The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954) ELIZABETH TAYLOR

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[Music] badly [Music] very [Music] oof [Music] Jeannette was it a mission she loves you in French we all miss you in any language it does not look well that means she wants to feed you you're a way too long almost two years Bank Maurice you remember bourbon straight water on the side you win mr. candle only people who speak English would put things either in their stomachs you're back on business perhaps no no just to see my little girl it's bad arena she don't go back with you no more for me thanks the world has changed yes is not so crazy anymore like he was after the war you remember we had much laugh - together hey Sal maybe we had too many laughs forest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some big day huh it's closed for a very big very cold bourbon and water no bourbon no Jim no cognac no anything how are you celebrating me I keep it down for you and me lady over there how'd you say she gives you the ugly fat one it's not even smiling every the eye without a smile of the most dangerous [Applause] excuse me sure I knew you'd make it oh but you I was afraid don't you know the bad characters never die in a war excuse me I saw my old friend and I this is my dear and crazy friends Charles wheels micelles with myself Miriam American you've been here all through this we never left dad and I stayed on an unoccupied French they are mostly calm you know Claude he was an observer with our outfit that happens as d-day in Normandy I parted company with US Army after his son low back into the FFI with the General de Gaulle Oh quite a coincidence meeting here if I hadn't seen you in the mirror I thought some stranger was giving me the eye no no I didn't see you am i interrupting anything important we'll know Marv you and I are you must have influence around here you have a drink power of the press ma'am let's see what my influence and less of what I can accomplish Maurice I've got a better idea let's go to my father's celebration why would he get enough whiskey for a party you don't know my father the fathers two men two Frenchmen [Applause] continuing on over ser head this way it pushes a pokemon my boy you mother thirsty look in your ro does it show I did believe you have a drink are they happy Jeff who have we here Charles will he's a reporter for this diary strike if I thought how do you do sir reporter we don't need a reporter we need a Barger the only place in town where you can get entry and you know that all these people came to precisely the same conclusion [Music] what is Helen doing you well the fact of the matter is your sister has made me very proud we couldn't tell you the good news before but Helen has been expelled from the University if we're going to have a scene either as this young man to leave or introduced in to Marion please Helen got a look let her alone after all I was expelled from Harvard wasn't I why shouldn't a girl follow in her father's footsteps I'll talk to you later about dealing she'll be talking to me too name came Oh Charlie something-or-other he says he's a bartender but there comes a lot oh yes Charlie one the Wills I wish I were a bartender a nice civilian bartender which will figure out the champagne table - yes we're meeting about the moon like someone I told him we knew each other well we doing away we were only kissing in our little wait now you want one of the ones at the Ritz Bar each wall platf and Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I know we have a dingo cafe you do remember no it's the only other place I ran into more uniforms today are you rich no does that finish me off no but it does Chloe's happily we're not rich ivy we just lived that way he says the same thing only it's much cheaper I think I like him okay because he'll try to borrow money from you and I don't want him to be disappointed I like the way you do I'm afraid I've underestimated the alcoholic capacity of our guests maybe a few minutes get the bartender here to help you I say wills wills are you one of the wealthy wills is from Maryland this way lieutenant [Music] where you from Milwaukee would you help me sir good beer women with lovely legs and practically no millionaires and you New York till I was 12 and daddy moved us to Paris when the Germans came 1940 I wasn't is going to attend that's where the loots kept no daddy put it there so the Germans wouldn't drink it very resourceful man a lot is he his 11th commandment having fun especially now you said after a war but he should always be gay your father a little old for this war oh he wasn't in this one he was in the 1918 war and he's been celebrating ever since but now that the war in Europe is over what he can do try to stay out of the war in the Pacific that's very sad that'll be enough to tame the tiger [Music] wondering what's happened to you nothing yes everybody's waiting to meet you I've really got a report back of the paper there's some sort of story Oh can't you stay just a few minutes I'm sorry I've got a deadline don't take the party wish oh that's a nice do you think someday soon we might be rich [Music] would you come back later alright I'll try uh better yet I'll meet you you called and tell me where all right [Music] hello boys just please cool Oh Ellen mrs. Charlie wills oh no Charlie the bartender the army bargain tell that the lights of Paris go on tonight for the first time since the war began what you wanted to meet me thank you [Music] and Shimizu pays off their booze Wow [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do that again sure is silly honey my eye and my arm they're Wiggly [Applause] where they are not bad eyes I'll take you home three Thomas who can't go home again it's late [Music] [Applause] [Music] come with me something don't ever let the celebration in there'll be another celebration when the rest of the war is over but it is over for us it's over I'm sick to death of death I want to enjoy things and have fun and live like every day is the last day thing that'd be nice lifetime full of lofty except it never really would be last [Music] you're too serious make that nice [Applause] [Applause] I don't care if you're not rich [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh yes he did he's trying to make time with me and you shall not go unrewarded my boy come to think of it your generosity shall be repaid this very day about the powdered egg you see they look something like mom will cook them in sherry that'll make him taste like Daddy means he has a hot tip right and now they're hot too look we have less than two hours to become wealthy I think I can come along I'll make a phone call excellent now if we pool our resources what is your capital my well $40 I mean if we pull out resources we have $40 locally maybe I can borrow some don't you do a child he'll keep you as broke as he is opportunity my dear is concerned with the future not the past look if its collateral you're worrying about I happen to own oil leases in Texas that are worth but you know Texas Oh daddy the oil leases are a family joke plenty of leases but not one drop of oil why I feel lucky today I'll see what I can dig up I have the utmost confidence in the courage and ingenuity of the United States are two horse my boy to horse destiny hates a laggard [Music] [Applause] yeah daddy's really buried baby well what could possibly make me nervous if we lose the race hello happy is pay the money belongs to four captains have fought their way out of best story with their bare hands well did you bet at all every penny and at twelve to one why did the odds go up the suckers think that benediction will lose what can you expect of agnostic my boy over this way one [Music] which one is Benedictine number 4 he lay back for the first half mile he looks scrawny Lima boy lean and ready and fit who gave you this [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dean running beautifully where is he 6:00 in perfect position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Benedictine seven he's outsmarted Helen I think I'll buy new dress is my shirt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Benedictine 1 why should that surprise not sandwich surprises relief you know at 12 to one that makes your chair maybe that's another race fix today if it's fixed race my boy you mean this race wasn't you've been reading too many times oh there was no hot tip either was there well you just picked a crazy long shot out of a hat intuition and experience what what we could have gotten killed it's a wonderful way to make a living isn't it a pall of black destruction and chaos still hangs over Hiroshima events are not moving swiftly the news thanks Bentley it'll take more than one bomb down this caper wanna get you 20 it's over in a week we cover 60 bucks worth you got it don't do it Barney just came from the office Japan offered to surrender yeah yeah we let the Empress stain is wrong what are we going home yeah Charlie what's the dope on discharges I'll get started right now you're already behind 10,000 other guys I have to go right back to the office trying to fool you don't ever follow me you can't possibly tell me though don't even leave maybe we can meet the lead surprising really how the war [Music] [Music] umbrella yeah well I started over here and stop ii musta lost it we've got a special edition coming out very I get you a taxi first doc see now you stop fussing about will you will you wait for me I think I'll go home early and get daddy a shock but in this rain I may not be able to cook either so but I really can find myself a taxi the first thing I learned at the finishing school are you going here you're a girl after my own heart make no mistake about it I'm after it all right [Music] ah i phone and I said I was alright for visitors she get my flowers every day all my messages everyone can I go in now Chuck [Music] the nurse dance is all a star quest the patient improves but it is require not to really hurt I was gonna ask you to dance but I guess that's out I was expecting a younger more attractiveness she's the fourth in two weeks daddy's the pincher get that guilty no coffee thing I lost your umbrella I gave you the truth don't be silly it was raining I got wet so I got the flu and it's not you I'm wondering how you look out of uniform either they're my fault I would have caught this anyway I catch cold even from wetted water thank you for the nothing flower Oh I don't know [Music] remember the nurses right outside that door [Applause] [Music] one thing I learned these last week I love you you're not mean the first day I did you sure did we should have told each other then I had way we could have made the first time in my life I wish I had lots of money money daddy says it isn't what you have it's what you owe and what are your prospects you prospects my old job on the news our 6500 please I'm only supposed to think beautiful for do party General Motors need a president Paris office Europa no service needs a reporter doesn't pay as much as a New York job but you don't need money to have fun embarrassed [Music] yeah but I've been working on a book I should get back to this why should you watch a book here Oh Charlie die please marry me after you please Oh wonderful it's not a little crazy [Music] yes it is Connie if you had any sense you'd walk right out that door never see me you call me again maybe send back my umbrella call it quits but I have any sense no sense at all you have no sense I have a 1 degree temperature I'm 98.6 this would never happen forgive me but I'm rather enjoying playing dangers father after all it's Helens first marriage you know only marriage sir tuk-tuk aware immensely Helen tells me that you're a very serious minded person you know both feet on the ground hardworking industrious well I try to be sir I tell you frankly these are not the qualities I hope for in a son-in-law I'll go even further there dr. pol is to make Helen happy oh well sir I I'm gonna work on a Paris News Agency I'll be surrounded by carefree irresponsible characters some of us bound to rub off on me hmm well let us hope so tell me do I do I strike you as being an unusual father you certainly do it's a very straightforward answer trying to overcome this tendency you understand of course that I can't afford to give you one large wedding I don't care for one Thanks care to drink oh yes I love one thank you that's too bad you know I'm getting a little low on this stuff and I was all oh that's all right huh oh thank you do you know what you're getting for wedding presents well Alan tell me what not to expect why did it sir you're getting the old family joke four thousand acres of invaluable oil and thank you very much sir at all you know after all it's not bad being an oil baron II but there's no oil well did you give Helen your permission I had to give her my permission huh Claude has asked me to be the mother of his children really but that seems a bit of regular than their dad Claudine after to marry him oh well then I suppose I must kiss you you were say best wishes to the bride our congratulations to the groom which way is up in heaven you just go ahead and kiss each other what did you put into that kid why don't you come here and find out Helen getting married Marian getting married father abandon the middle age what man could ask for more are you feeling pretty good the kid looks good golly if you're getting around and asking for money not a chance I've got a frank I had me I wouldn't give it to you anyway [Applause] prices are going up here like in the States you know like fellas please I got a wife and baby waiting in the hospital I need 500 bucks to get him on our heart to leave them there to help his place in town you can make jokes you're not a father oh all the returns aren't in yet our body your highness for long days typical is late with your regular man Shiva give me highness this is not the following surgery what can you expect from the common herd officially have you been denied no I have good news fine fine where's hello Charlie Oh how's Miriam she's fine well it's fine fine facts always right look at me bulging out of my own soul I happen to be insane about each and every bulge where's Vicky being bathed I just can't help it looks so pretty too of course I'm looking at my editor all day oh did you hit him for the bonus mm-hmm I got it too only it's not a bonus it's a loan I sent it right out to the hospital but you can tell your daughter to come out now she's all paid for I'll never never be a size 10 again Rick you'll be exactly like you then I'll be surrounded by beautiful women that compliment under my teeny were just about square you for putting me in jail for nine months mmm martini coming right up ja yes for it was appointed to the prosecutor Saturday what about your private practice but this is more important there are many cultures who must be brought to justice and the lawyers the defendant will get rich and you'll get convictions and be broke gentlemen the Queen hello highness well what happened to her hair she had some yesterday wishful thinking that's all no she's not bad for a first try you'd better be beautiful a genius is terribly rich the beauty she got for my daughter the genius she inherited from me you better get busy with your contribution my boy the last nine months I've devoted to you now I'm gonna have fun what do you say to her don't gotta say I was wondering if you could have thank you I trust you're keeping a record of these loans oh good night [Applause] [Music] sure you won't come on you hate leaving out holding your hand while you have your bead you held my hand the next thing I'd hold yours and the next thing I kiss you and the next thing you're a glutton not God I can't finish this thing tonight please it's not a thing the Great American Novel [Music] we used to worship me when you think [Music] well so yeah [Music] it's even better than my first book to a good father let's turn it off tonight [Music] spit out the good luck this Christmas night it is five years since the end of World War two veterans everywhere pray that peace will come with a new year [Applause] daddy daddy [Music] [Music] English darling English I had a bad dream grown-ups held them to darling forget your classroom Elka [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one gift for the road oh you're not banher you love the rest I need consolation hiya charlie I lost the race in your wife won't consoling next time win the race good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you haven't olya why spoil the fun while I was born yours I'm peculiar that's why I used a year of my life trying to write up or some unaccountable reason how about somebody wouldn't want to publish it my boy you're not in the least control go merely naive now I knew a publisher once and he made it a rule never to read a magistrate boys fella the way it does feel it's tasty retreated now if this manuscript smelt and weight and felt and tasted like garbage he published it would you like to know the secret of success mediocrity might be a rich writer got to remember your three yards Richard ruffian [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey hey Saturday Evening Post bought my cereal 15,000 bucks farewell hacks for $15,000 back hurry - he could at least call the party now see beaucoup Charlie run down the police station with yes before their Hollen some crazy American Dame's seems she held up traffic by taking a dive into a fountain at noon today how much of a story is it oh you know how Americans in Paris love to read about Americans in Paris all right what's your name Helen whoa that's my girl [Laughter] [Music] now he's acting as if you didn't know me I'm your wife sickness and in health and dry those today you know how you are with holes you better go home and change we can't go home thank you fit the dingo oh yeah isn't she better off in a nice respectable Bistro and all alone at home it's gonna get in the papers one more crazy American jumping into one more beautiful fountain that isn't news anymore is that why you did it to get into print I guess it was silly and stupid but it was fun why is it well I'm out I'm on the verge of being fun only it never is quite is it [Music] now somehow never is I don't know why maybe it's something about Paris or me or The Times or something if you've got a hurry up hurry before it's like you're trying to find out something terribly important Donnie or you never do oh come on now you always laughed at the thing it took a little time but you left it isn't that gamble just sold a cereal of a Saturday Evening Post or $15,000 and you hate him for it oh darling I think that's wonderful human a fine [Music] I'm not anymore saying talking so fast he's going to a more human or didn't know more today do you write office or something oh you know me always good for a couple good thing to make people laugh don't I get anything I paid a fine to get her out of jail where you mashimo bossy [Music] I don't wanting to show you this morning my mattress my teeth no not happening watch down watch over I've missed you hey Charlie Barney you want to see something great [Music] pretty young to be hitting the bottle isn't the floor darling even pavlova couldn't dance on a floor like this you all right say something nice it's swell kid great the boss wants me on an interview with the Royal francais I can handle it got a heavy date cover for me will you the woman's name is Lorraine call who's Lorraine call Cafe Society so long Kid you got a great act there great all it needs is a finish you've got the right finish Evanston sweetheart right into my arms [Music] Leon say mr. Swan please can skip the usual Paris is beautiful American women love French fun French man love American women prizes are too high I haven't picked out my next husband yet fight for the bartender miss he has talent even interview before last time an hour ago wasn't very young are very attractive interview was very very short well then take your time our first trip to Paris no no no first Yves always hear that sir why'd you choose parents I get saddle sores in Reno and I lose too much money in Las Vegas according to our files you were married four times three and Leon something wrong is something right you you really can't tell one of my marriages from another without a problem husband number one for now area husband number two for money failure except for the money in the name quarrel as the numbers free an almond he forgot to turn he already had about husband number for a bullfighter four times the bet haven't had a hit any children involved no and that's my only contribution to humanity I told you I was a failure shouldn't you be writing this down oh the end of you stopped long ago thank you I'm hungry what about dinner I am NOT on an expense account I'm just a struggling newspaperman oh it stopped struggling the dinner is oh my poor husband I changed hobby right down but what about please mr. wills at home my enemies charges $50 an hour to listen to me talk [Music] hey that's my taxi flood I'm glad to see you have you been hi you look fine how are you Marion you look fine I'm fine - okay excuse me of my sister-in-law mrs. 19 mr. Matt - mrs. Paul [Music] for clods with the prosecutor's office oh I hope we haven't done anything wrong mrs. Cole just arrived in Paris I'm interviewing her how's Helen fine fine oh and you should see Vicki she's you know we really should see more of each other after all family I'll get in touch with Helen in the morning good night mrs. Carver night good night yeah Charles I really would like to see you again good night good night thank you [Music] is now what's one little wife among all your husband I imagine you'll catch it when you get home from hello not hello he's the most wonderful most understanding do you mind if we don't go out with the interview somehow I'm suddenly cold sober and it's awfully late if I don't get back to the office and do this story can I go with you to the office I mean why I don't know probably never see each other again and I I like to drag then I doubted him and I should see that story that office is awful cold and dingy at this hour of the morning you would be surprised how open out there cold and dingy I'll be sympatico [Applause] Wow good morning now what's the matter Oh Charlie how could you don't charlie me sister what about you I'm sick and tired of you sitting around these crummy cafes day and night the darling of every phony headed by writers who don't write a door by painters who don't paint what do you write interviews with useless sloppy women please dead-on jump into fountains and lap up all the liquor in Paris well why don't you ask me why I thought why I top at the fountains that's right blame me blame me did I want to stay in Paris what right have you to criticize me you're suspicious you ah that's a laugh now you just listen to me morning girl Helen do you realize what time it is it's 8 o clock in the morning your turn jet biggity school you realize I've been out all night apologize who are they take her to school well don't you care I've been I was interviewing a woman she was a rich she was interested in me well don't you even care what are you trying to say - I'm trying to say that I love you what kind of a woman did you say she was how many kinds are there what you really pretty I'd lie about it but Marian saw it - yes she's very pretty Marian we ran into closer than Marianna she'll probably try to build it up into something good just how rich and how pretty was she oh shut up I don't hear a thing do you hello Marian what what last night I stopped buying baryons on my way home this morning at breakfast Lillian told us how much Marian said the Jew said that we're stinking rich Marian always editorializing money has no order Oh especially lots of it oh wait many of their sanity there's a wide streak of insanity in this family Vicki mother's side we have hit an oil gusher we want oh yeah John eNOS start to put Texas on the map you mean those worthless oil leases of ours a generous wedding present from me which I trust you will remember and keep in mind are we well there's the state law bar only pumping out 80 barrels a day now a $2.00 a barrel that's that's only a hundred and sixty dollars per day seven days a week course oil is an act of God and twenty seven and a half percent tax-free what if we sold out my thoughts exactly a capital gain but if we didn't sell out we'd have an income for life everybody from Milwaukee cautious sensible just sensible well we're giving everything come talk to Tom made you I'll have my hair cut well take Marian's when you turn it into a writing room for you do you suppose be really good around for fifty thousand dollars in a year well we could try we know more of course we could fill another well Barry never said a word about running into you last night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] more deadlines so much journalism but job is dead lower away now I'll finish my third novel this one doesn't get published it'll get published no money worries I got no job worries but what I use for an excuse you got enough money no excuses are necessary good luck with your charlie Oliver [Music] by the other bank well I should like to do more for chair Alan Watts of the blade 6,000 for another kid [Music] I'm really worth much more but never expected to be you and each other neither did I something wrong yeah no Charlotte look he has moved from his room all day he's still there he won't eat anything he won't say anything just sits there on the dock alone [Music] Charlie [Applause] what's the matter darling Eddie had dinner do you want me to fix something go away on let me alone is it something lifetime please charlie what are you alright you're a good wife you devoted and loyal you've done your duty please go back to your party and let me alone [Applause] I'm only trying to help help what you me I don't know help what this can you help another rejection can anybody help back [Applause] because some publish you turned you down again yes can you help but I'm stupid enough to spend five years writing three stupid books can you help but then I'm no writer but you are you're wonderful they're the one that is stupid not you we regret to inform I'm no good Helen go away and let me alone please I can't explain my failure to you don't be a good girl that me alone how did they in you not to me well I was twenty I used to think I would write great books I would be able to do this because I was different I wanted perfection and that made me different I'm not 20 anymore and it's too late now try again No I just don't have what it takes all I need to do now is get used to the idea I'm rich the price of a few perks I go by train and Friends of something like them why spend years writing the whole chorus of noisy bar and criticize writing and talk about writing [Music] twenty-five Charlie all right still champion and this is the arm that did it waiting for the car being soaked up for the race three sports car event Monte Carlo [Music] take me home now [Music] please [Music] believe [Music] [Applause] anybody phone no kind of quiet nice don't it why isn't Vicki come in to say good night your daughter is in a complete state of crisis one of her front teeth come up how's she taking it Oh life is completely over for she says she'll come in if she doesn't have to smile or open her mouth sure I know a big dramatic situation when I see one you don't really mind dating tonight do you of course how's it going not easy you're getting started again but you panicked and I'm trying don't you make [Applause] or little ballerina [Music] thank you very much not a bad kisser officer 1 will you smile again at least can you give me an estimate teeth grow back in a few months you know but by that time those muscles will be all set hard and you will be able to smile they say you're the wickedest woman in Paris you know what I look like pretty soon [Music] cufflinks I can't see them both of you put your upper plates back here you're making me self-conscious in the morning my dear that'll work out fine cuz I should be getting in by then good night darling what do we milk literature what's the meaning of this I'm supposed to be working you're right I wouldn't think of it but we will miss you with the Wilsons can you imagine throwing a white tie party simply because it's Thursday couldn't we go really it would be good for me tomorrow morning I'll chain myself to that chair please why do I always end up saying yes whenever we can you know by the way I'm bringing a friend he's an international tennis bum oh now don't worry about him at the Wilsons he's invited everywhere to think of it that's how he makes his living you mean he gets paid her being a guest no no if he steals the silverware charming well my my daughter and Charles wills my son-in-law how do you do Oh Shantay I hear you played in Rome I play all the tournaments how do you make out brilliantly until the second round and invariably some young Australian or American school boy beats me but nobody beats him in jumping over the net and congratulating the winner I'm the champion graceful loser forgive me but all the lady in the fountain the Cathy dingo why it's my favorite painting whenever I'm in Paris I go there to stare at it well you're in luck are you gonna stare at the original come with me ball until later sort of appealing know what appealing yes and they're revolting sort of way Hey [Music] well my dear it was the funniest thing you ever saw watch the old age Lucia don't crow you tell me you're going to drive in this race yourself family what do you get if you win what do you get you get to be winner that's what you get well what do you know it's my wife your wife all right sporting blend run along to the locker room come back in a few minutes for Donny's guilty conscience he won't April hey what kind of a wife are you dancing with other men average guy neglected what's with mr. Tennyson you a web poll in Helena sweet and attentive doesn't think it's terrible at all that I married and have a seven-year-old maybe he just wants to be loved they made several suggestions that wasn't what well let me know how he makes it rain rain oh you forgot me don't believe me the only thing I forgotten about you is your name wills your open new service oh it's so good to have my arms around you again oh you got me confused with somebody else we never got that far why not you get married again oh god and I mean Betty's now to get rid of it are you still married yes of course you're the same woman they're the same wonderful woman I have to say that because she's standing right here may I present my wife Helen mrs. Paul oh is mrs. Johnson now oh but not for long how do you do I'm not quite sure feel much prettier than I expected and you're much less beat up than you have a right to be [Laughter] [Music] is it alright if I come back now oh poor lane this is the temporary mrs. John the best mediocre tennis player in the world I've seen you at my hotel I always said the Royal frontier tell us anyone yeah [Music] like why charlie I'd like to go home what's the matter nothing I just like to go home that's so reasonable to you are you going to take me I would but I can't I promised to show Lorraine I'll press the car would go do you mind if Paul takes me home Paul who Paul anybody party like this that must eat Lee b67 poles around you can't hold a serious discussion with her I can get up to 60 miles an hour [Music] thanks a habit you must try and roll all of Khitan I do brought up skate milk and they have our 32 team well we developed butterflies in our stomach and milk seems to quiet him down how do they get in your stomach I usually hide in the bubbles of champagne it's a well-known fact of hydrodynamics good night my dear good night get your coat thank you and Daddy come with us to the bar we're going to church booth is it Sunday already what happened to Friday and Saturday I'm coming daddy I'll meet you at the bar later church on Friday what happens at church on Friday usually well as long as you're on that sort of move can I expect a little sympathy for this head heads very little would I do that I'd be very interested to hear [Music] I'd like to go for a ride on that thing myself how about it [Music] must you look so grim [Music] I'm waiting to hear the end of the midnight ride of Paul Revere you got the car up to 103 miles no I then started back run all right nothing drop arraign at her hotel or she dropped me at the house I forget which sure they'd all you forgotten sorry to disappoint you but nothing happens tonight another night she'll be beautiful again you'll be full of wine again and nothing will happen I hear who took you home last night a tennis player [Music] he didn't exactly take me home yeah back to his hotel for nightcap I wish did you have to fight your way out well there was a battle all right but it wasn't Paul I had a fight with myself did you win now you listen I'm under the same strains and stresses you are I live in Paris too and I'm bored too and all that time I had a picture in my mind of you in that woman and don't underestimate Paul he's charming and attentive [Music] and I'm so unhappy Charlie let's go home all right as soon as Vicki finishes but I mean really hum America home it won't work running home Charlie let's go back before we crack up [Music] see if you love me let's go back home [Music] you used to say let's live it up a little you were right there's lots of time to go home plenty of time for everything [Music] [Applause] suppose time runs out oh you're just having a bad day darling tomorrow well I've been having a bad day for you now [Music] maybe I'm growing up it's too late to grow up I tell you what come racing with me we'll go to Monte Carlo why is winning a race so important maybe I could do a short story about racing why not all right I get a kick out of racing it's fun the culture illustrious father nothing is more important than fun does that make me sound stupid is that what you want me to say [Music] come with me [Music] well maybe I'll take somebody else wouldn't that be reasonable [Music] you'll find a reason to make it real look how big you eating where are you going to do something important by new hair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kinda quickly joke [Music] this is wilt she here [Music] welcome home Joe can Oh [Music] look who's here what's the news and the racing work called you at the house you weren't there Kutner I'm here it's not funny you haven't been at that house for a week I didn't think that was very funny yeah well I think Darren you remember cool no that sort of funny too could I remember the way will you join us in some dinner I shut up I love to join you time is a drink champagne from your slipper we've already done them how do you like don't you think he makes me look used Rafi I hope you don't mind harmless little dinner oh come on Paul can do better than that you could tell him to go away leave us alone not media he's your responsibility please we're all very civilized no no my boy it's me again I'll take a poor [ __ ] I wouldn't do that job then I'd have to take a poke a drink what's funny hi to me all of us very funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] although wiseguy [Music] you're beautiful and exciting and reached not alone cause lovers never knock or please I'll never let you be alone [Music] how are we gonna tell him tell him what [Music] I'm not going back to I'm silly of course you're getting back to them where you don't go back to him spoil everything for as you can see that can't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Koster I stay married and keep you on the side and when I'm lonely [Music] oh right the idea wasn't invented just now it's done all the time half your crowd have arrangements that what you expected me [Music] this what's the matter with you suddenly I've got very cold [Applause] [Music] please do you want me to go away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] find it taxi [Music] he's outside he can't see her I won't let him [Music] [Music] you took my girl [Music] I'm sorry [Music] take care of icky don't biggie make the same mistake [Music] I'll always love you [Music] please mr. wills [Music] [Music] you'll have to leave here [Music] mr. wince this is no way to get out of here [Music] you better go some Vicki's alone [Music] Charlie what are you going to do son you got to talk to Mary and it adults you're going to lose Vicki she's going into court today device for custody of Vicki charging you're unfit as a parent she's right Allan hurt Vicki just as I did Helen what'd you do I want to go home all the way home [Music] [Music] thing of beauty oh sorry I'm late now Americans always in a haste the rich American it's even that were rich any more worries what happened to the oh no no Marie's changed back to salt water a year ago that's unfortunate maybe not you must dine with us tonight like old times job I don't know depends Janet will be very disappointed we have many things to remember together come back Charles please I'll try [Music] [Applause] [Music] Charlie hello son Oh light stroke what eight or nine months ago but you never wrote me about it wasn't serious mostly old age Charlie I read your book it's good very honest Thanks yeah I liked I liked it fine here for you Havana cigars the kind you like so I open them for you later doctor says well I'm better where's Vicki you come for if I can get it back again good good your toy daddy what you're not great I told everybody at school you'd be great I'm very happy to see you thanks for everything thanks as soon as I got your telephone message a I'm just foolin got to be it's wonderful as usual daddy could we go to the Bois remove the debate vote rain well I oh please please it was a very first thing I want to do when you came you've got about an hour till Mario comes back I wear my new coat how is my right she's fine I want you to know Claude how much I appreciate oh I didn't do anything I showed Mario you met her she couldn't stop you from seeing Vicki I was hoping she doesn't may have a break you back I've got to have a Claude I need her yes I think she needs you too about your book about Marion if we are careful maybe all right [Music] daddy nothing darling I didn't even look at me means wave at me you give me another chance you get back on that train one extra I'm really get into all that sort of thing yes you're a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] darling do you ever think of your mother [Music] I don't want to get out I have picture in my room grandpa surrounded blanket do you think so Daddy yes much like that's lucky for me daddy why don't I live with you boy aren't you happy yes but not perfectly happy do you know what I mean yes I know what you mean then I can come live with you I don't know [Music] [Applause] don't you want me to of course darling Oh daddy if you really love me please let me come in live with you please [Music] see yes Daddy yes [Music] there what is so hard to say yes what hello God from the Bollywood you're made for you Oracle Claude and for at Marion and something for me too it's a wonderful start and a wonderful day Oh Marion you want to see what we bought for you it's the prize look you're late for your nap but I thought today go on up to your room don't you want to see your present do as I say please hello Marion hello Charles it's good to see you again I'm sorry about getting back so late with Ricki oh well she would have been too excited to sleep anyway and it's very important you've done a wonderful job with Vicky she's grown up how do you find Parris most of the old crowd has gone funny had nothing at the dingo bar this afternoon just to see how it looked there wasn't a man I knew I should think you've had enough of bars as I wrote you I take one drink every afternoon but no more and I take that drink deliberately just so the idea of taking a drink won't get too big of course Charles we understand sometimes I forget and don't take the drink but well I went to the dingo see how it looked I went to a few other places too [Music] places where Helen and I look Marion I just can't keep on talking I'm all tied up in knots [Music] can I have the key back [Music] I don't know it's all very well to talk about wondering today but what guarantee have weeded well burner I think of those wasted years but I think about them too [Music] I'm working hard now Marion I got a contract for several short stories and I'm starting out another book and my sister's coming from Milwaukee to keep house for me my hunting please marry him if we wait much longer I'll lose a childhood and and my chance for a home I just can't loser notice it it'll be almost like having Helen back [Music] man yeah I can't help it how never in my life be able to forget that morning when Yellin soaked and shivering you locked her out Marriott but you want to remember one night how long are you gonna make me pay for that one night what about those years Helen and I loved each other I don't want to hear about it Miriam they're not gonna let me have it No I don't want to talk about it anymore [Music] I'm sorry Josh what'll I do we'll see [Applause] [Applause] I'll get to mr. Mallya there's no use talking about it he's not getting Vicky not now not tomorrow never why do you hate him that much yes for what he did yes yes it's true he committed an unforgivable crime against you personally he's guilty of never knowing you loved him you found him but he married Helen yes he's guilty of that too and being guilty of course he must be punished the penalty what would hurt him most take away what he loves most his little girl my poor darling we can't have everything we want take me I want at all your love I wanted our own child a child out of our love not out of your disappointment [Music] Charles I [Music] I don't think I'd have wanted you to be alone [Music] [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 1,097,283
Rating: 4.7655425 out of 5
Keywords: #classicmovies, MOVIES, CLASSIC, FREE, filmstruck, ELIZABETH TAYLOR, classic movies, classic movie, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon, Donna Reed, Roger Moore, Eva Gabor, Richard Brooks
Id: LbR5X_kItWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 13sec (6853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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