McDonalds DRIVE THRU for Loot! Game Mode in Fortnite

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so once again dude steven has done it again look Steven has made a giant McDonald's look like always dude he sets a light goal for these videos he wants us to get two two three four five six likes on this video so you guys want to do that hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button for new to any of our channels hit that little bell and uh so the rules of this we're doing three separate rounds like always Mario Kart scoring we walk up to the register one person is the employee we give them our order and based on our order that's the guns we get and we fight to the death three different rounds this video is really ridiculous I hope you guys enjoy this so we got we got Biffle and Quran you know just taking a stroll to McDonald's oh crap I hit a light pole okay okay so I think I'm gonna take the drive-through menu this time do you guys want to go in or do you want to do the drive-thru what do you guys want to do are you paying yeah I'll pay with my looks oh hello I see jewels essentials I'd like to place an order yeah I think he's meditating order he's met he's currently meditating I'm sorry I'm sorry oh oh I didn't even see that you guys actually tell you this is the pickup window can you please come to the window sorry sorry okay welcome to how can I take your order today okay I guess I'll go first I'll go first I'll go first so alright yes sir I want out of the entree menu okay it's not breakfast I'm in a1 breakfast I want a double mushroom and swiss burger just just a moment here well I serve that up for you okay okay now my salad not my salad now um yeah yeah I gotta watch my weight gotta watch my way you know I'm game you probably should Dayna some thunder thighs here okay I want ooh a southwest border milk crispy chicken salad oh oh my okay okay yeah okay our next item of snacks and sides I would like let's go at the go-gurt okay one go-gurt all right yes sir okay now for dessert and or shake I'm gonna get a chip cookie chocolate chip cookies thank you okay all right yeah we can do that for you no pro that does not sound good which is a beverage I would like it's got the fat-free chocolate milk jug oh my okay all right yes sir okay I'll take better sounds like that now we'd be paying with cash or card uh here you go okay thank you we do actually accept ammo because this is America so I'm gonna choose up here at UH at the pickup all right thank you I'm really hungry dude I'm like super hungry so in the morning oh you want breakfast to me okay I like it morning or evening it's your dream you make it up you do you like a sausage McGriddle please thank you yes okay so I should be griddle because it's totally a salad I like a side salad salad please for my specs sighs I would like to get myself some apple slices okay you got going on here dude for my desserts and shake I would like to get myself just one hot fudge sundae sundae oh that was hot hot fudge you want a hot fudge me that's weird dude you should probably that's bad I want to flip it now is he gonna go for a beverage or Mick cafe I would love an iced French vanilla latte please okay okay yeah that sounds good dude pay you right now don't worry you know it no you know you know what you know what sir you know what sir let me tell you what this is on the house Oh bad all right Craig now let's hear it so after Korean goes where our three gimmick accumulative make a meal for sigils off of his menu okay I might be a little cannibal Instagram I'm gonna go with a fish fillet oh no you little fish boy went for the fish fillet disgusting Koran you are a horrible human fish okay I'll go with a Southwest grilled chicken salad Southwest grilled chicken salmon okay this is good this is good yeah okay what else snacks would you like to have inside the world famous fries oh okay okay what would you like next sir sir dessert shakes what do you got remember whenever you whenever you go down to the beverages you can also order another vanilla shake if you'd like yeah if you're a madman if you're like what seems a crazy person okay sir that's gonna be tree fitty and I owe you yeah yeah that's fine we work on credit here anyway okay so now it's up to sizzles let's order him something he's looking kind of thick right now let's let's give him something nice to you know done besides you know we're gonna give we're gonna give sigils I'll order there I'll order the entree you guys do the rest um I'll do the salad we need to trim them up a bit let's give them a four-piece Chicken McNugget oh okay I'll take that yeah no that's very kind if you say oh well I'll pick your salad for the day yeah I think it's Southwest but but I think of a side salad salad side salad I know this gave too much away mr. mixels Koran what do you got for him low fat that go girl oh you think he's very lucky okay I'm gonna go ahead and do the desserts and shakes you know you're looking thick you're looking thick so we're gonna do it man will give you a kitty cone how about that giving you a kitty that's fine let's do the beverage us to the beverage correct go ahead button yeah well the diet coke [Music] I feel so skinny smash that like button cuz how skinny I am yeah all right guys ready go okay I'm pretty sure Carranza stores three shotguns I got pretty lucky I'll take mine mine it's pretty dang good alright round one let's fight here in this lovely McDonald's that uh that steven has made let's do this alright round one you guys got your guns or you guys got your meal we each have one five three two one go in the next round next round I'm gonna be the employee nobody wants this okay give me a second get out of your fists like you're bothering me get out of here catch you bothering me now what happened to the floor Oh God did you fall out out of it did you fall out oh okay remember we're doing Mario cross for you like always and kills count as an extra point man that chug chug is great what are you drinking tell me the whole time we've been doing Mario Kart scoring the kills count as an extra point yeah and II know you made a Mario Kart scoring Oh No stop it come here okay you guys are awful oh you might kill you little turd now over a shotgun wasn't it oh all right so I take round one with to kill so that's 11 quick passes go to round 2 I'm gonna be the next employee wait till you see my menu ah hello hello hi wow it's not we're closed not we're closed come back later hi oh gosh hello this guy yeah I'm here for my order okay what would you what would you like sad sigils from McDonald's what do you want to slow what do you want I would like myself to have a mushrooms Swiss artisan grilled chicken Oh a mushroom swiss arctic and chicken chicken yes I like to have that please thank you okay okay okay okay hold on let me do my orders hold on hold on give me a minute in a minute go a minute your order husband has been added to the - oh my can you guys please stop running into each other I won't call the insurance company I will do it with you dailies you know mr. insurance you know what I'm tired I'm actually getting really sick of this can I just can't you at the front register please yep we'll do it at the front okay all right so you got your main entree that has been added to your to your order sir what would you like as a sole add I want a bacon ramp salad with buttermilk crispy chicken on the inside please and you can hold the salad part that'd be great hold this okay so you you just want bacon ranch if buttermilk crispy chicken yes without the salad part okay got it if you can on the side can I get a side a side salad [Music] I don't know what to do with my hands okay sir your order has been ordered what would you like or a side as you know I'll go play go-gurt low-fat strawberry yo we want the yogurt you want the Yoplait yogurt okay okay we can you play yogurt do that girl we can do that we can do that ah thanks I have to warn you that comes with pre spit does that affect your order at all mmm you know actually as a llama man I prefer it so okay okay what would you like for a desert I really like Oreos write a rewrite where so I'm gonna get a McFlurry with M&Ms yeah there is a McFlurry with Oreos if you know okay no why would I why would I want Wario's right now all right your order has been ordered to my mansion do I need to talk to your manager I own the entire world so all right then all right all right last order what would you like for a beverage beverages I do like the name of this one so I'm gonna go with the fat-free chocolate milk jug okay that's what I got last time oh okay okay okay okay there you go all right sir ah there's your meal yeah excuse me hi yeah I'm waiting for service over here for like five minutes I can you give me a minute I'm working with this customer here he's gone this is awkward coming over okay sir you can order it anytime you want Coran what would you like okay so from an entree you want a sausage biscuit with egg or just a sausage biscuit do you like a just a sausage biscuit I just said simple come on simple okay sorry sorry sir you don't need to yell okay let me add this sir no dancing in my store wow dude you don't like anything I'm leaving yeah okay there you go your order is now secure what would you like for a soul lad okay you know I'll do it this time last time I didn't get it and I've regretted it you want a side salad are you sure you can you can retract your order at any time okay I apologize I apologize for that what do you want for your sight is the apple slices apples okay good choice that's a good choice your choice that's a good choice I guess that's here oh there you go all right deserts and shakes what do you what do you want oh oh Beale raisin cookie I love oh I knew there was some wrong with you okay I'll raise it okay oatmeal raisin cookie I'll you know I'll land that that is added to your order last but not least what do you want for your beverages caramel latte caramel latte okay okay not bad hey let's add that in there there you go and your order is now complete all right uh so I guess that's all let's go fight yes oh yeah no I can't do this I'm go to the drive-thru you know into the indoor the interior employees are rude hello say what would you like from McDonald's hi yes thank thank you you so much better than the last class yeah oh yeah yeah yeah all right so listen sir sir I will call mr. insurance stop it okay I'm sorry I'll wait sorry you're bothering me all right sir what do you want is my first time here it what was it called a Mick Donald Mick buckets what do you want Mick but nuggets yeah okay so what's your favorite thing on the menu but what do you want what do you want for your entree you know can I do you the quarter pounder with cheese quarter pounder with cheese ah do you want me to hold the cheese no I want the cheese okay what can I hold it before I put it on there please do I read the cheese all got to be delivered yeah yeah okay got it all right so what's so let's go ahead let's go ahead add that to your order okay it has been adequate all right so search for your salad what would you like so ad we'll see most people get salade at the end but I'd actually like the bacon ranch salad with buttermilk crispy chicken oh so you want the same thing that Biffle got wait he got that never mind I don't want that anymore okay yeah the Southwest buttermilk crispy chicken salad no okay you may regret that but sure yeah well I'm sure I do I regret a lot okay what do you want for ass it is I actually think I'll take the fruit and yogurt parfait oh you want the parfaite oh look how fancy you okay what do you want for a dessert in a shake I'll take the Buckhead apple pie it was a dessert but can apple pie okay oh okay okay got it got it let's add that in there all right last but not least beverages I need a little sudden little pick-me-up because every time Austin talks I kind of fall asleep a little bright iced caramel coffee iced caramel coffee I'd like to tell you that we have a special offer on Eisley Hara Mel - the coffee that's fine the caramel is the important part honestly okay so you want that got it okay your order your order is now hold on hold on give me a minute I'm waiting I'm waiting I kept an eager anticipation okay okay now you guys order you guys have what do you want game make me an order make me an order not much of a breakfast guy I feel like right I'm made out of hamburger so yeah so I'm thinking I just want to call him this you're getting hot cakes but oh I'll take that okay for my salad what would you like me to have him you're gonna get the Southwest grilled chicken salad so light us grilled cheese fries salad okay are you sure you don't want me to get bacon ranch grilled chicken salad I do like me some bacon yeah but I don't all right let's go ahead grab that uh next side ed sit s what do you want go ahead cran go ahead and choose a fancy boy too so you can get a parfait oh you want me to get him more fat I can take that let's go ahead and grab that way all right so desserts and shakes deserts oh yeah I got this one you guys ready for this he's gonna get the strawberry sundae because you know why yeah and then and then actually as that waiting you shoulda got in the shakes we could have gotten two shakes too like it needs a shiny out of this Sunday oh yeah let's get them all let's get a vanilla shake to go with a sundae vanilla shake some ice cream to wash down his ice cream yeah guys great right I have to tell you this I am mildly allergic to vanilla and chocolate but strawberry I can handle perfectly okay so vanilla it is oh these Robin oh no you got a freakin crazy you jerk all right here's my order it's not too bad I got a freaking crossbow not too bad hey that's ample yeah sure all right let's go to round two iso after round 1 I have 11 points piffle has seven sizzles three Koran one and you guys ready to cran one already all right three two one hi hi hey who's over there in the corner opening presents who's doing it no no let no one get presents no nobody's doing it yeah I just want to drive down I got trips I got traps hey can you not who don't where's everybody where's everybody i booby-trapped the door yeah there's so much building I can't even see I'm just chilling you know like too much damage goodbye I see you I win for it oh dear aw crap hey don't you snipe me boy oh there's so many traps everywhere did my outside the map oh no you just emailed me did you just rift rift what if you lose all your guns I think you just lost all your guns wait you can't use rifts there glitch dig creative oh are you okay let's let's get your guns back I have 31 health we're gonna fight again alright we're back you good you got all your stuff yeah yeah I'm basically the same all right let the fighting commence there you are I see you you're sweaty Bush I knew you were a bush hey oh my gosh you're doing presents everywhere [Music] [Laughter] alright so you win that round get one kill on me dude who killed Corinne did I okay let's just go to the final round biffle's gonna be the employee let's figure out the points okay final round who wants to go first who wants to do their order first I'm very good thank you okay how I am don't talk to me ever again but go ahead well I would like a triple cheeseburger cheeseburger do you know it's 9 a.m. I want the Southwest real chicken salad because I'm a chicken okay I can see that I can see from my side I would like to a panelist slices oh hell watching my weight can't get the kitty comb you asked sir absolutely you can have that that is a great choice here's your here's your order sir mmm oh gosh vomited again I mean I can't move oh this is gross okay so I'm feeling kind of hungry today I believe I'm gonna want a sausage burrito a sausage okay well that is yep I've seen one so after my entree you know I'm gonna want to wash it down with a nice salon right yeah that's how you eat salads you drink them right so you know I'm gonna probably want bacon ranch salad with buttermilk crispy chicken hole is absurd go ahead go ahead sorry sir sir I'm sorry to cut you up but we are having a sale on the side salad salad salad mm-hmm you really want the buttermilk crispy chicken but sir let me just tell you right now yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with the buttermilk I'm gonna stick with the butter okay uh you know I like you know whenever I have a tall glass of milk in the morning I like to dump butter and it's just good I like it is that all right well that's how that works I would like to dump in my milk filled with butter I'm probably gonna dump fries in there yeah yeah let's do that let's go with that you know what goes good with milk killed with butter dumping a chocolate chip cookies in there that would go very well with what you ordered yeah mm-hmm boy he's doing me hey do you see it I don't this one right here the hamburger man what I'm trying to eat I'm trying to eat my milk water get away from wine okay okay so my beverages so I guess what I could do fat-free chocolate milk with a side of butter huh sir we only have of the butter would that be okay uh yes gallon size please okay gallon size you want to supersize that gallon size sir yes all right well you said you wanted a fat free to talk about with a super-sized gallon of butter yes thank you I have to say you are a very kind man I'm worried working you I would say you are butter than the other guys all right sir here is your order over up Sunday Oh me up with hot fudge yeah maybe I'd like to what this is awkward Russell and a pan out okay beverages what do you got 1% low fat milk jug that's what I got up 2% but can you supersize it and that 1% okay so cran I have some advice if you get the 1% low fat get get that get the gallon of butter supersize yeah get that as well huh okay so now we have to make his order I have an idea I have an idea you guys go with the entrees you guys go that race well you were you were rude to the fish so I think you need a fillet of fish Oh God you seem to like the sides out yeah he likes the side side so I love side salad salad salad side sound oh gosh that means it's good that way you want to give me yep that's what you're getting think so now what would I like to have four sides boys I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna say you want you probably want the fruit and yogurt parfait oh the parfait okay let me okay okay here's the deal for the for the deserts he said there is a deal for the Oreo McFlurry he said there's a special deal for that yeah yeah what's also a deal a call from my manager right right right the auto milrays the cookies right now Waverider right so let's go ahead and give him dime Oreo cookies for yogurt over thorium cookies yeah that's a lot yep that's one up can I get a coffee or and or some sort of beverage isn't Biffle allergic to mangoes but--so - don't you do it Oh mango pineapple smoothie for good extra mango please add some extra mangoes in there you know supersize that ultra sighs go ahead okay we all got our orders okay boys all right let's do it yep I'm hungry okay ready final round three two one go yeah yeah you actually got diamond salad salad salad salad what dick is this Luke Quran what do you mean I didn't do that Oh oh gosh look at the oh by the way side salads a light salad is the pump shotgun I have a mild predicament we cannot use riff two goes in in playground or an actor because it breaks it would you like to exchange that for my allowance am I allowed allowed you don't here let me take that for you sir let me throw it over the edge and we'll never talk about that again okay said you get balloons you get to pick one extra beverage or or or since you messed up my order so badly good customer service you should let me be able to pick whatever I want no because you know it's a pump shotgun is yeah you're a side salad don't side salads from you bud we're all out of side salad all right so yeah what beverage pick it up I think you know just just just you know slap on you know some diet coke just slap on a diet coke give me a night hike you know what that is your diet coke sir give me a nice cool uh okay what did I get oh okay I will be at permanent full health oh alright final round so that the scores coming into this round see Jules has 14 pimple has 8 I have 19 Quran s4 come on crane step it up Oh crane all right last round it 3 2 1 whoa Quran you will fish boy what oh gosh who cling heard who cling heard no one who has got the deagle no one oh good Josh does not do that ok you should avoid from doing that I'm good I'm getting back who just almost cleared me out of the air oh crap oh that was me I think I like a reaction was to think it's me yeah how did you blow yourself up I got nervous I'm shot I'm Rocky that crit and I think he was that close where's Quran at Koran get over here nowhere I'm nowhere I'm not her and leave me alone we're gonna play is it joke oh it's so good this game-mode was kind of ridiculous but that was fun oh you guys have enjoyed this McDonald's game hit the like button down below show us some love also hit the subscribe button for new to any of our channels gosh that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever played in my life good job guys you did it we did [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 11,920,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, playground mode v2, playground mode, fortnite fails, moment, moments, fortnite funny, fortnite moments, fortnite new mode, fortnite game mode, fornite new, Fortnite minigame, fortnite Playgrounds, fortnite season 7, fortnite playgrounds gamemode, fortnite playgrounds minigame, Fortnite mcdonalds, mcdonalds, Mcdonalds drive thru, mcdonalds challenge, Mcdonalds Game Mode
Id: -lLCvyvqBok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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