Girlfriend Pushing You Away

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hi I'm Chris kam well and in this video I'd like to talk about what you can do when your girlfriend pushes you away and this happens all the time this forms the basis of a lot of my work and I get emails all the time about this girls really into the guy and then all of a sudden the girl disappears she pushes the guy away and there are a lot of reasons why she might do this but it's very confusing and it's very frustrating especially when you think that the girl is really into you one minute and then the next minute she just disappears and she pulls back and she's gone so why do women do this why do they push guys away and what can you do to overcome this problem well there are lots of different reasons why a woman will push a guy away one reason is that she's testing the guy she's trying to see how he's going to respond is he going to respond in a very weedy and weak kind of way is he going to be needy as well is he going to beg her and then she's going to know immediately if the guy is weak and if she should keep on dating him or if she should dismiss him there's a very simple test it's a very effective test that a lot of women are using nowadays another reason why a woman might push the guy away is that she has a very difficult attachment style there are a couple of different attachment styles in psychology you have the secure attachment style which is the most common and it also means that men and women can have very easy relationships there's the anxious attachment style and there's the avoidant attachment style so if your girlfriend has an anxious attachment style she's going to be very unpredictable one woman that she's running very hot and she's into you and the next minute she just goes cold and she pushes you away for no reason if she has an avoidant attachment style which is a very very small percentage of the population then it's highly likely that she's going to be running away from you and she might just disappear and you never hear from her again but it's very very rare that she has that and this isn't something you should worry about it's also true that women have a 40% high rate of mental illness than men and that's conducted by many studies and Oxford University even did a study about this where they found that women have a much higher rate of mental illness depression anxiety than men so don't be surprised if your girlfriend falls into a slump all of a sudden and she withdraws because it's it's highly likely that that could be a cause to the other reason why she might pull away is that she's just you know she's not sure about the relationship and she doesn't feel that close to you she doesn't feel that attracted to you and this is probably one of the biggest reasons why a woman will pull away she doesn't feel attracted to you she feels like things aren't going right and you've turned her off which is a big problem so what can you do to overcome this and get your girlfriend back and interested in you well I always recommend this very simple technique and that is to mirror her emotions when your girlfriend pushes you away if you push back so when she goes off and she wants to do her own thing and she doesn't respond to your text messages and you can't get in touch with her well you should also be unavailable - and this is going to put her into a state of uncertainty which was found to increase a woman's attraction to by the University of Virginia they did a study about this and they found that women who are uncertain about where they stand in a relationship will be more attracted to the man there's also some other very interesting studies where they talk about scarcity and by being less available I think it was a University of Richmond they did a study about this where they found that men who are less available are actually more attractive so you can also pull back - don't be afraid to push your girlfriend away and nearer her emotions this is very important if you start chasing when your girlfriend pushes you away you start begging her you start pleading then it's just going to fall to pieces and she's going to lose even more attraction for you and it's going to be harder to get her back so I really want you guys to understand this don't chase don't beg don't plead and maintain your frame at all times be strong one of the worst things you can do is to actually chase your girlfriend and basically tell her that you're insecure you're needy and you need her more than she needs you that's not high value and she's not going to respect you if you do this the journal for sex roles actually found that women are more attracted to strong independent and narcissistic men believe it or not than needy insecure guys and also regular guys so you know don't be afraid to be a little bit selfish and to do your own thing and to basically march to the beat of your own drum so if you want to do something you want to go out with your friends have drinks go play tennis or do whatever you want to do don't be afraid to do that because your girlfriend will respect you a lot more if you say hey what are you doing can I be with you or you change your plans to be with her then she's going to be more frustrated she's going to lose attraction for you not immediately but over the long run she will lose attraction for you I got a very interesting email recently from a client of mine who was having the same problem his girlfriend was really into him she really liked him a lot but he messed up because she told him I don't think you're messaging me enough I don't think you love me enough I don't think you care about me enough but hey she was still coming over to his house she was still having wild sex what more do you want in a relationship you can spend time with a girl and he could do his own thing but then she suddenly said I need more time I need more messages I need more love I need more affection I need more care and as soon as he started giving her more attention and time and loving messages surprise surprise the girl pulled away from him and disappeared so it's a very important lesson there don't listen to what a woman says do what you know is right and what works and this works because all my work is based on scientific research and studies which have been proven to increase attraction and so this stuff works and if you follow it then you will get good results very good results significant results so don't be afraid to implement what I teach now if you have any questions at all please send me an email on my website also if you want to get in touch with me about a specific problem you have you can book an emergency Skype consultation or an email consultation you can also do that on my website and if your girlfriend has pulled away from you like they so often do and they disappear or they go cold or they break up with you don't forget to get a copy of my guide which is also on my website as well till next time
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 124,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girlfriend pushing away,, chris canwell, develop attraction, get girlfriend back
Id: d3W6COd-TGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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