Always Goodbye (1938)

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Always Goodbye is a 1938 American romance drama film directed by Sidney Lanfield and starring Barbara Stanwyck, Herbert Marshall, and Ian Hunter.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DanKolar62 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2015 🗫︎ replies
you hey ahh --mess is this the main engines yep well the best of luck lady thank you but how did you know I couldn't miss your face is all lit up like a church did that bad it's swell keep it like that in the guys yours for life thank you be are you getting married to me yes oh gee I'm nervous you know this is my first time supposed to actually do it three or four times you sort of take it in stride he's almost an hour late now gee you don't suppose he walked out on me oh no he probably got held up in traffic I had an awful time getting down here you see where we're gonna have our first battle before we're married well it's about time I had to wait to get my paycheck didn't I oh well good luck I hope your shows up to will good luck to you Thanks come on Al you you wanna crash here when it happened no he got his name there it is done Gordon where is he where they taken up 23rd Street emergency all right folks break it up are you a relative no no no okay let's get the report Donald Gordon 32 Channing Road Mount Vernon age 24 hos graduate student Harvard University basal fractured body to be held and so claimed by family I wouldn't do that wouldn't solve anything only make a hole in the water mm you're young and attractive you plenty of time for that no man's worth it they're just a lot of insects covering up the earth if you hop in there just because it's thrown you over you make it much too important sorry I have many cream thank you so very kind of bother about not at all glad of the company have a little brandy --n mm-hmm how long like the combination myself I can't understand it so much to learn from it's so full of life good fellow yes but that's how it is they always take the good stuff away and leave the waste I must be going where I don't know exactly I will do any home no no but you have a family can't you go back to them no I can't they're nice people night I wouldn't want to hurt them you haven't told me all your story have you amongst other things I was a pretty good surgeon once and you're gonna need a lot a care for the next few months but let me help you as we go well how's the whales plies offspring this morning do you miss me beautiful looks like a red cabbage to me oh now you've hurt his feelings don't you believe it he's just playing for sympathy Jim are you sure of these friends of yours you're sure they love him I've known Phil and Jane Marshall for years ever since my college days they're fine people they've always wanted children of their own so you see there's a lot of affection awaiting this little fella besides a good home everything he needs you sure you want to give him up I haven't any right to consider myself I'm not going to let him pay all his life for something that wasn't his fault what can I do for him I haven't any home or money I haven't even a name to give him I just couldn't do that to him Jim they must never know about any dramas Margo that'll be between you and me mr. and mrs. Philip Marshall are here Oh it's one of our newest models has so much importance yes isn't it stunning but do you think it's quite my type oh my dear mrs. Windham you'll be amazed why it'll make you look like her fella bird oh it's you what are you trying to do ruin my business I'm just trying to save this poor creature from your clutches you mercenary wench the things you do for money quiet Oh miss Benson show mrs. Windham the other model you know the red one Rick Scott the red one it'll make a look like a fire truck excuse me come over here you idiot what is it you want I'm busy there she is who oh yes that the girl you told me about yes and she's a very high-class person had lots of experience in this kind of thing Oh certainly doesn't look it well come on now quit being the Harbottle businesswoman you're an old softy and you know it alright I'll talk to her miss Western this is Miss Martin how do you do miss Martin how do you do I hear you've had lots of experience in this kind of work oh no I haven't I thought you had my mistake had it but if you'll just give me a chance miss Martin I feel sure I can make myself useful yes oh well excuse me a moment and I'll see that's all settled do you really think so I knew it she's a fake you'll like her well I am it's a big I may not be see you for a while I'm going to miss you you'll be all right now keep your chin up goodbye goodbye Jim I I don't know how to say it but you do know I'm grateful don't you forget it Oh Jim just a minute I haven't decided anything yet yes you have you old hypocrite see you when I get back but where you going out different places oh one of those filthy boats I suppose Oh Jim why don't you pull yourself together and stay put what why well I could kill you a man of your talents jumping around the Seven Seas like an ordinary too bad the ocean is the only place we haven't turned into a garbage can I like it it's under septic antiseptic how long will you be gone this time just a short trip don't worry honey you'll be proud of me yet and be nice to the girl William well if Jim Howard didn't make so much sense I'd say was crazy have you known him long not very only long enough to know how good is oh he is that he's either the most charming or the most aggravating man on earth isn't he well he's certainly the most charming hmm now let me see about you all right report to miss Vinick at 9 in the morning oh thank you this is lovely but of course the say but you can wear with ID or afternoon all your evening things or it'd be lovely with my new evening from what do you think dear I think you better send it out I know you'll enjoy it Ms Weston's leaving for Paris in the morning and just selecting myself yes goodbye that'll work out finding wool Harriet have you forgotten that cocktail party oh I wish I could I hate them even if they offer business reasons hey Margo why don't you come along with me well no thank you I have a million things to do before tomorrow I can finish my packing yet by the way did you check how many long days we haven't startin we've only got to say we better out a six-member hello wonderful so you patronize the heriot-watt inshaa you better hurry or five drinks behind don't worry I'll catch ya have a good time I'll take care of everything Margo I don't know how in the world I'm gonna get along without you you'll struggle along come on get out of here before we both get sentimental okay goodbye lady can you spare a dime yes that's it Jim oh oh oh I can't believe it where in the world did you come from I just got thrown off a boat with a load of cows I still can't believe it five whole years are not a line from you why don't you get my card from Mozambique oh you didn't send me a card from moyson big that's why I didn't send you a card from a zombie oh you want to be shot coming back here just when I'm going away well you're going to Paris to do the fool buying my first trip oh come on let's go to dinner we've so much to talk about I need a shave I can't come up with you're looking like this oh yes you can if I let you out of my sight now I won't see you again for another five years come on let's go dinner just the same I insist on a shave and I'm telling you they'll heal it businessmen like me don't stand a chance in the country like this the millionaire he's got the ICC the water is gotten to WPA the Parliament he's got the AAA my father my god and my Lex I wouldn't say that but I am saying it the little of businessmen are like me is the forgotten man and I am at a far got a man I slave all day and half of the night to pay my taxes to pay my two barbers hey six o'clock they put out of the Hat then I go home they work 8 hours a day and then I go out to join themselves but me and I got the Wagner Act now I slave a 16 hours a day and what do I get a wife and 10 kids I tell you this system is all wrong that was the way you came from how dare what so much worse what you're talking about them listen this is a free country and I can ask Walker so much as you please over there I couldn't even open my mouth say uh I hate to interrupt you but we came here for a shave that's my band I saw just what he's going to get I'm sorry but I still disagree with you huh discreet huh thank you there's the thing you Jim here to see him did I forget to tell you how great you look no you didn't get you mind if I tell you again you're the life unhappy are you about you Oh yesterday tara has been wonderful to me she's given me every chance even to letting me go to Paris and now you've come home why shouldn't I be happy how about the boy seen him no gym now I couldn't do it but I've kept track of them I was awfully worried when Phil Marshall's wife died but I understand his sister was gone to live with him I hear she's devoted to Ronnie now what about you you're going to stay this time aren't you well I don't know I thought of shipping out again after more cows cows what cars didn't I tell you oh and a doctor one of our very best cattle boats why confound of them they're peaceful gentle understanding that under floated Toulon Oh Oh you just can't go away again couldn't you couldn't you find something to do here that would keep you happy I guess I could find something to do to keep me don't know how happy I know how happy I would be are you in your naive little Wayfinder die mother goodness man saying it bluntly I would miss you terribly so much so then well if you do go my trip to Paris is off well here's to your trip to Paris get already 490 francs I've never paid more than 15 man was a lotta GTCC katomina for the hotel is only six blocks away my Zelda taxi metro issues to whom the wicket rogen he fought PMI aware at you I don't know what you're talking about but I do know that 90 francs is too much and I'm not going to pay what about my study man myself gentlemen are some of de moi who cooperate hello no man west immediacy was it Italian forces always to Almonte one delegate already phone is later on go ahead go ahead shout as loud as you please but I'm not going to let you cheat me allow me my mother who fed Petrus Romanus le puse a vehicle ediciones sir more the cans from the Michele who's avatar whose evident on numerous any jams from letter Lucas a panel cells of the veal the tear is safety in transponders area thank you so much okay I didn't care about the money the idea of being cheated oh man is practically right no one enjoys being cheated especially by an insolent fellow like that thank you yeah oh my god I'm countryman economy well that's very nice I'm sure it is evident that they'll need an interpreter I should be very happy to be a further service to you oh you're very kind but I'm sure I can manage thank you would you mind taking off the wrap please I'd like to see the back of the gown oh it's you again you see you don't need me that one site of yours fatal members Li could not let you escape really you are the most feminine the most mysterious the most beautiful woman I have ever seen I am in love with you I fell in love with you at first sight madly in love it's very flattering but I'm busy oh that there's nothing I would wake I would love you when you are not busy you'll have to excuse me I have work to do work for you a beautiful glorious creature like you cleave oh and they I see there that's laughing began here's the woman not too thin no substance she's not like you you were made for moonlight on the Riviera for romance for love it is for love the world goes around for not of you I would do anything but anything would you go away but was there for you I would even go away well swap with it I'm Adele Weston I hope you enjoyed the show very much I'm coming in tomorrow and talk to you about three or four tomorrow oh my gosh I'll be delighted oh please you're my mother oh my dear and chanting myself you must be exhausted after so much work I thought I told you to go away I did I went with away I'm back oh the so adorable one is weirding but in Paris it is a quick remedy we go to the Cafe de la Paix an aperitif or refresh you nothing Oh your voice is so rich so rare even when you say no perhaps a nice ride in the quad behind a nice leisurely horse and theatres Madrid no thank you ha I know you will dine with me a lot a sword or a the most unique spot in old Paris the essence of France they serve the most exquisite food look an art prezi truth with some pan sauce wood there isn't red wine and such sharply or perfection now you interest me I knew you could not resist me Allah don't be encouraged it's not you as the fool now where is this little place this essence a friend oh you could never find it by yourself even Frenchman cannot find it I will have to take you myself where do you live yeah I will be there for you at 8:00 taxi there is this year again be sure you do not have a charge the beautiful lady understand no no why would I want to try to cheat the beautiful lady why didn't you tell me you could speak English one engine has me lady oh you amaze me you are more exquisite tonight than you were this afternoon impossible how could I be more exquisite than you said I was this afternoon when I got in is in love nothing is impossible come let us go what are we doing here I thought I was going to see the spirit of France tonight I decided you would not like it besides the music here is much better for me too please wimzie ha what are you or what rhythm like a graceful diverse one we must be married immediately she was a crazy person I've ever met I'm no catch for you I'm only a poor working girl oh that is all your variance think of my two brothers married for money why shouldn't one for any medical no no reason you may never get another offer like this right right I'm sure this couldn't happen to me again but I'm warning you when every knee fastens his eye on the woman she never escapes going down yes thank you I can make it go up to you can well isn't that wonderful you get longer and if you go up first and then come down alright let's go up all avoid going up now we'll go down it's not so bad now who'd are you hey everybody al-ayam help me there all by myself Kingdom over you do little to prepare tell I'm afraid you fighting the lady oh no she liked it didn't you it was more fun than a roller coaster let me fix you time for sherman lizard western how do you do I'm going to do more for a few days if there are any messages just tell them shall I make a reservation for you at boovie No thank you that's all been taken care of is there a letter from efficiency yes there is one for master Roddy marshal is that you of course this you know that look it's for my dad come on it look for my daddy can you read it to me shut up Duarte tell the captain to make the boat go a mile a minute I shall have to turn into a whale and swim out to meet you we have five new rabbits and we're all lonely without a little general love daddy five new rabbits gosh come on buddy aunties waiting for us now say goodbye master worthy I hope you can ride with me again I'd love to we are going to miss master Adi what god is he sailing on the normal demon was it book me on the Normandie thank you there's no answer my back oh hello oh hello I did you are you gonna be on this ship too didn't you oh I'm terribly sorry is there anything I can do for you no I ain't you sick he's in bed oh why don't you go to your cabin lie down I'll take care of rowdy almost-human with her that's awfully kind of you can you a the students no but I'll try how fast will it go I think you know about 6 miles an hour don't you oh I think so Oh what are you doing on this boat I told you you could never escape me we could any Ximena therapist but your wireless nevermind that who knows better how I feel the wideness of me I'm sorry I knocked you down sir but this is a very fast scooter yeah so I see can Carini allow me to present master Radha Marshall your rival and then pleased to meet you sir I regret that I cannot share the same enthusiasm we shall meet with pistols at 10 paces my seconds will call on you in about 20 years hey what's he talking about nobody knows not even himself let's play some more all right fine come on come on Oh No please enough now I wanted to talk to you alone oh come on the exercises good for your circulation my circulation is fine I thank you and thank you Rowdy someday you'll be the world's champion swimmer I have a better idea come my little friend we will work out until the water comes up to our necks that is the idea you can't fool him Gino get away again ah Margo I appeal to you I'm exhausted can't we stop this nonsense in her cocktail oh go on Gino do the will just once more this is the last time I think we ought to let up on Gino he looks pretty weary thank you I will do the same for you sometime Oh Ronnie darling I think it's time for your nap Cali place more just a little bit and they'll take my lamp i proud oh we have plenty more time for play we still have two days the true game isn't long enough you know I'm having such a good time oh my oh I hadn't no idea engines could be so excited yeah it's very exciting indeed Shaw do officer have we been everywhere everywhere sir have we seen everything everything thank you for that much I am grateful I am going to pay it and rest when you go up are you going to be an engineer no I'm gonna drive my village fast as you can go that's fine thank the officer darling thank you very much you're welcome Sonny come back anytime and bring your mother with you that's not my mother that's Marlow he need you my mother my mother's up banana what better clean your face oh you are quite sure this is the most secluded spot yes sir you will not be disturbed here thank you very much yes Oh Mamma Mia yeah Marga no I thought we were going to be alone musty always come to of course why not doesn't he ever run down now he's wound up for Keith oh isn't this nice so cozy and quiet come on Robbie let's sit down come on Gino I don't know why I stand for this oh isn't this what you wanted here we are together in the Sun what's the matter with him as he sees it oh dear I think we've tired him out you leave me stirring oh not little black again please let's see where were we the last time I know so you put on all his fine clothes and went out for a walk in the jungle now you and by-and-by he met a tiger and the tiger said to him little black I'm going to eat you up and little black said oh please mr. tiger don't eat me up and I'll give you my beautiful little red coat and the tiger said very well I won't eat you this time but you must give me your beautiful little red coat so the tiger got poor little black beautiful little red coat and went away saying now I'm the grandest tiger in the jungle and little black went on and by and by he met another tiger and he said little black I'm going to eat you up yeah I ought to now you are them a little black said oh please mr. Tiger don't eat me up and I'll give you my beautiful little blue trousers 13 14 15 15 7 well here we are Oh rowdy we do have fun don't we we here I do are you going to miss me a little bit we dock tomorrow you know but aren't you gonna come and see me sometime at my house maybe but I'm pretty busy I think we'd better say goodbye now we might miss each other at the dock ok goodbye won't you say goodbye Margot why because it's my name and bank Margot goodbye Ronnie Matthew I'm not I feel a guest door before day auntie will she take the whole time and there's a shaker Backman father you remember Jessica dance around it oh hello did you have a wonderful time right a bit i 1zc the captain should have no fault Harriett the Holly so good to see you am I glad to see you say what in the world have you done to yourself done right well you're positively glowing and that means only one it means me yo certainly I have brought excitement gaiety and love into her life sorry this chatty little person is county of anna karenina small items are the areal count so he says but then he talks a great deal I have said only one thing in a thousand different ways I love her I adore her and she must marry me don't mind him he just raved on and on where's Jim oh you know he hates all this buzz you didn't think I could find you but I'm a detective hasn't the tiger eaten you up yet oh no he would bury baby Peggy's I think I better attend to my luggage before he turns me into a seahorse excuse me for everyone till tomorrow my dear he's fascinating and you're really gonna marry him Oh Harriette be yourself here's my real romance Roddy Marshall well that's more like it somebody with a future give me your keys and on the copter back you know he's kind of cute at that didn't I thank you where's your auntie Oh your nurse darling oh there you are you little monkey huh marvel she played with me how do you do how do you do I'm Margo WestEd Roddy and I became great friends coming over on the boat oh yes my sister's just been telling me about you thank you very much your kindness oh and the radio station and plane care and swim Roddy usually kills his friends with kindness I'm glad you survived oh there you are you hadn't worried running away like that Miss Weston this is Miss Reed how do you do Oh Miss Martin was telling me you went to Paris to get some gas yeah well I must come in and see them please do Martha's waiting Phillip oh yes well goodbye and thanks so much again you coming to see me yeah let's do it be they're too heavy thank you come on right in my eye there's a customer I hope we get mystery boy why means how true so she's gonna marry Fillmore sure she is I'm pretty lucky doesn't she yes very come on let's get the custom set well it's wonderful what love will do what are you talking about for Jim Jim what's happened to him working himself to death a job really I'm doing research work at the Rockefeller Institute Aria that's wonderful news Oh customs I'm in a hurry mark away all right don't get excited he's having dinner with us tonight I can't wait I'm going to see him right away when do you look up every Tuesday I've been two weeks trying to corral this particular bug now you scared him away can't you get him back with some two or more lorem with a nice chap a little female blood not this sure little monster you have to use strategy and patience he's one of the Staphylococcus boys you don't say dr. Howard well well I couldn't wait until tonight that's why I rest up here I had to see you nothing much to see I'm only 11 sister what difference does it make you're doing the work you should be doing Oh Jim I'm so proud of you you better be it's all being done in your honor huh you got something to tell me come on what is it I've seen him Oh Roddy where I met him in the elevator in Paris entirely by accident Oh Jim he's such a darling then I found out who he wasn't took the same bro back we've had the most glorious holiday just the two of us and Phil Marshall was at the dock I met him and he's invited me to call of course your no intention of doing that why not why not Oh Jim is it too much for me to hope that I might have the boy again someday it's a great deal too much why is it bill Marshall is getting married again why can't I go to him and tell him that Roddy is mine tell him the truth about him he might even be willing to let me have him are you out of your mind he's mine we've had four days together so close together do you think I can just cut that off you've got to he's not yours anymore you made a bargain you've got to stick to it remember what you said that day about giving him a name you you're right June I was a little crazy don't worry I'll stick to my bargain that's better I should be so grateful I've had more rowdy than I ever dreamed of having now Phil Marshall is going to marry a charming girl huh what am i fussing about I don't know what must be your devotion to the stead of the things the bugs well that's easily remedied on't you go to sit right there and conquer that little fellow and I'm going to the shop and tonight we'll have dinner together once you beat one of my steaks cooked out on me all of the steaks will taste like shoe leather to you uh-huh once you've tasted one of my biscuits you won't need gravity to hold you down Peter yeah I'm sorry miss Weston the elevators out of order Oh how long before it'll be six I don't know we're having trouble with the electric cart in the building well looks like we'll have to go to Tony's and have him cook the steak nothing's gonna cheat me out of my chance to prove how handy I can be in the kitchen might make all the difference in the world are you Sunday if you should consider my qualifications my idea by moon we're going to walk walk 14 floors we'll never even make the tenth we may be marooned but we'll never starve to death come on after this climb that steak better be good next one Oh little exercise shot was never tied and another thing you're no gentleman something the way I climb the stairs no but when I started to play out a gentleman would have offered to carry me piggyback I thought of that but it's too old-fashioned and Marty that all the time she was the Cary Grant part of market every Saturday look yes it's locked there's keys in my bag that's a help he ah he s Weston the elevators Ryan again don't look he's not that it's the altitude thank you so much we'll walk that's why like a lab than a kitchen which one of these gadgets is a still oh that piece of furniture over there's the stove it'll do everything but give you a shampoo I never got with electricity before was yours charcoal are you preparing an alibi for that steak where's the pan yeah I can cook a steak or anything that gets hot no name it's one of these things last one there's a little something missing here no fire oh don't be silly it's a wonderful stove say maybe we don't live right you got a fireplace oh yes but you can't cook and this for looks well then we're gonna pick up some furniture and start applying them another floor nothing's gonna cheat me out of cooking that steak oh not just a second say now that the elevators fixed how about concentrating on my stove thank you why would a French chef I'd be in tears by now I'm hungry cheese got crackers oh we bought them I think if we list them it was the only thing what's this cold roast chicken what's cool roast chicken join up my steak dinner I've had men tell me they could cook before I was hedging with the chicken in case you happen to have an accident and then happened well how do you like that all over the world my steaks are famous and you open something with chicken western that cold chicken that's for that to get the neck hmm how is the smallest of six children I never got anything but the neck of my family I like it vegetables great stuff the machinery more down vitamins well where's the wine Oh wonderful accomplishment why didn't you just hit it over the table hmm therefore your Spiller you trying to boss me I am any objections no none that I can think of good to have you back Margaux you're getting old you're repeating things it's worth repeating it's good to have you back like it Olympic I like it please don't ever go away again not as long as you are here well master of the steak what do you have to say about this I'm proud of it nobody look at that steak without saying well done that one's too heavy for the material yes but the colors a good contrast I like this one okay rowdy I can't you see oh good for you how did you get here in the packet Oh Miss Weston Miss Reed is asking for thank you I'll be right out well what have you been doing with yourself I'll to the circus yesterday and the old fat man waved to me with your friend of yours no he just way haha come on that son of yours certainly has a crush looks like it isn't it y'all excuse me Miss Weston will take care of you how do you do miss Reed mr. Marshall I miss Weston I want to see so many things I'm just beginning my trousseau oh well I know we'll find something you want well this is no place for us son come on but can I see you tomorrow a while well miss Weston's gonna be busy I'm afraid you will be in the way oh no I won't please Danny oh let him stay if he wants to dear I don't mind in the least all right be good mind Jessica and don't fret with Miss Weston I'll see you later yeah I sent the car back player thank you let's sit over there where it's comfortable Oh Evelyn will you get the sketches and samples from my desk and have Lucille put on the Rene model yes miss what Oh getting married is much more strenuous than I'd imagined I'm just about worn out or you must be well we'll try and make this part of it as easy as we can well besides all my shopping I've been moving my things out to mr. Marshalls Westchester home yeah so yes I'm having the place we decorated it's so old-fashioned full of stuffy antiques and I might as well live there while it's being done you know you have to watch decorators every minute and they took everything out of my playroom and I can't find a lot of my toys you'll survive you had too many anyhow but here are my favorites hush rowdy we're busy oh and this is a lovely model very simple very distinctive no it's too plain rowdy would you please sit down now see what you've done I'm sorry did you had a baby wouldn't have happened I mean oh it was just an accident after all he's only a child no excuse now you go over there and sit down and keep quiet he's been so pampered it'll be a relief to get him off to military school military school but isn't it awfully young to be away from home no it'll do him good besides mr. Marshall and I gotta be traveling a lot oh oh no no no haven't you got something not quite so severe a little more feminine with a little more allure you mean well yes sir what's something like that oh yes that's very pretty I like that turn around please could you can't before Monroe's point yes of course it will be very expensive oh that doesn't matter now let me see some hostess girls Lucia would you please put on the Benoit model and what is my hated rival doing here oh now I see miss Reed how they always manage to acquire the most beautiful women a part may I present count Giovanni Carina miss Reed how do you do I am John you know planes me vote oh it made my trip very pleasant I must apologize for this intrusion but I thought you might have tea with me oh and I'll have a chocolate sundae I'm running here oh it's this young man a relative of yours well not yet but it's going to be my son shortly you are going to be married again I am too late a woman dutiful woman your heart like the moon is always changing you've been like a reed with every breeze and leave me bereft and lonely you Latins are quite impetuous only when we have the true inspiration Jessica Reed is a superficial selfish female she has no more love or understanding for children than an ox I tell you she's not going to be a mother to my child I'll see to that oh well I don't know yet but I'll find a way no Marshall is not going to marry that woman suppose he loves him how can he love her when he doesn't know her he's never seen the real Jessica she's too clever for that pretending to him how much he loves Roddy and all the time planning to get rid of him as soon as she can I tell you she's not going to ruin my child's life don't you try and talk me out of it he's not your child after all Jim I am his mother you're not his mother when you gave him up you did so a replica being completely besides you're not the only one involved in this I'm as responsible for Roger situation as you are Phil is my friend and I won't have you interfere in his life none of your business but Ronnie's life is my business I'm going to make film Marshall see Jessica read for just what she is what did you say oh I was just thinking about cows how serene and peaceful they are so easy to handle oh you and your cows hello I'd like to speak to mr. Marshall Margaux Weston I'm sorry but mr. Marshall has left for the day I've gone to buy bicycle well it's very important you can reach him at Saks tailors toy department oh it's not that important I had some samples I wanted to get to miss Reed but I can make other arrangements thank you very much Oh Margo I wanted to ask you about why where are you going to buy a bicycle a bicycle are you being funny so what are you up to now well if you must know I'm delivering some samples to Phil Marshall Phil Marshall in a bicycle store yes well I'll be done so it's the father now well remember he's no five-year-old mama don't worry this is strictly business I hope so that's all right it don't be afraid it'll hold you all right that's a little small for you isn't it yes this why Miss Weston how do you do this is a pleasant current so it isn't a coincidence I was looking for you you were your secretary told me you're here I wonder if you'd be kind enough to take these samples to miss Reed why I'd be glad to see will you do me a favor of course if I can what I'm trying to buy a bicycle for rowdy but I seem to have lost my perspective do you know anything about him oh I used to well do nothing about sprockets - hey this is a Benson madam one of our very finest domestic models it's equipped with coaster brakes it'll cushion seat adjustable handlebars at 2250 no taillight well of course I think that could be arranged that's a good color body's crazy about green well if you had a little boy what kind of a bicycle would you choose for him oh and Atlas our very finest imported model right over this way please here it is it double drum brakes Oh mattress e3 peeling and tail light hmm guaranteed for a lifetime 2750 hey this one's a beautiful passing light - not too fast for a little boy is it no no I don't think so that is we've never had any complaints just try that horn what's strong enough go ahead stand on it - scoot around no no go ahead remedy this it's all right he'll take it thank you hello there how's the big bacterial man fine how's economic royalists no having trouble getting my fourth million Margot busy uh no mark is not here she's a sex toy less toy department with yes with Phil Marshall Oh is she so that father and son look like competition you better look out thanks for the warning I'll go I'll do the same for you someday well aren't you gonna wait oh I don't think so oh here are some gardenias I picked them in the park for you be well I hope rowdy I think it's as good as we do oh I'd love to see his face when he gets it I hope I remember all those names he's gonna ask me a million questions ha ha strictly business ahem hello Harriet you seem to have quite a way with the gentleman something you learn in Paris no doubt I haven't any idea what you're talking about all right you don't have to tell me I'm not in the least bit interested about what happened in the toy depot I know you're not darling hey you're all dressed up what are you going out I know a gentleman who rides a bicycle or so oh by the way Jim left these here for you Jim he was here uh-huh how long ago oh I don't know about an hour why didn't he wait when I asked him to but he wouldn't oh well did he say where he was going to be no he didn't you know Jim Oh did he say he'd be at Nick's no no he didn't ah my beautiful ladies oh how are you tonight you won't like to better you could you're the hearts of kings mm-hmm this is gonna be an interesting evening oh so this is the gentleman you know nah Marga machete you are like an angel I thank you very you know Marga my dear I still think you're the most beautiful the most gorgeous girl in the world but I must do something with my evenings come on count oh boy good night my dear yes my dolly had it good night darling good night have a good time he says he's gonna teach me the Big Apple or something hello yes it is miss Reed would you like us to come out there and give you your fitting I know how busy you are oh that would be so helpful I've been terribly rushed haven't had a minute will you please stop pinching me yes oh this afternoon would be fine thank you so much I'll be out in a few minutes Margo's I know I'm beautiful gorgeous exclave but you are see how I fly to you when you call addressed you need me I knew you would and now Gina how would you like to take a nice ride in the country up to Westchester alone with you no I do not think I would like it you're going to love it oh but why do you bring me here that looks very dull oh don't be too depressed you know you might find something to amuse you and of course I want that toilet but that's a Georgian fireplace okay what it is I don't like it Oh that'll be all for now i'd like the sketch is submitted this week Miss Weston this is so nice of you how do you do Carmen I'm very happy to see you again I hope you don't mind my bringing the candle all oh not at all well there's no hurry for the fitting this lesson to your Bible well these things should really be unpacked right away oh yes well would you take them upstairs the room at the end of the hall will go on the library Thomason highballs Julie be careful about the ship fun yes Wow hello Roddy hello miss Marshall glad to see your game is worse when you see what I've got it's a peach daddy plotted for me hmm a bicycle come on quaggan is freewheeling so oh that's the nicest bicycle I've ever seen can you ride it sure watch me I have partner where are you headed for China think we're makers my dog okay but marriage is for ordinary women not for a vital fascinating creature like you you belong in the gay capitals of the world your efendim on really but really you fire my imagination I can see you on the sands of Arabia and the steppes of Russia I can see you dancing apparent Ellen Sorento my how I do get around I never knew China was so far away you don't get tired quick like Gino do you all right hey is that miss feed with rowdy oh no sir I heard rowdy call her Margot Oh Miss Weston Oh looks like we're in trouble partner there's a motor-car pesterin how about a race only my pride she's alright very well do you yes I'm all right Margo well if you country boys can't stand the pace I suppose I may as well rest too well I got an idea miss Weston's rubbing it in well that's all right for you but thanks live with us well Margo's got her own home old home too and he lives with us yes but that's different well darling jessica has to live with you now because well because she's going to make your house all over into a nice new modern I'll stay near you oh don't you worry son we'll see what can be done about it Oh whoo come on ginger dr. Brown can't you do anything for an operation hmm come C minor small enjoy Angelica you'll have to get a new nurse tomorrow I'm going back to the dressmaking business oh say must we break this up so soon go on right so I'm a customer waiting for a fitting ah well here you are son for your super body come on dad enlarge you shouldn't say well I have supper Thomas where's miss weed she's in the library count Karina sir I'm Carini GI from the boat he drove out with me today come on Daniel Margaux please I really should no come on tell us we've we've gone upstairs something terrible is just happened to me what only once before it has it that happened when I held a little Norwegian girl in my arms the first time I was ever don't know do you feel my heart beating no you don't your technique is really amazing technique you mean you do not believe me but I tell you things like this only happened once maybe twice in the last time no doubt shall we go on to the dance oh by all means aren't you going to eat your carrots I don't mind carrots I'm afraid dr. Brown is just a quack daddy what a quack a quack is a carrot a tur to think we've been bicycling with a quack if I eat right here to watch that being a quad you're more certainly will okay oh my what a charming picture hello dear Kyle Corinna do you know mr. Marshall oh you know hygena how do you do my little friend weren't we to have a fitting oh I'm sorry miss Reed I've been enjoying the boy so much I didn't realize how quickly the time was passing goodbye Ronnie my my go goodbye it's been such fun I do hope I see Ronnie again before he goes away buddy away yes miss Marie tells me you're sending him to military school well I don't think we decided yet shall we go of course bye how about a drink I would like it very much good would you please leave us alone till I call you yes ma'am close the door I see you're very clever aren't you Miss Weston I have to be to deal with women as intelligent as you miss Lee well you'd better confine yourself to clothes I happen to know exactly what you're doing yes yes I know why you're pretending all this touching devotion to rowdy I know about the bicycle buying into load I know why you maneuver to get out here today and why you brought the count with you really miss Western you've been very obvious you're not fooling me women can't fool women know they can't can then don't waste any more of your talents around here there must be other rich men coming into the shop if you can't find one with a child find one with a mother work on her that approach is also effective but you haven't a chance here oh yeah I don't expect you to understand this I'm not interested in getting fill marshal for myself but I am interested in seeing that you don't get him you're not good enough for him you don't care anything about them and you care less for the child listen I'm engaged to marry Phil Marshall and I'm not going to let any ordinary shopkeeper come in here and take him away from me is that clear perfectly in other words Phil Marshall is a very good business investment and you're going to protect it exactly I've worked very hard to land him and I'm going to hold him do you have a cocktail no thank you I'm just leaving okay Jim well hello how would you like to take me out tonight sounds like a very good idea where to where to okay we just drive around for a while I'm okay you got some to tell me I haven't yet right again what is it oh I can wait let's just sit like this for a bit you mind if I tell you a little story no I'd love well once upon a time do you mind the once part time method no once upon a time there's a fella who couldn't stay put he thought the only way to live was to roam around on boats doctoring cars then one day he met a girl who said she wouldn't go to Paris unless he stayed in New York he didn't want to stay but he did because she was such a very nice girl so he got a job peering at bugs through a microscope he got pretty good at it but now he doesn't have to look at bugs anymore well maybe occasionally very important but because they made him a full-fledged bacteriologist and he owes it all to that very nice girl no yes Oh Jim how long have you had this news just a couple of hours oh that's wonderful to be promoted so soon oh you must be brain there's no doubt about it what's your news oh oh well mine can only be told with dim lights soft music Fidel de right away you're taking your success very quietly no whooping no hollering what the Sun I'm going to be serious we're celebrating this is no time to be serious it is now go I'm going to say something I've been wanting to save a long time well first of all setting this has to happen well there's always the table I think about nothing another on tape Marga my enchanting one how granny down to hell I'd give my pleasure please won't you sit down thank you I met the Calvin Paris happy coincidence coincidence never I find her no matter where she is love is my guide it was love at first sight Gino believes in being Frank at all and why not if I love her why shouldn't I tell her why shouldn't I tell everyone Latin feel like they're veterans have the right idea he has to it gasps Oh more champagne oh I think we are all going to get along splendidly yeah well here's the courage I needed to say what I want to say Jessica sailed for England last night you know it's fortunate things turned out the way they did we would never meant for each other she and I I love you Margaux I guess I have ever since I first saw you that day on the dock with Roddy we both love you and need you what do you marry me you know buddy be the happiest little boy in the world if I could tell him that you were gonna be his mother oh I don't expect you to answer now but will you think about it yes how I will Region three to two eight one research laboratory dr. Howard please hello Jim Oh Jim I've got to talk to you can you come over are you all right sure I'll be right over hello Jim well you look very lovely tonight what's the excitement shut them down hmm will you have a drink no no thanks no no I think I'll just have a cigarette I'll just have a cigarette - sorry what is it Margaux Phil marshals asked me to marry him oh I was so concerned about rowdy I I couldn't see that this might happen of course you couldn't you're going to accept Jim it means that I can have rowdy always I can be sure he's loved and protected I have to accept cause pseudo rowdy comes first it's rowdy against the world even against yourself you can't change there your heart has always been filled with that boy and unless you have him there isn't room for anyone else you and I could never fight that I wanted you to say that you I knew you'd understand but what I'm a little frightened why I'll have to tell Phil about me and rowdy why well I just couldn't live near the boy the rest of my life and not let him know I'm his mother I I just couldn't and it wouldn't be fair to Phil now you listen to me you can't everything just as you want it all the time there's a penalty along the line somewhere and your penalty is to go in there and keep quiet you're going to marry Phil Marshall and keep your mouth shut till you die that'll be between you and me for keeps you'll love him now would you I love you oh that's enough for me to go on for the rest of my life goodbye mother goodbye Jim if mr. felt martial stars I'll be down in a few minutes greeting Miss Weston good evening hello Marga hello field I've been waiting but I wasn't sure you'd come well here I am to stay yes there to stay hey oh hey what are you doing up I didn't have mouse hold and I can't go to sleep without him where is a nice box in the icebox what in the world is he doing there I play man Akal he was a bad boy well I think we better get him don't you that's a pretty yes Marco I put it on because I was coming to see you Oh brought it would you like me to stay here with you we met here for a yes this guy that'd be keen I glad then we can tell stories and play games and go fishing oh we're going to have such a lot of fun or well you bet Oh daddy guess what I'm not gonna cover them with us we just fixed oh you have have you then I think she ought to know what goes on around it huh she looks over poor eyes was frozen dead I see what you're getting into you liable to find yourself sitting in the icebox on bright morning oh but mine will fit in the ice hahahaha here yes doesn't see any the worst please adventure Hey well now that you've got us well back it's time for you to go to bed goodnight son good night dad he come he's going my nose of course darling what would you like black well once upon a time Oh
Channel: djoi0901
Views: 1,049,987
Rating: 4.773829 out of 5
Keywords: Barbara Stanwyck, Herbert Marshall, Ian Hunter, Cesar Romero, Always Goodbye, Sidney Lanfield, 1938
Id: -7wt-q-xZCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2012
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