Purple Power Resin and Maple Hollow Form

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[Music] hey everybody I pray you had a wonderful weekend I have this um piece of maple that a gentleman named Mike him and I had brought me down from Georgia he said he got it off of a golf course and I not quite sure if I remember if he was quite sure what it was but I'm pretty sure it's spalted maple this blink began the reason why it is a circles cut out of it is I was trying to have it fit in another mold I ended up cutting it too small so it was a crotch piece and there was beautiful feathering in it and I didn't want to lose that so I decided well it's a perfect candidate now for some reason the reason why my resin is so milky white looking as you notice I'm have a sweater on and it is very chilly and my shop so when it's really cold it's thick and when you mix it it just that's air bubbles so it's not white I didn't add any weight to it it is just because it's it is it's cold so that usually happens when it's warm or I don't usually have that problem amusing several different purples and then for my black I have some deactivated charcoal that I used to make my toothpaste and it is a matte black it doesn't have any pearl in it so that's why I chose it to use it and I just put a little on a container the violet what is it called interference sorry powder really really looks cool in it and I did a project with some black the same deactivated charcoal and blue and it really looked cool so here I'm just dumping all the last bits that I have left in the cups kind of like to do a dirty pour I wanted to have two contrasting colors and obviously black and white is is you know two different directions on that color scale so I mixed all my purples and my black first and then in a few seconds here I will mix up some white that I also put it's pearl white that I put violet interference powders in and because I wanted to have some sort of contrast you know when I do these pours I really never know what I'm gonna get so it's kind of air you know experimental and hopes at the same time you have hopes that it's gonna turn out somewhat close to what you think it's going to but it's really a hit or miss and and that's what's kind of fun about it is something that you don't have a hundred percent control of so you're always surprised and sometimes that surprises like a you know not a good surprise and sometimes it's a pretty decent one and this one was a really good surprise I wrapped a piece of wood in just a plastic bag and then put a weight on top to help hold it down because that wood was pretty punky so it did want to float so that's what I didn't and put it at 60 psi and I left it overnight I drilled a 50 millimeter hole with my portion of it on my drill press so that way I didn't have to spend time on the sander trying to sand that all flat plus I like to incorporate some of those pieces that are randomly sticking up there in the piece if I can so that's another reason why I leave it because it's a design opportunity I get a lot of questions about the shavings I get when I'm turning resin as you notice I'm just getting chips and that's because I'm turning it's it's wobbling I'm still trying to round it out and I'm turning really fast like I'm I'm pushing in other words really fast I'm just trying to get the unevenness off of it so I am kind of expecting it to chip really bad you can use negative rake the whole time and do that I'm just very impatient and there's consequences to going really fast number one the chips flying off there is like glass and if you notice my hand it is getting cut up pretty good there are little small lacerations on my hint and from it and I just grin and bear it until I can get it shaped so I apologize for the blood for those of you who are sensitive to blood I didn't purposely leave that in there so I'm I really do apologize I don't mean to offend anybody with that but it is that's that's part of not taking your time and you know cutting slow I just wanted to get the like I said the the out of balance and this out of it and get to where I can start shaping it and then I start taking a little more time with my bow gouge and my scrapers negative right scrapers are the number one best tool to use with resin because I almost never get those chips like that when I use my negative rake and if I do get chips it's because I'm pushing way too hard on it I'm trying to rush it and so I feel if I'm gonna rush it I might as well just do it my gouge and get it over with so here I'm running across some really punky pieces and punky wood and scrapers if you notice it just really does not like each other the scrapers tend to just kind of pull more Punk enos out if you notice all that smoke is coming from the wood and it's the reaction with the CA glue I'm using thin here be careful don't breed that stuff in you can't tell but I had left that on the lathe and walked out of the shop even though I have a mess that has an air filter thing going in it if you can smell it you're breathing it it doesn't matter so I just pour it all on get as much as I can on there and then just leave and turn on a fan that's that's overhead of me just to kind of you don't want to breed that stuff it's not not good for you at all and you can tell it right off the bat you'll smell it it's just it's potent and I I'm contribute that because one it's punky wood and it's absorbing it really good in the heat sort of like resin water it it heats up so kind of boils in the wood it doesn't happen every single time but it's always good practice to not be standing over the lathe and breathe in the CA glue just put it on and you know let it give some time to air out and dry and the activator kind of helps cut it cut that down because it carries it right away instead of it you know continuing to do that boiling steaming you know fumes the activator stops it so it's always good to use that if you have it if you can at this point in the design I one side was really really low but I didn't want to lose having that resin kind of wrap around into the top I didn't have in mind a really wide bowls so at this point I'm just trying to you know shape it so that away I can bring it in and make it look more like a hollow form or vessel style piece because I didn't want to lose that resin it really had some cool swirls and everything in it and I thought that would be really neat to be able to try to save that edge towards the top piece and and incorporate that in into it and that's kind of why a lot of my pieces are shaped like that because I'm wanting to shape save something about the piece that that just looks really cool in its I would rather have a million pieces shape the same exact way and be able to showcase the grain or whatever else is going on in it because it's it really is about it is about the wood I mean yes we create and design and we have in our head this this these beautiful pieces but anybody who has been turning knows that the wood sometimes is going to make the decision for you on how what you're really going to end up with and I like that I like that it's something that you don't have complete control over because you know sometimes you just have to make decisions all the time and it's good to just be able to say okay would you make up your mind on what it is that you want to be and I'll go with it you know just surrender to your grain surrender to the patterns and and just go with it and you know kind of just be free and in shaping it and then it kind of sounds like totally hippie but that that's just my thought process and how I flow so I because you notice they use mineral oil to sand and that's so that way the wood doesn't swell if I use water a lot of times the swelling won't happen right away but when it dries out I have one piece that I used water to sand with that was wooden resin and it cracked like three or four days three or four days later the resin actually separated from the wood and it wasn't cracked when I turned it wasn't like I said it didn't crack right away after it dried out it moved and so therefore the resin doesn't move and the wood does so you get cracks so that's why I stand with mineral oil because it it it just keeps it from cracking and swelling and the oil does not do that at all with at least with my experience so far I've done every single piece with mineral oil unless it's just a hundred percent resin then I can use water that downfall about using mineral oil though is it does clog up the sandpaper because it's it just sticks it just sticks to everything I just have a bristle brush that I run my sandpaper over you know in between using it just to clear it all off and that it works just fine and and it's a you know it's a fair trade-off for not having a thumb piece when you're finished because it it cracked or broke it's a it's worth it's worth that extra step I only sanded to I think eight hundred or maybe even a thousand on this piece because it it didn't have any clarity in a sense to where any scratches are noticeable everything looked really nice and smooth and I just used the abrasive paste on it on the outside I will continue finishing it once I finished the inside so I only put only sanded it and then put sanding sealer on it just to help seal up some of those remainder punky areas I guess so when I did my finish it would build evenly I'm cutting until I get a nice flat spot so I can determine where my rim is gonna start so I can do the transition from the side up into the top of the bowl usually that's where I start because you can't you know put anything back on there so if I'm gonna make a rim I find out what I have to work with by flattening everything out and then you know using that to determine your a and B point you know where are you going to connect those dots and so that's that is you know the process in my mind as far as that goes I decided to put a glove on because the outside of the ball tore my hand up pretty good and going on the inside the bolt wasn't any different so I decided to you know get smart this round and put some on the protect my hand I'm using a easy wood tools hollower and it's a hit or miss with the hollow or whether I get chips or these shavings and this has this does not have a negative rake bit on it it is just a regular you know carbide bit and as long as I don't push too hard and get aggressive I get ribbons I know whatever I'm being a little too aggressive because then I start getting chips again and inside of a piece you don't really just look the last thing you want is because sanding that out inside is a lot harder than it is to hand it out on the outside so taking your time is is worth it now because it'll save you a ton of sanding in such an awkward spot you know in the long run you I originally wanted to coat the inside of this with a little bit of resin diluted with some acetone not quite as much as if I were to try to you know Poorman stabilizes what I call it but after I started saying I had already squirt mineral oil in there and I was like well that's not gonna work so I just went ahead and sanded it really good and did the same finish on the outside as I did the inside they used the brace of pace and the description and the description below is the links for contacting Todd who makes this himself he makes it for his word turning club in Georgia and I love the stuff it's really nice as you noticed my past couple videos I've been using it quite a bit I also use the Novus or nervous or whatever you want to say plastic polish because that really helps polish it up and kind of the frenchies polish was unnecessary if I were going for just a nice you know a semi shine I guess but I wanted to go ahead and use the French polish to get a really nice pretty shine and I did about two coats and with French cheese it builds quickly like in my other video I said that it builds fast it builds fast so you can get streaks those are easily removed though by going back over with some more and kind of just running it over quickly or rubbing that down because it's just the buildup so just because just work with it get used to it understand how it builds it's kind of the same animal as OB shine juice but like I said it builds faster so that is my finished piece thank you again Mike I hope your wife enjoys this as much as I did making it it it turned out beautiful and I'm so glad I could save that that feathering in there so I pray y'all have a wonderful weekend take care thanks for watching and God bless
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 37,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, women wood turning, resin art, wood turning wet green wood, kim tippin, turning wood, wood art, wood pottery, wood lathe, wood and resin art, girl wood turner, women wood turner, cow girl boots turner, girl turning in boots, wood turning in boots, purple power, purple resin bowl
Id: 2YS0iqqs9Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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