Putt-Putt Does Some Things - PBG

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all right let's see what we got into today give a PPG you need a haircut dear PPG you don't need a haircut dear PPG has anyone ever told you that you look like shaggy from scooby-doo oh nothing new so far dear PBG you just come to our attention that show is not up to the educational standards we require blah blah blah if you cannot provide your viewers of educational content we will be forced to shut you down sign with the FCC well to appease the FCC looks like I got to talk about something educational and I think I found something that'll do the trick this is putt-putt joins the parade for ms-dos ever wanted to play a game where you click on stuff then this is the game for you see a thing click on it just click on everything I mean what could go wrong everyone and see an apple spontaneously combust and then turn into packaged apple juice hop over to a barrel jizz in it and then jump because that's in the game you know if you wanted to see that I don't I don't know why you would flowers to make out with each other or more your thing then there's that too then you talk to smokey the firetruck he fills you in on what's going down the story here is pretty deep putt-putt wants a pet so he can join the parade why does he need a pet to join the parade I have no idea don't ask questions he also needs a car wash and a balloon but it doesn't matter how cutesy the world you live in is you ain't get nothing without money except for gas that's apparently free but making money is boring I'd rather go to the toy store let's see what do we got here wear red suspenders I don't care oh yeah sure puff but you left your magnet here just like I left my imagine on this guy's yard I get a game you want me to click on random stuff because I'm three years old and too stupid to comprehend a more complex gameplay mechanic and that's cool but why does everything have to be so creepy like this mailbox whoa I hope this guy didn't want his mail because there it goes why is it floating where is it going why are there so many mails why are there so many bales alright it's time to make some money it's time to mow some lawns because that's exactly why I play video games Simo laws and guess what you actually have to mow them yep ladies and gentlemen this right here that's gameplay that's fantasy month uh nope all I said that's gameplay that's fantasy month hello well is there anything I can do for you well yes Barney Fife I'd like to mow your lawn please the best part about mowing the lawns is that you don't even have to finish mow for a couple seconds tell them you finished and bam shiny gold coin and the suckers are none the wiser that's right kids hard work is for chumps I mean just look at me I've been waiting my whole life and now I get to play putt-putt joins the parade all right so I kidnapped a baby in a movie theater got a balloon and found a random puppy in a cave you know where most puppies hang around so I'm all set but before we join what I'm sure will be the most amazing parade in the entire universe I want to get a paint job holy crap could they make that any louder I mean seriously that's the sound effect I didn't turn the volume up the way what color should I get what color red blue yellow purple yeah purple again money well spent that's the most fun I had all day me too but but me too all right it's time for what we've all been waiting for it's time for the parade come on everybody let's go you and that's putt-putt joints the parade never thought I play a game like that it's kind of like darksied but for three-year-olds what a queen generous store with a little bit of everything for day-to-day existence but that's not the only putt-putt game there's actually quite a few of them we don't have time to look at them all but let's take a look at a couple of the stranger sounding ones like putt-putt goes to the moon so he goes from wanting to join an incredibly lame parade where all they have are dime-store balloons and not a single person came to see it to wanting to go to the moon and putt putts really up the standards for his life goals right away you may notice an upgrade to the gameplay well if you can call this game boy hey now the cursor actually tells you which objects you can click on you know the case it was too hard before this time putt-putt is going to the firework shop to visit this guy Firebird welcome Hut bang would you like to help me make a skyrocket be careful not to touch bad lever it's for my big secret experiment just show me what you want to do I don't know about you but this is probably the last guy in the entire world that I'd want selling me fireworks hey there kids what about some fireworks this one right here is my tea and tea candles it may not look like much but it packs a punch and this one right here is a doozy all you got to do is push this little button and wouldn't you know it putt-putt ends up going to the moon can't say I saw that one coming except as it turns out he didn't actually intend to go there it was a freak accident his dog kept jumps on a lever and it launches them into orbit Peppa randomly has a helmet on Peppa randomly doesn't have a helmet on then he decides after completely screwing his owner by sending into the moon against his will then it's a good idea to run and play hide and seek in a cave because you know pep it's not like we have anything better to do right now no no no no though let's use our gas looking for our stupid dog and this stupid cave that for some reason is also a maze you eventually meet some other guy car that was a part of the original moon landing and then you find a spaceship that you have to buy from these guys so let me get this straight you gotta earn more money just like in the last one it's the same game just in space alright next alright I think one more game should cover it let's check out put-put travels through time once again we're off to see our mentally questionable friend mr. Firebird and it would appear that accidentally sending a young child to the moon gives your fireworks license revoked but don't worry he's got a new scheme brilliant I was just putting the finishing touches on my time portal a real time portal as a matter of fact I was just about to fire it up for the very first time great and then I could show you my history report and my new school supplies do commit I got time portal you go to any point in the past present or future with this thing I got a mechanical pencil you press the button and the leg comes out her pet screws things up again and gets sent back in time data go save him and get my lunchbox back you know we need music and wouldn't you know you can get a paint job in the future too so you go round through time steal more stuff from people drive on a dinosaur and visit this guy he's special then you get all your stuff back you go to school and then the end happens now let me tell you what I learned well I say that fills my educational quota for the rest of the year I think the FCC will leave me alone from now on yep I'd say everything turned out a-okay wait I just realized something those weren't educational games all you do is just picking on random stuff and ice cream falls from the sky great now I'm in more trouble than ever wait I've got an idea it's lazy it's pointless it's lowest-common-denominator but it might just convince people that my show is educational and informative and it's it's time for a random faceless top ten list the top ten things we learn from putt-putt number ten if you go back in time feel free to talk to dinosaurs they probably won't even eat you number nine fruit can't talk but I can I wish that thank you number eight looking for a pet check a cave dog seemed to like hanging out in them number seven you can take whatever you want as long as you claim that it was yours and you just left it there by accident number six there's acid water on the moon and mice and that tree from Lord of the Rings it's true look it up number five well I work hard when you can get paid just as much for being lazy number four getting launched into space against your will is not scary neither are aliens they are fun and I love them number three you can't do anything without money except by gas that's free number two I think that smoky guy is a pedophile so you know watch out for that and number one if you have a creepy old friend with questionable intelligence you should probably visit him as often as possible especially if he makes fireworks in Time Machine because what could possibly go wrong want to see more videos well there's a button for that it's called subscribe I'll even show you how to click it is it life just so much simpler now I hope you enjoyed my video because I made it just for you yeah you starting to you if you did enjoy it then you can click the like button and I won't have to cry myself to sleep tonight let me know what you think in the comments below and if you're the first to comment make sure you let me know about it as we all know that stuff is important also if you want to see some more videos I got two right here for you you can click on them with your mouse that's how internet works see you up dear PBG we are going to kill you for an unexplained reason
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 3,475,750
Rating: 4.9449925 out of 5
Keywords: Putt-Putt, Putt, Joins the Parade, Goes to the Moon, Travels Through Time, PeanutButterGamer, PBG, The PBG Show, MS, DOS, PC, review, gaming, video, Games
Id: j8KjPEQyzAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2012
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