where we met but i'm your pupil you're thirsty for your best and greatest people i've made your name famous throughout europe you teach me phonetics you're gonna forget me i am a clarissy what are you aristide why the devil don't you cut your hair oh if i cut my hair nobody notices me i have not your imposing appearance your chin your brow and tell me what are you doing here among all these swells i am indispensable at these international parties you can place a man anywhere in london the moment you open his mouth i can place a man anywhere in europe excuse me sir i wanted upstairs her excellency cannot understand the greek gentleman oh indeed i'll come at once this greek diplomat who pretends he cannot speak or understand english he cannot deceive me [Music] i cut off the hello really an expert my best pupil but hadn't helped the master was judged by his disciples but if you beat your elijah we're done don't just bother about the [ __ ] let's go home oh rubbish that idiot now we're in for it are you ready come on um [Music] the duchess of care [Music] may i present this elizabeth too little [Music] is the charring again you brought is she a relation she has such a far away look as if she always lived in a garden so she has a sort of garden there is one thing i have observed about the english touches i adore observing the english let's go and observe them now i'm alone george oh dear such a bored about the english and quite wrong like every ambassador oh look there's dear old elite and tail with a hole of kew gardens on her head you'll have a rival here tonight he introduced himself as your pupil is he any good he can learn a language in a fortnight there's dozens of them the show a mark of a fool your is interested in miss doolittle yes could you find out who she is excellence lord wilson and lady wilson i feel rather like nurse standing on the bridge watching the loading of the ark you know two of everything they're kind of picking up tell me more about your greek gentleman friend the gentleman he's the son of a clerk and they'll watch me he speaks english so villainously that he does not utter a word of it without betraying his origin i help him to pretend but i make him pay through the loaves i make them all and now professor higgins i should be delighted if you would present me to this miss doolittle no no you don't can't you see she's talking to a duchess professor higgins beginning then i've been dying to meet i'm either there of the sun what extraordinary people seem to get in everywhere nowadays extraordinary colonel pickering unfortunately we were interrupted would you be so kind as to introduce me to miss do a liar you remember you so kindly just because of the navy officers [Music] true [Music] [Music] well you know what's happening [Music] [Music] so [Music] literally [Music] a dear fellow i hope you don't think i introduced that car party chapter elisa to win my bed no nonsense but the game's all up picking he's found out all about her i say look at that who is she i can't imagine my child my son would very much like to dance with you if i may be allowed [Music] hey when he gives the game away to the ambassadors they'll be the use of a row i wouldn't miss it for world excuse me come on alice dude you've got to tell me yes tell us all you know about this mr little no no that is my secret but i will tell your excellency she has a right to know who mr little is when who is she is a film star no she's a fraud no yes yes she cannot deceive me her name cannot be do little why because doolittle is an english name and she is not english oh but she speaks it perfectly too perfectly can you show me any english woman who speaks english as it should be spoken there is no such thing the english do not know how to speak their own language only foreigners who have been taught to speak it speak it well yes there's something in there but this is not english what is she hungarian [Music] and of royal blood i am hungarian my blood is royal did you speak to her in hungarian i did she was very clever she said please speak to me in english i do not understand french french she pretended not to know the difference between hungarian and french nonsense she knows broke and the blood royal how did you find that out instinctive instinct only the hunger in the mudjar race can produce that air of the divine right those high cheekbones those resolute eyes she is a princess now i know who it is look at her profile it's the old duke exactly what do you say professor hi i say an ordinary cockney girl out of the gutter i place her in covent garden no it's from maestro you are a man on the subject of cockney dialects the london gutter is the whole world for you this girl is undoubtedly princess have it your own way maestro have it your own way [Music] no no watch say mrs pearson around he leaves things like about here oh she'll pick him up she'll think we were drunk there we are slightly whether any letters didn't look heaven's what an evening what a crew what silicon fool thank god it's all over see what the devil am i slippers well you won your bet elijah did the trick and something to spare oh it was interesting enough at first but afterwards i got deadly sick of it the whole thing's been a perfect ball oh come the reception was frightfully exciting for the first three minutes as soon as i saw we were going to win hands down i lost interest no more artificial duchesses for me oh they're there are they i must say eliza did it awfully well you see lots of the real people can't do it at all the silly fools don't even know their own silly business anyhow that's all over and done with now i can go to bed without dreading tomorrow well i shall turn into still it's been a great time for you yeah this has now done this good night [Music] not to bring me coffee in the morning i'll take tea [Music] [Music] so [Music] firstly i put my slippers take buried flippers and me you never have a day's luck with them what's the matter anything wrong no nothing wrong with you i've won your bits you haven't i that's all that counts i don't matter i suppose you won my bill you you presumptuous instinct i won it why did you throw those slippers at me because i wanted to smash your face in i'd like to kill you you brute why didn't you leave me where you found me in the gutter you thank god it's all over and that you can throw me back again there now do you well well well the creature is nervous after all ah would you don't you dare show your temple to me sit down and be quiet who wants to become of me what's the become of me how the devil do i know what's to become what does it matter what becomes obviously you don't care i know you don't care you wouldn't care if i was dead i'm nothing to you not so much of them may i ask whether you complain of your treatment here has anyone behave badly to you colonel pickering mrs pierce any of the servants yeah i presume you don't pretend that i've treated you badly ah well i'm glad to hear that anyway probably you're tired after the strain of the day here have a chocolate no no no thank you well it's all over now nothing more to worry about no nothing more for you to worry about god i wish i was dead why in heaven's name why now listen to me eliza all this irritation is purely subjective i don't understand i'm too ignorant it's only imagination no spirits nothing more nobody's trying to hurt you nothing's wrong now you go to bed like a good girl sleep it off have a little cry and say your prayers and that'll make you comfortable i heard your prayers thank god it's all over well don't you thank god it's all over now you're free you can do what you like what am i fit for what have you left my fit claw where am i to go what am i to do what's to become of me oh so that's what's worrying you is it oh you settle down somewhere or other but i hadn't quite realized that you were going away you might marry you know you're not bad looking quite a pleasure to look at you sometimes of course now you've been crying you look as ugly as the very devil but when you're quite all right and yourself you're what i should call attractive that is the people in the marrying line you understand now you go to bed have a good night's rest get up in the morning and look at yourself in the glass you won't feel so cheap i'd say my mother could find some chap brother who'll do very well we were above that in covent garden what do you mean i sold flyers i didn't sell myself now you've made a lady of me i'm not fit to tell anything else i wish you left me where you found me but you don't have to marry the fellow if you don't like him what else am i to do with lots of things how about your old idea of a florist shop pickering could set you up right he's got lots of money oh you you'll be all right [Applause] i'm as clear off the bed i'm definitely sleepy by the way i came here for something forget what it was your slippers oh yes of course you shied them at me before you go sir hey do my clothes belong to me or the colonel pickering what the w should they be pickering you might want them for the next girl you pick up to experiment on is that the way you feel towards us i don't want to hear any more about that all i want to know is what belongs to me and what doesn't my own clothes were burnt what did it matter why need you start bothering about that in the middle of the night i want to know what i might take away with me i don't want to be accused of stealing stealing eliza you shouldn't have said that that shows a want of feeling i'm sorry i'm only a common ignorant girl and in my station i have to be careful there can't be any feelings between the like of you and the like of me you please tell me what belongs to me and what doesn't oh you can keep the whole confounded household if you like or except the jewels they're hired will that satisfy you stop steve will you take these to your room and keep them safe i don't want to run the risk of them being missing hand them over if these belong to me instead of the jeweler i'd ram him down your ungrateful throat this ring it isn't the juror it's the one you bought me in brighton i don't want it now oh don't you hit me hit you you infamous creature how dare you accuse me of such a thing as you have hit me you've wounded me to the half i'm glad glad i've got a little my own back anyhow you've caused me to lose my temper a thing that's hardly ever happened to me before i prefer to say nothing more tonight i should go to bed you better leave a note to mrs thief about the coffee because you won't be told by me damn mrs pierce and damn the coffee and damn you and damn my own folly in having lavish hard-earned knowledge and the treasure of my regard and intimacy on a heartless goddess night [Music] so [Music] were you doing here nothing as much of fact i i spend most of my nights here it's the only place i feel really happy don't laugh at me miss doolittle don't you call me mr little eliza is good enough for me where are you going to the river what floor make a hole in it to make a hole in this pretty you don't think i'm hard to scuttle tonight do you no darling how can you imagine such a thing i think you're the most wonderful the loveliest now then now then uh then this isn't perish you know no sorry cancer it either eliza you let me kiss you oh why not why shouldn't someone kiss me why shouldn't someone be in love with me kiss me again kiss me again all right well then you do what's are you annoying that young lady no no constable certainly not move along then double quick as you said [Music] when is thank you parties far flat for poor girls [Music] yes coffee sir didn't eliza tell you to bring tea she didn't wait to tell me she's gone gone i said gone and i meant it every word of it babies pierce whether there was my engagement book i didn't know any of my appointments eliza would know but she isn't here damn it then you'd better find them dammit what's that as of an inspector say are you after the rewards what you can't help us find out what's the police for in heaven's name why really think they suspect this is some improper purpose of course i don't care what becomes of her where the devil can she be [Music] you see eliza doolittle i say mother hear the confounded thing good morning my dear what is it eliza's voted good morning colonel pickering eliza's voted what am i to do do without i'm afraid henry the girl has a perfect right to leave if she chooses something may have happened to her you can't let it go like this what are we to do no more since either of you than two children you must have frightened the poor guy franklin harvey said he were to her did you bully her after i went to bed certainly not exactly the other way about she threw the slippers in my face the moment i entered the room the slippers came banging my face before i doubted the word and she used the most perfectly awful language i can't say i'm surprised and you mean to tell me that after all her hard work and after doing this wonderful thing for you without making one single mistake you two sat there and hardly said a word to her well we we didn't make speeches if that's what you mean you didn't thank her peter had martha and she only threw the slippers at you i'd have thrown the fire irons at you and mr henry a gentleman wants to see you most particularly brother i can't see anybody now he's been sent down from wimpo street who is it mr do a little sir do little a dustman dustin oh no sir a gentleman hi george pick this is some relative her she's gone to someone we know nothing about genteel relations now we shall hear something do little what the dickens has happened to you in regions do you see this look at this you've done this done what man look at this hat look at this coach good morning mr doolittle won't you come in thank you man what has my son done to you he's ruined me destroyed my happiness tied me up and delivered me into the hands of middle-class morality you're raving you're drunk you're mad i gave you five pounds after that i had two conversations with you at half a crown an hour and you've even seen you since oh man am i drunk am i tell me this did you or did you not write an oblige in america to say the most original moralist present in england was alfred dolittle a common garbage man but ezra d won a fellow junior oh i remember making some silly joke of the kind oh you might well caught a silly joke it's put the lid on me right enough just give him the chance he was looking for to show americans isn't like us that they recognize and respect merit in whatever class of life however humble then words is in his blooming will in which he leaves me three thousand pounds a year on condition i lecture for the one of helen morrow reform league as often as they ask me up six times a year but this solves the problem of eliza's future you can provide for her now yes i'm expected to provide for everybody now to three thousand a year he shall provide for she doesn't belong to him i paid him five pounds for her do little you're either an honest man or you're a rogue a little about family like the rest of us little above the point is have you found eliza have you lost her yes lord you have all the luck you have no i ain't planned but she'll find me quick enough now to watch you don't you now you listen to me i wait here for a moment mr do a little henry i have a surprise for you do you really want to know where eliza is yes where is she she says she's willing to meet you on friendly terms and let bygones be bygones is she by god pickering where is she now promise to behave yourself henry good morning colonel pickering quite chilly this morning isn't it oh how do you do professor higgins are you quite well but of course you are you're never ill won't you sit down kennel secret [Applause] don't you dare try this game on with me get up and come home and don't be a fool very nicely put indeed henry no woman could resist such an invitation let her speak for herself there isn't an idea that i haven't put into her head i tell you i've created this thing out of squashed cabbage leaves in covent garden now she pretends to play the fine lady with me will you drop me all together now the experiment is over colonel pickering oh you mustn't think of it as an experiment oh hi monia squashed cabbage leaf [Applause] but i owe so much to you that i should be very unhappy if you forgot me you see it was for you that i learned really nice manners and that's what makes fun a lady isn't it ah and that's what makes the difference after all no doubt still he taught you to speak you know and i couldn't have done that that was his profession it was just like learning to dance in a fashionable way nothing more than that in it you know what began my real education no you're calling me miss doolittle that day when i first came to wimbledon street that was the beginning of self-respect for me you see the difference between a lady and a flagler isn't how she behaves it's how she's treated now i i know that i should always be a fly girl to professor higgins because he always treats me as a flower girl and always will don't grind your teeth henry i know that i can be a lady to you because you always treat me as a lady and always will and it's pretty nice of you to say so miss donald i should like you to call me eliza now if you would thank you eliza of course and i should like professor higgins to call me miss doolittle you damn first henry henry but you're coming back aren't you you'll forgive higgins forgive we'll see by george let her go better find out what it's like to be without us in three weeks you'll relax back into the gutter without me at her elbow you won't relapse will you elijah no never again i don't believe i could either one of those old sons that i tried [Music] what did i tell you victory victory ow ow ow ow ow [Music] my fault your stepmothered anyway look henry oh colonel i'm getting late for the wedding wedding not wedding mine yours yes in spite of all i've said and um my wife she's going to marry me i'm feeling uncommon nervous about the ceremony governor we should come and put me through it you've been through it before you were married to eliza's mother who told you that well nobody told me but i concluded naturally now it ain't the natural wagon it's only the middle class work but don't tell eliza she don't know i always had a sort of delicacy about telling her quite right you come to the church and you see me through straight with pleasure as far as a bachelor can may i come to mr doolittle i'd be very sorry to miss your wedding we should indeed be honored by your condescension mom my poor woman she'd look upon it is a tremendous compliment she's been very low lightly thinking of the epidides that are no more eliza your stepmother is going to marry me when you come to the church and see me turn off i've ordered the cardia wait for me colonel pickering can go with the bridegroom bridegroom what a word makes men realize his position somehow middle class morality climbs its victim life well elijah had a bit of your own back now as you call it you had enough you're going to be reasonable or do you want some more you want me back only to put up with your tempers and pick up your slippers and pitch and carry for you i haven't said i want you back at all oh indeed then what are we talking about about you not about me if you come back to me i should treat you just the same as i've always treated you i can't change my nature and i don't intend to change my manners my manners are exactly the same as colonel pickering that's not true he treats the flower girl as if she were a duchess i treated duchess if she were a flower girl i see the same to everyone oh i don't care how you treat me i don't mind you're swearing at me i don't mind a black eye i've had one before this but i won't be passed over and get out of my way for i won't stop for you you taught me as if i were a bus so you are a buffalo bounce and go and no consideration for anyone once for all i understand that i go my way and do my work without caring toughness what happens to either of us so you can come back or go to the devil whatever you please and what am i to come back for full of fun of it that's what i took you on for and you can throw me out tomorrow if i don't do everything you want me to you can walk out tomorrow if i don't do everything you want me to and live with my stepmother yes or sell flowers or would you rather marry pickering i wouldn't marry you if you ask me and you're nearer my age than what he is then he is i'll speak as i like you're not my teacher now i don't know the pickering would though he's confirmed an old bachelor as i am that's not what i want and don't you think it i've always had chaps enough wanting me that way freddie hill writes to me twice and three times a day sheets and sheets blast his impulse he has a right to if he likes poor led and he does love me you have no right to encourage him every girl has a right to be loved well by fools like that he's not a fool if he's weak and poor and wants me maybe he'd make me happier than my bitters who bully me and don't want me i can do without you don't think i can't you've never asked i suppose whether i could do without you you will have to do without me i can do without anybody i have my own soul my own spark of divine fire but uh i shall miss you eliza i confess that humbly and gratefully i've become accustomed to your voice and appearance i even like them rather well you have them both on your gramophone and in your book of photographs when you feel lonely you can turn the machine on it's got no feelings to hurt i can't turn your soul on oh you're a devil you can twist the heart in a girl as easily as some can twist her arms to hurt her i want a little kindness i i know i'm only a common ignorant girl but i'm not dirt under your feet what i done what i did it wasn't for the dresses and the taxis it was because we were pleasant together and because i came to care for you not forgetting the difference between us and not wanting you to make love to me but well more more friendly like of course eliza that's exactly how i feel and how bickering feels nicer your food that's not a proper answer to give me if you can't stand the coldness of my sort of life and the strain of it go back to the gutter oh it's a fine life the life of the gutter is real it's warm it's violent not like science literature and classical music and philosophy and art you find me cold and feeling selfish don't you very well then marry some sentimental hog or other with a thick pair of lips to kiss you with and a thick pair of boots to kick you with if you can't appreciate what you've got you better get what you can appreciate i won't care for anyone who doesn't care for me oh zeiser you're an idiot i waste the treasures of my meltonic mind by spreading them before you oh i can't talk to you you turn everything against me you'll know very well that i can't go back to the gutter as you call it and that i have no real friends in the world but you and the colonel do you think i must go back to wimpole street because i've nowhere to go but fathers but don't you be too sure that you have me under your feet to be bullied and talk down i'll marry freddy i will as soon as i'm able to support him what that young fool you shall marry an ambassador you shall marry the viceroy of india i won't have my masterpiece thrown away on freddie you think i'd like you to say that but i haven't forgotten what you said a minute ago if i can't have kindness i'll have independence independence that's middle class blasphemy where all of us depend on one another every soul on earth i let you see whether i'm dependent on you if you can preach i can teach i'll go and be a teacher what are you teaching him's name what you taught me i'll teach phonetics i'll offer myself as an assistant to professor karpati what that humbug that imposter that toading ignoramus you take one step in his direction i'll ring your neck you're here ring away what do i care i knew you'd strike me one day now i know how to deal with you oh what a fool i was not to think of it before that's done you enriquins it has and i don't give that for your bullying and your fine talk when i think of myself under your feet and being trampled on and talked down when all the time i don't need to lift my finger to be as good as you are or i could just kick myself by george eliza i said i'd make a woman of you and i have i like you like this yes you make up to me now that i'm not afraid of you and i can do without you of course i do you little fool five minutes ago you were a milster around my neck now you're a tower of strength a consort battleship goodbye professor higgins hey [Music] [Music] foreign it [Music] [Applause] [Music] i shall make a duchess of this dragontail gutter snack in six months in three i washed my face and hands before i came i did where the devil are my slippers eliza [Music] the described and captioned media program provides services designed to benefit students who are blind visually impaired deaf hard of hearing and deafblind these services include a library of free loan described and captioned educational media a clearinghouse of information related to educational media access a gateway to internet resources related to accessibility and a center for training and evaluation of any service provider desiring to appear on the dcmp's approved list of description and captioning service providers there are no user registration or service fees visit the dcmp at the dcmp is funded by the u.s department of education and administered by the national association of the deaf
Channel: All Time Classic Movies
Views: 749,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: children, teachers, parent, audio description, higgins, Public Domain Film, Public Domain, closed captioning, educators, video, ASL, howard, AD, interpretors, eliza, captions, closed captions, Vintage Movies HD, hard of hearing, NAD, freddy, deaf, musical, my fair lady, child, blind, visually impaired, Hit Classic Movies, video description, CMP, sign language, sexual promiscuity, translator, interpretor, classroom, DCMP, los angeles, description, deafness, student, education, Watch Classic online
Id: ygBkAcyYkW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 52sec (5752 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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