*CUSTOM* BOARD GAME! *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite

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edgehill's yeah but we've done it again the old board game that we've played we made a new three triple decker this time yeah gotta get all your triple decker triple threat three different layers three different styles of guns are you guys ready we'll explain the rules as we go but the simple idea is your role at the score card if you make it to a white spot you got a step you gotta choose where you want to go and then you could die you're dead yeah die you're dead real quick sell moment dude you guys know how to do is every time we use a scorecard in a video you guys have to hit that like button if we get over a fire 5 or above you guys ready everybody ready ready ready ready buddy it's for like okay everybody ready yeah all right everybody rolling three two one go anybody did anybody roll one or two three five six you have got to be kidding got it so if you land on a trap you bankrupt everything from this layer oh gosh yeah if you bet on all right if you land on a white spot you stop and then next role you have to choose where you're going before you roll so sizzles choose your path and three two one makes it to the end of this first layer whatever we have that's all we could use yeah Brady we're looting all three of these layers that we're doing a 10 elimination battle for the winner okay everybody ready it's gonna be down I'm never gonna get a gun am ia free okay did you get bankrupt oh yeah stop sign stop sign stop sign okay okay everybody ready everybody ready everybody ready I'm gonna choose account moving once counts right no you don't know you go I'm going I'm going right go okay I'm a stop sign I'm going straight I'm going straight ready go four three Oh so the orange spots if you land on the orange you have to take that path there's no way around it okay straight you better you better get a good thing hi everybody ready everybody ready ready go zero oh my god those are good I got another gun coming out of this look what I just got from this zero situation oh this is gonna be toxic dude so said sense is all ended this round one of layer one this is all ranged weapons whatever you have you get to keep but now we go up to the next layer okay so this rag this round hopefully I can get my combo wait wait he didn't get a thermal we're good we're good okay three two one go seven okay okay everybody stop stop okay everybody ready all right I'm going right now mounted turret damn oh you to do with a mounted turret I actually composed to the spike jet two three four oh okay so you're back at the beginning with the bank run you guys ready ready and go go that way that's arrows that arrows are you guys ready - one two Oh guys ready I'm going I'm going I'm going okay go k5 wait impulse nature shock waves impulse wait amber died - wait and Google died okay okay so do you see what's in front of me no no it's a good luck Apple can okay so orange doesn't have to go somewhere oh yeah oh wait I got watch this hold on hold on I I specifically made that for fun you can go ahead grab your loot go ahead grab kiddo I got no idea grab another one grab another kick another we take one for the rain can I use the gliders now and go ahead and take pic aside which one do I go laughs go ahead go ahead what is it you're a monster it's a free weapon just to lose it okay go I got a slurp I go to flirt okay going ready go three two right pick your side go okay I could go that way in try first I'm not again go okay no man crap I gotta stop anyways this is dude are you kidding me I die I go left I die I go straight I die Mike okay you'll be remembered fondly guys if I can roll a 4 right here no no it's my job over there I don't want to talk about it you guys ready yeah right here or you died sorry I did mine died I got like three turns until I yeah you wish ever you wish dude got something wrong there should be a fun it'll be fun go what is it give me shock way through you stupid game go go zero I'm at the point oh we have to stop right there oh my gosh I got a whole life nothing hey guys want to see my consumables yeah what'd you get I may be a little bit annoying this time oh you guys were they where are they so this last round is all about close-range combat we got shotguns we got SM Jays we got Dooley so are you guys ready go three yeah okay did you really just after you sir not gonna take that six cute it sounds I'm gonna shoot at you and I'm gonna say wait can I just say something what are all of you dead how do we even played this game are you guys ready ready ready go ready ready five okay so X 1 0 I see it spawn yep 5 3 4 5 ok I've Dooley I have Dooley's I have Julie's brag about it are you get again [Applause] this is infuriating gun 9 I just got a zero again good well you are a zero to me right now because I'm angry all that is Dewey's what do you want from me all I have is fresh all right let's go go eight okay good I moved one spot I stay still crap okay I'm gonna go I'm going that way I'm going that way go straight to five I literally can't leave a stop sign this is not good it's not good for me five what hurts my soul okay everything's fine what go zero oh yes I got an SMG oh I got an SMG I'm gonna lose it but I got it okay okay ready ready ready go yep zero please zero please it was it no why I don't want to do it did you die I don't want to do it I hit this this this trap right here three times in a row did you grab the gun first there no no so just to be clear we all make wrote it just to be clear we all bankrupted on that turn okay ready three two one roll pop shotgun okay I got a six shooter I can do a six shooter oh are you guys trying to tell me you don't want me to end the round or call it your strategy dude everybody ready yeah ready go three out of four and sure she would make a rule everybody gets one more roll well sure go for it by all means bankrupt yourselves oh no way no way what did he do way what did you get I finished my fish my roll I got a golden double-barrel oh okay okay do we want to roll again here we go - 700 I'm gonna roll again Kissimmee either like a 1 or something oh wait I got a double barrel I don't know I don't think I got that cramp I think I had another six-shooter yeah 1 2 crab I got another I have 2 six-shooters dang it ok so these are the guns we can take to our fight ten limbs everybody pick your suit I mean they're trash you can take as many as you want I think I think what I'm gonna take I think this is my set this is my set this is what I'm taking let's do this all right everybody grab your loo from your giant chest the heads done it is done okay okay everybody ready yeah first one to ten bowling oblations in three two one Wow okay you cannot even ride he's been phoning it in lately and I don't phone or you guys do you guys like this map this is where we're playing wait mutton board game on a board game board game rocky this is summit of I I love board games up nicely yes sounds like something I don't want to be a part of hey you know what you know what yeah no no no Andrew you're not amber oh no I will not be caught today pumps shotgun it Sam brew oh I mean I might but I don't my name's amber oh wow it won't hold my rocket boy Josh how's that human be a little turd what about your butt yeah you must be new to fortnight boy I take that back it was only did this 17 years stop sniping me this is like some toxic loot that we have this is what I thought I did see toxic glue but I realize now that I had not know this but Britney Spears she came out of Arkansas you didn't know you didn't know that was to what where are you where I will say gone quiet somebody's about to die you always know someone better glue a bruise many times are you going to snipe me and all three of my deaths are your sniping me by the way I'll trade you anyone by Gunter's that rifle you are the worst human being I've ever met okay how was amber all ways behind me what's the first wheel yeah I didn't put a spotter down well that's your fault oh no spotter down boy what was that that was the air force bud I don't like that what do you guys think about my porta fortress take Pilates thanks now we're here I check the apps on my phone hello points all right listen listen Ian does it Ian Biffle stop shooting that sniper rifle [Music] yeah come at me boy why are your fists doctor doctor humid some news I got all I all I do is just press W with this thing Rick W long oh did I almost hit you oh that did it oh wait what oh you knock down my thingy thing dude that sniper careful is cheating right now okay okay excuse me sir I won't get up here I don't have to build mine you get up here what your tea for who put all these border fortresses by my spawn and then here comes those I just flicked you like my boogers do not take the high ground for me nobody tastes background for me I told you you were not kidding about that did you just Knight me again I was in a fight with somebody big little getting fatter in the first and a sparring fire you know what you know what this is this map is mine oh I hear shots but I don't know where it is because this map we kind of destroy this weapon built [Music] the like but I hate to subscribe our duty any of our channels lakes in the description hit that little bell I am sorry that I did that to citrus that was rough that was [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,692,491
Rating: 4.9199252 out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, ssunde, ssundee challenge, sundee, ss, ssudee, ssundde, sunndee, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, playground v2, gamemode, playground ltm, in fortnite, gun game trolling, fortnite funny moments, fortnite update, Fortnite Season 7, Fortnite board game, Fortnite Game, fortnite emote challenge, fortnite emote game mode, fortnite emote games, fortnite emote challenge game, fortnite creative, fortnite creative map, fun creative map
Id: e21U7D7glYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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