PUSH The HARDPOINT! *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite

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so there's welcome to another push the line this time it's hard point capture the point style the rules are simple there's five different sections all laid out the middle section is where we start each team starts with blue guns each section has three capture points that randomly open the first team 250 points wins that section when one team wins that section they push forward they upgrade to purple guns and the losers go down to green the first team to push all the way past legendary wins the game you know what we've put a wheel here if I spin this wheel and it lands I'm like you guys gotta hit that like button like fun yay hope you guys enjoy push the line boys push the line me and Henry vs. Biffle and sigils Biggles vs. Hendy suddenly all right so you guys ready to roll this we get 5 rolls each let's do this here we go consumable ok so remember the only thing you can get off the start are blue items and we had we I just got consumable chug splash boy we out here you know what I'm taking a combat shot a deep trauma shot hey wait what does green go to if it's a combat shotgun no what about the drum shot gonna all right next round ready and high pistol okay so I have a debacle I can only get blue so if I want a hand cannon add eagle how do I get that because a revolver turns into a revolver Oh dual pistols oh great nope taking the revolver I don't want that crap you are a you are a bad person biblical bad come on could be a Ark give me a are Oh a are ok ok a are should scope here escape it Henry should I get scope they are yep take a scope there take a scope there ok alright final spin you guys ready [Music] consumables long-range you know what I'm taking a hunting rifle boy I hit some trick shots out here alright boys let's do this alright you guys got your loot everybody good so it's the first 250 points in this one gets sent back go ahead schedules I saw you it's on me it's son we versus Biggles oh wait Oh max wood is 100 already hit him he's got dance grade oh here here take this take this take this bill bill bill bill bill did you just know scummy ok we have 60 points remember the points do move it's about the movies gonna die in there oh no I got I got I got well I'm not I can get through this window I can get through this window get on the point Oh oh my gosh Stan's grenades are terrible can we get out of here No oh gosh oh yes oh my god is insane for a lot oh my gosh get it Henry get to the middle I had it for 90 every look for you [Laughter] [Applause] we push oh gosh you guys only have two points you guys are boss all right so what we push them to green and we go to purple let's do it all right so combat shotgun that upgrades to purple and what else we got Oh revolver um scope they are oh no do I go to thermal Oh yup going to thermal class how do you think about that um sniper get that one chug splashes I think Chuck splashes have to stay blue right no yeah yeah yeah they're staying chug plans they're staying Chuck splash your convenient you know what you know thermal stays blue as well have Athena you know it's your choice if you want to upgrade you can if you don't want upgrades you don't gotta how about that all right boys let's do this are you boys ready in 3 2 1 go oh it's already open Oh what is open okay oh this dynamite oh oh why are you guys so crazy wait I can't hit a shot to save my life I know I'm trying to stop them okay yes he died to the zone right in front of me that shotgun is stupid look at our boys boy son we going up in time did you just snipe him oh no not TNT everywhere get it get in the point again the point okay get out yeah I think he's about to come oh yeah there it is die already oh he wouldn't die good job good job Henry come on Henry and we don't die I told you not to die oh thank god is stupid get it get the boy get the boy get the boy get the boys 35 Willis airborne don't get up get up get up get up get up Oh get quickscope kind of ish I don't want to get quickscope done ish or any other form of it thank you no get in there get in there get in there katenka Jessica Jessica Jessica contesting good dancing good testing good dancing good dancing good dancing no 40 boys all right so we go back to blue vs. blue Holly poop in my panties all right boy his blue versus blue we're back here and we go ahead think of my head dictum oh yes I know how I thank you for like a billion yes double kill we out here yes get in who put explosives in this the grenades are so stupid taking high ground in this game get to the middle get to the middle get to the middle oh hey how about you stop with the grenade and stop him Oh a number seventy-three headed for 73 it's gotta it's about a change it's about a change it's about to change careful Henry yeah it is oh you just got alright let me heal real quick give me a minute sizzles oh wait no he's on the healing thing or the thing you with the points no they're about to win I didn't even check the score no do not let them get one more point trying to put walls up dude I just got an epic epic apples where is it where is it where is it we're so cool ah why are you here worried why are you like this you guys are bad people all right so now it's green versus purple we're going to Kevin dang it Henry so combat shotgun I don't know is it like our choice I'm gonna drum I revolver there we go scope they are we got a scope way out here we out around it so chug splash that doesn't go down so you know I just keep the truck splash right no you guys are bad people you know that alright that's my new loot for this hen we we have to win this boy all right boys green vs. purple yeah that's what happens oh your dance grenade way you're right purple you should use dance cheater no I know I'm just naming them I'm just me Minh we hit those we hit those I couldn't see anything it was twenty five to seven son we owe that shot nobody tonight oh I got out just in time and we don't you mr. schat's Tojo he did mr. Schatz and we get our bad way I don't miss oh no it's on them hate it for four oh Henry get over here Henry got him over Oh [Laughter] dude that was insane okay so back to blue versus blue Henry we're gonna clean sweep him right here boys if you think we clean do think we can clean sweep like blood oh I just had a stroke let's do this all right Henry this is our rally we will come back yeah we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good is he on it I hit him there we go that's fine it's fine it's fine we still get we still get points we still get points okay I'm getting healed boys this get out oh gotta go gotta go gotta go I made the noise yes it's a little get to the middle get to the middle fast now got him got him okay don't you lock it up on me come on come on 45 47 42 game over boy we killed him at the perfect time all right so now we're back to purple green I told you hen we buy weave clean sweep and we're gonna clean their rooms and make them sleep in it what I boys you got your loot purple versus green oh yeah son we versus Biggles [Music] oh and over 125 won't you help go city [ __ ] Oh sizzles is so low yes Henry yes got it it's changing its changing on our side our side our side you come dude I do got one get in here get in here here here get in here oh it's about the baby's father thing get up get up get up get up get up get out and ran told you head way you got a listen boy oh good job get in here get in here heal up she's invisible we all three died respawn protection Oh what though oh I have never seen that before what what even what is why is the light do it get out of there Biffle residuals yeah Henry you're all look alike Henry we have to win this it's so close good job Henry what happened to the light oh god what happened oh all right so gold versus gray are you boys ready iso gold Kombat gold revolver uh-oh Gold sniper all right so there's my loot Henry you got Tara's final round right here boys we are gonna win this guaranteed do you guys think we can win this hit like boy go ahead final round right here aye boys final round here we go in three two do you guys think we win hit that like button what go Oh get out of here City wait you can't use dynamite that's great it was a grenade no no I'm reporting you you baited me head way oh my gosh that is disgusting here we go thank you thank you everybody everybody just peeling just keep peeling just keep healing [Laughter] got him you got him got him the gern aids the grenades need to stop no just keep healing okay I healed him sorry marty'll the doctor needs more Hales I'm full he'll full heal really toxic you're toxic Henry Henry I got this I got him I'm keeping a busy I'm keeping a busy Oh head dictum Henry I need your heels come on oh I got the film sank yep the old versus gray right here boys I'm sweating so hard here dude thank you beauty buddy one more chunk I'm gonna have a danger crew knew each other knew each other if you guys have enjoyed pushed the line hard point style hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button any of our channels hit dad little balance money you guys have fun you can have fun home [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,610,346
Rating: 4.8459487 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, fortnite hardpoint, fortnite domination, fortnite creative, fortnite for kids, fortnite kids, kids, child friendly
Id: RiuFtR28f6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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