we made SECRET Minecraft under water base! - Hide Or Hunt #1

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welcome to hide orhan season six it's here it's finally here and this season oh my god is it a good one I'm so excited for you guys to watch this if you do not know what hider hood is let me explain the rules very simply this show is all about hiding your secret base on the server when you make your secret base you must place down your beacon and your beacon is your lifeline if your beacon gets found and destroyed you are out of the game the last person with the beacon standing wins the game they are the ultimate hide or haunt players so this show is basically all about hiding your base and making the best hidden base on the server guys if you are excited for the season make sure to go down below here's that like button and also if you're excited for the fact that we are currently right now very early stages working on a public inspired hide our hunt server please do hit that like button down below let me know that you're kind of excited for a server of that or pulls out further ado guys let's jump into this season of hider on enjoy [Music] in 30 seconds I am so high on C I am so ready like I I'm growing ready I'm ready hit that like button if you're ready on both our channels not just one cuz that would be that would be rude you got two on two times but I'm so ready to go I'm honestly ready to explore some of the 1.13 stuff I'm not so excited by the 1.13 PvP well let's go okay can we sit in the bows together I'm in a boat I mean oh okay where we going which way I go yeah sure whatever okay right I'll swim I can't see where everyone's gone okay that way my neck hurts okay just for a second turn around and just watch wherever us go like just so we can get like hey so we've got I gotta use a pirate all right go right go right go that way it's like a lot of people went lamb look they're going right do they know you can be in the boat together haha they're all solos so seriously I hit the boat don't let your left you follow and see how big this ocean actually is oh no crash I'm a good choice I'm sorry look like you're gonna crash oh my god do it backwards if you want but oh those skids all right we got 25 minutes we need to make a base it's a grace period let's dock up here and shore get some wood we're gonna need all kinds tougher ladder stuff in anyway so let's get all that can stuff going and actually this seems quiet let's break a knee let's break the boat though so it doesn't like we dug the pit I know but can we like grab it if I break it okay probably a nice big cubic right grab some wood let's grab little freaking loads of work so you know how much we need right so what are we thinking base wise what you wanna make um I wish I knew I'm thinking because since it's summer edition and we went with kind of a watery map a little bit I think under war base and I was like I was looking up some stuff on YouTube and stuff like you know it little tricks and neat stuff about 1.13 and you know and i'm 1.14 then realized where dunno 1.13 but you can swim through a 1x1 block well that's pretty neat right right pretty neat so we can find like a little cheeky little area and we can swim into it and that can be like a like we can have a lot of dams off that would honest be the most literate base going with no right so weird yeah we can't change over being watched grab as much wood okay we need to run off I don't want to save them whoa what I do Oh if you right-click it does stuff yeah I don't I haven't I have no idea about any a new version its stock oak log that's so cool like Oh gives you a sampling oh look oh no it's like a new blog that's so cool I know nothing about my account anymore I should probably play a new one right and we got plenty of wood yes I definitely say sir all right let's go this way let's see what we can find woody do you want to build it like in a river like inside the ocean lake okay do we need to that cave we can grow some blocks yeah we've got loads of time said like we only have to get a beacon down but remember we can't craft so come likewise needs to conserve a pickaxe that make sense for actually digging down to the base yeah do you go to mean grab this here you do the line order second cuz I'd be great couple the own yeah this is that this is a good start it's actually smart because while everyone else is getting that base set up right now we'll just be mining so like when people see us we'll be fine whoa hey skeleton whoa creeper creeper creeper creeper what's your AK can you hit me behind me oh don't die don't die it's fine I got horses in the look at me I'm a 1.13 Pro PvP Lauren or should I say PV year okay a more iron up here yeah they set you a smart idea Oh skeleton do what diamond through ready they found that I've been face chop me an arrow people found diamonds already oh my god that's it an admin base apparently yeah hopefully oh yeah look out for like so the admins were basically teasing us they're saying like obviously you might be able to find bonds it's not for the admin bases they're a bit differently season they're to have secret doors hello right we've might have we cleared this whole like I mean yeah we put it we have 23 iron alright let's go look for a base that you let's go let's go ahead out a little bit oh you said Lake I found Lake is there lake early it's like it's a frickin Lake I can't see under it but it's a lake okay right so we need to find a chief on here I know this is actually amazing we need to find a cheeky spot Toronto woman up like one area that we can swim in that can be our base okay there's a guy there but like let's just like pretend like we're not like doing anything hello yes killing the toes freaking tried and he's found an admin base oh my god he is a trident you can't kill us yeah but that's so cool you what what can we get tolls from hey zombie you can get a total shell can't you can you make something cool out yeah I got oh no I got sea grass never mind okay right we want this area so we need to like we need to psyche a stick by this guy so he clears away yep that makes sense look how coolly just just spun in circles yeah he's a riptide dude he found out it wasn't so lucky he'll died uh probably next episode are you on drugs hahaha alright let's just make sure we drive him out of here if that makes sense yeah okay right I think I was like late you just saw there I think I found like a really good area to make a base but like okay to make sure like no one comes over because we want a hidden area we want to swim through it right yeah exactly all right hang on we got people here and we're hanging around its area a bit too much this is this is awful lads come on we went mining yeah you should have your base is made this is our freaking pool cause I'm a really defensive here I just don't want like you know I mean I don't wanna ruin it we should probably go dig over the other side we probably should join up you're a poet and go alright so me and Raven have been doing some thinking right so you were still over there messing around yeah yeah I'm still at the top I'm just kind of looking around we just thought maybe that spot was - Harvey's trying to think outside the box okay okay fine fine because we're just chilling I'll shine things up outside the box it's like being against there's a bit obvious right so you want to be in the middle of the ocean so I dug down and I made Alera here against like this over a shrub thing and the war is flowed through it so that's exactly going one right so we can make something from that but see things were being what so like this is really ocular as long as I don't swim down I would even say how to really want to kill them so much so like literally once we get in there we've got our base sword do you I mean as long as he doesn't mind a little hold but you can't like it's so natural it's not like you literally can see it's against stone like I don't know if you can even see it from here I can't even see it right suppressing gun yep they're gone looks like they're on the shore right coming up a hill I'm gonna swim then you follow my lead cuz I've to dig one extra hole cuz I had to come back up until correct okay this should work okay so it's down here it should be like it's at the right diamond distant below as well look at this look at this oh it's so good okay second let me dig this hole out Oh God come on don't draw it that will be in the horrible day okay we're good we're good I'm my drown I'm good you're good okay I'm coming back down oh that okay I just gonna say let's post up above us I can say Crouch okay and hello you're in see right now test just really quickly if you can get into our war and swim back elegant if so our base is 100% good to go I don't think I can we money to make the water longer Oh Mike you did it you did it Oh oh my god that's so good [Laughter] you frickin G alright so what we're gonna do so just go into war ii only hey actually no I can't hear you we're all good right literally you can't we'll make a little angle so that we come up and like so like obviously any light transmitted will hopefully be around the corner and then here will be our tunnel down you want to dig a 4x4 down right now yeah I'll go for it I'll do glitchy right here yeah oh my eat if you're lucky the beacon oh there's a cave I will okay we'll just block the came up we don't see how big it is okay ah yeah that might be a bit of a problem will it yep a severe problem Oh watch yourself okay I'm gonna die okay run away Lisa looks like you're just mining okay what about Facebook whoa I'm dead Brian I'm going back in the entrance I've got away that's why that's fine make your way in here it's all good it's all safe here dude oh that was terrifying if doing that again right well I may be may be alone maybe I can build something here yeah just do it down here watch it though cuz it's a massive like underwater cave oh yeah it's everywhere Jimmy don't like the of naturally I have nothing when we take down I told her we take down here we might be too thick down here oh we probably can't it's just another hole I'll do this cuz obviously we need to one overshoot for the war right yep okay oh wait I'll come back up I'm gonna come oh my job there's mobs everywhere I know I told you technical difficulties okay do you think this would be okay or no I think it there'll be no light showing right so at least no down here isn't no down here is fine but I'm saying like do you think this depth yeah let's go further or Johnny go do is do it we're still quite far down so we can react to the retching you gotta realize that your end of the war so if you go there on the other side and dig another block down yeah so we dig a war shoot down so like obviously we can follow no ok ok block that back up with like dirt and natural or gravel Eve I only have cobble Juvenal nope even a grumble that fell place cause I come careful goes there I don't know how I'm gonna block up the top okay I'm gonna have to go out and round that's fine it's fine so once you block of it yeah I can do it there you go okay I'll go back in the hole this is so awkward like that may be awkward means it's gonna be really well-hidden you know alright catch me okay I don't need to catch you you're coming down yourself right so then we can build our base here there's a cave right here is there yep this is so we retained can you block it up of like anything natural like um I'm gonna grab some stuff and then block it up yeah that's fine it's fine oh my god this is so irritated by base is gonna be awesome love we got men like I'm Ray's gonna be pretty oh my god we have a cave right here what's cave okay it's it's kind of a cave under secret underwater caves there's another cave it's fine we just got a hope John we got a hope that no one goes in these caves so we'll block up everything with them with natural stone in a minute any what we do but at least we know we can break into a cave and mined from there yeah I mean at least we have like that amount of stuff with these caves that's what kind of interesting base going on here gotta go gotta go a bit zigzagging hello two minutes remaining on this episode alright let's get this job done right what kind of zine you want to go with the base it doesn't really matter oh it doesn't matter doesn't it doesn't matter it does a little bit obviously you want to have a nice pretty base and gonna have a nice secret base so I'm like this we look for traps except this is kind of like this is something this is something I'll take you okay which one lots of room like obviously people break any we want a room we want room to fight you know that can't wait to defend our thing yeah if we make it like a long little thing like they're like see there we've got a cave so if we blocked it up with natural stuff like something like died right my dad should be fine god block this one up too so we'll replace that in a second so this should probably do the job right if you do not we could try go deeper now here so we have a really long way into our base so like when someone finds it they gotta take the time not just straight in you're not gonna wait the entry are still there I'm just staying crouched as much I can yep do not on Crouch we have like a minute left all right I can hear loud but you hear that yep that could actually be really good right we'll make our actual base down here yeah lava whatever was just deal with it we'll just do it here all right I'll mine up this oh are you kidding me okay it's fine this is that you're perfect you know what I bet no no we're gonna do this right we're just gonna go of it if someone finds this cave fair enough right but we're just gonna make Oh our base has the diamonds all right so will it Judy this is gonna be our base so we're gonna block this a bit up here and then that little bit up there with stone love it and then we have like a secret little K base and a little bit and a bit over there yes I think we have about 10 seconds left or something I am going to place our beacon in the almighty spot the mighty spot I like it so it's got a little defense I guess because if someone's breaking it it's actually good if we catch someone breaking it pontiff into lava dude that's what we do this episode is over we've made our secret base it's not fully done just yet but it will be soon watch out from mobs Raven and but yeah this is a queen episode 1 we have a nifty little way into our base I'm really excited next episode need to block off here block on there and block there [Music] you
Channel: CreepersEdge
Views: 1,412,440
Rating: 4.767911 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, creepersedge, kid friendly, minecraft funny, minecraft video, Minecraft Hide Or Hunt, we made SECRET Minecraft cave base, we made SECRET Minecraft under water base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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