Arthur's Missing Pal - PBG

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[Music] ah what a beautiful day I've gotta do a video ah hey everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and welcome to my channel where I talk about video games do hacking stuffs top tens and occasionally talk about Arthur for absolutely no reason hey hope you liked the video I do if you've been subscribed to me for a while you probably already know that I watched a lot of art there as a kid and still to this day on ironically enjoy it in fact I've seen almost every episode of the first 15 seasons but there exist in Arthur movie that not only have I never seen I hadn't even heard about it until now Arthur's missing pal you'll notice at the top of the box here it says Arthur stars in his first movie which is a very bold claim considering it's not true this movie came out in 2006 but art there's real first movie Arthur's perfect Christmas came out in the year 2000 and it is for the record a classic and I watch it every year so we don't appreciate it being brushed under the rug Arthur's missing pal it's strike number one all right I was gonna throw it but I guess we should wait and see if it's if it's good let's go ahead and watch it now the movie starts off with Arthur sleeping on his bed with pal both on top of not under the blankets by the way I don't know if that's a personal preference for Arthur maybe it's really hot outside or more than likely they just didn't feel like animating it properly I'm gonna go with that one I think and while we're on the subject of the animation I'm just gonna go ahead and get this over with I grew up watching the show when it used the classic hand-drawn animation style but once the show reached the 16th season they switched to a newer flashed based format well I personally prefer the old hand-drawn style the flash based animation is still aesthetically pleasing but this movie clearly did not use either of those animation styles it used whatever this is creepy baby face style if this music playing right now is any indication then there's something really intense going on during these opening credits I'm just not really sure what it is somebody's planning on assassinating Arthur I guess sweet may be this movie's gonna be better than I thought well whatever's going on Arthur is completely oblivious to it and goes about his daily routine of giving his dog pal his medicine and breakfast okay you'll get your breakfast you lie he never actually gives pal his breakfast because he gets interrupted by Buster what are you talking about did you forget about the SuperDuper greatest ever ultimate water balloon fight it's today you're I forgot yeah seriously how could you I thought you were cooler than this look if I'm gonna be reppin you you need to be on top of all the latest goings on ah don't you make me look a fool Arthur read I mean it then everyone storms out of the kitchen one after the other leaving pal alone sad and utterly breakfast 'less hashtag pray for PAL [Music] [Music] wait wait hold on at first she's holding the camera selfie style but then she turns without flipping the camera back into the right direction what's up with that you think you thought I wouldn't notice that continuity error right there but unfortunately for the people who made this movie I'm a real stickler for those kinds of things while Arthur and his friends are having fun outside we get a pretty depressing scene of PAL moping around and slowly realizing that his master doesn't give a crap about him so naturally as any rational person or dog would in this situation he decides to drink his pain away but unfortunately that doesn't end up helping anything because drinking too much only makes him need to pee which then causes him to have even more flashbacks of Arthur verbally abusing him on the run do your business outside meanwhile back in Arthur land the water balloon war continues okay so the brain is there guy in the chair trope I get it I'm following but what I'm not following is how the heck does he have this many camera angles all we can see is the camera on his house but apparently he also has a camera on some random car following people down the street on a tripod just sitting in the middle of Arthur's yard and on the ground right in the middle of the sidewalk she even runs right over it with her bike how the heck is she not seeing these [Music] Pizza boy oh wait it was amazingly obvious never mind Arthur is all set up to outsmart Francine but Pal ruins everything by needing to pee what did I tell you about having needs pal cut out and in the process gives away his hiding spot bad boy said mom Muffy did you ever turn the freaking camera back in the right direction just forget it that's not all you forgot Arthur freaking Arthur who even likes that guy ah version probably nobody important so Arthur runs home to take pal for his walk only to find the towel is missing oh I get it it's because of the name of the movie they thought they could sneak it past me but I just I've got to I'm real smart that's yeah then we're treated to a long montage bit set to music where all the kids help Arthur search for pal these montage scenes have been fairly often and I can't help but feel that there are sort of cheap way of filling time for what's already a decently short movie to begin with as of right now we don't really know what happened to pal but the last we saw of him he was about to fall into a flushing toilet now I'm not really sure if we're supposed to actually believe that Pal was flushed down into the sewers or not but I really doubt it because not only would that be impossible it would also make him be dead but hey what do I know maybe this movie gets really dark and PAL actually is dead I guess we'll just have to keep watching to find out what I'm confused [Music] [Applause] there's no such thing as dead zombies because all zombies are dead that's what's known as a colloquial redundance which is usually defined as the use of two or more words that mean the same thing also you really need to work on that drawing it's it's leaving a little bit to be desired I know I'm Vera no you trying this I'm proud of you keep keep at it keep at it okay keep at it and I was walking with my parents when suddenly disappeared pretty proud of a colorful smoke I had a dream I was on this TV show and they were asking me questions and I was answering the questions and it wouldn't stop asking me questions you can tell some of these kids are like alright I'll do your chant thing I'll do this song but there's no way I'm doing that that Ghostbusters chant at the end like they were just not having it this kid on the left and the gray shirt though this kid you can tell this was all his idea he's just wheeze wait he's way too into it missing pal you said videos I was doing remember it's a thing okay hold on a second I know that this video is not about this actual episode of Arthur but directly after that and now a word from us kid segment there is this kid here who is clearly a PayPal a human version of pal that kind of disturbs me a little bit it brings us a question that I always have all the kids and people and Arthur are animals so why is it that Pal is a dog dog well something like beaky is a is a bulldog that can walk and talk it's super weird what's up with that that's what I wanna know it keeps me up at night legitimately have been have been up late at night the past few weeks thinking about this well it turns out that Pal is not dead personally I think it would have been a bold creative decision to kill him off but what can you do not only is he alive and well he's also having a whole lot of fun and not missing Arthur in the slightest he even gets his own happy montage scene it's fun all right pal Katzie music and everything but that was one of the worst hopscotch performances I have ever seen in my life get out of here with that don't pray you get zero points I have to say I'm actually rooting for Arthur to not find pal at this point not only has he proven to be a terrible dog owner pal it's clearly way happier without it you know it's been a while since we've heard from DW what do you say we go see what she's up to Pal is missing but how mom DW please thank you yes DW of course we do but Pal is missing said mom no DW nobody cares now okay what do we know so far we have no idea he has no collar so nobody can identify him I'm sorry Arthur it's my fault be careful I'm a bad detective why are you a bad detective yeah that's a good question why is Buster a bad detective because I'm always wrong well that is a pretty good reason Arthur and Buster then see Pal stuck inside an ice cream truck buddy drives away before they can catch him at this point the movie continues to jump back and forth between scenes of Arthur and Buster doing detective stuff and scenes with pal living out his dream of freedom sweet sweet he gets chased by the dogs we just saw almost gets run over by a lawn mower runs around in an ice cream factory owned by a guy who has the best mop you could ever see just look at that mop I can't imagine looking at a better muck than that one and he eventually gets picked up by this nice truck driver lady named Rosie you want to come with me little guy we'll see the whole country even Washington DC power I hate to break it to you but nobody knows what means you can't even understand you you know what country is this mr. Burke speak American after learning of pals rescuer from the owner of the local diner Arthur decides to give up the search if I was directing this movie it would have ended here Pal is finally happy Arthur's learned his lesson and he's very very sad and deservedly so he yells at his dog forgets to feed him let him out and I didn't even mention all of the other stuff he leaves him out in the hot Sun drags and chokes him with his leash and to the movie even hints that Pal has worms which would imply that he's either letting him eat stuff that he shouldn't be eating or he's neglecting him frankly Arthur is the villain of this movie as far as I'm concerned but of course since there's no real justice in the world that's not the actual ending oh no no pal they'll come back to them that you were not a bad guy make sure that you don't need no gun pull your dog with the leash [Music] that's abuse well I guess I've rambled on about Arthur's frickin missing pal for long enough now so I guess I'll have to wrap it up I think this is the first time I've done a video on a full-length movie much less something that had nothing to do with video games so hopefully you guys enjoyed it and if you did enjoy it and you want to see more videos like this then make sure you like the video subscribe leave me a comment and all that good stuff basically I just really want to talk about Arthur's perfect Christmas this holiday so please I I asked for so little okay that's all I want for Christmas I was gonna end off this video by giving you my final thoughts on Arthur's missing PAL the first the second Arthur movie but I think I'll just let DW do it for me [Music] thanks again for watching everybody if you want to see more videos make sure you subscribe so yeah just do that if you want to see more videos and also you can check out the a play channel PBG gameplay we have my NC hardcore get going on the channel go check it out there's Tati yeah it's in Princeton we're out of time though
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 3,024,933
Rating: 4.9397187 out of 5
Keywords: Arthur, Arthur's Missing Pal, PBS, Show, Arthur PBS, Arthur Movie, Arthur Games, Arthur's Perfect Christmas, movie, review, Hacking, Top 10, Video Game (Industry), Gaming, Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Microsoft Studios (Video Game Developer), Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), PeanutButterGamer, PBG, xbox, playstation, Ps3, Gameplay, Xbox360, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), PC, Mario, full movie, song, soundtrack, full, episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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