She Just Wants To Be Friends

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so I was talking to a guy the other day on email and he was telling me how he was seeing this girl who told him that you know I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore he made a couple of moves where she got turned off by him and she eventually backed away and said you know what I just don't feel it anymore I think we should just go back to being friends so this guy had never been confronted with a situation like this and he was only too happy to accept the offer of friendship because he thought if I don't accept this offer well she's gonna go off and she's gonna meet somebody else and I'm gonna lose her altogether so I'll just accept the offer of friendship I'll keep her in my life and then hopefully I'll be able to convince her to come back to me now this is a classic move that a lot of guys make and it's a classic mistake as well if you accept a woman's offer a friendship but doesn't matter if you in a long-term relationship doesn't matter if you're in a short-term relationship it doesn't matter if you're married it doesn't matter if you're seeing a girl after a couple of dates and she just suddenly decides that she wants to pull away and she wants to go back to being friends the moment you offer this and accept and acquiesce to her offer a friendship well she's gonna pull away from you and she's gonna lose even more attraction for you because you failed a test you showed that you weren't masculine enough and bold enough and confident enough to go after what you want which is her to go after intimacy and that's what you really want in a relationship otherwise everything else except for intimacy is just friendship so the moment you accept friendship is the moment that you kill attraction it's over right and it just goes on the steady decline from there so this guy was really uncomfortable with the idea of being friends with this girl and when she said hey I just want to be friends with you he accepted instead of walking away and telling her look if you want to be friends you can go and be friends with somebody else I have enough friends already I'm not looking for friendship I'm not interested come back when you change your mind come back if you want something more so to cut a long story short he ends up seeing this girl a couple of times they go out for dinner they go out for lunch he's picking her up he's taking her out shopping which I used to do before when they were seeing each other and they were dating each other there's a lot more fun back then now he's not even touching her he's not even making a move he's feeling like I have to be kind of distant here because she wants to be friends so I have to bring that for ship back into the relationship I have to be her emotional support but I can't touch her I can't engage her in any way so he's going out and essentially he's just being a friend to her so she's getting the emotional support and she's not giving him any intimacy in return doesn't sound like a fair trade to me so I told him when you go out with her touch her engage her be bold try to kiss her act like nothing's changed and if she does pull away and say hey hey hey we're just friends take it easy you don't touch me walk away that's it it's over it's done you are living in a world of over three billion women and if you focus on one woman and act like she's the only woman you can get it decreases your value so much as a man that it's it's it's so stupid when you think of it from that point of view there are so many women in the world who would love you appreciate you respect you go out and find one of the other three billion women in the world that's a hell of a lot of women so you have a great pic out there beautiful women who are intelligent who are smart who are loving who are caring don't get focused on one it's it's just crazy to focus on one woman and if she's offering you friendship walk away and believe me when you walk away and say look friendships off the table I'm just not interested she will actually come back to you because you passed the test she's gonna see if you're strong enough and confident enough to actually walk away that's part of the test it's part of the reason why she's doing it in the first place if she does play games if she does that kind of stuff and she walks away without looking back you know what she's not worth it in the first place and you dodged a bullet and if you need more help on how to stay out of the friendzone and don't get up by women then go to my website get my free articles my book I found like attraction I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 62,034
Rating: 4.9274988 out of 5
Keywords:, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond, friend zone, friendzone, girlfriends wants to be friends, ex wants to be friends
Id: MTTNQQu1rjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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