Hatoful BoyFriend - PBG

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The part with Jon makes me laugh so hard.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TehPaddy 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2012 🗫︎ replies
let me go ahead and preface this entire video with this I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't even know why I'm doing this but all that counts this game shouldn't even exist but it does and I'm gonna talk about it because that's just what I did did you know that the Internet has porn now you know well not really porn okay a lot of this point but what I'm talking about specifically our dating simulation games some of which really aren't porn a dope a boyfriend our gaming question fits into this category but there's one difference one big difference birds birds birds birds pigeons to be exact now you may be thinking to yourself peanut butter gamer how do pigeons date they don't but in this game they do there's a couple scenes in the game where this sort of explain how pigeons advance and intelligence over the years now they're able to talk and oh that's pretty much it like in this scene where one of the earliest and most famous pigeon blogs is mentioned and it would seem that it is actually a real blog that's been going on for quite some time and it's run by this guy you know the pigeon who suggested that the Dove Olympics be called the pijl em fix somebody get this guy a Nobel name come up with prize I should get one too you know for that enough chitter-chatter let's delve into this beautiful gem of a game everyone a toefl boyfriend last name PVG first name PPG is PPG PPG okay you know for this game I think that'll do just fine the cast was released on April Fool's with voice credits this game doesn't have voices though sorry wait seriously is this a joke I think the game is trolling me right now don't you test me game there's plenty of other pigeon dating some games I can turn to I don't need you this school is the world's greatest gathered place for gifted birds sign me up hey guess what if you weren't creeped out enough already it turns out that you aren't even a pigeon you're a human girl in a pigeon dating sin game why I don't know but here's a little something for you to ponder how big babies went bird nap man think about it I know I've been calling this a game but now that I think about it I can't even call it that because technically it would be called a visual novel but despite not being a game there are some pretty tense moments of calculation and skill for example you better be careful which kind of beans you get for your special son birdie because it may make them sick my chronic illness I mean you wouldn't want to get sworn hemp to avert it the first cotton corn there's no telling what could happen he might hate it and you so much then he'd rather jump out the window than stand to be seen eating your beans and tolerating your company for 10 seconds why can't a beautiful independent woman like me find true pigeon you know it's like in StarCraft when you build a dude but he's really not very nice and doesn't play well with others so he starts killing your floaty guys see if you just put a bit more thought into that maybe you wouldn't be dead right now no you suck but I guess it's about time I start dating some dang pigeons now if this was Harvest Moon or something I'd take a significant other based on personality maybe physical features you know the usual stuff but we have no idea what's for it to take in this game because they're all pigeons there's there's really nothing doing it for me here so I guess I'll just start with the creepy doctor guy because that sounds fun now all the other birds in school keep talking about how the doctor is a terrible person he's a creeper he kills people you know stupid pointless stuff like that but frankly I don't think he's that bad of a guy I mean sure he wants a lock of my hair sure he said he'd love to experiment on me sure I caught him burying something that looked like a bird he killed and sir he may have sent me a cooked holiday bird meal it looks suspiciously like his assistant that he got in a fight with but you know if you just look beyond all of that then he has a cleaver how does how does that happen how does a bird cleave how does a bird cleave well he killed me well the last one didn't go so well but I think we can do better why don't we check out the depressed loner pigeon leave me alone huh okay let's look at the other pigeons do boring - annoying - even more annoying this guy's our teacher so technically that'd be pedophilia and also - boring ha Ryota the best friend site okay I think I can tolerate this one maybe perhaps if I have to but he keeps saying jeepers so I'm already kind of turned off Ryota sprout is a bit more standard it's got your typical stuff like living in a cave beating up the crazy kid in the lunchroom and going to festivals where you wish for stuff and what can you wish for you know the usual things a high school girl would wish for like conquering the world life force ruling the world from the shadows or becoming a famous artist one of these things is not like the other one of these things just doesn't belong but other than that there's just not much to say here I guess the scheme wasn't quite as easy to talk about it would be I wanted to try to convey to everyone just how weird this game is but I feel like I'm not doing it justice so we're gonna have to change it up a bit so I've taken some of the weirdest lines I could find in the game and I'm going to read them to you sure they may be out of context but come on a smiley emoticon with his arms in the air passes his dialogue for this game I don't think we really care about the context carve it into your soul the speed limit for scooters has 30 km/h oh this damn it's a clinging feathers of making my heart race the red-eye demon led me here you summoned me once more apostle of the Bruce gate that's that's a question our encounter as finish transient as a comet's tail on the horizon but I am glad I met you I had it in my recorder instead of my math homework because that's the thing that did happen may my mother stay healthy this year and may my stomach in better you're misunderstanding it's just a transvestite cafe I was born beneath the stars I am not allowed these pleasures this has been a long year I've gotten involved with the Filipino of banana man an eccentric fallen angel I'm pretty impressed with myself I wish to crush all opposition that rises before me and rule the world with an iron fist somebody sent me a text message it's from Rio de who is a bird forgive me sir but I need to go home I must return to my people with the spoils of war lay my bloodied sword at the feet of my great king and celebrate my conquest of all the lands from here to distant Macedonia trust me even in context that one doesn't make sense today's Christmas but Christmas is too mainstream so I'm not celebrating if you've heard of it it's already too mainstream for me now shut up hips are separate so obviously a lot of the lines in this game are weird on their own but maybe part of what makes them so weird is if they're coming from birds that are looking at me right in the middle of the screen towards the end of the video here and I so it's not quite over that wait what's this some kind of thing is happening it appears that there's some sort of secret bird agency that's been stalking me as you can see while she was meant to act as a goodwill ambassador she fails to displace efficient intimacy with the birds we will execute the termination sequence wait they're gonna kill me just because I didn't get a birdie boyfriend that's not very nice what can I do holy there was some kind of bird it was robotic and headley red eyes or something they could speak in my defense wait epiphany Epiphany Oh John this is important can any borrows Jacques oh okay I'm Dave want to see more videos well there's a button for that it's called subscribe I'll even show you how to click it is it life just so much simpler now well oh the video is over looks like you screwed up but anyway now that you hear you might as well give me a click on the like button because everybody knows that's what's important in life also I have other videos you can watch by clicking here here and everywhere actually you can't click everywhere there are definitely specific spots but you know probably also check out my Facebook and Twitter because it's certainly a party over over there and those particular areas of the internet internet whoo I tell you stuff that happens there whoa see you
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 2,024,720
Rating: 4.9358702 out of 5
Keywords: Hatoful Boyfriend, Hatoful, Boyfriend, review, gameplay, PeanutButerGamer, Peanut Butter Gamer, PBG, The PBG Show, gaming, video, games, PC, dating, simulator, pigeon, bird, birds, why
Id: Plb8GegfL2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2012
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