Putting 1,000 Quarters in a Coin Pusher!!

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hey what's up guys arcade Matt here today we're at the arcade and for my 1000th video guys this is my 1000th video on YouTube we're gonna celebrate by going back to one of the games that are still very popular on my channel to this day and one of the first games that I've played the really skyrocket on my channel the infamous real money coin pusher and we're gonna do a challenge putting 1000 quarters inside the corn pressure guys [Music] we're gonna throw in there we're just going to be one round and then we're gonna see at the end how much we end up with so stay tuned the end I want you guys to take your guts into comments right now how much money do you think I'm gonna end up with here and we'll see if you're right at the end so let's get started so there they all are guys 25 rolls 40 per roll I'm gonna try it as I'm doing this to look and see if any are silver because silver quarters are worth a lot so and we're gonna stamp one machine so we're gonna stick on this one right here might push that five forward we might get a scratch ticket coin if you get those you get a scratch ticket at the end there we go we should time how long it takes I'm Agony's the skill stop in this video go whoa because if I use the skill stop that just takes too long because I only have two arms not an octopus here guys so she's not doing too bad right now yeah baby ching-ching might actually be what the dude just rapidfire the most I've ever reported at once was $10 and that was just $10 right there so we got 24 more of those 1000 quarters this is crazy good I'll clean all this up at all right here we go second roll here guys so yeah one thousand videos guys let me know what your favorite when ever watch on my channel in the whole one thousand videos there are some pretty good ones some of the ones I can think of you can just leave it on this as I'm talking some of the ones that I can think of where the ps4 one at zone 28 for tickets that was pretty good and the Xbox one sports major prizes definitely the $300 in keymaster was really cool that was on my favorites and I just recently hit it again geez that would be the trick here man yeah I think yeah we don't know if that one with silver on the edge guys see we're getting some good pushes though we did ten dollars at once I'm curious to see this will be an interesting little experiment to see if you actually see how much you get back yeah now normally yeah normally you you know these aren't meant to make quit your job and make money on these guys it's for entertainment that's what I do these obviously sometimes you can make a couple of bucks if you catch it at the right time but it just depends really so there is a here at this arcade if you get those little things this was like piei lottery they will give you an actual scratch ticket with the denomination there's one over there to take an actual scratch ticket for that so who knows you know if you hit on that scratch ticket notice that five really isn't going anywhere it'll be curious to see if that even goes over the edge or not in this video but all the ones you hear that sound like they're going behind the machine those are going to the owner and he's gonna crap a brick when he sees how much he made after this because he's doing a lot of money on location guys pink Carl's the owner he knows me he's pleased a really cool guy so I'm happy to support him here his little downtown arcade here not bad see rapid fire is the way to go that was the bank I like she's like she's like $250 in quarters on my yeah maybe that one should work off I think this if you can't get a couple of me putting them in there cheese yeah it does it takes about a minute to put a roll of quarters in so that's $10 so I figured about 25 and then the system fake we'll see guys this is gonna be interesting satisfying to look at the tray down there how full-court it's gonna take a lot to get those quarters out here there we go all right good for a while we get anywhere close you see how a lot of these just go backwards bill depends on that lip Wow rapidfire has always been my favorite technique on these I've always done my best with it she likes kill stop really isn't making a difference we're actually doing pretty good what's all this that's an easy way to open getting better you okay let me know and it's like twelve all right still going here go hopefully my arms not getting into it [Music] so yeah one thousand quarters guys is equal to two hundred and fifty dollars and we're putting it all in right now insane never done this before the most I've ever done with ten bucks I've seen some people do 20 I think I've seen somebody do a hundred dollars and chords at once I'm not sure though but this might break the record here guys we might break YouTube one of my favorite videos that I did on this at beer Valley Mall was doing the shown what happens actually when you shake the machine they were kind enough to let me do that and it's you don't get anything so and the reason I did that video was because you know I I wanted to show that try to get people to not do that because it doesn't do anything for you anyway that was a really cool little experiment there that they let me do sweating bullets here man it's a lot of work trying to do it the most efficient way this is nuts I might be I might be going crazy here guys show I'm not fooling around here guys we are legitimately doing this this is like a mr. beast video almost he knows I'm talking about okay mr. beast never did this shebang dang right he didn't this is like something you would do putting a thousand court now he known him he'd be like playing a coin push it for 24 hours straight she's eat how do you go to the bathroom I don't get that you don't you eat but you don't you just hold it I guess I could never do that and I we're still going here guys see how the five we spent like $60 already the fight goes back there's a little lip at the edge there and what happens is is the quarter see that lip right there it actually goes up you can actually see it what happens is that five will I mean we may get lucky and get it but look how much money we've had to put in just to get it so you may see bills that are really closed but they're not go ahead and pause it will do a new [Music] we're still going here that is close but I don't know it'll be interesting to see if we even get that I've never won a bill and actually the coin pleasure I've won bonus points before but I've never won an actual bill out of one and even though we're obviously putting more than five dollars it would still be cool to just win a built just to say wait we want a bill it'd be kind of cool be some Coolio pins nice no yeah so got some left here again can see that five is hasn't really moved much full that is guys doesn't look full but [Music] yeah this mess with we're just trying to get some neat shots of the coin pusher goes so some of these do pie plate ones in West Virginia where he actually can win some really cool things like knives and stuff that was kind of cool you can win like that they had like little keychains one of them really is the most unique things everyone was in a West Virginia trucks top one was a it was like a gold Titanic coin and I'm a huge Titanic man and it was like it was like a commemorative coin for the Titanic and it had this picture and I'm a like I said I'm a huge Titanic fan so that definitely went in my display case I've never seen anything like that before a really cool actually you see that in a coin portion I actually want it to because it was right on the edge it was on like the left hand side and it was just like try to get like a little bit of a wider shot and like the whole thing if you can oh I was a cop look at that whoa that was nuts yeah just like the entire thing to show that I'm actually doing this my nutty self is actually doing this about halfway there already see we see that five bit look it's just going backwards it's going backwards man dang it thanks Donnie go ahead nice fun for good luck he's dude Carl's gonna crap up when he sees how much this maze be like what this is like a week or two worth of play in about 20 minutes the aliens I'm not saying it was aliens but it's that gif on Twitter I'm at VidCon I don't know what I don't know what went down I wasn't on social media we want to see the aliens let me know in the comments guys do you believe in aliens or not I'm a firm believer I'm seriously yeah me and my camera guy Donnie I help out at Hill View Manor he works there which is cool no I don't want to get paid he's VidCon I was in Cali whoo those are gonna go steal it when you find a coin push and you see a lot on the edge like that that's one to play it and do a good rapid fire yeah see how this all went there what you'll find is it'll go through like waves so like you'll uh you'll put in sometimes ten bucks and maybe get like 75 cents back sometimes you'll put in a dollar and get like four or five bucks back it all depends on how ready that edges so if you catch at the right time you know you can want to say we did I don't know if we got a lottery thing not that one I thought there was one of it I think it just rolled back do you believe that that's so crazy [Music] 12 left we're a little over halfway already nobody I know it's like defying physics yes we're just students in rapid ultimate this is probably the ultimate rapid fire right here guys yeah Paul that was a nice it's gonna like go up to the there's so many in there Thurid de leurs that's what we're doing guys cuz like the coin pusher I still have one that's over not my original one is over 9 million views as I'm filming us right now and it's it was the first one I did of the real money 1 and that's kind of it was like one of the things that actually grew my channel so that was kind of cool to see that whoa come on down there dude you see that that's crazy yeah I find like rapid-fire hands-down the best technique it is my I'm gonna have carpal tunnel guys dude muscles like that dang look at those gums he goes oh here cut and get it dog on bonus : oh this one's for the slaughter oh come on lottery you believe that crap I should do this use your shirt use your shirt yeah I'm like a kangaroo guys look dude if there's a kangaroo that like pouched quarters that'd be amazing he just look he just like it manufacturer quarters I'll cool with that but kangaroo I'm really gonna maybe go on the right side and try to work that's close looked on as well oh yeah leave it on that I'm gonna try and go on the right side for a while I want to try to get that scratch ticket you never know guys scratch think it might be worth there could be thousand bucks yeah you never know yeah never no ma'am this might be the craziest video I've ever done on my channel go baby besides me in the ASMR and everybody hated that I won't do it again guys you guys got a chillax everybody's like all upset in the comments and like cheese and trying something different everybody's having babies over here oh my god like I get you guys didn't like it so I won't do it again now had I not tried mini go if I must it upstairs a lot of people love it you got if you got to try new things guys I'm trying to go on the right side oh yeah I don't go yeah it'll go and we're almost actually done with this can get a spider classic spider probably right [Music] thousand quarters is a lot more than your thing that's gotta go it's got a couple couple more because once it gets to the edge it just it has the flaw it doesn't know where else to go yeah that's close yeah it's close couple more pushes should do it we got to get at least one bonus coin in this come on and be cool see how that five yeah that's sure I might go there there it is it west nice shebang guys we got a lottery uh cuz that's at least one we got that's cool alright guys so we had to cut the we're back I just have to split the files because my camera can only record so about so much length before it creates a new file so I just want to make sure we get everything in here yeah we just won the ibonus coin guys that's kind of nice actually why did it win that other one over there but it's just like it's varied underneath yeah I feel like if it goes underneath it's really hard to like even work it forward because it just kind of gets buried and it's like all right let me go on this side now a little bit we're literally almost done I only up we're right here okay yeah see that five is like just it's actually no way that makes no sense at all no sense at all this quarters gonna start spilling out of there really soon it's like almost full man very crazy crazy man so we're still we got four more rolls left so not too shabby that actually it took about as long as that I thought because I figured about a minute per thing and we just did it so yeah there's a yep so what we are doing this guy's this isn't no CGI here and no I don't own this arcade trust me I wish I did yeah some people yeah it is cool he actually gets a lot of people that are like on lunchtime they come and play pinball which is cool he's got a lot of really nice pins down here yeah trust me I wish I had this kid maybe someday we'll call it oh sorry darling we'll call it arcade Matt let me know guys do you want me to bring back that let my voice in the intro or no I don't know some people miss it they used to go arcade Matt I really like a pirate I don't know I kind of didn't like it but maybe some of you guys do I don't know man my slogan that's alright well see when they punch up on the side like it like look at all those yeah when they do that you get a really nice push it all at once it's like an avalanche kind of of quarters have a lanch of what those alright we're still born here guys try to alternate still it's crazy how that five has not moved that's so nuts like I feel like sometimes they do than other times they just don't there's actually a there's actually a lottery scratcher on the pusher hasn't even fallen off yet crazy gray Z alright we're down to three left guys three rolls left here look at us in the same this three that was quick huh not bad I'm glad this didn't take twenty years but we're still chugging along here guys I definitely I'll play some pinball before we go played they had a couple pins at vidcon but nothing crazy okay we're still going here guys as you could see it's uh really we at least got one scratched a coin and I'm gonna redeem that here because you have to redeem it here I'm not gonna take that one home so we'll we'll scratch out at the end guys see if we win anything all right got two left you're gonna start spilling out of there really soon this is probably the craziest video I've ever done on my channel as far as like kind of like out there you know I had the idea and I'm like this might actually be kind of neat to see like you know how much you get back and whatever because you can actually see because we're playing one session so Carl crap a brick when he sees how much he makes and there goes a quarter down the crapper dude my hands are like killing me thanks Donny Donny my camera guy all right guys ten more bucks left and that's it and we did not get that five at all I feel like you would get it at that corner corn corner that's all I'm thinking all right this is gonna be it guys this is the last ten bucks right here and we'll stick around for a little bit until that gate closes and then I'm actually gonna start gathering the quarters as soon as I'm finished with these yeah there's a lot we got to put them all in that box so it's gonna be interesting do these actually make on location if you own one of these in it they make really good amounts of money and here in PA we're allowed to have the real quarter portions which is kind of cool it varies by state but these are cool because it's like you know it's a little fun thing in the arcade that is it guys there it is I want you guys to see this that is a thousand quarters exactly there's nothing left in here you can see all these rolls are gone and they're empty so stick around for a little bit I'm gonna start gathering these and just putting them in here yeah it's pretty deep so that's crazy cuz so much you guys are sending diggin that's something they're like okay there's our bonus coin okay we got a three dollar lottery scratcher that's cool take it very nice we're gonna redeem that here and we'll get it at the end after I get all these out of here I saw a really cool coin pusher up at watching McCall oh there's another one Donny two dollars I didn't even see that yeah it's like a little surprise bear that might have been yeah there this is we got two of them so good we will scratch these after I dig all these otters we might have more buried in you just got to make sure but there's actually a really cool point wilmarie clones are up at this place and Hopewell and what it is it's a more modern one and you can actually put it actually gives you change which I thought was sleazy because a lot of these things getting changes the pimple but what it does is it recycles the quarters that it gets and it gives you the change with that and I thought that really ingenious like invention you know I feel like there's more than a thousand you mad listen to fun fountain is those guys and that is it so much you guys to see this box here to help thick tallness boxes I want you guys to see how much is it Sam go back we're gonna count that after we do these scratch tickets ice we're starting up here guys we're looking for sevens I have the worst luck with scratch tickets you guys have no idea my brother's really lucky at these for some reason it's the first game we didn't win anything you know he's like super lucky at these go by $5.00 one and I'll hit like 50 bucks or on our bus Scarlett not in there game for you dude someone's beeping outside typical Pittsburgh traffic no nothing on that one all right we're halfway through in zilcho 12 come on seven and a 1:30 my favorite number is 22 so that was one off 18 come on triple sevens actually there's no triple sevens a spicy would be nice with my luck that'll be a dollar the process would get ten bucks I still wouldn't complain I wouldn't care it yes--it's they go loser oh my god the last one guys is a seven look at this this might be a gajillion dollars yeah right oh there's a bonus game to it can't forget that all right guys how much is it worth take your guess I'm gonna say three bucks Oh five bucks okay not bad I was I was a little wrong there all right let's try the bonus spots here so a seven or seven she can win seven or $70 hi you never went on these bonus plots no bonus and no bonus we need a money bag a matching number or if we get a 10x we get ten times the prize which is kind of cool I like these ones with the multipliers feel like they're the most exciting so we're looking for a 13 or an eight 13:26 for when one off seventeen five nineteen more last one was good on that one let's see if it is on this one and zilch okay so zilch on that one hey not bad though five bucks is a that's usually have to struggle to win a dollar or a ticket so now go home tally these up and see how much I came out with after 1000 quarters and the coin pusher alright guys I'm back at home here's all the quarters that I won I had these nice and neat but the cat had to knock him over but I did get a count beforehand thank the Lord so the total dollar amount that I got back is two hundred and twenty two dollars and twenty five cents so my math is correct we are down we lost 27 75 but we had the five dollar scratch ticket so you subtract five from that from a twenty seven dollar loss to a $22 and seventy five cent loss so not too terrible first for $250 1000 quarters going through the coin pusher and I know you're the one that knocked these over man huh I know I know you I know your ways man so our total return basically what the scratching would be two hundred twenty seven dollars and 25 cents I don't know how many actual quarters that equates to if you guys want to do the math let me know in the comments I would be sweet hope you guys really enjoy that that was my 1000th video here on YouTube thank you guys so much for a thousand videos and making this absolutely possible I never thought I would make this much content ever in my life for having audience to share with it all it's insane so thank you guys hope you really enjoyed this remember if you did thumb it up and if you're new to this channel if you just kind of stumbled upon this video make sure you hit that subscribe button if you love arcade games coin pushers claw machines we have all kind of fun crap here on this channel guys you're messin out if you're not sub so and make sure you guys hit that notification bell so you don't miss new videos videos at the end of this one are going to be more of my coin pusher ones and like we always say thanks for watching 1000 videos you [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 2,444,523
Rating: 4.6020942 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade matt, coin pusher, 1000 coins, 1000 quarters, quarter pusher, coin pusher jackpot, coin pusher hack, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher win, coin pusher bonus, arcade hacks, arcade games, arcade fun, how to win, on the edge, coin pusher game, coin pusher shaking the machine, coin pusher tricks, coin dozer, biggest coin pusher jackpot ever, quarter coin pusher, matt 3756, matt3756 coin pusher, アーケード, ゲームセンター, クレーンゲーム
Id: AE8Wf4hqtEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
Reddit Comments

I am subbed to arcade Matt. I would have never expected him to be posted here. How funny I never even considered they are similar.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CreepyOrlando 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lol I’ve thought they may be related as well

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tuuubbs 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Omfg!!!! Hilarious

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/back-woods-rob 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I hope Arcade Matt doesn’t get any hate. He seems like such a nice guy.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bluesfu 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why did I spent 30min watching a guy doing this ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iHate_Allsortofthngs 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
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